HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1963.06.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Braurer Cist*ulli Edwards Kindig Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER June 10, 1963 COMIMISSIONERS ABSENT 01"HERS PRESENT None City Attorney harmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr A steady meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, regularly schedule for this date, was called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Chairman Kindig presiding. FOR STUDY 1. TENTATIVE MAP w Mulls Estate Unit No. 19. .James Roemer, representing Eichler Homes Inc., submitted a tentative map of Mills Estate Unit No. 19 - the first section to be developed - com- prising Lots 20 through 39, Block i-S, all of Blocks 46, 47 and 48, and including Trousdale Drive from Hunt. Drive to Skyline Boulevard, repre- senting a total of 118 lots. The Commission was advised that Eichler Homes plans to develop in units, probably three in all, When the present tentative map is approved: a final map will be submitted, together with the subdivision agreement and other related documents pertaining to the first unit, for acceptance by the City Council. The City Engineer advised that public utilities indicated on the present map are tentative and subject to change when final improvement plans are checked. Mr. Roemer stated that grading has commenced in accordance with the original tentative map of the whole area, which was approved by the City Council on March 27, 1963. Mr. Roemer referred to Code provisions for subdivision maps, particularly requiring a subdivider to file a final :nap with the Planning Commission within 90 days after approval of a tentative map by the City Council. Mr. Roemer stated that it will not be possible to meet the prescribed deadline as the subdivider intends to develop Unit No. 1 before submittinj maps on the remaining units. It is hoped that the Commission will approve an extension of time for submission of subsequent maps. The mar, ivas scheduled fC - Fora ai" action, at the regular K:Ceeting., of J0_&e �q,_ r�b3. 2. VARIANCE - E.T. Heathcote Resubdividion Lot 9, Block SS, Easton Addition No. S. E.T. Eeathcote, 1537 Drake Avenue, owner of three adjoining lots on Drake Avenue, northwesterly of Adeline Drive, filed an application for a variance to permit one of the lots to be resubdivided with less than an average width of 50 feet. Mr. Heathcote stated that his home is located on Lot 10 - Lot 9, for the most part, is garden. A bedroom wing which was added to the main house crosses the existing lot liae between Lots 9 and 10. The resub- division proposes to establish a new property line. There will be legal street frontage and land area in excess of the required S000 squar4 feet but the average width will be less than 50 feet. A plot plan was reviewed by Commissioners and Mr. Heathcote described plans for improving the proposed lot. The application was scheduled for formal consideration at the regular meeting of June 24 and fir. Heathcote was requested by the City Engineer to have a properly drawn resubdivision map prepared and submitted to his office prior to the time of the public hearing. 3. VARIANCE <. Despina and George Stamatis. Parking and rear yard (Lot 20, Block 50, Easton Add:no f4). variances. An application filed by Mr, and Mrs. George Stamatis requested parking and rear yard variances in connection with a proposed ten unit apartment building at 1500 Hillside Drive - northwest corner of Hillside Drive and El Camino Real - third residential zoning. Gordon Baker, associated with L, Dale Mills, engineer, represented the applicants. Preliminary drawings were submitted and the Commission was advised that the applicant proposes a total of 10 parking spaces; the law requires 12, There will be two stories of apartments over a first floor garage, for a total of three stories. The code requires 20 feet of rear yard - the applicant proposes 1S feet. The Commission was further advised that plans for an apartment building were started in 1962 but through a series of circumstances were not com- pleted prior to adoption of code charges. There is a building permit for a 12 unit building, with 12 parking spaces, issued in April, 1963, but the applicants find it impossible to proceed because the unit cost is excessive and financing impossible. Mr. Baker advised that the revised plans propose a total of 10 units instead -*of the original 12. Following a review of the drawings, with particular reference to IandR scaping, the application was scheduled for public hearing on June 24. -2- 4. VARIANCE - Frank Lee, Jr. Apartment Building - R-1 District. (Lot 2, Block 46 - Lyon & Hoag Subdivision). An application filed by Frank Lee, Jr., accompanied by a plot plan and communication dated June 3, 1963, proposed a variance to permit construction of a five unit apartment building on property zoned first residential located at the intersection of Burlingame Avenue and Bayshore Boulevard. The Commission was advised that originally the lot was considerably — larger but a portion was taken for the service road right of way. This is the only property fronting Rayshore Boulevard which is not zoned for apartment use. A service station is immediately adjacent. Mr. Lee stated that it is proposed to demolish an existing residence to make way for the new construction. Ground floor parking under the building will provide space for four cars. Permission is requested to locate one carport in a portion of the rear yard. A rendering of the building was submitted by Mr. Lee and following a period of discussion, the application was scheduled for hearing on June 24, 1963. S. VARIANCE - Joseph G. Lombardi 4 Apartment Building - R-1 District. (Lot 13, Block 16, Burlingame Grove Subdivision), An application filed by Joseph G. Lombardi, requested a variance to construct an eight unit apartment building on first residential property - southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Paloma Avenue. A communication from the applicant dated June 6, 1963 and two petitions signed by neighboring property owners indicating no objection to the variance, accompanied the application, Mr. Lombardi advised that the lot is 501 x 1201; there will be two stories of apartments over ground floor parking. An existing single family dwelling will be demolished. Following a review of sketches presented by Mr. Lombardi, Commissioners agreed to conduct a public hearing at the meeting of June 24. 6. RESUBDIVISION - Lots 5 and 6, El Quanito Acres No. 2. A resubdivision snap prepared by the firm of Carl E. Kirker, engineers, for the owner, John Peyton, proposed to divide the above -described lots into four parcels - Parcels A and B to have frontage on Canyon Road. An existing 20 foot ingress and egress easement, which has been recorded agai,.�.pst the property, will provide street frontage to El Predo Road for Parcels C and D. The City Engineer advised that Canyon Road is not a city street but is part of the County of San Mateo road system. The City Engineer stated that if the resubdivision is approved it is possible the city may decide to annex one half of the road and require the developer to install street improvements to city specifications along his frontage. This sane procedure has been followed in the past, partictL.rarly in some of the developments along Hillside Drive. The City Planner wa:; reques ,:='d t.o check County of San 111ateo lot size requirei"iients oR Ca -non Rocca, The resub,'ivisl.on ma;'L 3 was sc ieduled for 7, ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chairman Kindig declared nominations to be in order for Commission officers for the term I96341964, CHAIRMAN On a motion introduced by Commissioner Cistulii and regularly seconded, John J. Brauner was nominated for the office of Chairman,, and thereafter elected on a unanivious ballot. VICE CHAIRMAN are a motion introduced by Commissioner Norberg and regularly seconded, Frank Cistulli was nominated for the office of Mice ChaiTmar_, and thereafter elected on a unanimous ballot. SELRETARY On a mtotion introduced by Commissioner Brauner and regularly seconded, Edward A. Moore was nominated for the office of Secretary, and thereafter .elected on a unanimous ballot. ADJOURNMENT The meting was regularly adjourned at 10:30 prin. Respectfully submitted, Edgard A. Moore, Secretary