HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1964.08.10CITY OF BURLINCAME PLANNING COMIMISSION COWIISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Kindig Stivers CALL TO ORDER August 10, 1964 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Edwards City Attorney Karmel Norberg City Planner Mann City Engineer Harr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Cistulli, ROLL CALL The above -named members answered the Secretary's roll call. Commissioners Edwards and Norberg, absent due to other commitments, were excused, FOR STUDY: 1. RESUBDIVISION. Combining into two parcels lots in Block 2 Fast Millsdale Industrial Park Unit No. 1. A resubdivision map filed with the City Engineer of properties in Block 2 East Millsdale Industrial Park Unit No. I proposed to add to an existing large parcel, created by a prior resubdivision and desig- nated Parcel "A", the northwesterly 60 feet of Lots S, 6 and 7; and to combine the remaining southeasterly 175 feet of Lots S, 6 and 7 into a single parcel designated Parcel "B". (Parcel A fronts Cowan Road, Parcel B, Mitten Road). *ire Rober: Ryan,representing the owners of the properties, informed the Commission that the area on the map shown as Parcel A has been sold to a single owner who also acquiredthe rear portions of Lots S, 6 and 7 to hold for future expansion. Following comments from the City Engineer and the City Planner in- dicating that there were no problems created by the proposed resub- division, the application was scheduled for formal hearing at the regular meeting of August 24, 1964. 2. FINAL MAP. Anza Airport Park Subdivision Unit No. 1. Mr. 13.G. hickey, Civil Engineer, representing the subdividers, David and George Keyston, discussed the final map of Anza Airport Park No. 1, a portion of the lands of Keyston east of the drainage channel, consisting of 21 lots. Air. Hickey informed the Commission that the cul-de-sac street name has been determined as "Coyote Road", which Fire Chief Moorby ap- proved. The City Engineer mentioned that a few problems in connection with the utilities must be resolved before the map can be approved by the City Council. The City Planner referred to the length of the cul-de-sac which exceeds the length permitted in the subdivision code. lie pointed out that in approving a map the Commission may approve a longer cul-de-sac if the terrain is such that a through street is impossible. The Commission recognized the peculiarities of the land and approved the cul-de-sac as proposed. The City Planner mentioned alsoihat there should 'be sidewalks on both sides of the street; past experience in the industrial districts has proved that sidewalk on one side only is not satisfactory. The City Engineer mentioned that 54 feet of right-of-way is proposed with 38 feet curb to curb; since this is an industrial area, the narrower sidewalk and wider paved area would be an advantage. In a discussion concerning setback lines, Mr. David Keyston stated that there would be no objection to including these on the map. Ile agreed to a suggested front setback of 15 feet and 7-1/2 feet on the side lines of the corner lots on Anza Boulevard. In reply to Mr. Keyston's inquiry whether the map should include a description of the channel or its use, the City Attorney recommended a separate grant of easement which should be prepared for acceptance by the City Council concurrently with the subdivision agreement. The map was scheduled for formal consideration at the meeting of August 24. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT. Storage and Playroom 2701 Mariposa Drive. An application filed by William J. Thompson, 2701 Mariposa Drive, requested a permit to construct an accessory structure to be used for storage and playroom purposes. A communication from the applicant stated that the structure will pro- vide extra storage space for swimming pool equipment and patio fur- niture and a dressing room. A set of penciled sketches, including a plot plan and elevations accompanied the application. Mrs. Thompson was in attendance. The City Planner pointed out that the law provides an accessory building in the rear 30% of the property may be built to the property line but, for safety reasons, must be four feet distant from the main building. lie noted also that the applicant is proposing a two-story structure the lower story for storage and the upper a playroom for the children. The City Planner stated that if the plan should be approved, the oiling height should be no more than 6=1/2 feet to eliminate the possibility of converting to a dwelling room. -2- In discussing the height of the structure, the City Planner stated, in reply to Commission inquiry, that the building would be higher than the main house. The application was scheduled for public hearing on August 24, Commissioners agreeing to visit the property prior to that date. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT. Rumpus room. 270 Chapin Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cross, 270 Chapin Lane, filed a special permit to install a rumpus room in a portion of their garage building. A communication from the applicant dated August 4. 1964, describing the proposed construction accompanied the application. The applicants were in attendance accompanied by Mr. Daniel Creedon, attorney. The City Planner informed the Commission that in July, 1963, Mr. Cross was issued a building permit for a bath house with shower in a room behind the garages The city building nmpector in an inspection of the work discovered that all of the equipment for a complete bathroom had been installed. The City Planner stated that he accompanied the building inspector in a subsequent inspection and found in place of a pool house, or adjunct to the swimming pool, a very large finished rumpus room for which no building permit was issued nor a use permit approved by the Planning Commission. Mr. Creedon stated that his clients filed a building plan with the city several months ago for the installation. He stated that a bathtub was installed to accommodate a whirlpool machine which Airs. Cross will use for health purposes. A machine in the swimming pool was incorrectly installed and will not function properly. Mrs. Cross stated that the plan originally submitted to the building department proposed a rumpus room. The City Planner, in reply to Commission inquiry, stated that he will check lot coverage measurements also the file on the building permit issued the applicants. Commissioners agreed to inspect the property and scheduled a public hearing for the regular meeting on August 24. S. VARIANCE. Private music school in R-3 District. An application filed by Mr. David Adler for The Peninsula Conservatory of Music requested a variance to permit operation of the school on property zoned R-3 at 731 E1 Camino Real, adjacent to the Seventh Day Adventist Church. The applicant's statement of justification and a plot plan accompanied the application. -3- N3r. Cyrus 7. McMillan, attorney representing the applicant stated that there are four residentia', buildings on the property. It is intended } to use a two-story frame -structure, which has been used as a duplex, for the purposes of the school. For the present, the other buildings will remain unchanged. Mr. McMillan reported that it has not yet been definitely decided whether the entire two-story building will be used or whether additions will be made to the first floor and that area used exclusively. If the Commission does approve the variance, working drawings will be pre- pared and a decision reached on the extent of the work. The City Planner informed the Commission that the City Fire Inspector has seen the property and submitted a series of recommendations to Mr. Leonard Michael, architect. The City Planner stated that it is his understanding that the fire inspector recommended extensive safety installations for the second floor before it can be used by the students. Mr. Mc"lillan stated that 13 on -site parking spaces, which is considered adequate, can be provided without disturbing any of the landscaping. Commissioner Brauner questioned whether automobiles stopping to discharge children on E1 Camino would create a traffic problem. Upon advice from the City Planner that the variance is required since the property is zoned R-3 and music schools appear in R-49 the Commission scheduled a public hearing for the meeting of August 24. b. BURLINGAME PARK DISTRICT LAND USE STUDY. Copies of the land use study of the area bounded by El Camino Real, Barroilhet, Elm, Pepper and Bellevue Avenues, prepared by the City Planner, were distributed to Commissioners. The report was read aloud in its entirety and discussed briefly. Air. W.E. liasty, IS43 Howard Avenue, and Mrs, G, Bernice Barnett, IS7S Ralston Avenue, were in attendance and expressed interest in the report and any changes in zoning which might be contemplated for the area. Firs. Barnett spoke of the property which she owns at Ralston and Occidental Avenues which she described as too valuable and too large an area to be redeveloped for single-family use. The City Planner mentioned that the report suggests application of the R-3A zoning in certain parts of the area but does not extend as far as �Irs. Barnett's property. The matter of preparing a recommendation for transmittal to the City Council was held in abeyance to permit each member of the Commission an opportunity to study the report. 7. COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE. In response to a request from the City Council that the Planning Com- mission select one of its members to serve with the County Regional Planning Committee, Commissioners proposed Frank Cistulli as delegate and Everett K. Kindig alternate. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:15 pm. Respectfully submitted: John J. Brauner �4- Secretary