HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1965.08.23CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION CONHISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Pierce Stivers CALL TO ORDER August 23, 1965 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Norberg City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr Councilman Diederichsen A, regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., Chairman ;Kindig presiding, ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the Secretary's roll call, Commissioner Norberg, reported away from the city, was excused, MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of July 26, the adjourned regular meeting and study meeting of August 9, 1965, previously submitted to members were approved and adopted. HEARINGS Pursuant to public notice, hearings were conducted as follows: to TIDEWATER OIL COMPANY GRANTED VARIANCE TO REBUILD SERVICE STATION. (Lot IA, Block 3, Town of Burlingame Subdivision). An application filed by Tidewater Oil Company, #1 Bush Street, San Francisco, requested a variance for "commercial use in R-3 Zone for the purpose of modernizing service station". A letter from the applicant dated July 28, 1965, explained that the station at the northerly corner of El Camino Real and Park Road, which Tidewater Oil Company has operated since 1928, is now considered outmoded and in need of complete rehabilitation. The letter mentioned proposed structural changes, the new sign and landscaping. In conclusion, the communication requested "the continued commercial use of the site for service station purposes even though it is, and always has been, located in an R-3 zone". A complete set of plans, including elevations, specifications and the sign detail were filed. Mr. Howard Pape, representing the applicant, submitted colored photo- graphs of a type of service station similar to that proposed. He pointed out that the canopy is free-standing and,, in response to Commissioner Edwards, reviewed the canopy drawing. Where were no comments from the audience in favor of or protesting the application, in response to the Chair's inquiry. The City Planner reported that the applicant's drawings were examined and found to be satisfactory. In reply to Commissioner Cistulli, the City Planner confirmed that there is adequate ingress and egress from both Park Road and El Camino Real frontages. A motion was thereafter introduced by Commissioner Cistulli approving the variance for construction in accordance with the applicant's letter of July 28, 1965, and the plans and specifications on file. Motion seconded by Commissioner Pierce and carried unanimously on roll call. The applicant was advised the variance would become effective September 8. 1965, if not appealed. The hearing was declared concluded. 2. VARIANCE TO BUILD CARPORT TO PROPERTY LINE AND SPECIAL PERMIT TO CONVERT GARAGE TO FAMILY ROOM„ 2008 EASTON DRIVE, DENIED. -. . Chairman Kindig announced that the hearing on the variance application of Mrs. Marguerite Welch, 2008 Easton Drive "to convert an existing ore -car garage building to a rumpus room". continued from the meeting of August 9 and, prior to that, from the meeting of July 26, 1965, would proceed at this time. Commissioner Braune , Commission Secretary, reported that the.applicant has filed an amended application requesting aimiriance "to convert the present garage to a family room and construct a carport: which.will extend from the dwelling to the side property line". A plot plan,. including the front elevation of the proposed carport, was filed. The City Planner reported that notices of hearing were mailed to - property _owners within the required radius on the amended application. The City Planner stated that under normal conditions a carport at the side of r. dwelling is permissible,, but the legal side setback.must be observed; however, in the present situation because of the lack of space, the structure would extend across the driveway, to ornear the side Sine, without the proper setback. The City Planner stated that the proposed carport: is not legally pos- sible unless there is a variance grant; converting the garage to a family room requi8es a special permit. -2- In reviewing the plot plan, Commissioners noted that there was proposed two inches .of clearance between the carport and the dwell- ing., one inch at the side property line, and an area 7 feet 9 inches for automobile parking. In reply to the C% air's inquiry, there were no comments from the audience in favor of or protesting the application. Mrs. Welch informed the Commission that she received written state- ments from several neighbors indicating no objection. In response to questions from Chairman Kindig and Commissioner Brauner, Airs. Welch stated as follows: pour members of the family and one boarder live in the residence; each of the two grandchildren has his own bedroom in the main house; there are no other rooms in the house Which will be rented out; the family room will be used for the children's activities only; there are no plumbing facilities, nor will the room be used for sleeping.purposes. The following was read from a letter written by the applicant to the Planning Commission under date of -July 7, 1965: ".....being that I have a circular driveway large enough to park several cars, I decided to convert the garage into a family room for.the children. In this way, I would be saving my home and everyone could pursue his own hobbies......`%. In reply to Commissioner Cistulli's questions -concerning the present garage, the City Planner stated that it could 'be used for the purpose as there was space for one of the smaller model automobiles, also, the overhanging a-luminum door was left intact. The City planner stated that the building now consists of a finished goon with sheet rock and mahogany -type plywood walls; there is electricity and a concrete floor. Ile stated that the owner installed two closets at the .back wall, one,, for garden tools, accessib-le only from the outside; the other, apparently a closet for the room, is available only from within the room. in ?reply to further inquiry from Commissioner Cistullin the City Planner stated that there was a building permit issued to install aluminum siding on the exterior of the garage but none for the inter- ior improvements. Commissioner Brauner commented that he was completely sympathetic with the applicant's desire to provide a. place for her grandchildren's recreation and amusement but was equally concerned with the question of precedent, certainly to be considered in the present situation involving an illegal garage, from the standpoint of size,, with illegal side setback. Commissioner Brauner thereupon declared his position in opposition to the application. rammissioneF Edwards© stat_ng that he also applauded the applicant's concen3 for her grandchildren, concurred with Commissioner Brauner that approval of the proposal would establish as unfavorable precedent Commissioner pierce slated that he was in favor of the application, r � r noting that there were no protests filed, nor evidence from the neighborhood of opposition, and thereafter introduced a motion to approve the application. There was no second to the motion. Commissioner Edwards introduced a motion to deny the application. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and declared carried on the following roll call: Ayes: Commissioners: Brauner, Cistulli, Edwards, Kindig, Stivers Noes: Commissioners: Pierce Abstain Commissioners: None Absent Commissioners: Norberg The applicant was informed of her privilege to appeal to the City Council. The hearing was declared closed. 3. VARIANCE GRANTED COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION IN R-3 ZONE, Chairman Kindig announced that the hearing on the application of Lee J. and Wsarjorie H. Aaronian for a variance to construct a "one story office building•' on third residential property, 1317 Bayswater Avenue, Burlingame, (portion Lots SA and SB, Block 3, Town of Burlingame Subdivision), continued from the meeting of July 260 196S, for the applicant to make certain revisions in the plan, would proceed at this time. The applicant's statement of justification dated July 2, 196S, was read. Chairman Kindig recognized Mr. Aaronian who submitted a revised draw- ing showing the roof line changed to pitched from flat, the cement slab cover in the side setback and side windows fire screen protected, all as requested by the Commission, There were no comments from the audience in reply to the Chair's inquiry. In reply to Commissioner Cistulli, the City Planner confirmed that the number of parking spaces indicated on the drawing meets code require- ments. A letter dated August 6, 196S, was read from Reginald E. Moorby, Chief of the Fire Department, requesting that if the variance is approved the Commission stipulate that the exterior walls of the new building shall be one hour fire resistive construction and roof covering of fire -retardant roofing. In reply to Commissioner Edward°s inquiry whether such restrictions are customary in the type of building proposed by the applicant, the City Planner explained that the present building on the property where Mr. Aaronian operates a business is frame construction orig- inally built as a single-family dwelling; fire code requirements are the least restrictive for this type of construction. fie stated that the Fire Chief takes the position that a new commercial building, replacing the old structure, should be built to Fire Zone 11. require- -4- ments. The City Planner reported also that an ordinance now in process amending the city's building code includes a new provision that when properties are changed to any other than residential use, either by variance or reclassification, such properties shall immediately be included within Fire Zone II. In reply to Commission inquiry, Mr. Aaronian stated that he was informed by the City Fire Inspector concerning fire zone requirements and will comply. Commenting that the applicant has not given any reasons why the build- ing should be given a commercial use, the City Planner stated that there are rather unusual conditions in the property which should be noted: from Park Road, approximately one-half of the block is zoned commercial, the remaining properties, westerly to El Camino Real, are R-3; the uses are varied with commercial at each end of the block. fie mentioned that one of the buildings in the commercial zone is used as a residence and Air. Aaronian's building, a single-family dwelling, is a non -conforming commercial use. The City Planner stated further that in the apartment zone the lots are small and alowned separately; individually,they would make poor apartment house sites and there seems to be little change of their being combined. He referred to the large church plant on the opposite side of the street, with its many activities, which makes the street less desirable for apartments. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Cistulli approving the variance for commercial use of the property in accordance with the drawing on file and Fire Zone II construction. Alotion seconded by Commissioner Brauner and declared carried on the following roll call: Ayes: Commissioners: Brauner, Cistulli, Kindig, Pierce, Stivers Noes: Commissioners: Edwards Abstain Commissioners: None Absent Commissioners: Norberg The variance to become effective September 8, 196S, if not appealed. The hearing was declared closed, 4. CALIFORNIA TRUCKING ASSOCIATION GRANTED SPECIAL PERMIT. The application of California Trucking Association, 841 Folger Avenue, Berkeley, for a special permit to erect an office building on Lot 3, Bearint Industrial Park Subdivision, Bayshore Highway and Broadway Overpass, zoned M-1 (Light Industrial)n was scheduled for public hear- ing at this time. A letter from the applicant dated July 23, 1965, advised that the build- ing will serve as the Association's administrative headquarters. The communication requested permission to "place the front building line on a line ranging from 6 feet to 15-1/2 feet from the public property line designated as Bayshore Highway". The communication referred to a strip 32 feet wide held by the city for future highway widening, -5- %`suggesting that the proposed building line plus the 32 feet in front will 'place the building well back from the street. A topographic survey of the lot and a drawing of the type of building pro- posed to be constructed were filed. The City Engineer, in reply to Chairman Kindig, reported that at this sec- tion of Bayshore Highway there is considerable distance between the curbs and gutters to the property lines, approximately 32 feet or greater, tie stated that there were no set backs established for the Bearint Subdivision, neither on the record map nor by ordinance, consequently, the owner may build to the property line, unless the Commission requires set backs as a condition of the use permit. Commenting on the question of maintenance of the city owned strip, the City Engineer stated that normally the city expects the property owner to take care of any area between the curbs and the property line; presumably, in the present situation, the owner will landscape and maintain the area. The City Planner, in reply to the Chairs inquiry concerning set backs on the property immediately adjacent,which is to be improved by the Ramada Inns organization, reported there is little basis for comparison since the plans show the motel buildings toward the rear of the property. fie stated that the restaurant building is approximately 84 feet back from the street with a great deal of parking area in the front. During a period of Commission discussion, Chairman Kindig pointed out that the question of set backs is of some concern since -the Commission's action in this instance will establish a precedent for future developments in the area. There were no comments from the audience in favor of, or protesting the application, in reply to the Chair's inquiry. The City Engineer reported that all public improvements have been com- pleted in the subdivision. tie indicated that the 32 foot strip held by the city for street purposes may very well be utilized should the Broadway Overpass reconstruction occur. Air. Richard H. Zeller, Assistant Managingg Director, representing the applicant, informed the Commission that in submitting the application it was assumed there were set backs to be maintained on the property; secondly, the future development of the street, involving the city owned parcel, was not foreseen. Mr. Zeller stated it is intended that the building shall be a desirable addition to the area; further, because it is a primary building for the Association, and will serve as the headquarters, the aesthetic values will not be ignored. A suggestion from the City Planner that in place of 6 to 15-1/2 feet of set back, the applicant consider 11 to 20 feet, averaging out to approx- imately 15 feet, was accepted by Mr. Zeller. In reply to a comment from Commissioner Cistulli concerning landscaping, Mr. Zeller stated that the plans have not progressed to that stage but assured the Commission the site will be attractive and well maintained. -6- ;There were no communications on file favoring or protesting the appli- cation. A motion approving the Special Permit for the building/the location was introduced by Commissioner Edwards with the provision that the average front set back of the building shall be 15 feet, the property owner to provide and maintain suitable landscaping in the set back,, Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and carried unanimously on roll call,, The Special Permit becomes effective September 8, 1,965, if not appealed. The hearing was declared concluded. S. REQUEST TO CLASSIFY ACREAGE Nl) TfihRLY OF BABHORP. HitsHWAY Chairman Kindig announced that this was the time anti place scheduled to conduct a public hearing on the application of Crocker -Citizens National Sank c/o.Frank Conti, and Anza Pacific Corporation, 1290 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, for classification of heretofore unclassified acreage to M-1 (Light Industrial) District. A communication from the applicants, dated June 30,1965, designated the land as that parcel "generally known as Lands of Crocker -Citizens National Bank, north of Bayshore and adjacent to Anza Airport Park, Unit No. 1". The City Planner, in reply to the Chair's invitation. to initiate the dis- cussion, stated that the area within the triangle, :shown in the map on file, has never been classified.- all of the balance of the surrounding property has been designated M-1; the owners are requesting inclusion of this remaining parcel within the M-1 Zone. The City Engineer reported that the subdivision map in process, "Anza Airport Park. Unit No. 2", includes the area which is the subject of the application. In reply to the Chair's request for comment from the audience, Mr. G.H.Kelly, 308 Channing Road, Burlingame, requested clarification of th.e.location. Following a review of the map, Mr. Kelly and two other persons, one who stated her residence as Lexington Way, complained strongly about the development of the bay lands, mentioning particularly the drive-in theatre and the nuisance created by the lighted sign. Chairman Kindig explained that the present hearing relates only to the classification of a particular parcel to conform with the zoning of all of the surrounding properties, assuring the audience of the Commission's continuing activities in behalf of all of the areas of the city. There were no further comments from the audience, nor communications filed in favor of or protesting the application. Chairman Kindig thereupon declared the hearing closed, -7- �A motion was introduced by Commissioner Cistulli directing the City tttorney and the City Planner to prepare the necessary papers whereby the Commission shall recommend to the City Council that all of the lands within the triangle delineated on the map submitted as part of the appli- cation shall be classified M-1 (Light Industrial) District - said lands being generally known as "Lands of Crocker -Citizens National Bank". Motion seconded by Commissioner Pierce and declared carried on following roll call: Ayes: Commissioners: Brauner, Cistulli, Kindig, Pierce, Stivers Noes: Commissioners: Edwards Absent Commissioners: Norberg Abstain Commissioners: None RESOLUTION RECOiNENDING ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING M-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT REGULATIONS By REVISING LIST OF PROHIBITED USES. RESOLUTION NO. 4-6S "RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE REGULATIONS IN M-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT'S" was introduced for passage on motion of Commissioner Brauner, seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and declared carried unanimously on roll call, NEW BUSINESS to WILLIAM SPANGLE & ASSOCIATES RE: PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN PROGRAM CITY OF BURLINGAMEp The City Planner reported that Mr. William Spangle and Mr. George Go Mader of -the Firm William.Spangle and Associates, City and Regional Planners, who were employed by the City.Counci1 earlier in the year to prepare a general plan for the city, were in attendance to explain the project. Chairman Kindig recognized fora Spangle who stated that an outline has been prepared to acquaint the Commission with procedures involved in preparation of a general plan. Ile stated that following a review of the material it is hoped that the Commission will indicate whether or not the program is considered generally acceptable. Mr. Spangle stated that Mr. Mader will be in direct charge of the work; he (Mr. Spangle) will supervise and be available for consultation, Mr, 'Mader distributed to the Commission and to members of the staff copies:of a letter dated August 23, 196S, signed by Mr. Spangle and addressed to the City Planner, also a report entitled "Proposed General Plan Program for the City of Burlingame", conveying :information on the "work necessary for the preparation of a general plan for Burlingame looking ahead to the year 1990". The cost of the work was estimated at $37,7S0,00o Aro Mader reviewed the proposed program, noting that "if properly pre- pared and presented the general plan could serve as .a basis for one and five-year development programs designed to deal with the problems and issues now facing the city".' Problems and studies needed to provide a basis for their solution were described as follows: Changing Residential Areas, Waterfront, Circulation, Broadway Business Dis tirzct n Bua Eingarfe Hills. a go The report noted that the plan will be prepared over an eighteen month 'period, during which time there must be frequent contacts with the city staff; in addition, regular discussions with the Planning Commission, possibly monthly study meetings, and several times during the program, joint study meetings with the City Council. It was suggested also that it may be advantageous for a citizens* committee to be appointed to ad- vise on certain aspects of the study. An outline of proposed scope of work was arranged under three headings, which "group the work in the categories that are used in an application for a planning assistance grant (701 Program)", as follows: Studies Analyses and Projections; General Plan Preparation; Effectuation Proposals.' Following a period of discussion during which Commissioners commented on various aspects of the proposed program, the subject was held to the meeting of September 13, 196SO it was the consensus that there should be time for individual, private study before the Commission committed itself. 2. BAY FRONT SUB-COWITTEE SAN MATEO COUNTY REGIONAL LAN IN M S I In response to Commissioner Cistulli's announcement that he would be unable to attend the meeting of the Bay Front Sub -Committee on Thursday, August 26, Commissioner Edwards agreed to attend as alternate. ADJOURNMENT Prior to adjournment, Chairman Kindig acknowledged Mrs. R.J. Edwards, wife of Commissioner Edwards, and Councilman Diederichsen in attendance. Time of adjournments 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John J. Brauner Secretary -9-