HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1965.09.13IV 1 CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMtitISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Edwards Kindig Norberg Pierce Stivers CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Cistulli September 13, 1965 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order at 8:05 p.m., on the above date, Chairman Kindig pre- siding. ROLL CALL The Secretary's roll call recorded the above -named members present. Commissioner Cistulli, absent while on vacation, was excused. FOR STUDY: 1. RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 9 AND 200, BLOCK 44, MILLS ESTATE NO, 23, A resubdivision map of the above -described properties prepared by George S. Nolte, Consulting Civil Engineers, was presented by the City Engineer who stated that Eichler Homes, Inc., the original sub- dividers, request in behalf of Air. John Batz, owner of Lot 9, adjust- ment of the rear property line to coincide with the existing bank. Commenting that there is a very small area involved and the request is similar to others which the Commission has approved involving realignment of property lines on the slope lots in the mills Estate, the City Engineer indicated there were no problems. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meet- ing of September 27, 1965. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT. TRUCKING OPERATION, ROLLINS ROAD, Martin Ruane, Inc., Plastering Contractor, filed an application for a Special Permit, accompanied by a letter dated September 8, 196S, and a plot plan, including elevations, for a "light commercial truck- ing operation" on a portion of property at 1367 Marsten Road. (Acreage in Easton Industrial tract). The City Planner explained that the property, which is owned by the applicant, extends through from Marsten Road to Rollins Road, having frontages on both streets. Mr. Ruane occupies and conducts his business on the one-half which fronts Marsten Road o the remaining area was used by Tondo Trucking Company but is now vacant. He stated that another trucking operation is interested in the location and Air. Ruane is proposing certain improvements to the property, includ- ing a new chain link fence and gate at the Rollins Road entrance, and a new office building. The drawing filed by the applicant indicated existing fences, exist- ing transfer dock and "oiled yard surface". The City Planner recalled that some months ago the Planning Com- mission received a communication from the owner of the property immediately adjoining (Mr. S.E. Orr, Jr., President, Diesel Parts and Equipment Company, 1390 Rollins Road) commenting unfavorably on the Tondo Trucking Company operation - the annoyance and nuisances result- ing to his property and in the area generally because of the truck- ing equipment. The City Planner suggested that if the application is approved the Commission stipulate conditions of operation, bearing in mind the location on a heavily traveled street and neighboring properties. Mr. Mike Ruane, representing the applicant, stated that the proposed tenant, "Express -Way Trucking", presently located in South San Fran- cisco, operates only small trucks; they are not licensed for the large "flatbed" type. Upon inquiry from the Commission for additional details, Mr. Ruane reported that he actually had very little knowledge of the operation. Following some discussion, Commissioners agreed to set a public hear- ing for the meeting of September 27; Air. Ruane was informed that the trucking company should be represented at that time and, additionally, furnish a detailed written statement, including number and type of trucks, a parking scheme, traffic circulation within the property and all other facts pertinent to the operation. 3. GEORGE G. MADER RE: GENERAL PLAN PROGRAM. Mr. George G. Mader of the firm William Spangle and Associates, City and Regional Planners, was in attendance to review the material dis- tributed at the last Commission meeting relating to the Proposed General Plan Program for the City of Burlingame. A period of general discussion ensued. Commissioner Brauner described the provisions of the section titled "General Scope" as too restrictive; he stated that the material was quite incomplete and should not be recommended to the City Council until amended, either by eliminating the "limiting language" or by expanding to include a general catalogue of all problems to be explored. Commissioner Pierce stated that a general plan should be written in general terms - that it would be impossible to isolate all problems confronting the city. Commissioner Norberg questioned the scope of the work to be performed, stating that it is important to know "how far will they go and what will they include". 2 0 0 C,o?iLciss" 6:A: s bz€ards, speaj fir??(-, oi. his experience LV?'�h General ►Fin P r ogrartis as a nembe r of the County Board of Harbor Commissioners. agreed that further detail would be desirable on the areas to be studied. Commissioner Sti.vers suggested that the Commission have .gin opportunity to become acquainted with general plan procedure and the work to be performed by the consultants. Commenting that since the Commission apparently will be closely involved in the working program, therefore, is primarily concerned with the end result, Chairman Kindi.g invited Mr. Ruder to comment. Mr. Mader explained that it was not intended that: the material before the Commission would be complete or detailed but had been prepared to a.cqua4nt the city with a general idea of procedures to be followed; the five specifics named as problem areas were considered the most im- portant but certainly others would be added as the study progressed. Mr. Mader described the scope of work, preparation of sketch plans and final evolvement of a playa from all of the material gathered. fie :Mated that in addition to monthly study meetings with the Planning Commission, there will be meetings with the City Council, staff members, and hopefully in certain areas, particularly waterfront planning, with interested citizens. MT. Mader explained at length procedure -whereby the city applies for the planning assistance grant through the State Office of Planning, the contract to be executed between the city© and the planning consul- tant, with the State, and methods of financing the program. Following comments from the City Planner concerning the importance of a general plan and its value as a 40useabie and useful tool at all times", Commissioner Norberg questioned whether there were other plans avail- able to the Commission for purposes of comparison. Mr. Mader replied in the affirmative, explaining there were several prepared by the firm which would be delivered to the City Planner for a'istributi.on to the Commission. the discussion was concluded with the understanding that the prelimin- ary report would be amended by revising the General Scope outlined in accordance with Commissioner's comments, and presented at the next meeting. 4. BROADWAY OVERPASS. At the Chair's invitation, Commissioner Norberg recalled that several months ago York and Dady's Broadway Overpass study was referred by the City Council to the Planning Commission for study and a report. He stated that he has prepared, subject to Commission approval, a program of interim construction to be uni dert:aken by the city prior to the over- all construction project to correct some o, the problems in the Broadway area. Commissioner Norberg°s report was read and with con- currence of Commissioners was delivered to the City Engineer for trans- mittal to the City Council. ID JOURNMENT the meeting was adjourned at 9oeD p.n. Respectfully submitted, John T. Brauner �'] , M o