HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1963.04.22CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistull-i Edwards Moore Norberg Stivers 1 i 'a ' April 22, 1963 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Kindig Mayor Johnson City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order at 8:00 p.m., on the above date - dice Chairman Brauner presiding, Rni.i. CALL The above. -named members answered the Secretary's roll call. Commissioner Kindig, away from the city on business, was excused. MINUTES Minutes of the previous meetings of March 25 and April 8, 1963, pre- viously submitted to members, were approved and adopted. ARINGS Hearings, pursuant to public notice, were conducted as follows: 1. VARIANCE - Alfhild J. Blumer request for commercial use in third residential district. (Lot 1A,Block 2, Town of Burlingame). Chairman Brauner announced that the applicant's request for a variance to extend an existing commercial use of the above -described property by redesigning an existing office building and constructing a second building was tentatively approved at the meeting of March 25, subject to submission of architectural drawings. Mr. Robert Clarke, Realtor, and Mr. Vincent Raney, Architect, were in attendance representing the applicant. Mr. Raney presented a plot of the property, including the existing and proposed buildings and parking layout; also, a colored drawing to show the completed project. In reviewing the material, Commissioners raised a number of questions concerning parking. It was the majority opinion that spaces along Primrose Road frontage should be relocated to.provide at least S feet of setback at the property line and additional planting; also, further study undoubtedly would develop more efficient parking on the remainder of the property. l Commissioners noted that the plans did not indicate a change in the exterior design of the existing building. Mr. Raney was reminded that at the time of the public hearing there was discussion concerning some remodeling, particularly above the roof line, to conform architecturally to the proposed building. At the request of the Commission, Mr. Clarke and Mr. Rainey agreed to return with a revised plan, drawn to a larger scale, to include sug- gestions offered as to parking and the existing building. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Norberg, seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously carried, the hearing was continued to May 13. 2. FENCE VARIANCE - 2804 Mariposa Drive. Dr. and Mrs. Norman Green. An application filed by Dr. and Mrs. Norman Green requested a fence height variance on property located at 2804 Mariposa Drive, said fence being described as a six foot redwood fence atop a two foot high bulk- head. A letter dated April 13, 1963, from the applicants advised "that the property at the rear ends in an approximate 12 foot hill - the rear yard being the lowest point".. There is a drainage problem, causing mud slides and damage to the rear garden. The fence, plus drainage ditches and drainage the were installed to withhold the mud from the hill. The communication stated further that the fence is "well within the property line and in no way weakens the fences, the drainage or the views of any interested parties". Chairman Brauner, referring to a discussion at the study meeting of April 8 concerning location of the fence in relation to the property line, invited the applicant to comment. Dr. Green stated that an actual engineering survey was not made. How- ever, it was his understanding that his property included the bank at the rear and the fence was located at a point partway up the bank. Presumably, the property line is some distance further up the slope where the owner of the adjacent property at the rear has placed his fence. The City Planner advised that in an inspection trip with the Building Inspector the fences were found to be located as described by the appli- cant. It would appear that the neighbor's fence at the top of the slope is on the property line - the fence on the Green property some distance removed. Reference was made to applicable provisions of the Municipal Code as follows: "Fence - A structure of wood, masonry, metal or other solid material built on or close to a property line for the purpose of physically separating properties". The Code provides a maximum fence height of six feet. In reply to Commission inquiry, the City Planner advised that there has been no attempt by the city to control fences which may be placed away from the property lime for purposes other than physically separating properties. _2_ Chairman Brauner invited comments from the floor. Mrs. E. Erickson, 2806 Las Piedras Drive, owner of property to the rear of the subject property, advised that approximately 37 feet of the fence on the Green property is behind her lot. Mrs. Erickson objected to the height of the fence as excessive and contributing in no way to the problem of drainage control. Mrs. Erickson stated that the portion of the fence which extends above the fence on her property is visible from her home, and is a nuisance which should be re- moved. Upon permission from the Chair, Mrs. Green drew a rough, cross-section on the b a'-_21cboard showing the location of the fence and the bulkhead and advisee -A t there is six feet of fence measured from the top of the bulkhead to the top of the fence. Mrs. Green described a drainage cove and pipe. Commissioners Brauner and Edwards advised that they had personally viewedthe fence. A suggestion to Dr. Green that the six inches to which Mrs. Erickson has objected be removed was;not favorably received. Mr. E. Erickson pointed out that a great deal of the drainage problem will be eliminated now that the property next to his, which has been vacant, has been improved and a new fence constructed. Commissioner Moore, commenting that he was not entirely satisfied that the matter was properly before the Commission, introduced a motion approving a variance to the applicant for the existing fence. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously, carried on roll tail vote of members present. The hearing was thereafter declared concludeda 3. St. Paul's Episcopal Church Parking Lot. Front and rear setback Variances and Special Permit. An application filed by St. Paul's Episcopal Church requested permission to improve vacant land at the northerly corner of Occidental Avenue and Chapin Avenue for parking purposes. (Lot 6, Block 1, Burlingame Park Subdivision No. 2), The application provided as follows: "Private off-street parking for the use of members and visitors involved in worship services and other activities of the church, together with variances concerning setbacks which are deemed necessary to accomplish this". A letter dated April 41, 1963, from Frederick W. Whittlesey, architect, advised that the project is part of a long-range -program for develop- ment of the area between the church and Chapin Avenue. The communication requested that five feet of setback be permitted along Chapin Avenue and Occidental Avenue, rather than the required 15 feet; and that a 3 foot setback and planting along the northerly property line be waived, thereby providing sufficient area for .22 parking spaces. The communication referred to an existing tall hedge on the property immediately adjacent which, it is hoped, will provide sufficient planted area and eliminate the need for a hedge on that portion of the lot. -3- A set of drawings prepared by the architect accompanied the application. Commissioner Norberg, through the Chair, directed inquiries to Mr. Whittlesey concerning measures to be taken to enclose the property and prevent unauthorized parking. The Commission was advised that it was not the intention to install a conventional fence nor a compact tailored hedger, but rather continuous solid planting. Entrance and exit openings will be chained when the lot is not in use. The City Engineer stated that drainage pipes will be required to be installed so that there will be no water flow over the sidewalk. hollowing a review of the drawings, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Norberg approving setback variances as requested for the purposes of the parking area, subject to the following: bumper guards to be placed to protect shrubbery; area to be enclosed with a properly maintained evergreen hedge, placed inside the property line, said hedge to be subject to height limitations as provided by Code (sections 1972 and 1977); installation of a fence with appropriate locking devices at entrances and exits to prevent: other than church parking; arrangements to be made for planting of two shade trees on Chapin Avenue frontage; drainage plan to be prepared and submitted to the City Engineer for approval. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously carried on roll call vote of members present. A second motion, introduced by Commissioner Cistulli and seconded by Commissioner Edwards approving a permit to the applicant for the parking lot use was unanimously carried on roll call vote of members present; The applicant was advised that the action of the Commission will become effective on May 7, 1963, provided there is no appeal.. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. SPECIAL PERMIT o Gasoline Service Station. D.H. and George N. Ke stun, Jr. An application filed by D.H. and George N. Keyston, Jr., requested a permit for construction and operation of a gasoline service station at 1300 Bayshore Highway a immediately north of the Easton Creek drain- age easement. A fetter dated April S, 1963, from the law offices of Anderson, McMillan and Connolly, accompanying the application, advised that the site will be leased to a major oil company for construction of a modern attractive building with adequate landscaping; the area is 108 feet on Bayshore Highway to a depth of 13S feet. The communication advised that the applicants believe the facility constitutes a valuable and needed land use in a rapidly expanding area. The Chair recognized Cyrus Ja McMillan, attorney, representing the applicant, who stated that the proposed location complies with Code -4- requirements for permits for gasoline service stations. Mr. McMillan stated further that the applicants agree, upon approval of the application, to install 200 feet of street improvements on Bayshore Highway. The City Engineer advised that the ratter of street improvements is of some concern in the present application. It is hoped that eventually the whole of the Keyston frontage will be improved but for the present the applicant's offer to complete the frontage of the proposed development is satisfactory. The City Engineer requested that the applicant prepare a design for the entire length of the property for city approval. In reply to the Chair's inquiry, the Civy Engineer stated that pavement, gutters, curbs and possibly sidewalk will be required. Mr. McMillan stated that the applicant is prepared to comply with the city's requirements and will submit an improvement design to the City Engineer. A motion introduced by Commissioner Norberg tentatively approved the permit as requested, subject to Commission approval of final drawings, including a plot plan showing landscaping, and approval by the City Engineer of the street improvement plan . M tiOrl s and d by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously carrie� on ro�I� cal vote. S. VARIANCE - Burlingame Investment Company. Commercial building in third residential district. An application filed by Burlingame Investment Company, 1321 Bayswater Ave., requested a variance to permit construction of a one story office build- ing at the corner of E1 Camino Real, Primrose Road and Bayswater Avenue - portion Lots SA and SB, Block 3, Town of Burlingame Subdivision- R-3 Zone. A communication dated April 2, 1963, from Pringle Construction Company, representing the applicant, advised that the property is not suitable for apartment house use because of the triangular shape and setback requirements. Chairman Brauner recognized Mr. Douglas Pringle, who submitted sketches of the proposed construction. Mr. Pringle advised -that the existing building, formerly a.single-family residence, and converted to office use on a variance grant to the Burlingame Investment Company some years ago, will be replaced by the new building. The frontage will be E1 Camino but vehicle entrance and exit will be from Bayswater Avenue. The Commission was advised that the project proposes 2100 square feet of building with 6 off-street parking spaces, which is slightly in excess of Code requirements. In reviewing the drawings, Commissioners suggested modifications in design to conform to existing buildings in the area. particular reference was made to a glass dome protrusion on the roof. Mr.- Pringle advised that the local businessmen who wi-U s,i.; to ,,.a "iAWing beiieve that a wia&*rr furct{oval design fs ap;?rO;`riatc to their particular types of businesses. In reply to Commission inquiry, the City Planner advised that one half of the block between Park.Road and the highway is commercially zoned; the remainder, R-3. Generally, the use is commercial, including non- conforming uses which have been in existence for many years. i The City Planner referred to the original variance grant permitting commercial use of the property, including a stipulation for a common driveway easement between the subject property and the property adjacent to the east. Mr. Pringle advised that an agreement has been reached with the adjacent owner which will permit unimpaired driveways to each property. Following a period of discussion during which the parking plan was reviewed at some length and several•:. suggestions offered for improvement, Mr. Pringle agreed to a continuance to permit further study, Commissioner! requested that the City Engineer, the City Planner and FirgDepartment confer with the applicants. The application was thereafter continued to the meeting of May 27, 1963. RECESS A recess was called by the Chair at 10:24 p.m. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 10:32 p.m. by Chairman Brauner, 6. VARIANCE - Wylie E. and Edna 0. Middleton. Multiple unit dwelling in first residential district. An application filed by Wylie E. and Edna 0. Middleton requested a variance to permit construction of a multiple unit dwelling at 130 Arundel Road - Lots 15 and 16, Block 26, Lyon $ Hoag Subdivision Zone: R-1. The application stated that the property consists of two lots 50 feet by 150 feet each, a four room house and a garage and work area. A plat of existing uses on both sides of the block accompanied the appli- cation. Chairman Brauner recognized Mr. Middleton who submitted a plan of a proposed garden court building of 14 units - similar to an existing structure on Anita Road, one block southwesterly of the subject property. A snapshot of the latter building was presented to illustrate architec- tural design. Mr. Middleton advised that the subject property has been the site of the Arundel Gardens Plant Nursery for a number of years. However, the major portion of the nursery has been moved to another location. Eventually, the entire property will be vacated and sold. The City Planner posted a land use drawing made as the result of a personal survey of Arundel Road between Bayswater and Howard Avenues. The zoning is first residential, however, there are duplex and apartment buildings on the street, Most of the properties are old but well main- tained. 06- Referring to previous discussions concerning a land use study of the easterly section of the city, the City Planner advised that the project has been started and will proceed through the whole of the area bounded by the Freeway, the Southern Pacific right-of-way, Burlingame Avenue and Peninsula Avenue. The City Planner recommended that for the present, until the survey has been completed, any attempts to inject multiplo uses into the area be discouraged. The Chair invited comments from the floor. The following persons spoke in opposition to the 'variance: Mr. Frank Barr, owner/resident, 717 Howard Avenue, two properties re- moved from the subject property; Mr. Stanley Bernal, 121 Bloomfield Road, adjacent to the rear line; Mrs. V.I. Gray, 100 Stanley Road. Mr. B. Sinclair, 110 Arundel Road, spoke in favor. In a period of discussion, Commissioners advised Mr. Middleton that the study under way by the City Planner may develop conditions which will result in zoning changes. Mr. Middleton indicated that he would pre- fer to continue the application to a future date, and there being no protests heard, the hearing was declared continued to such time that the land use study is completed and available to the Commission. 7. VARIANCE Henry Speece.and.Erma Browne. Apartment building in first residential district— #30 Dwight Road. An application filed by the above named applicants requested:a.variance to permit construction of a six or eight unit apartment building on first residential property - Lot 23, Block 36, Lyon $ Hoag Subdivision, #30 Dwight Road; A communication..dated March li from the applicant advised that the lot is 50 feet wide by 117 feet deep and will readily accommodate a well - designed apartment house. Chairman Brauner acknowledged Mr. Brown who advised that in consideration of the discussion on the previous application concerning the study by the City Planner,_which would include the neighborhood of the subject application, he would prefer to continue his application to a later date. Upon advice from the City Attorney that the present hearing and the hearing immediately preceding should be continued to a specific time, the Commission by unanimous agreement scheduled October 1W, 1963, as the date to continue said hearings. 8. VARIANCES d Burlingame Shore Land Company: High-rise Apartments. In consideration of the lateness of the hour and the complex nature of the subject, members of the Commission unanimously, agreed to continue to Tuesday, April 300 1963, at 8:00 o'clock p.m., a hearing on the appli- cation of the Burlingame Shore Land Company for variances pertaining to a high-rise apartment project,on Bayshore Boulevard. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:30 p.m., to Tuesday. April 30, and Monday,, May is, 1963a for hw-aw1bgs as noted in the minutes. A study meeting.previously scheduled for this date, followed. =7- STUDY MEETING: 1. Paragon Enterprises, Inc.: Child Care Center. Mr. Sky, representing Paragon Enterprises, Inc., was in attendance to discuss a proposed day child care center at S2S California Drive, southwesterly corner of Floribunda Avenue and California Drive. A plot plan and floor plan was submitted. The Commission was advised that present plans propose a total of 3S children, from ages 2 years- 9 months, to 7 years, between the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mr. Sky stated that the applicant has been in contact with the State Department of Social welfare representative, Mr. Robert Davidson. A communication from the City Fire Inspector concerning fire safety requirements was read. Following a review of the drawings and discussion with Mr. Sky on fencing, landscaping and off-street parking requirements, Commissioners agreed to conduct a public hearing at the meeting of May 13, 1963, sub- ject to the applicant's complying with proper procedure for filing of applications. ACKNOWLEDGb1ENT Prior to adjournment, Chairman Brauner acknowledged Mayor Johnson, in attendance, who spoke in appreciation of the services rendered the community by the members of the Commission. The Mayor announced that Councilman Loreni has been appointed Council liaison to the Planning Commission. ADJ©URNMENT The meeting was thereafter regularly adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Edward A. Moore, Secretary -a-