HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1965.05.10CITY OF BURLINCAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Norberg Pierce Stivers CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None May 10, 1965 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Kindig pre- siding. ROLL CALL The Secretary's roll call recorded all members present. FOR STUDY 1. RESUBDIVISION. Lot S. E1 Quanito Acres Subdivision No. 2. Canyon Road and E1 Prado Drive. A resubdivision map prepared by Louis A. Arata, Civil Engineer, pro- posing to divide Lot S. El Quanito Acres Subdivision No. 2 into two parcels was submitted -by the City Engineer, who pointed out that the proposed new lots will have street frontage over an existing recorded ingress and egress easement to E1 Prado Drive,, The City Planner stated his opinion that the proposal is acceptable; if approved, the two lots will be the final division of the property there can be no further resubdivision. He mentioned that the city has an ownership in the ingress and egress easement, thereby insuring; its perpetual existence. Mr. William Murray, associated with H. Kent Atwater,Real Estate, referred to a prior owner's application to combine the subject lot with Lot 6 and resubdivide the whole into four lots, which the city dis- approved. Ile stated that the present owner is concerned only with Lot S - Lot 6 shall remain "as is". Following a review of the map and the City Engineer's comment that the plan is one of the best thus far submitt-e� the property, a public hearing was scheduled for the regular meeting of May 24. 2. RESUBDIVISION. Lots 2, 3, 270 28, Block 44, dills Estate No. 23. Atwater Drive and Alcazar Drive. A resubdivision map of the above -described properties, prepared by George S. Nolte, Consulting Civil Engineers, was presented for Commission consideration by the City Engineer who advised that the map has been filed for the purpose of shifting existing rear lot lines to conform with the topography of the slope. The City Engineer recalled other similar actions before the Com- mission in the past involving realignment of property lines on the slope lots in the Mills Estate. The City Planner stated that where the grading did not follow the maps, the slopes are on the wrong properties; the buildings have suf- ficient setbacks but the lot lines should be changed to accommodate the slope areas as they were graded. The City Planner mentioned that there may be other such applications as the houses are sold and the owners become aware of the situation. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of May 24. 3. RESUBDIVISION. Lots 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, Block 44, Mills Estate No. 23. Atwater Drive and Alcazar Drive. A resubdivision map of the above -described properties, prepared by George S. Nolte, Consulting Civil Engineers, was submitted by the City Engineer who stated that the same conditions apply as in the proposal just discussed - shifting of existing rear lot lines to conform with the topography of the slope. lie noted also that there is a change proposed in the side lines of Lots 9 and 10. Following a review of the map, Commissioners scheduled a public hear- ing for the meeting of May 24. 4. PACIFIC GAS $ ELECTRIC COMPANY REQUESTING EXTENSION OF SPECIAL PERMIT. A communication from Pacific Cas and Electric Company, dated April 26, 1965, requesting an extension to June 4, 1966 of a Special Permit for an electric substation was referred to the May 24 meeting for formal action. 5. FENCE HEIGHT VARIANCE o 749 LEXINGTON WAY. In a letter dated April 29, 1965, Mr. L.E. Bostrom, 749 Lexington Way, requested a variance to erect a fence eight feet in height in an area where a swimming pool is to be installed. The communication explained that the Peninsula Tennis Club is im- mediately adjacent to that portion of the property where the pool is planned, resulting in tennis bails dropping into the yard and persons climbing the existing fence to retrieve them; it is hoped that the higher fence will discourage such activities and, additionally, provide greater privacy. �Z4 A sketch accompanying the communication indicated an eight foot fence along the northerly line of the property abutting the tennis clubs There was an additional fenced area indicated on the drawing, designatf as follows: "Future eight foot fence proposed in solid line, as I can afford to put it up". Chairman Kindig reported that the five foot easement between the tennis club and the Bostrom property is used as a public walk way as a "short cut" through the park. lle mentioned that there is existing a solid fence on the tennis club property and suggested that an equally high or higher fence on the opposite side of the easement may create problems if the area were not well lighted after dark. The City Engineer and City Planner agreed that an inspection would be made. The application was scheduled for hearing on May 24. 6. VARIANCE. APARTMENT BUILDING IN DUPLEX (R-2) ZONE. 1420 Oak Grove Avenue. An application filed by Johann F.K. Ilufnagl, 709 Farringdon Lane, requested a variance 'for a six or seven unit apartment building" on property located at 1420 Oak Grove Avenue, Lot 3, Block 10, Burlingame Terrace Subdivision. Zone: R-2. The application showed improvements existing: "very old two bedroom house". A statement of justification from the applicant dated April 15, 1965, and a pencilled sketch of a two-story, seven unit building with eight parking spaces were filed. Lot measurements shown: SO feet by 130 feet. A drawing submitted by the City Planner of uses on the street showed all single-family residences with the exception of one duplex on the corner; the subject property rated "fair", all others "good". Commenting that the R-2 zone continues the entire length of Oak Crove Avenue on this side of the street - the opposite side is R-3 -, the City Planner stated that the properties are well maintained, includ- ing the subject property. The City Engineer described the water supply in the area "deficient", pointing out that multiple -family construction will create a severe strain on the system. In a period of discussion some of the Commissioners indicated their preference to hold the application to the study meeting in June in order to visit the area, observe the subject property and neighboring properties. In reply to the Chair's request for comment from the applicant con- cerning a delay of one month, a representative of A,M.R. Realty Company, Mr. Threefoot, speaking for the applicant, stated that to delay would create a hardship since the house is vacant. -3- A public hearing was thereafter scheduled for the meeting of flay 24. 7. VARIANCE TO ALLOW RESIDENTIAL USE OF SECOND STORY IN COMMERCIAL BUILDING. An application for a variance filed by Belle Goldsmith and Marian hi. Kaufmann, 1333 Jones Street, San Francisco requested per- mission to use the second story of a commercial building at llS8- 1160 Capuchino Avenue, for dwelling purposes - Lot 27, Block 4, Easton Addition. Zone: C-1. The application form reported improvements existing: Two story frame building containing two stores on ground floor with apartment on second floor". A letter from the applicants dated April 23, 196S, advised that the apartment,consisting of two rooms, kitchen and bath, had been occupied for many years by a prior owner. When the applicants acquired the property in December, 1964, it was their intention to use it as an adjunct to the Wells Fargo Bank property immediately adjacent, which they own also, but the bank showed no interest. The communication stated further that since up -stairs commercial offices in the Broadway area are readily available and not easily rented, it was decided, as a reasonable solution, to remodel and rent the unit as an apartment as it had been used, apparently, for many years, but the city's building department refused a permit for the alterations on the grounds the building must be used for commercial purposes. The communication stated that parking facilities for the building are available in the eight to nine car parking area to the rear and side of the building. A plat showing location and a copy of a contractor's estimate for improvements in the parking area were filed. The City Planner confirmed that there had been living quarters in the building at one time but when Mr. Glen Allen, who owned the property for a short period and did live there, attempted to rent the upstairs area for offices the dwelling use ceased, since the apartment was non -conforming and the abandonment extended for a period of time. The City Planner indicated no objection to the application, commenting that it is difficult to rent second -story offices and the applicants are requesting to revert to a previously existing use. There was discussion concerning improvements to the parking area during which Mrs. Kaufmann agreed that the contractor would meet with the City Engineer to discuss his requirements for drainage. The City Planner stated that if the Commission so desires the parking lot may be made a condition of the variance. The application was scheduled for hearing on May 24. -4- 8. SPECIAL PERMIT, HERTZ RENT -A -CAR SERVICE FROM 11YATT HOUSE HOTEL. The Hertz Corporation, 433 Mason Street, San Francisco, filed a Special 1 Permit application to operate a car rental service from the "Bell Captain's Desk at 11yatt House Hotel", A letter from the applicant dated May 4, 1965, stated that the ser- vice is handled from within the hotel by the individual bellman at the Bell Captain's counter; display signs are limited to one inside the hotel. The automobiles are parked in the hotel parking area but the servicing is performed at the company's maintenance facility at the San Francisco Airport, There were comments concerning the applicant's intention of using the hotel parkinjrfOr his purposes; Chairman Kindig stated that it was his impressioA that the parking arrangement was approved for the exclusive use of the hotel. The City Planner suggested that the rental of automobiles where a hotel is located in proximity to an airport is a valid use but it must be controlled. Commissioners agreed to hear the application at the meeting of May 24, the applicant to be informed that he or his representative must be present, 9. COMMUNICATION FROM DIESEL PARTS AND EQUIPMENT COMPANY RE: Premises on Rollins Road Formerly Occupied By Tondo Trucking, A letter dated May 4, 1965, was read from S.E. Orr, Jr., President, Diesel Parts and Equipment Company, 1390 Rollins Road, commenting on the sub -standard condition of the property at 1368 Rollins Road, formerly occupied by Tondo Trucking Company. The communication requested that in the future the city not permit the property to be used for trucking operations; it was suggested that warehousing would be more in keeping with other developments in the area, The communication was accepted for filing. 10. BROADWAY OVERPASS STUDY. The Broadway Interchange and Railroad Grade Separation Report pre- pared by York and Dady, Civil Engineers, and referred to the Commission for review and comment by the City Council was discussed. The City Engineer submitted a drawing on an enlarged scale of Scheme VIII, which was the plan recommended by the consulting engin- eers. Commissioner Norberg stated his position that there are areas for improvement; Commissioner Brauner referred to the cost and the con- siderable area of valuable commercial property to be acquired; Commissioner Pierce, stating that the project is tremendously costly and of monumental significance, recommended additional study by the Commission. A suggestion from the City Engineer that a meeting with the Engineers, York and Dady, may be helpful in resolving questions raised during this discussion was concurred in by Commissioners. The City Engineer �5� n was requested to proceed accordingly, the City Planner to notify members of the time and place selected. 11. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. PARK AND RECREATION COWIISSIONS, A letter dated May 7, 1965, was read from J.F. Francard, Park Superintendent, submitting the following from the Park and Recreation Commissions for Capital Improvements in the 1965-66 Budget: Cuernevaca Park: Pave Parking Area Sprinkling system, topsoil, seed, shrubs for hill area Sheltered play area Children's play area Ray Park: Small children's play area $159000.00 79500.00 20,000.00 59000.00 59000.00 Waterfront Area: Rough grading for golf course 350000.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT. A letter dated April 30, 19650 from Reginald E. Moorby, Fire Chief, submitted Capital Improvement items as follows: 1. Additional aerial ladder and/or snorkel. Chief Moorby's letter outlined three alternative available for obtaining this equipment: 0 a. Buy a 100 foot aerial to go with the present 75 foot aerial. b. Buy a 90 foot snorkel to go with present 75 foot aerial. c. Buy a 90 foot snorkel and turn in the 7S foot aerial on a 100 foot aerial. The Chief recommended alternative "c". 2. Fire House in the upper Mills Estate. Cost figures submitted by Chief Moorby: Building, grading and architect fees: $850000.00 Fire Alarm Equipment 59000.00 Landscaping 500.00 Furnishings 50000.00 Gasoline Storage 19000.00 Fire Engine 300000.00 Equipment for Engine 6,750.00 -6- Total: $1339250.00 LIBRARY r A letter dated May 1, 1965, from George Paul Lechich, City Librarian, submitted the following Capital Improvement proposal: PROJECT: Library Addition. Building 3S feet by 93 feet located on northwesterly one -quarter of Lot 6, Block 3, and portions of the present Library lot, An area 10 feet 6 inches by 44 feet to house present card catalogue located between the wings of the present building. An extension of the present Children's Room 22 feet by 28 feet to act as a stock area for the Children's room. PURPOSE: To provide sufficient work area, additional seating capacity, increased book capacity, adequate storage facilities for bulk materials. RELATION TO OTHER PROJECTS: An uncongested Library will probably reduce the pressure for a Mills Estate Branch. ESTIMATED COST: $200,000.00. The City Planner informed the Commission that he has prepared material relative to the Refuse Transfer Station and hopes to have material on the Broadway Commercial District parking plan for the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John J. Brauner, Secretary -7-