HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1964.09.14CITY OF BURLINCAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Norberg Pierce Stivers CALL TO ORDER September 14, 1964 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT None City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m. - Chairman Cistulli presiding. ROLL CALL All Commissioners were in attendance, APPLICATIONS FOR STUDY 1. RESUBDIVISION. Causey Propertyâ–º, Hillside Circle and Easton Drive. Mr. Clyde Cabrina, Civil Engineer with Wilsey []am and Blair, was in attendance to discuss a plan for resubdividing Dr. James C. Causey's property at Hillside Circle and Easton Drive, recently annexed to the City of Burlingame. The City Engineer informed the Commission that the plan has been revised from that presented to the Commission several months ago; the present proposal is for two lots, in lieu of three. Air. Cabrina referred to the Commission's meeting of December 23, 1963, when a resubdivision of three lots was approved conditioned upon the property being annexed to the city and the owner removing one garage and substituting another for the existing residence. Air. Cabrina stated that the owner now requests a division into two lots; he requests removal of the condition for constructing a new garage since there is an existing structure on the Easton Drive frontage which will serve the purpose. In reply to Commission comments concerning the somewhat irregular pattern of the new lot line and the resultant long triangular strip at the rear of the new lot, the Commission was advised by the City Engineer that if the line were not so drawn one lot would have an area less than the re- quired 10,000 square feet. The City Planner pointed out that at the =neeting of December 23, 1963, an alternate neap submitted by !',4r, Cabrina eliminating the strip but requiring a va.ria.nce for the smaller lot was objected to by a number of prep crty owners "n -attendance who requested that the Commission not per - Tit the property to be divided except within legal limitations. The City Engineer stated that there are sewer and water services,for just the existing building; additional services would be required for the new lot. The application was scheduled for hearing at the regular meeting of September 28. 2. VARIANCE. Nicholas P. Popov To Reduce Rear Setback. An application filed by Dr. Nicholas P. Popov requested a variance for a reduced setback to five feet at the left rear corner of a proposed duplex building at 909 Capuchino Avenue, Zone R-2. A letter dated August 27, 1964, from the applicant and a plot plan accom- panied the application. The City Planner informed the Commission that the property consists of portions of three lots used as a single lot since 1935. The zoning is duplex; the requested variance applies only to the setback. Dr. Popov stated that because of the peculiar shape of the property, the building of necessity will be two stories; the plan proposes two single games and one dwelling unit on the ground floor with the second unit above. The City Planner, in reply to Commission inquiry, stated that the area in which the variance is requested abuts the rear yards of the properties on Edgehi ll Drive. The City Engineer stated that the utilities present no problems. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of September 28. 3. ANKER CASH REC;ISTER SIGN VARIANCE. An application filed by Anker Cash Register Corporation, an Illinois corporation, requested a permit to construct a ground sign 30 feet high by 48 feet long to advertise their product on the site of their future West Coast headquarters building on Cowan Road in East Millsdaie Industrial Paris - Lots 15 and 16, Block 1. A plot plan, sign drawing, and other related papers were filed. Mr. Mark Parrish represented the applicant. Material submitted in support or the request stated that it is intended to use posts already in place from a sign which was installed prior to Anker's acquisition of the property. Until the proposed building is constructed, the sign will serve the purpose of identifying the Anker Corporation with the property and make known its presence in the community. The C?tv Planner noted that the costs undoubtedly remain from one of the --2= 1 billboard.. -tyre signs which the city permitted when the area was being developed. Ile pointed out that the request is to erect a sign prior toconstruction of the building; the code prohibits a sign carrying the advertising of a person, product or service other than that of the occupant of the property. In reply to a comment concerning the proposed height:, Mr. Parrish ex- plained that the sign has been designed to accommodate to the existing posts. The application was scheduled for public hearing on September 28; Mr. Parrish agreed to submit drawings of alternate signs of a lesser size or simplified in design. 4. HEIGHT VARIANCE, FOR APARTMENT CONSTRUCTION. Palo Corporation,applicant. An application for a variance filed by Harry Lehrfeld for Palo Corporation proposed an apartment building IS8 feet in height measured from sidewalk grade to main parapet or cornice on property zoned R-4 (Fourth Residential) at the northwest corner of Bellevue Avenue and Primrose Road. An exist- ing apartment building on the property will be razed. A statement dated August 31, 1964, from the applicant, also a plot plan, were filed. Material submitted to the Commission indicated 560400 square feet of land area, 16,000 square feet of building area with lot coverage of 28.3%. Mr. E.H. deWolf, architect, working with a scaled model, illustrated the type of building permitted by code, lot coverage, height, etc., and, as an alternate treatment of the property, the building permitted should the height variance be approved. Mentioning that it seems inevitable that the city will have high-rise apartment proposals, the City Planner stated that there should be some guides by which the Commission can judge such proposals, even if they are to be judged on their respective merits. Ile read from a set of suggested rules which he had prepared and submitted drawings of bulk studies to indicate how the rules could be applied. Mr. deWolf stated that in a building to the height proposed there would be possibly 130 to 145 units, depending on the size of the units. Following a lengthy period of discussion concerning the precise type of building proposed, the underground parking, effects on neighboring properties, traffic patterns, public utilities, the matter was ,held for further discussion at the study meeting in October, at which time Mr. deWolf indicated that he would have some preliminary drawings includ- ing building facade, location of the building on the property, parking and landscaping schemes. S. PARKING VARIANCE. Myatt Corporation of America. A variance application filed by Hyatt Corporation of America requested permission to install less than the required amount of on -site parking in connection with an additional 102 units to be constructed. Mr. Cyrus J. McMillan, attorney, and Mr. Robert M. Blunk, architect, were in attendance representing the applicant. -3- A revised site and parking plan prepared by Mr. Blunk was submitted to the Commission. Mr. McMillan stated that presently, there is more than the required amount of parking. It is proposed to provide 56 spaces for the new 102 units, resulting in an overall deficit of 13 spaces for the entire complex. The City Planner, commenting that the parking area is Poorly marked and the surface in need of repair, suggested that if the variance is approved, the Commission require as a condition that the entire area be Properly paved and marked according to code. Mr. McMillan indicated that this would be an acceptable condition. Commissioner Norberg suggested that a survey of the occupancy of the hotel, taken at a time when the facilities were in use to full capacity, showing the number of persons arriving by hotel limousine and those using the parking area, should indicate whether existing facilities are adequate. The City Engineer noted that to the present time he has been unsuccessful in negotiating with the iiyatt house Corporation for installation of street improvements. lie stated that since the owners on the opposite side of the street are completing; the work, this matter should again be brought to the attention of the hotel management in connection with the present application. Mr. McMillan informed the Commission that there is a problem oY relocating a Pacific Gas and Electric Company high-pressure pipe line before the street improvements can -'.be accomplished. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of September 28. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John J. Brauner Secretary -4-