HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1963.01.22CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING, COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kind:* g Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER .January 22, 1963 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Moore City Attorney Karmel Mayor Lorenz City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr An adjourned study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from January 14, 1963, was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m., o Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The above -listed members answered roll calls Commissioner Moore, absent due to a business commitment,, was excused. FOR STUDY 1. OFF-STREET PARKING PLAN. BURLINGAME AVENUE. Adjacent to Washington Park Tennis -Courts. Commissioner Norberg stated that at the suggestion of Mayor Lorenz a study was made of parking facilities in the vicinity of the American Legion Hall on Burlingame Avenue. Commissioner Norberg stated that off-street parking is obviously in- adequate. A sketch was submitted proposing 22 parking spaces by utilizing the unimproved city -owned strip adjacent to and paralleling the Washington Park tennis courts on Burlingame Avenue, lying between the tennis courts and the sidewalk. There is a double row of trees along the strip, including Eucalyptus and Pine. The latter are in poor condition and possibly as many as five would have to be removed to clear the site. Commissioner Norberg stated that a cost estimate has not been pre- pared but suggested $5000.00 to $7S00.00 as a maximum, including re- moval of the trees and preparation of the surface, Edgar Arnold, member of the Recreation Commission was in attendance and advised that the Recreation and Park Commissions would certainly be interested in studying the proposal. There was general discussion among the Commissioners on the pros and cons of taking a portion of the park for parking purposes. A few of the members stated that from personal knowledge the site is used by spectators who enjoy watching the activities on the tennis courts. Others were of the opinion that the land is superfluous for park pur- pcses , The subject was referred to the regular meeting of January 28, 1963, for formal consideration and recommendation to the City Council. The C3..ty Engineer was requested to compile approximate costs of preparing the site 2. CITY -COUNTY HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM. The City Planner advised that the proposed City -County Highway Con- struction Program, under consideration as a possible Bond Issue in the San Mateo County election in April, 1963, was endorsed in prin- ciple by the City Council at its meeting January 21, 1963. The Council heard Mayor Wallace Benson, City of Belmont, and San Mateo County Supervisor, James V. Fitzgerald. The City Planner read from a paper entitled "Program Administration" dated December 12, 1962, which originated in the Office of the County Engineer, providing that "the general coordination and active adminis- tration of the program should be under the Office of the County Engineer". subject to certain guide rules, which provided in part: "Before construction plans are undertaken, all Cities which contain any portion of the proposed project will agree on a general statement encompassing design features.................o...". tie City Engineer advised that two projects in the first bond issue Q1 affect the City of Burlingame: 1. The Broadway Overpass Struc- are; 2. Widening of Peninsula Avenue. 61 bond issue is proposed at $381,0009000.; cost or projects presently posed for the City of Burlingame: $2,000,000. was noted that the program is flexible. The cities have the �Vilege of informing the County Engineer of projects which are con - .bred of local importance. City Engineer expressed the opinion that the widening of lfornia Drive to four lanes from Broadway to the Millbrae City limits ! is of prime concern. He stated that this should be one of the sects included in the first bond issue. a najority of Commissioners agreed that the County Engineer should be :Yt ised of the City's interest in the improvement of California Drive. ssioner Norberg maintained that construction and/or reconstruction e overpass structures is of prime concern. The initial bond should be directed toward this work. The total bond issue could uced by several million dollars if the matter of widening and ing local streets were eliminated. These improvements should need by gas tax funds. QZ� 3. LANDSCAPING - SAFEWAY MARKET AND LUCKY MARKET. EL CAMINO REAL. Commissioner Norberg referred to the appearance of the hedges on the El Camino frontages of the above properties. Reference was made to the original grants by the City which stipulated a planted area between the sidewalk and the parking lot along the highway frontage. The majority of Commissioners present agreed that the hedges are unsightly and poorly maintained. The City Planner was instructed to inform the City Manager of the situation and request that letters be directed to remind those con- cerned of their obligations under the provisions of the variance grants. 4. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - 1962-1963. Following a discussion concerning Capital Improvement proposals, the Commission agreed as follows on the projects and the priority rating of each: 1. Purchase of waterfront area at outlet of Sanchez Creek. $30,000.00. 2. Ray Park Improvement. $11,000.00. 3. Corporation Yard. $6,000.00. 4. Relocate access road to dump and start grading and planting. $159000.00. 1;. Mills Creek Canyon. $2,500.00. The following were noted for action in future years: 6. Extension of fire -alarm system. $130000.00. 7. Remove existing building adjoining Library for public and libaary staff parking. 8. Architect's plans for Library extension. Development of Mills Park. The City Planner was requested to have available at the meeting of January 28, 1963, a comprehensive report covering; all of the above for Commission review and approval to permit a recommendation to be forwarded to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. -3-