HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1964.06.08CITY OF BURLINGMIE PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None June 8, 1964 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr An adjourned regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from May 2S, 1964, was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., by Chairman Cistulli. OLL CALL All members answered the Secretary's roll call. PURPOSE OF MEETING Chairman Cistulli announced that a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the sign code pertaining to real estate signs was continued from the meeting of May 25 to the present time for the purpose of revising zhe ordinance draft to include amendments suggested by members of the C-)mmission, representatives of the local real estate board and other interested real estate persons., The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, reported that the ordinance was rewritten to incorporate amendments requested by the Commission, as fo`.lows: Commercial Districts - the limitation remains at one sign to a lot or parcel of land but a provision was added that "such signs may be two-faced or painted on both sides" (same as in residential districts). Industrial Districts - sign size increased to 40 square feet in area from 36; two-faced or signs painted on both sides permitted, as in commercial districts; 9 square feet "lease or rental" signs permitted, as in commercial districts. Regulations for filing applications for sign permits enlarged to require certification of applicant that owner has approved erection of sign; also provides for revocation of permit upon written request of property owner filed with Building Inspector. Chairman Cistulli recognized Mr. Alex Smith, Chairman Industrial and Commer- cial Committee of San Mateo -Burlingame Board of Realtors, who questioned the designation "commercial building" appearing in paragraph a.(3) pertain- ing to "lease or rental" signs in industrial districts. Y A suggestion from the City Attorney to delete the terms "commercial" where it appears in paragraphs a.(2) and a.(3) of the amended draft because its mean- ng could be obscure was concurred in by Commissioners. on a motion introduced by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Moore and unanimously carried the proposed ordinance, amended by deletion of the word "commercial" as recommended by the City Attorney,was accepted by the Commission and recommended to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:20 p.m., to be followed immediately by the study meeting regularly scheduled for this date:. STUDY MEETING 1. FENCE HEIGHT VARIANCE. FRANK D. O'SULLIVAN, 1392 VANCOUVER AVENUE. A request for a variance to permit construct -ion of 3S feet of fence, ranging in height from 8 to 10 feet on the side line of the property located at 1392 Vancouver Avenue was filed by the owner, Mr. Frank D. O'Sullivan. Sketches of the proposed fence were submittec by Mr. O'Sullivan who stated that the property is located at the corner of Vancouver Avenue and Hillside Drive - the fence will face Hillside Drive. tie stated that the lot slopes. to the rear; to obtain any degree of privacy in the rear yard, the fence should be higher than six feet. The greatest height of 10 feet would be at `he low end of the slope. Commissioners agreed to visit the property, requested lair. O'Sullivan to submit, if possible, a photograph of a fence similar to the one proposed, or an actual drawing. The application was scheduled for formal hearing a 4-ty 22, 1964. 2. VARIANCE. TO CONSTRUCT DETACHED CARP081I „ERQNT OF -DWELLING. An application filed by Mrs. Irma Newell requested a variance to build a detached carport in front of the residence at 1617 Sanchez Avenue (Lots 14 and 1S, Burlingame Park No. S). A letter from the applicant dated May 26, 1964, stated that the property con- sists of two lots; the dwelling is located on Lot 14; a detached garage at the rear of the property crosses the lot line between the two lots. The communication stated that the proposal is to remove t►te existing garage, build a new carport or garage in front of the main building and sell the resultant vacant lot - Lot 1S. Mr. Carl E. Shaw, real estate salesman, represented the applicant. A preliminary set of drawings was submitted. The City Planner stated that the one lot may be sold, as the owner intends, since each lot is a legal lot, providing the garage situa,:ion can be resolved. Ile mentioned that the proposed new structure will maintaii+ legal setbacks but legally a detached garage may not be erected in front of the main build- ing9 except where a dwelling was erected on the rear 601 ol the lot prior to January, 1954. The City Planner noted that in the present application the residence is on the rear 70t of the lot, 020 Mr. James Henley, draftsman, mentioning that the drawings were incomplete, described a sun deck which may be built on the roof of the new structure; he stated that the cars will not be visible from the street as conventional irage doors will be installed. The City Engineer stated that if the existing driveway is to be abandoned curbs and gutters must be replaced in the street area. In reply to an inquiry from Commissioner Kindig concerning the distance from the front property line to the front of the proposed structure, the City Engineer advised that his office would verify property measurements. Following comments from the City Engineer concerning the permitted width of the proposed new driveway, the application was scheduled for public hear- ing on June 22, the draftsman instructed to have available at that time a representative plan of the proposed improvements. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT - Auto Storage Area. Lands of Key:>ton. An application filed by David Keyston for'Anza Pacific Corporation requested a special permit to locate an auto storage area on vacant land under develop- ment east of the Sayshore Freeway. Mr. Keyston stated that the use will occupy approximately three acres of the large parcel being filled at the present time; the operator has requested a five year lease and has agreed to relocate five times in that period as the land is developed. Mr. Keyston mentioned that the operator works with insurance companies, roviding storage for damaged cars until they are taken away to be re- paired or discarded. He stated that no repair work is performed on the premises, nor public auctions held. The application was scheduled for public hearing on June 22; Commissioners requested that the operator appear at that time and submit for the record a written statement of the type of operation, the number of employees, sanitary facilities, utilities required, etc. The City Planner suggested that should the permit issue the Commission im- pose a time limitation of one year, renewal subject to annual inspection of the premises. 4. TROY NUCKOLS VARIANCE APPLICATION WITHDRAWN. An application for a variance filed by !sir. Troy Nuckols to permit construc- tion of a five unit apartment building on second residential property at 92S Capuchino Avenue was first submitted at the study meeting of May 11, then, with Mr. Nuckol's consent, held over to the present time for members of the Commission to visit the neighborhood and the City Engineer to investigate water service facilities. The City Engineer stated that water lines which are barely adequate for the present zoning could not supply the volume for multiple dwellings. Ile described new facilities which the applicant would be required to install should the Commission approve the proposed apartment building. The City Planner noted that the zoning is duplex; one or two duplex dwellings exist on the street but single-family residences predominate; The location south of Sanchez Avenue differs from any of the other areas where the Com- mission has previously considered zoning changes9 there are no apartment buildings existing in this area. -3- • _ d Following a period of Commission discussion during which members individually expressed.themselves on permitting multiple dwellings in the particular loca- )n, Mr. Nuckols indicated that he would prefer not to proceed with the .riance. S. VARIANCE. APARTMENT BUILDINGS IN Ral DISTRICT. ACREAGE MILLS ESTATE, A variance application filed by Mr. Douglas Pringle proposed construction of two apartment buildings of three story maximum height on 3.12 acres of vacant unimproved land zoned first residential at the rnrtheast corner of Skyline Boulevard and Trousdaie Drive o Mills Estate. Mr. Pringle submitted drawings and advised that there will be a total of 119 units in the two buildings e one building to have 59 units, the other,60. The City Planner pointed out that since the land is acreage and public works are involved, the applicant must comply with requirements of the subdivision ordinance, including submittal of tentative and final subdivision maps and agreement and bond for public improvements. The City Engineer reported that in reviewing utility installations, the water supply was found to be fairly adequate but there are sewer and storm drainage installations and street improvements on Vallejo Drive to be resolved should the project be approved. The City Planner referred to a letter dated June 8, 1964, from Fire Chief "Iorby outlining fire safety requirements. _a a period of general discussion, fir. Pringle was informed concerning the one foot strip on the Trousdale Drive frontage of the property which shall be conveyed to the city to prevent ingress or egress at that frontage. The City Attorney stated that the variance application may be heard before the subdivision map is filed but the Commission's action on the variance would be conditional upon the applicant complying with the procedure for filing tentative and final subdivision maps. The variance application was thereafter scheduled for public hearing on June 22. 6. R• 3A ZONING. Commissioners agreed to discuss R•3A zoning in particular locations at the study meeting of July 13. 7. B,ROADWAY OVERPASS STRUCTURE Commissioner Norborg reported that he is working with Mir. Russ Hackett in preparing design possibilities for the Broadway overpass structure. At his request, Commissioner Kindig, who had indicated interest, was appointed by Chairman Cistulli to participate in the project. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:35 p.rn. Respectfully submitted, Edward A. Moore, Secretary -4-