HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1965.04.26CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION April 26, 196S COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COtSIISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Brauner Edwards City Attorney Karmel Cistulli City Planner Mann Kindig City Engineer Marr Norberg Councilman Diederichsen Pierce Stivers CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission -was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Cistulli presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the Secretary's roll call. tIINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of March 22 and the study meeting of April 12, 1965, previously submitted to members, were approved and adopted. BEARINGS Hearings, pursuant to public notice, were conducted as follows: 1. SPECIAL PERMIT FOR LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS YARD, MARSTEN ROAD. APPROVED. An application for a Special Permit for a landscape contractor's yard and shop in the industrial area at 1320 Marsten Road, submitted by Brown and Bottari Company, was reviewed at the study meeting and scheduled for pub- lic hearing at this time. A site diagram and the applicant's letter of explanation dated April 6, 1965, were filed. Chairman Cistulli recognized tiro Frank Bottari who reported that he leased the property with an option to purchase buts other than spreading some rock fill,improvements have been kept to a minimum awaiting a decision on the use permit. Ile stated that if the permit is approved the site will be fenced and the rock covering oiled. In reply to Chairman Cistulli, the City Planner explained that the property was originally part of the Dore holdings but is now owned by Fisk, Firenze and McLean who maintained a shop and storage yard there for a number of years. Ile stated that there is no direct street frontage, however, an easement for ingress and egress was granted by Mr. Dore to Fisk and Firenze, which presumably has been recorded so there should be no problem in the property of access. The City Planner pointed out that a use permit was never issued Fisk and Firenze since they were in the location long, before such a require- ment existed, consequently, the property has suffered somewhat from "poor housekeeping". Stating that he has no objection to the proposed use if properly con- trolled, the City Planner suggested that in addition to the fence which the applicant has stated he will install that additional fill be laid to a reasonable grade and some oiling done to control the dust. Replying to Commissioner Kindig's inquiries, the City Planner con- firmed that there is ample area for the office and shop buildings and on -site parking. Mr. Bottari stated that the two buildings are existing, that a portion of the area is paved, and the repair work on the equipment shall be confined within the shop building. There were no comments from the audience nor communications in favor of or protesting the application. A motion introduced by Commissioner Brauner approved the use permit to Brown and Bottari Company, conditional upon additional material to be placed, graded and oiled in that portion not now paved; a cyclone fence not to exceed six feet in height to enclose the property, Motion seconded by Commissioner Pierce and carried unanimously on roll call. The hearing was declared closed. 2. RECLASSIFICATION R-1 TO R-3 1605 SANCHEZ AVENUE. WITHDRAWN. An application for reclassification from R-1 (single-family) District to R-3 (third residential, multi -family) District of property desig- nated Lot 17, Burlingame Park Subdivision No. S, 1605 Sanchez Avenue, filed by Mr. L.C. Smith, 465 Concar Drive, San Mateo, was scheduled for public hearing at this time. A letter dated April 20, 1965, on the letterhead of L.C. Smith and Company, signed by Mr. Andrew Rocca advising of Mr. Smith's decision to withdraw the application was read. There being no objections heard, the request for withdrawal was approved. 3. ORDINANCE CODE AMENWIENT: REVISE M-1 DISTRICT REGULATIONS. Chairman Cistulli announced that a public hearing, continued from the meeting of March 22, 1965, to consider amendments to M-1 (Light Industrial) Code Sections would proceed at this time. The City Planner informed the Commission that the ordinance draft pre- pared after the initial hearing at the meeting of March 22, and fur- nished Commissioners at the study meeting of April 12, incorporates a statement of policy in the section entitled "Scope of Regulations: also, the section entitled "Conditional Uses Requiring A Special Per- mit" has been somewhat enlarged on the basis of communications read at the March 22 meeting from property owners and others interested in the development of the industrial area. The proposed amended M-1 regulations, submitted by the City -2- :X Planner, were thereupon read. The City Planner called attention to the following,newly included as conditional uses: imports or aircraft landing fields, including heliports; ercial recreation establishments, including but not limited to outdoor theatre, archery, skating, bowling, boating marinas or water -oriented sports area. Facilities provided may include sale of food and beverages; Establishments for sale of goods and services at retail; Hotels and motels. Facilities provided may include meal and beverage service, barber and beauty shops, smoke shops, and similar services which are clearly inci- dental to the providing of lodging accommodations;' Trucking and Truck storage has been expanded to include "motor freight terminals" Chairman Cistulli invited comments from the audience. Mr. Alex Smith, Vice President, Burlingame Shore Land Company, referred to the policy statement at the beginning of the chapter providing for "auxiliary and accessory uses as are reasonably appurtenant to the principal uses" and questioned whetket there may be an area of conflict in interpreting a proposed use as an accessory or a conditional use. The City Planner replied in the negative, explaining that any conflict or ambiguity which may exist in the present code section has been eliminated by the proposed amendment which sets forth the purposes of the areas designated "industrial" and differentiates between principal and conditional uses of such areas. Mr. Smith informed the Commission that as a realtor engaged in business in this locality he was in favor of the proposed revisions. Mr. John Ross, A.V.R. Realty Company, Burlingame, commenting that the industrial area has developed very well under existing rules, suggested that the proposed amendment will permit the city to become more'Uic- tatorial'.' Mr. David Keyston, pointing out there has been no provision for office buildings requested their inclusion, either as a principal or a con- ditional use.. A poll of Commissioners indicated their position in favor of including office buildings as a conditional use. A suggestion from Commissioner Norberg that "Brick,tile or terracotta manufacturing, designated "d" under conditional uses be eliminated was concurred in by the Commission. Chairman Cistulli recognized Dr. Alan Eledden, President, Chamber of Commerce, who stated that the Board of Directors are in favor of the amended ordinance and support it wholly. There were no further comments. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Pierce and unanimously carried on roll call, the City Attorney and City Planner were directed to prepare and submit to the Commission the Findings, Report and Resolution whereby the Commission shall recommend to the City Council amendment of the Al-1 (Light Industrial) Code Sec- tions. The hearing was declared concluded. o3e d NEW BUSINESS 1. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED: CODE AMENDMENT "TIDAL PLAIN ZONE". On a motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Brauner and unanimously carried a public hearing on an amendment to the Ordinance Code providing for Tidal Plain District Regulations was scheduled for the Commission regular meeting of May 24, 1965. Commenting on the proposed ordinance, Commissioner Brauner requested deletion of the words "Extraction of chemicals from sea water" under Permitted Uses. Other members of the Commission indicated concurrence. 2. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT STUDY. May 10, 1965, was selected as the date for the first study meeting on 196S Capital Improvement proposals. 3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Chairman Cistulli declared nominations in order for Commission officers for the term 1965-1966. CHAI RMAN On a motion introduced by Commissioner Norberg, seconded by Commissioner Brauner, Everett K. Kindig was nominated for the office of Chairman and thereafter elected on a unanimous ballot. VICE CHAIRMAN On a motion introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Norberg E.L. Pierce was nominated for the office of Vice Chairman and thereafter elected on a unanimous ballot. SECRETARY On a motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulli, seconded by Commissioner Norberg, John J. Brauner was nominated for the office of Secretary and thereafter re-elected on a unanimous ballot. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:15 p.m. -4- Respectfully submitted, John J. Brauner, Secretary r . /T,C _. .4