HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1965.06.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNINC COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Cistulli Kindig Norberg Pierce Stivers CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Brauner Edwards June 14, 1965 OTIIERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Tarr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m,, Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the Secretary's Roll Call. Commissioner Brauner, out of town because of another commitment, was excused. FOR STUDY 1. TENTATIVE MAP ANZA AIRPORT PARK SUBDIVISION UNIT NO, 2. The tentative map of Anza Airport Park, Unit No. 2, comprising lands of the Crocker Citizens National Bank (held in trust for Conti) and Anza Pacific Corporation was submitted by Air. Frank S. Conti and Mr. David Keystone Mr. Keyston informed the Commission that there has been an exchange of parcels between Conti and Anza Pacific for the purposes of "squaring" property lines ..... the triangle area shown on the map is now the property of Anza Pacific„ Ile stated that it is the opinion of the developers that the map represents the best plan for the property and requested approval of the subdivision as submitted. The City Engineer raised the following points: (1) Anza Airport Park, Unit No. 1, has been approved and recorded; the proposed map includes property subdivided in the prior map and proposes to change property lines already recorded„ (2) Referring to the proposed roadway parallel- ing the freeway, the City Engineer stated that the width of 30 feet between curbs is adequate providing on -street parking is restricted to one side of the street. (3) Ile stated that the 2-1/2 foot planting strip is not acceptable, particularly where there is no provision made for building set backs. In a period of disucssion, the following conclusions were reached: A new map shall be prepared, affecting only that area within the triangle; public improvements shall be made a part of the map. Where recorded lot lines are to be changed, the resubdivision process shall apply. Building setbacks will be established - a narrow setback on Lots 8 and 7, increasing in depth down to Lot 1. Air. Conti indicated that a three foot planting strip would be agreeable. The cul-de-sac shall be made permanent and extended in length to service Lot 1. .The 20 foot private easement shall be removed from the map. The subdividers agreed to submit a revised proposal to the City Engineer in line with the above. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT. UNION OIL COMPANY TO ENLARGE SERVICE STATION AT BROADWAY AND EL CAMINO REAL. An application filed by Union Oil Company of California, 425 First Street, San Francisco, requested a Special Permit to rebuild and enlarge the service station at the northeast corner of E1 Camino Real and Broadway. A communication from the applicant stated that presently the station has frontage of SS feet on Broadway; the adjoining property on Broadway was purchased by Union Oil Company, thereby providing an area to expand and an additional SO feet of frontage on Broadway. A plot plan and a photograph were submitted. Mr. H.B. Anderson, representing the applicant, informed the Commission that the building on the property just purchased will be razed. The new construction will materially improve the appearance -of this prom- inent corner property. A scaled model of the structure was submitted and architectural details discussed by Mr.. Anderson. The Commission was informed that stone veneer is proposed with aluminum shake roof. The City Engineer pointed out one correction to be made in the drawings an area where the driveway exceeds the legal limitation by one foot. The 20 feet sign height limitation was mentioned;; also, Mr. Anderson was informed that the rules pertaining to the operation of gasoline service stations do not permit the sale of unrelated merchandise such as garden supplies, furniture, or other similar items. The application was scheduled for public hearing on June 28. 3. VARIANCE TO EXCEED 40t LOT COVERAGE, 1641 MARCO POLO WAY. Mr. William N. Strambi applied for a variance to exceed the legal lot coverage of 40% on the property at 1641 Marco Polo Way - Lot 24, Block 8, Ray Park Subdivision - to permit an addition of two rooms and a bath to the existing dwelling. =2- s The application form was accompanied by a letter of justification and a set of drawings including elevations. Mr. Strambi stated that there will be approximately 130 square feet in excess of the permitted 40% lot coverage. The City Planner reported that there will be no interference with set backs - lot coverage is the only variance requested. Following a review of the drawings, the application was scheduled for public hearing on June 28. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO EXPAND AUTOMOBILE STORAGE AREA _ PENINSULA AND HIGHLAND AVENUES. An application for a Special Permit filed by Jones-Minto Ford Sales to expand an existing automobile storage area to the balance of the property at the northeast corner of Peninsula and highland Avenues was reviewed. A letter dated June 8, 1965, from Stanley Stebenne, Burlingame Realty, agent for the applicants, recalled that two years ago the Planning Commission approved the major portion of the lot for Jones-Minto automobile storage purposes. The communication stated that it is pro- posed now to raze the house occupying the remainder of the property and improve the area for additional storage. The City Planner reported that the existing building is very old and in poor condition, creating a police problem. Mr. Stebenne stated that the applicants will comply with conditions of fencing, landscaping and drainage required by the Commission. He advised that the applicants hold a five year lease on the property. The application was scheduled for public hearing on June 28. 5. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS The Public Works Department "Capital Improvement Program", prepared by G.J. Marr, Director of Public Works, dated May 26, 1965, submitted as follows: CORPORATION YARD IMPROVEMENTS: Phase 1. Completed at a total cost of"Wr*W670. Phase 2. $740500.00 City Council has authorized architect to proceed with plans. Phase 3. $22,000.00 It is hoped that this construction will take place next year. BROADWAY OVERPASS: Estimated total cost: $4,273,000.00 would be divided sever. ways - city°s approximate cost $2,000,000.000 a portion of this to be financed from accumulated Gas Tax Fund. It is hoped that construction will start within next three years. -3- SE«ACE TREATMENT PLANT ENLARGEMENT: Projected estimated cost: $700,000.00, for construction o ntermediate or Secondary treatment. No definite time established but pressures by the Pollution Board may force construction within next two to three years. The City Planner reported that he is reasonably certain that all departments intending to submit capital improvement proposals have done so < there will be no further submittals. CITY HALL: A report prepared by the City Planner dated May 24,19659 concerned replacement of the city hall and suggested three alternate sites: Triangular property opposite the library bounded by Douglas and Bellevue Avenues; Southwest corner bounded by Primrose Road and Bellevue Avenue; Property occupied by American Can Company, bounded by El Camino, Trousdale and California Drives. An estimated land cost.for a site at least 50,000 square feet; $3008,000.00.- ADJOURNMENT __...__ 4 The ,meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John J. Brauner, Secretary -4-