HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1964.03.09CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Edwards Kindig 'Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER March 9, 1964 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order at 8:00 p.m., on the above date - Chairman Brauner presiding. ROLL CALL The above -named Commissioners answered the Secretary's roll call. Commissioner Cistulli, away from the city on business, was excused. FOR STUDX 1. RESUBDIVISION. Portion of Lots 19 and 20, Block 1, Subdivision No 3 Burl in ame -Park, SHIX Dr. Elmer E. Specht, filed a resubdivision map of the above -described property to delete an existing lot line and establish a new line to divide the property into two separate parcels: Parcel 1, a proposed new lot on the corner of Elm and Ralston Avenue's, is a portion of Lot 20, with an area of 7207 square feet. Parcel 2 includes portions of Lots 19 and 20, fronts Elm Avenue and has an area of 14,522 square feet. An existing two story residence is located on the proposed Parcel 2....172 Elm Avenue. The City Planner advised that the new lot meets code renuirements for width and area but in a personal inspection with the City Engineer it was discovered that the lot is almost entirely creek with the slopes on both sides practically to the property lines. Dr. Specht advised that he owns and occupies the property but intends to offer it for sale. The resubdivision will make it possible to sell in two separate parcels, . The City Engineer reminded Dr. Specht that the city will not permit any construction to impede the flow of the creek and commented that there appeared to be ample open space to move the proposed new lot line away from the slope to improve the building site. Dr. Specht stated that the line as drawn will preserve the existing amenities m a rather large garden, arbor area and patio. The application was scheduled for public hearing on March 23, 1964. 2. VARIANCE. Ronald Wollner. Apartment building on R-2 property. An application filed by Ronald Wollner, 1315 Burlingame Avenue, requested a variance to construct a five unit apartment building on second resi- dential property at 1144 Capuchino Avenue (Lot 26, Block 4, Easton Addition). An existing older single-family residence will be demolished. A statement of justification dated March 7, 1964, accompanied the applica- tion. Mr. Wollner was in attendance and submitted a set of preliminary plans. The Commission was advised that the lot is 50 feet wide by 11S feet deep. There is a five unit building on the property immediately adjacent to the south and, on the north, a commercial building. The proposed construction will be two stories, with all of the parking at the rear. The City Planner referred to previous variances which the Commission has approved for apartment construction on the street - five units on the same side as the subject property and six units on the opposite side of the street where the lots are deeper. Commissioners reviewed the plans with Air. Wollner and Commissioner Norberg suggested that some modification be made in the design of the long balcony and balustrade to improve the exterior appearance of the building. The application was scheduled for public hearing ?larch 23, 1964. 3. CARL H. FISKE. VARIANCE TO EXCITED LEGAL LOT COVERAGE. A public hearing on an application filed by Mr. Carl M. Fiske for a variance to exceed the legal 401 lot coverage on property at 2012 Devereux Drive was continued from the meeting of February 24 to the regular meeting in March when questions were raised concerning, the accuracy of the plot plan submitted by the applicant:. The City Planner stated that since the February meeting he visited the property and was able to take measurements in the area of the new con- struction. The City Planner submitted a drawing shaded to indicate the extent of the proposed construction and. pointed out that the development of the patio area, contemplated by the applicant, will not affect the open space at the side of the property, as was suggested at the time of the public hearing. Following a period of general discussion, Mr. Fiske was requested to submit drawings revised to exact dimensions to support the variance re- quest. Mr. Fiske was reminded that the public hearing would proceed at the meeting of March 23. 4. RESUBDIVISION. LANDS OF KEYSTON AND COMPANY. A resubdivision map filed with the City Engineer by Keyston and Company proposed to divide an existing 9.383 acre parcel on Bayshore Highway easterly of Hyatt House Hotel into three parcels: Parcel A containing 0.335 acres, the Standard Oil service station site; Parcel B, 2,489 acres, the theatre site; Parcel C. 6,SS9 acres, representing; the remainder of the property. -2- ~The City Planner stated that the map was filed at the request of the Commission to establish the boundaries of the theatre property, including the required on -site parking. �Ir. George Keyston was in attendance and advised that the lease arrange- ment with the operator requires considerably more parking; than specified by the city's parking ordinance. lie stated that in addition to the on - site parking, other parking will be provided on nearby properties. The map was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of March 23. S. SPECIAL PERt-IIT. TAIT AUCTION STUDIO. Mr. Carl Tait of Tait Auction Studio, 8S0 Mahler Road, appeared to file a special permit application for a prospective new location for his business on a portion of land owned by Keyston and Company on Bayshore Highway. When it was determined by the Commission that the site was not definitely known, Mr. Tait was advised that the application could not be processed until fixed to a particular property. The application form and filing fee were accepted to be held pending further word from Mr. Tait. 4 6, STANDARD OIL SERVICE STATION DEVELOPMENT PLANS. BAYSHORE 11IC1111AY. In April, 1963, the Planning Commission approved a special permit for a gasoline service station on a portion of the Keyston property on Bayshore 11Iighway with the proviso that the final drawings, including a plot plan with landscaping, be submitted to the Commission for approval and the street improvement plan to be approved by the City Engineer. Mr. Milton C. Drechsel, representing Standard Oil Company of California, was in attendance with the plans. The Commission noticed that the advertising sign exceeded the 20 foot height limitation for freestanding signs by approximately four feet. In discussion with Mr. Drechsel, it appeared that there was sufficient open space between the bottom of the sign and the roof of the building to lower the sign with the exception of the small chevron on the end. The matter was scheduled for formal consideration at the meeting of March 23. 7. WATERFRONT RECREATION PLAN. A schematic proposal for the city dump area, plus land which the city hopes to acquire from the State of California and Burlingame Shore Land Company, prepared by the City Planner, was reviewed 'by the Commission. 8. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET. Commissioners were furnished a copy of a communication dated Plarch, 1964, over the signatures of the City [Manager and the City Planner, directed to all department heads concerning "Annual Review of Capital Improvement Budget". ADJOURNMENT Ti�ti g was regularly adjourned at 9:15 pomp Respectfully submitted, �3o Edward A. Moore,Secretary