HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1965.11.08CITY OF BURLINCAME PT.ANNINC C01t!tIssim COMIMISSIONE"RS PRESENT 3rauner Cistulli Edwards Kin dig Norherg Pierce CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None November 8, 1965 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Hann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order at 8:00 p.m., on the above date, Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The Secretary's roll call recorded all members present. FOR STUDY 1. RESUBDIVISION OF ACREACE INDUSTRIAL WAY AND BAYSdORE BOULEVARC The City Engineer submitted a resubdivision map of acreage owned by :giro Oscar Person, prepared by Howard C. dickey, Civil Engineer, pro- posing to establish two large parcels from a number of smaller par- ceis -by abandoning existing property lines and establishing new lines the proposed parcels to have frontages on Bayshore Boulevard and Industrial clay. The City Engineer reported that the 20 foot wide strip which crosses the property and provides ingress and egress to the owners on either side presumably is privately owned since there is no record in the city nor the county assessor's office of a dedication for public use. lie expressed the opinion that ownership should lie clarified and sug- gested the applicant furnish a title report. The City Engineer discussed the sanitary sewer system, pointing out that there have been recent installations on the property; eventually, one easement, which has been in existence for some time, will no longer be in service and could be abandoned Mr. Person informed the Commission that he is owner of all but one of the parcels which border the 20 foot access easement but has no knowledge of the legal status of the easement itself. The reap was scheduled for public hearing at the next regular meeting, November 22. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT. COIN -OPERATED CAR WASH. A special permit application filed by T.C. and Florence Strain, pro- posed a "coin operated car wash" on a portion of acreage owned by Oscar Person at Bayshore Boulevard and Industrial Way, Parcel "B" of the aforementioned resubdivision application. In a letter dated November S. 195S, the applicants described the operation "a customer do it yourself basis, metered at 2S� for a five minute cycle", particularly serviceable to apartment house dwellers. A set of drawings prepared by Ronald A. Perner, Architect, accompa- nied the application. In a period of discussion, Commissioners questioned whether the opera tion will add to traffic problems existing in the area by stacking automobiles on the street; Commissioner Norberg suggested certain revisions in the architectural design of the building. Mr. Person was requested to notify the applicant that the Commission would expect him to appear at the time of the public hearing which was scheduled for the next regular meeting. November 22. 3. RESUBDIVISION. LOT 23, KENMAR TERRACE. A resubdivision map prepared by Mr. Louis Arata, Civil Engineer, pro- posed to divide Lot 23, Kenmar Terrace, into three separate lots two with frontage on Summit Drive over a 30 foot wide ingress and egress easement, I5 feet to each lot; the third Rot including within its boundaries a piece SO feet wide and several hundred feet long -extending to Canyon Road, immediately adjacent to Hoover School. Mr. Arata, in response to Commission inquiry, stated there should be no difficulty relating to building sites; each lot has a suitable site and on Lot 23-C there are alternate ways of developing. The City Engineer reported that Fire Chief Moorby is concerned that the property is too far from existing water services for adequate fire protection and has recommended installation of a new main with a minimum of SOO gallons per minute plus two hydrants, one located at the Summit Drive frontage, the other on Canyon Road at the end of the SO foot driveway. In reply to the City Engineer's comment that the fire chief also discussed access into the area, Mr. Arata explained that the road will be developed with the building. The City Planner suggested grading and preparing at least an "all-weather" road prior to development. The City Engineer stated there may be some problems with drainage which will be investigated and a report made to the Commission. A public hearing was scheduled for the meeting of November 22. -2- 4. VARIANCE FOR TEMPORARY SIGN. RAMADA INNS. INC. A letter dated November 1, 1965, from Ramada Inns, Inc., over the sig- n ature of Lee Larson, requested a variance to permit the regulation site sign, 10 feet by 40 feet used at all Ramada Inns under construc- tion, to be placed at the Burlingame site on the northeasterly line of Bayshore Highway. The letter stated that the sign will be removed upon completion of construction or approximately 30 days prior. A plot plan and an illustration of a typical site sign were filed. The City Planner stated that the variance is required because the site signs permitted by the city•s code are one plywood square 4x8 or 32 square feet. Mr. Herman Quinn represented the applicant and in reply to Chairman Kindiges inquiry stated that the sign will be mounted 120 feet back from the road and will conform to the legal maximum height of 20 feet. MT. Quinn reported that there will be a representative of the sign company which will do the work in attendance at the time of the hear- ing with an actual photograph of the proposed sign. The application was scheduled for Public hearing on November 22. S. SPECIAL PERMIT. BIRCH VAN AND STORAGE COMPANY NEW LOCATION 859 COWAN ROAD. An application filed by John Rehe, owner and operator of the Birch Van and Storage Company, 1055 Holly Street, San Carlos, requested a special permit to conduct a storage and hauling operation from 859 Cowan Road in the East Millsdale Industrial Park Subdivision. A letter from the applicant dated November 1, 196S, stated that since 1949 he has been located in San Carlos as agent for North American Van Lines and in the general transfer and storages busj�_aess; in addition, a sales office has been maintained at 1465 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame. The communication stated further that at the request of the State Public Utilities Commission and the North American Van Lines the Burlingame office will be closed to be replaced by a fully staffed and complete warehousing and moving facility in the industrial area. The City Planner noted that the warehousing phase is completely legal; a special permit is required for the trucking operation Mr. John Rehe, the applicant, and Mr. Allen Ames, Coldwe4l-Banker Company, were in attendance. The Commission was informed that the building is concrete, at present is vacant, and there is available 3000 to 4000S%AT of warehouse space. Mr. Rehe stated he uses a truck and trailer, flat bed truck, packing truck and a fork lift; if the need arises, another small truck may be acquired. He explained that there would be occasional road vans coming from the east to set off storage which would be parked on the premises temporarily. 034 A public hearing was scheduled for November 22. 6. VARIANCE TO RECONSTRUCT DWELLINC ON LOT LESS THAN REQUIRED SIZED A request for variances in the name of the City of Burlingame as applicant was presented to the Commission by the City Planner who explained that in the process of improving Carolan Avenue a portion of a city owned property on the corner of Carolan and Morrell Avenues will be divided and removed. lie stated that the City Council has agreed to sell the building and the portion of the lot which will remain to Mr. John Calwell, occupant of the premises for several years; however, since the building must be cut off on an angle, reconstructing on the remaining lot requires several variances, as follows: 1. The lot will have an area of aproroximately 32550 square feet; legal minimum in the location is 5,000 square feet. 2. Set back on the Carolan Avenue side will be five instead of 7-1/2 feet; on the other side of the building three instead of four feet. 3. Less than required lot width. Mr. Calwell submitted drawings of the reconstruction which he con- templates, pointing out that when the existing garage is removed there will be no structural encroachments in the: street right-of- way, The Commission was advised that the street improvements have been scheduled to commence in April, 1966. The application was scheduled for public hearing on November 22. 7, ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Edwards reported that he was absent from the Commission meeting of October 25, 1965, due to a prior commitment in Sacramento requiring attendance at sessions of the State Legislature. Commissioner Norberg referred to an article appearing in a recent issue of the local newspaper concerning; a citizens' group interested in forming a committee for the beautification of Burlingame; he expressed his interest in promoting El Camino Real as an architecturally controlled street. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John J. Brauner, Secretary -4-