HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1963.03.114 CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None March 11, 1963 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr An adjourned regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from February 25, 1963, was called to order on the above date at 8:0S p.m. - Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The Secretary's roll call recorded all members present. PURPOSE OF MEETING Chairman Kindig announced that at the regular meeting of the Commission, February 2S, 1963, following a public hearing, the reclassification of certain real property on the northerly side of Bellevue Avenue, westerly of California Drive, was approved, and this is the time and place scheduled to adopt a resolution of recommendation for transmittal to the City Council. RESOLUTION NO. 1-63 "RECOMMENDING THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 1904 OF NANCE'CODE AND THE ZONING MAP THEREIN INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE BY RECLASSIFYING A PORTION OF LOT 1„ BLOCK 4, BURLINGAME LAND COMPANY MAP NO. 2, FROM A SECOND COMMERCIAL (SERVICE BUSINESS) (C-2) DISTRICT TO A FOURTH RESIDENTIAL (MULTI -FAMILY) (R-4) DISTRICT" was introduced for passage by Commissioner Brauner, seconded by Commissioner Norberg and declared carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Brauner, Cistulli, Kindi.g, Moore, Norberg, Stivers NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN COMMISSIONER: Edwards (absent at time! of public hearing). ADJOURNMENT There being no further business scheduled for consideration at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m., to be followed immediately by the study meeting regularly scheduled for this date. STUDY MEETING 1. RESUBDIVISION v Lot 1 and portion Lots 2 and 3. Block 36, Easton Addition No. 2 (Bernal Avenue and Easton Drive). A resubdivision map of the above property was submitted by the City Engineer. Mr. Clyde Cabrinha, from Wilsey, Ham and Blair, !Engineers, was in attendance to represent the property owner, H.V. Burton. The Commission was advised that the property consists of two lots and a small triangular portion of a third lot at the southwest corner of the intersection of Easton Drive and Bernal Avenue. An existing resi- dence facing 'Easton Drive was built across the original lot line and occupies a portion of Lots I and 2. Mr. Cabrinha stated that the resubdivision will delete the present lot line, -which parallels Bernal, establish a new line paralleling Easton Drive and front both of the proposed lots on Bernal Avenue. A new garage or carport will replace the carport to be removed by the resubdivision. The City Planner advised that he had inspected the property and dis- cussed the application with the owner, particularly the question of setbacks in the area of the proposed new lot line and the front porch of the existing building. The owner advised that: the porch which is in poor condition will be removed and a new entry way created. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the next regular meeting, March 2S, 1963. Mr. Cabrinha was requested to show setbacks for the existing building on the map. 2. CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION • Sign Variance. A letter dated March 11, 1963, from the California Teachers Association, 170S Murchison Drive, requested permission to install a sign 4 feet by 8 feet, announcing the centennial year of the Association, on their property "approximately 40 feet from the sidewalk at the corner of Murchison Drive and Magnolia Avenue". Walter Maxwell,.Assistant Executive Secretary, representing theapplicant, submitted a drawing showing the proposed location, also an artist's rendering of the type of sign. The City Planner advised that the location is C-3 (Professional Business) where all signs, except those for identification purposes are prohibited. Mr,, Maxwell stated that the sign will remain standing for a period not to exceed six months from the time of the permit. The sign will be of metal, supported on a wood frame, and not illuminated. There was some discussion concerning a possible traffic hazard to motorists approaching the intersection of Magnolia and Murchison. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of March 2S, 1963 o the applicant requested to submit details of the supporting structure, also a detailed sketch of the sign. 2- A 3. SPECIAL PERMIT - Doane Minto Ford Sales. Used Car Sales Lot. An application for a Special Permit filed by Doane Minto Ford Sales proposed a used car sales lot at 90 California Drive. The City Planner advised that the zoning is C-2 (Service Business); the use legal with a permit from the Planning Commission. There was no one in attendance to discuss the application. A public hearing was scheduled for the meeting of March 25, 1963, and the City Planner requested to inform the applicant that he or his repre- sentative is required to attend the hearing. 4. VARIANCE - Eugene C. Signarowitz. Gasoline Service Station. Dwight Road and Peninsula Avenue. R-3 (Third Residential) Zone. A variance application filed by Eugene C. Signarowitz proposed a gasoline service station on property owned by the applicant at the northwest corner of the intersection of Peninsula Avenue and Dwight'Road. A letter of justification, dated February 15, 1963, and a plot of the property accompanied the application. Mr. Signarowitz stated that the station will occupy two lots; the corner parcel has never been improved - an old dwelling on the inside lot will be demolished. The lots are 100 feet deep, with a frontage of 104 feet MoL on Peninsula Avenue. Mr. Fisher representing the oil company submitted a drawing to illus- trate design and layout. The City Planner noted that the property immediately adjacent on Dwight Road is single -family but improved with a triplex dwelling by variance. The property adjoining on Peninsula Avenue is third resi- dential but the use is single-family. Reference was made to the provisions of Section 1973 of the Zoning 'Article providing qualifications and restrictions applicable to gasoline service station permits. The application was scheduled for public hearing on March 2S, 1963. S. VARIANCE - Alfhild J. Blumer. C-3 Use of R-3 Property.' An application submitted by Alfhild J. Blumer, owner, referred to property at the gore corner of Primrose Road and El Camino Real, occupied by the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Permission was re- quested to redesign the present building and construct a two story commercial building of the same design, north of the existing building. A letter of justification dated February 14, 1963, from Robert L. Clarke, agent for the applicant, and a rough sketch of the property was sub- mitted. The application requested reclassification of the property but upon indication by Commissioners that they would prefer to process as a variance, Mr. Clarke amended the application accordingly. Mir. Clarke advised that the new building will be two stories of rentable -3- space„ He stated that there is sufficient area to provide all of the required off-street parking. Mr. Clarke mentioned also as part of the proposed new building a 10 foot wall to screen the property im- mediately adjacent to the north on the E1 Camino frontage. The application was scheduled for public hearing on March 2S, 1963. The applicant requested to have available at that time an architectural drawing of the entire property and the project, including elevations, details of parking layout and ingress and egress. 6. RECLASSIFICATION n W.E. Middleton. R-1 to R-2 and/or Triplex. 130 Arundel Road. An application submitted by Wylie E. and Edna 0. Middleton requested reclassification from first residential to second residential and/or triplex of two lots on the easterly side of Arundel Road between Howard and Bayswater Avenues. The application form contained the information that the lots are each SO feet by 1SO feet; existing improvements consist of a four room house, plus garage and work area. A land use study of Moth sides of the street accompanied the application. Mr. Middleton stated that the property has been used commercially for a number of years as the Arundel Gardens Mursery. The Commission was advised that on one side there is a duplex dwelling and on the other a single-family residence. There are duplex and apartment houses across the street. Mr. Middleton advised that the nursery has outgrown the location and the major part of the operation has been transferred. He stated that it is his intention to demolish the present small house and improve both lots in either duplex or triplex. Commissioners indicated that they would prefer to continue the matter for further study to the meeting of April 8, 1963, to permit the City Planner, in the meantime, to prepare a chart of uses in the neighborhood." 7. VARIANCE•- Apartment Construction a First Residential District. 30 Dwight Road. An application for a variance filed by Erma Browne and Henry Speece requested a variance to permit construction of a six or eight unit apartment building, with swimming pool if permitted, at 30 Dwight Road (Lot 23, Block 36, Lyon $ Hoag Subdivisionj zoned first residential. A letter of justification dated March 11, 1963, accompanied the appli- cation. Mr. Speece was in attendance and in a period of discussion was advised that an eight unit building would require a total of nine parking spaces; a six unit building, six spaces. It is doubtful that the property can accommodate such a project. At the request of the Commission, Mr. Speece agreed to delay the appli- cation to the meeting of April 8, 1963, for further study to permit a land use survey to be prepared by the City Planner. 4- GENERAL 1. The City Planner advised that with the consent of Mayor Lorenz, the City Council rejected the proposal to use a peat of Washington Park land for off-street parking. 2. A statement prepared by the City Planner and submitted to members of the Commission relative to new zoning classifications to foster removal and replacement of old and worn-out structures was held for review and comment at a future study meeting. 3. The City Planner advised in response to Commissioner Norberg that at the first possible opportunity he will discuss with the City Manager the matter of the hedges on properties of.Safeway and Lucky Markets. 4. Reference was made to an apartment building under construction at the southwest corner of Burlingame Avenue.and El Camino Real which does not appear to conform in design to the sketches which were sub- mitted at the time of the variance Waring. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:OS p.m. Respectfully submitted, Edward A. Moore, Secretary -S_