HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1965.09.27CITY OF BURLS PLANNING COMMISSION September 27, 1965 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Brauner Edwards Cistulli (8:50 p.m.) Kindig Norberg Pierce Stivers City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:10 p.m., Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL. CALL The above -named members answered the roll call of the Secretary Commissioner Cistulli•s appearance at the meeIdng was recorded at 8:50 P.M. MSS The Minutes of the regular meeting of August 23, 1965 and the study meeting of September 13, 1965, submitted previously to Commission members, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS 1. LESUBDIVISION LOTS 9t 20 BLOCK 44 MILLS ESTATE NO. 2 Chairman Kindig announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduct a public hearing on a proposed resubdivision of Lets 9 and 20, Block ", Mills Estate No. 23. Mr. James Roemer, representing. Eichler Homes, Inc., original sub- dividers of a portion of the wills Estate, advised that the request for the subject resubdivision has been presented in behalf of the property owner of Lot 9, to realign his rear property line to coincide with the top of the existing bank, an area of sixty-two square feet. In reply to Commission inquiries, the City Engineer indicated that his Office had no objection to the resubdivision, stating that the request is similar to others approved by the Commission, wherein a realignment of property lines on Malls Estate slope lots is warranted: -I- The City Planner, confirming the statements of the City Engineer, and indicating his approval thereto, advised that the Commission may anticipate similar requests in the future that shall pose a greater problem. There being no further discussion, either in favor or in opposition, the hearing was declared concluded. Commissioner Brauner moved that the resubdivision of Lots 9 and 20, Block 44, Mills Estate No. 23, as depicted on the resubdivision map and reviewed by the Planning Commission, be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pierce and adopted by the following Roll Call vote: Ayes: Commissioners: Srauner-Kindig-Norbarg-Pierce-stivers Noes: Commissioners: Drone Absent Commissioners: Cist xlli--Edwards 2. SPECIAL PERMIT TRWKIM OPERATION ROLLINS ROAD Chairman Kindig announced that this was the time and place scheduled to conduct a hearing on an application for a Spacial Permit to construct an office building addition to service a trucking operation on a portion of property located. at 1367 Marston Road, filed by 'Martin Ruane, Inc., Plastering Contractor. Reference was made by Chairman 3Kindig to the special Permit application to build additional office space and to install a new chain link fence at the fromt of the property and to a communication under date of September S, 1965 bearing the :signature of Martin Ruane, President. The City Planner, replying to Chairman Kindi.g'ss inquiry concerning a clarification with respect to a proposed trucking operation on "Rollins Road" and the submission of the application under an adel eon on "Marsten Road" advised that the property is a: single parcel, extending from Marsten ,Road to Rollie Road; that the tracking operation shall be conducted on the Rolling Road portion of the property and notices of hearing were mailed to that effect. Mr. Martin Ruane, the applicant, was recognized by the Cbair=n and presented a blueprint, for Commission review, indicating the size of the five trucks Proposed for the operation, the spaces allocated therefor; the location of a chain link fence on the Rollins Road entrance and a "no parking" restriction on Rollins Road. Mac. Wyatt,. representing "Express -Way Trucking," the proposed lessee, in attendance, explained that his operation may be More accurately described as a "parcel businesses" rather than a "trucking business;" that iris service provides a "twice -a -day" pick up and delivery and that his permits have been extended to allow him -to operate within a one -hundred and fifty mile radius. - 2 Replying to commission inquiries, Mr. matt stated that the property is more than ample to aceomodate three "two -axle" trucks, one: "twenty foot tractor with trailer" truck and one "panel -type" truck; that the size of the `shipments average between three hundred to four hundred pounds per shipment and that he will, have three drivers to Maintain the service. Commissioner Biorberg, referring to the blueprint and noting that the area is sufficient to house at least two additional trucks. questioned Mr. Wyatt whether, if listed to the five trucks, he would approach the Commission at a later date for permission to add to the number of trucks. M. Wyatt stated that he hoped to obtain a five-year lease, to build a selective arA profitable business and at this time he mould not be in a position to foretell the future. ram. Ruane, referring to the considerable nuisance experienced through prior trucking operations conducted on his property, stated his intention to prohibit Parking on Rollins Road, to which provision M. Wyatt indicated his approval. Other points raised by members of the Commission, concerning (1) the landscaping of an area at the Rollins Road entrance and (2)'the installation of bumper guards to protect the building, were agreed upon by the applicant. In reply to the City Planner's suggestions, the applicant further agreed to replacing the existing dilapidated fence with chain link fencing and,to confine the operation within the property boundaries. Further discussion arose on the condition of the roadway, with M. Ruane advising that he proposed to re --scrape, re -roll and place a seal coating thereon and to concur wits+ the recommendations of the Com9Bsion that it be properly maintained during the term of the proposed five-year lease. .he City Engineer advised that his Office is concerned with the subject of drainage, suggesting that pipes be so located to carry storm waters under the sidewalk. The applicant, indicated his willingness to comply with this point. A motion was introduced thereafter by Commissioner 33rauner that the Special Permit to allow a trucking operation as proposed, be approved, upon the following conditions: 1. that the trucking operation be confined within the property exclusively; 2. that a chain link fence be installed on Rollins Road; 3. 'chat suitable landscaping be placed at the Rollins Road entrance to the property; d. that buungker guards be placed on the north side of the lot to -,pro eat the id -Joining building: -.3— 5. that the area be seal -coated and properly maintained; and 6. that pipes be installed in a manner to divert stoma waters under the sidewalk and into the gutters. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pierce and adopted by the following Roll Call vote: AyeA: Commissioners: Braunor-Kindig-Norberg-Pierce-stivers Noes: Commissioners: Done Absent Commissioners: Cistulli-Edwards The public hearing on the issue was declared concluded. :•.� + �I.! #_ s Findings of the Commission. summarizing the action taken at a public hearing, August 23, 1965, concerning the classification of acreage northerly of the Bayshore Highway to "*-1, " were read and exhibits attached thereto acknowledged. RESOLMION NO. 5--65 "Recommending the Adoption of an Ordinance C ass fy ng the Lands Known as 'bands of Crocker -Citizens National Sank' to M--1 (Light Industrial) District was introduced for passage upon nation of Commissioner Brauner, seconded by Commissioner Norberg j and adopted unanimously by the following Roll Call votes Ayes: Commissioners. Brauner-wig-Norberg-Pierce-Stivers Noes: Commissioners: None Absent Commissioners: Cistulli-Edwards Commissioner Cistulli, appeared at gs5O p.m. and took his position on the Commission rostrum. NEW BUMMS 1. WZY.I,IM SPANGLE & ASMIATRS GENERAL PMPROGRAM The City Planner stated -:'that at the last meeting of the Planning Commis- sion, M. George G. fader, representing the William Spangle & associates, City & Regional Planners, reviewed material relating to the proposed "General'Plan Program".for the City of Burlingme; that at the conclusion of the discussion an the subject, the plying firm was requested to revise the scope outline to include less restrictive language and to prepare a more general scope analysis. Mr. Spangler was recognized by the Chair, who, in turn, invited Mr. Mader to comment on the presentation. Mr. Mder referred to his mailings to the Commission m admrs of general plan programs proposed for other coitie:s, including brochures and -4- resumes on "Potential Development," "Plans for Special Areas After the Presentation of a General Plan," "Traffic," An -- Study," etc., for comparison study and thereafter distributed copies of a revised. "Proposed General Plan Program for the city of Burlingame" to Commission and staff members. W. ruder stated that the planned program includee basic studies necessary in the preparation of a long-range, comprehensive and general plan for the physical development of Burlingame and is projected ahead to the year 1990; that once a general plan program has been prepared end adopted by the City Cougrmil, It shad provide a "po7 icy plan" for use in future developments. Considerable discussion arose on the proposed outline of work required to prepare the general plan with a series of question and answer periods. In concluding the presentation by Fir. Mader, the City Planner stated that the City currently does not have a general plan; that once such a plan is adopted it shall serve as a valuable guide if used wisely. A motion was introduced by Covaissiouer Brauner, seconded by Cou is- sioner Cistulli, that the City Council be advised that the Planning Commission has carefully considered and hats recommended the adoption of the proposed "General Plan Program" prepared.by William Spangle & Associates. The motion was adopted by a majority voice vote. 2. BROADWAY OLA JUSs ue.lwPA ORT ���w.e.r.rw�war�.— . YORK & DADY A proposed letter to the City Council, concerning the Broadway Overpass "York and Dewy Report," the subject having bewn referred to the planning Commission by the City Council on a prior date, was read for Commission approval. The Commission, in the communication. Acknowledging that it may be som years before the project shall be completed, stipulated a series of recannendaations to relieve the present traffic congestion in the area that -may be sccompliahed in the near future and form an integral part of the total Project. A motion was introduced thereafter by Commissioner Cistulli, seconded by Camissioner Pierce and unanim mely carried, that the cowamle:ation setting forth the recommendations of the Commission, be traaem3,tted to Council. The City Planner announced the forthcoming League of California:Cities Conference in San Francisco, October 11 and 12, 1965 and referred to a schedule of workshops appropriate to city planning commissions. The City Planner advised that copies of the schedule shall to made available to Commission members. -5- The next regular study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, scheduled October 11, 1965, was changed in view of the aforementioned Conference, to Wednesday, October 13, 1965, on motion of Commissioner Brauner, seconded by Commissioner Fierce and unanimously carried. The meeting thereafter regularly adjourned at MOO p.m. Respectfully submitted, JOW J. BRAUMM secretary -6-