HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.12.12CITY OF BURLINCAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Kindig Mink Norberg CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Edwards Pierce December 12, 1966 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order at 8:00 p.m., on the above date; Vase -Chairman Cistulli presiding, ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the Secretary's roll call. Commissioner Edwa.Tds and Chairman Pierce, absent due to other commitmen Hs, were excused. to OLYMPIAN OIL COMPANY SPECIAL PERMIT TO RECONSTRUCT 'the City Planner reported a message: from Mr� A. Bertetta, Olympian Oil Iompany, 35 South Linden Avenue, South San 'Francisco:, that there has been some difficulty with the drawings for the service station reconstTuctiOn but hopefully the material will be mailable for the December regular meeting. 2. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE TO CONVERT Rml DWELLING TO DUPLEX, The City Planner stated that he has hea.Td nothing since the November study meeting from Mrs. A. Porguen en the request or variance to add a second. unit to a single family residence at- 850 acacia Drive. 3. RESUBDIVISION 0F_ LOTS_ _ 11 AAD_ 12 ANZA- AIRPORT PARK UNIT NO. 2•. A Parcel Map prepared by Howard Ca Hickey, Civil Engineer, for Anza Pacific Corporation proposed a resubcGvision of Lots 11 and 12, Anza Airport Park, Unit No. 2 by deleting an interior lot' line to combine the two lots into a single parcel. Mr. David Keyston represented the property owner, advising that a large building under construction, actually two buildings with a common wally crosses the lot line. The City Engineer and City Plantler indicating there were no other problem;,, involved, the map was scheduled for public hearing Tuesday, December 27,1966. 45 ANZA PACIFIC CORPORATION: Master Plan for area inside the dike and Tentative Subdivision A�. "Anza A:srrort Park No 4.°C Mr. David Keyston and Piro Howard Hickey were present to discuss the master plap for development of the uF::filed part:i.ons of the Anza Pacific Corporation holdings and the tentative map of the first siubdivision, Anna airport Park„ Unit No. 4, consisting of six lots. The maps were discussed at some length, particularly the developer's pro- posal for using a portion of city -owned property with land awned by the Ideal Cement Company to provide for an 84 foot aide right-of-way for eventual construction of a four lane landscaped parkway. The City Planner pointed out that the matter of the road requires a policy decision by the City Council; accordingly, a letter will be prepared for the agenda of the City Council meeting December 19 outlining -the proposal. The subdivision map was referred to the Commission regular meeting on December 27, 1966e S� SHELL OIL COMPANY SERVICE STATION, An appliication for a Special Permit for service station use of unimproved land at Burlway Road and Bayshore Highway (Lot 2, Srzallcomb Industrial Park) was filed by Shell oil Company, #1 Rollins Road, Millbrae„ A plot plan including elevations was filed. Mr. R.E. White, representing the applicant, advised that the Company has acquired an option on the property; the area: just in der 30,000 square feet is about twice the average service station site and will provide for excel- lent ingress and egress at Bayshore Highway. ,r. White referred to the elevations, noting that the building design will be similar to that recently approved by the Commiss:Aor! for Burlingame Avenue and E1 Camino Real. In reply to Commission inquiry, Mr. White advised that servicing will be confined solely to automobiles; the Company does not combine automotive and truck servicing facilities. The City Planner reported the site is approximately 1000 feet distant from the existing service station on Bayshore Highway. A public hearing was scheduled for the December 27 uee:ting. b. VARIANCE FOR GARAGEGE LESS THAN LEGAL SIZE TO REMAIN TEMPORARILY'. A variance application filed by Mr. James J, Roddy►, 17S0 Sequoia Avenue, pertaining to the property at 1516 Carol Avenue. Burlingame,, (Lot 4, Block 3, Glenwood Park Subdivision) recited zs fol.IOWS: "If the Planning Commission overrules the approval of the City of Burlingame in 19S4 of the present two (2) car garage, then a period of one (1 ) year be granted for the construction of a carport or garage." A Letter of justification accompanied the application., When it was determined that the applicant was not ir. attendance nor reprea ented, the City Planner informed the Commission that some months ago an ,old dwelling on the Carol Avenue property was demolished and a building permit issued for a 'new three bedroom house. He stcted that plans sub- -2- matted to the building department for the new construction showed an existing detached garage, 20 feet. by 20 feet which was to be retained, Ahe City Planner advised that the garage was checked by staff members and some deficiencies noted which were corrected; :However, when an actual inspection was made it was discovered that the garage is 18 feet by 20 feet, that it extends over the property line and there is insufficient space for a second car because of toilet facilities extending into a portion of the area. The City Planner stated that Mr. Roddy was informed that the structure must be removed and replaced with a carport or a garage with one hour wall or, as an alternative, an application made; to the Planning, Commission for a variance to use the existing structure for a specific time. He stated that Mr. Roddy has been notified to remove the plumbing. the application was scheduled for publAc hearing on December 27. 7. VARIABLE HEIGHT_ DISTRICT. The Commission reviewed Material distributed a-V a prior study meeting on suggested regulations for high-rise aipartment buildings and drawings illus- trating application of side and rear yard requirements as written and varia- tions permitted under certain conditions. The City Planner stated that an overlay of the present R-3 and R-4 Districts where the regulations may be used will be submitted for study at' a future meeting. COMMISSIONER NORBERG: STREET FLAN AND BROADWAY C-VERPASS, Commissioner Norberg showed a map of the city on which vas shown a number of streets which he believed should be widened, other streets that should be cut through, improvements in access. to Bayshore at B aadoay and changes in the size or location of streets which he felt would improve traffic conditions in the city. Commissioner Norberg also showed drawings of his suggestion!- for the Broadway Overpass. go ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted John Jo Brauner Secretary -3-