HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1966.12.27CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION December 27, 1966 :OMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Braurer Mink Norberg Fierce CALL TO ORDER The regular monthly called to order on siding ROLL CALL Cistulli Edwards Kindig City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr Councilman Diederichsen meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was the above date at B:OQ p.m., Chairman Pierce pre - The above -named members answered the Secretary°s rollcall, Commissioners Cistulli and Ki.ndig, absent on vacation, were excused, Chairman Pierce acknowledged the presence of Councilman Diederichsen, MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of November 23 and December1a, 1966, pre- viously submitted to members, were approved and adopted. BEARINGS Chairman Pierce announced that hearings pursuant to public notice would proceed at this tit -tie; ground rules declared by the Chair provided for proponents to speak first, follewed by opponents, comments from the staff and Commission discussion. Speakers from this floor were requested to announce name and address for the record. 1, STANDARD OIL COMPANY VARIANCE FOR AUTOMATIC CAR WASH. (continued) A public hearing on the variance application of Standard Oil Company of California, Western Operations. Inc., San Francisco, to install an auto- matic car wash at the service station at El Camino Real and Trousdale Drive was continued from the meeting of November 28 to the present date at the applicant's request. The City Planner reported there has been no further communication from the applicant since the letter dated November 21, 1966, advising that an effort was being made to gather additional information for a more complete pre- sentation. With Commissioners conczxrring, Chairman Pierce, ::hereafter, declared a continuance to the regular meeting of January 23, 1967. 20 OLYMPIAN OIL COMPANY REQUEST TO RECONSTRUCT SERVICE STATION. (cortinus,� A public hearing on the application of Olyopian Oil Company, South Sass Franciscoo for a speci2l permit to reconstruct the Gulf Oil service statiof,5 at Oak Grove Avenue and California Drive was continued from the meeting of November 28 to the Droseni date. A communication from Olympian Oil Company dated December 27, 1966, )extension. signed by Joseph Brosseau, Secretary, was read requesting a thirty day There being no objections heard, Chairman Pierce declared the hearing continued to the next regular meeting, January 23, 1967. 3. RESUBDIVISION_ANZA AIRPORT PARK NOo 20 A Parcel Map, being a resubdivision of Lots 11 and 12, Anza Airport Paris, Unit No. 2, for the purpose of deleting the interior lot line to create a single parcel was reviewed at the study meeting and scheduled for formal consideration at this time. Mr. David Keyston representing Anza Pacific Corporation, the applicant, advised that the map was filed at the city , s, request since a building under construction crosses the lot line, occupying portions of the two lots. There were no comments from the audience in reply to the Chair's inquiry. The City Engineer and City Planner reported no problems in the property. Following advice from the City Engineer that the project engineer has not furnished the original drawing for signature but that it will be available at the January study meeting, a motion was introduced by Com- missioner Brauner, seconded by Commissioner Mink and unanimously carried on roll call approving the resubdivision. 4. TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP "ANZA AIRPORT PARK UNIT NCB, 4." A tentative map of the first subdivision of the unfilled holdings of Anza Pacific Corporation "Anna Airport Park No. 4" was discussed at the December study meeting and referred to the present meeting pending a decision by the City Council on the developer's proposal to use a por- tion of the city park road for purposes of access to the subdivision. In response to Chairman Pierce, the City Planner reported that the matter was before the City Council at its last meeting and after some discussion was referred to Council's study meeting, February 1, 1967. The City Planner stated that Mr. Keyston has suggested that rather than delay until February the Commission consider the map at the present time or the January regular meeting. The City Planner mentioned that water for fire department purposes has not been resolved nor is the map com- plete as far as engineering details required by the City Engineer. Chairman Pierce recognized Mr. David Keyston, representing Anza Pacific Corporation, who agreed to a delay to January. 1967. He advised that in response to A formal request submitted to Ideal Cement Company for a portion of its lands to be used in the .road construction he was informed that a decision should be forthcoming dul.,i,ng the latter two weeks of January. Following some discussion, Mr. Keyston agreed to resubmit the map at the January 9 study meeting complete as to engineering detail. -2- S. SHELL OIL COMPANY SERVICE STATION APPROVED SAYSHORE HIGHWAYIBURLWAX ROAI )A Special Permit application filed by Shell Oil Company, I Rollins Road, Millbrae, for service station use of industrial property at Burlway Road and Bayshore Highway (Lot 2, Smallcomb Industrial Park) was scheduled for hearing at this time. A communication from the applicant dated November 22, 1966, advised that an attractive, four bay ranch type service station will be constructed, compatible with surrounding developments. Communications favoring the permit were read from Club Catering Company# Inc., dated December 23, 1966, signed by A.J. Gansburg, General Manager; and Elmo E. Phillips, 301 Magnolia Avenue, Millbrae, owner of property adjacent to and immediately south of the proposed site. In reply to Chairman Pierce, the City Planner reported that an examination of the applicant's plans revealed no problems, that the property is quite large and the building proposal is similar to that recently approved for reconstruction, of the Shell Oil Company service station at El Camino Real and Burlingame Avenue. The City Planner stated that any service station use requires approval of a special permit in order to give the Commission opportunity to review the plans. �Mr. R.E. White represented the applicant. In response to Chairman Pierce, Mr. White advised that there appears to be a need for the facility in the area; the size of the property approximately 29,500 square feet, twice the size of the normal service station site o will permit an attractive development. He stated that for the present island service will be confined to Bayshore highway frontage and perhaps at a future date, should Burlway Road traffic warrant, islands will be installed at that location. Following a discussion concerning disposal of waste water from the car mash, the City Engineer indicated there should be no problems since the service station facility would differ considerably from a commercial car wash. The City Engineer stated that the sanitary sewer may not be used for grease or oil disposal. In response to the Chair's inquiry, there were no comments from the audi- ence favoring the application. Opponents were invited to speak: A letter from Smallcomb Enterprises, 69 Ridgeview Drive, Atherton, dated December 27, 1966, signed by Glen 0. Smallcomb and filed by Mr. Donald Baker, protested it behalf of Mrs. Ruby' Sima.11comb, owner of property across the street from the subject property, that a service station in the location would distract from the value of adjacent property* as well as hinder future development In reply to Commissioner Brauner°s inquiry, the City Planner reported there is one existing service station in the area located across Bayshore High- -3- t- way from the Hyatt House, that his office has not received any complaints concerning the operation and, to his knowledge, these has been no reaction ;' whatsoever to the use in the location. In a discussion concerning the sign structure, Mr. White stated thatthe detail included in the plans on file proposes Can s x foot, interior illuminatede rotating sign mounted on a pole 14 feet high, conforming to code requirements. A motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner approving the special per.. slit in accordance with the plans on file was seconded by Commissioner Morberg and carried unanimously on roll call. The applicants were informed that the permit would become effective Wednesday, January 4, 1967, if not appealed. 6. VARIANCE APPROVED FOR CARAGE LESS THMY LEGAL SIZE TO REMAIN TEMPORARILY, Chairman Pierce announced a public hearing on a request for variance filed by James J. Roddy, 1750 Sequoia Avenue, appertaining to the property describes) as 1S16 Carol Avenue (Lot 4, Block 3, Glenwood Park Subdivision) Zone R- 10 The variance application recited as follows: "If -the Planning Commission overrules the approval of the City of Burlingame in 1954 of the present two (Z) car garage, then a period of one (1) year be granted for the con- struction of a carport or garage." The applicant's letter of justification dated November 18, 1966, pro- tested a verbal recommendation of the city building department that another two car garage be built on the premises at 1S16 Carol Avenue, explained that in July, 1966, plans for a new homy on the property were submitted to and approved by the building department and that said plans were clearly narked to show "EXISTING GARAGL,>" The communication stated that on two occasions the existing garage was inspected by members of the city staff and that electrical wiring corrections were made and wall board installed to weet their requirements; in October, 1966, when the dwelling was practically completed a verbal order came from the building department that a new two car garage or carport must be built before a certificate of occupancy would be issued. The communication alleged that the city's action has resulted in undue financial hardship because of obligations incurred in readying the dwelling for occupancy, that arrangements to rent duplex property owned by the applicants in the Mills Estate had to be cancelled and that the existing garage has been used since 1954 fix two cars In response to Chairman Pierce, the City Planner reported that the variance request resulted from a coaversati.on between the applicant and members of the city staff concerning methods of curing the problem of the existing garage. He stated that the structure was built in 191S and, acco-.ding to the city's records, enlarged ;n 1952, resulting in a garage 18 feet. by 20 feet. The City Planner stated that the plan filed by My. Roddy and on which the wilding permit was issued is presently before the Commission, that -4- the garage measurements on the plan are incorrect, that a water closet linside extends into a portion of ?ea in the way of an automobile, that the size is less than 20 feet by 20 feet and there are not two parking stalls. He pointed out thatthe code requires a garage with two stalls, each 10 by 20 feet, for a three bedroom duelling. The City Planner stated that the applicant is requesting approval of a non -conforming garage; if approved, the Commission may specify a time limit for the use. The City Planner stated that he was informed by Mrs. James E. Davis, Assistant Building Inspector, that the garage water closet drains to a septic tank; should the variance be approved, the tank must be abandoned and sand filled and the toilet compartment removed, In reply to Chairman Pierce and Comrri.ssior.er Brauner, the City Planner explained there would be no reason for a building inspector to question a set of plans - they are accepted and a permit issued; however, periodic inspections are made at the job site. He pointed out that the wiring was inspected by a qualified inspector but he is riot trained to make structural inspections, nor expected to do soo. A letter written by James E. Davis, As*sistant Building Inspector, dated October 4, 1966, listing eight corrections necessary to bring the exist- ing garage to Building and Zoning Codes was, read. In response to Commissioner Brauner's comneat that the garage crosses the property line and there is a situation of trespass on another's property, the..City.Planner referred to distances noted on the drawings, indicating one-half of a foot encroachment, which differs from the information given the Commission at: the study meeting, In response to Commissioner Brauner's further comments concerning precedent, the City Attorney stated that so far as trespass on the adjoining property it was his opinion that this was not a matter for the Commission, that In considering the variance the decision should be based only on whether or not the garage may be continued to be used for a: period of time In reply to the Chair's inquiry for comments in favor of the application, Mary Martin, 1545 Carol Avenue, and Mrs. C.C. Pero, 1S32 Carol Avenue spoke, the latter stating that there were no objections to the garage remaining provided the water closet was removed and the septic tank filled. There were no comments in opposition. Following a period of Commission discussion, Commissioner Brauner introduced a motion to approve the variance in view of the special circum- stances involved and the long contiaivan�c�S of the existing situation, provided that the septic tank shall --',.filled and the water closet removed no later than February 1., 1967, and another garage or carport to comply with code erected and the old garage demolished no later than ..January 1., 1968, Motion seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll calla The applicant was informed the variance would become effective Wednesday, January 4, 1967, if not appealed, _Sa ANNOUNCEMENTS )The City Planner reported briefly on several meetings to date of the various sub -committees of the Regional Planning Cotimittee studying Pacific Air Commerce Center proposal for development of the bay, advis- ing that there will be a public meeting of the Task Force .at the Bur- lingame City Hall on Thursday, December 29 at 8:00 p.m, Commissioner Norberg reported progress on the street analysis project, stating that he met with the Chief,of Police and the Fire Chief and, with the Commission's approval, will request a meeting with the Health, Safety and Traffic Commission. He advised that when all of the suggestions have been included on the map it will be resubmitted to the Commission. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:20 p.m, Respectfully submitted, John Jo Brauner Secretary -6- a CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMIS"'ION December 27, 1966 1 CALL TO ORDER 11 ROLL CALL IAA MINUTES November 28 and December 12, 1956 IV HEARINGS i. Standard Oil Company Variance for Autc antic Car Wash. (continued from November 28) 2. Olympian Oi 1 Company Special Permit t, , Reconstruct Service Station. (continued from November 21) 3, Resubdivision Lots 11 and 12, Anza Airport parka Unit #20 4. Tentative Subdivision Map "Ante. Airp )rt Park No. 40" 5. Shell Oil Company Special .Peru:.y fo- Service Stations Bayshore Highway, fir, James J. Reddy Variance to Rel ain ' llegal Garage Tempo-,rarilyo V NEW BUSINESS VI ADJOURNMENT 1