HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.01.22r 11 COMMISSIONERS Brauner Cistulli Diederichsen Kindig Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER A regular meeti to order at 8; 0 siding, ROLL CALL The Seoretaryls Icy ..NUTESS ITY OF BTIRI.INGAME PLANNING COMMISSION January 22, 1962 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT None City Attorney Karmel City Engineer Marr City Planner Mann Councilman Johnson Councilman Lorenz Councilman Martin of the Burlingame.City Planning Commission was called p.m. on the above date - Chairman Diederichsen pre - call recorded all members present. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 28, 1961, and the study meeting of januory 8, 1962, previously submitted to members of the Commission, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS Public hearings,1 pursuant to published notice, were conducted as follows: 1. SPECIAL PER�IT - JAMBS , E. AND LOIS T. LAMBERT, 8 WRTON AVENIE Chairman Diederi hsen announced that a hearing on 'the application of James E. and Lois T. Lambert for a permit to operate a boarding house for wards of San Mateo County at 8 Lorton Avenue, continued from the meeting of December 28, 1961, would proceed at this time. The Chair stated that a representative of the San Mateo County agency having jurisdiction in the matter had been invited to appear before the Commission; also, that the premises :-Yere to be inspected by the City Building and Fire Departments. A petition bears the signatures of 23 property owners, protesting the permit, was ackn wledged and accepted for filing, The Planning C nsultant, in reply to the Chair, reported that he had contacted Mrs. Joyce Kimball, Foster Home Consult -ant, San Mateo County, who advised th t the County had withdrawn its approval of the premises for foster ho purposes, and had no further interest in the applioa- tion before the Planning Commission. The Planning Consultant stated that Mrs. Kimball had reported that in- formation whie had been brought to her attention indicated that air- oumstances would not permit the applicants to provide the care and supervision re fired by the San Mateo County Social Service Agency. Acknowledgment as made of a communication dated January 11, 1962, from Eugene Mason Ho ell, County of San Mateo Public Health Engineer, re- porting the res Its of a survey made at 8 Lorton Avenue, Burlingame by a representativ of the County of San Mateo Department of Public Health. A oommunication dated January 5, 1962, from the Burlingame Fire Depart- ment, Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety, concerned an inspec- tion made on Ja uary 3, 19629 at 8 Lorton Avenue and reported deficien- cies pertaining to "fire -and life safety*. Upon inquiry by Chairman Dlederiohsen, it was determined that the ap- plioant was not in attendance nor represented. The City A_�torzfieys in response to the Chair's inquiry concerning pro- cedure, advised that it would be legal and proper for the Commission to consider inf rmation and arguments which have been presented and take a conolust action. Chairman Diedertohsen invited comments from members of the Commission. Commissioner K1 dig stated that he felt the Commission had provided all interested pens ns with an opportunity to be heard.. Referring to the statements on f le from the City's Fire Department and the County Health Department, Com issioner Kindig introduced a motion to deny the use per- mit requested b Lois T. and James F. Lambert to board girls who are wards of San Ma eo County in their home at 8 Lortona Avenue, Burlingame. Motion seconded by Commissioner Moore and unanimously carried on roll call vote. Chairman Dieder�ohsen informed those in attendance of the privilege of appeal to the C ty Council. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. 2. RESUBDIVISIdN - LOTS 6 and 7. BLOCK 2. BURLWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK. An application or a resubdivision of Lots 6 and 7, Block 29 Burlway Industrial Park, being a portion of the properties of Johnson-Qvale, Inc., having bee reviewed by the Commission at the last study meet- ing, was submitt d for formal action at this time. Mr. Jack Van Zandt, of the firm of ".41sey, Ham & Blair, Engineers, was In attendance to represent the applicant. The City Engines explained that the resubdivision will relocate the dividing line be ween the two lots approximately 7 feet in a norther- ly direction, th reby increasing the area of Lot F, and decreasing Lot 7 proportio tely. -2- The City Engineer stated that the resubdivision presents no problems and will not interfere with the existing building on Lot 7. There being no further comments, and no protests received, oral or 1 written, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Cistulli seconded by Commissioner Ki dig, approving the resubdivision of hots 9 and 7, Block 2, Burlwa Industrial Park, in accordance with the map on file with the City F ineer. Motion carried unanimously on roll call vote. 3- The City Engine hearing be eont There being no ment, the resu East Millsdale February 26, 1 4. The Planning Co mission when Mr Block 3, Burlin conditions not mutually agreed posal would be The Planning Cc tinuanoe to the There be ing no the matter of Park Subdivisii February 26, 1, 5. SPECIAL P-31 - LOTS 1 and 2, BLACK 2, FAST MILLSDALE IND. PARK NO.1. advised that the applicant has requested that the ed to the next regular meeting of the Commission. otests heard, and members of the Commission in agree - vision application pertaining to Lots 1 and 2. Block 2, dustrial Park No. 1, was continued to the meeting of - LOTS 1 and 4. BLOCK 3, BURLIMILME PARK NO. 2. ultant referred to the last study meeting of the Com- Stan Gates discussed a resubdivision of Lots 1 and 4, me Park Subdivision No. 2. There were a number of dinarily part of a lot resubdivision and it was etween the Commission and the applicant that the pro- nsidered as a variance. tant stated that the applicant has requested a coa- t regular meeting of the Commission. otests heard, and Commissioners indicating agreement, resubdivision of Lots 1 and 4. Block 3, Burlingame No. 2 was continued to the meeting to be held on - A. EDWARD MACKITARIAN, 14Q8 FLORIBUNDA AVENUE, The Chair ann oed that a public hearing would be held at this time on an applicati n filed by A. Edward Mackitarian in connection with a use permit_for boarding house for students. The applioation recited that it is proposed to continue the present operation of In rnational Students' House, 1438 Floribunda Avenues, with the same personnel but under new ownership. Acknowledgment s made of a number of communications filed by the ap- plicant testify as to his character and to the operation of the International S dents' House. Chairman Diederichsen recognized Dr. Haig Albarian, who advised that he, as owner of the property, was granted the original permit by the Commission. Mr. Mackitarian, the present applicant, has been the House Manager continuously. Dr. Albarian stated that he proposes to sell the property to Mr. Meckitarian who will maintain the same type of use as exists, that of providing room and board to foreign students who are attending local colleges. Dr. Albarian advised that his mother will continue as -3 - resident House The Planning Cc had no reports, Its use. There being no written, a moti a non -transfers operation of In the use to conf Motion seconded roll call vote. The applicant February 6, 1 r. sultant, in reply to the Chair, Stated that he has unfavorable or otherwise, ooncerni.ng the property and urther comments, and no protests received, oral or n was introduced by Commissioner Cistulli approving ble permit to A. Edward Mackitaria:n to continue the ernational Students" House at 1438 Floribunda Avenue, rm to all of the provisions of the Ordinance Code. by Commissioner Norberg and unanimously oarried on advised that the permit would be:come effective provided there was no appeal. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. 6. VARIANCE - Prior to the h the Chair and , years with the discussion nor An application public hearing in a third rest school purposes The application one-half acre o and Arundel Roa will be altered will be retain parking. A communication the school has approximately e buildings on Pe required faoili ring on this application, Commissioner Moore addressed wised that due to a personal association in previous orma Moore School, he would not partioipate in the sled by the Norma Moore School, Inc., scheduled for t this time, requested a variance to permit property ential district to be occupied for private day - stated that there are three buildings on approximately land located on Peninsula Avenue between Bloomfield s. Two of the buildings, 700 and 706 Peninsula AA venue, for school use; the third building, 710 Peninsula Avenue, for the present for rental purposes and off-street ated January 8, 1962, from the applicant advised that an located at 1408 Edgehill Drive, Burlingame,for ven years. The premises are no longer adequate. The asula Avenue can be remodeled to provide all of the Acknowledgment as made of communications filed by the applicant from officials of th San Mateo Union High School Distract declaring ap- proval of the s rvioes offered by the Norma Moore School. A set of plans f proposed structural additions and alterfations ac- companied the a lioation. Chairman Diederiohsen recognized Mr. Sydney P. Fie:ld, President, No Moore School, ., who advised that the plans represent the result of a thorough su vey of the buildings by the architect and a number of conferences wit the City Building and Fire Inspectors and the Planning Consultant. Mr. Alfred W. Jo on, architect, advised that the plans include all of the recommend tions of the Chief of the Fire Department and the Fire Inspector. Mr. Johnson stated that some further modifications of a minor nat4re may be required by the Building Inspector. _ Commissioners pent some time reviewing the plans. Commissioner Norberg called attenti n to the wide circular driveway at the front of the large two-stor building and stated that he felt it would be to the ad- vantage of the school to reduce the size of the driveway and increase the play area roportionately. Commissioner NOrberg suggested that by squaring the line of the drive- way a sizeablelladdition could be made to the play area. Mr. Fields sta d that if it were the desire of the Commission, it would be agree le to alter the driveway as suggested, Mr. Johnson ad ised that there is ample off-street parking provided on the properties, which will not be disturbed should the driveway be re- designed. The Planning Cc tltant stated that a great deal of time was spent by members of the ity staff to determine that the buildings and location were adaptable o the proposed use. It would appear that the looa- tion will accom date the use as well as any other in the City. The properties are of in the best of condition but, under the present ap- plioation, will be considerably improved and well maintained. Chairman Diedertchsen invited comments from those in attendance. There being no , a motion was introduced by Commissioner Norberg to approve the var anoe as requested, subject to structural alterations 1 and additions t conform to the plan submitted; the proposed use to comply with all applicable provisions of the City Ordinance Code; the length of the c roular driveway at the front of the two-story building to be decreased to permit the play area to be "squared -off" and in- creased in area; the property to be laithoaped as indicated on the plan. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and declared carried on the following roll 3all vote. - AYES: C0 ISSIONERS : Brauner, 01stulli, Di.ederlchsen, Kindig, Norberg, S tivers NOES: CO ISS IONERS : None ABSTAIN CO ISSIONERS: Moore The applicant w s advised that the variance would become effective on February 6, 196 , provided there was no appeal. The hearing was declared concluded. 7. USE PE RMIT An application Russian Saints for church pur meeting of the this time. A communication ORTHODOX BROTHERHOOD IN WE NAME OF ALL RUSS IA N SA INTS . 'iled by the Orthodox Brotherhood In The Name Of All we -questing a permit to occupy premises at 744 E1 CaminoReal )ses, having been previously reviewed at the last study !ommission, was submitted for formal consideration at from the applicant dated January 5! 1962, advised that w5o the property tended to pe: Into a small at 744 E1 Camino Real was recently acquired. It is In- form certain modifications to the building for conversion pu lic Orthodox Church. The communication stated that the building, formerly used for a number of commercial a d charitable purposes, is most suitably appointed and located for the proposed use. A series of a cation. Chairman Dieder Board of Direct will be used pr 10:30 a.m. and sparsely attend Mr. Krassovsky residence of t New York City. The Commission in Burlingame f at 1600 Carmell ship. Commissioners architect. teotts drawings and a plot plan accompanied the appli- ,sen recognized Mr. V.Y. Krassovslky, Chairman of the of the Brotherhood, who advised that the building rily for church services on Sunday mornings between noon. Prayer meetings on Saturday evenings are . tated that the building will also serve as the summer Archbishop who maintains permanent headquarters in s advised that the Brotherhood has been established approximately nine years, occupying a small building Avenue, which will no longer accommodate the member- ewed the drawings with Mr. Kressovsky and the In reply to Chaiolse rman Diederichsen°s request for comment from the floor, a protest was hand in behalf of Mrs. Ida Pardini, owner of the vacant land immediate)adjoining the subject property, that the proposed use could create a and traffic nuisance. There being nofonform ther comments, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Stivers, seconby Commissioner Kindig approving the permit as re- quested by thelicant, including a stipulation that building altera- tions were to generally to the drawings submitted. Motion unanimously cad on roll call vote. The Chair anno cad that the permit would become effective on February 6, 196 , provided there was no appeal. The hearing was thereafter declared oonoluded. PETITIONS 1. TENTATIVE MAP - Mills Estate No. 19, Chairman Dieder hsen announced that the Commission would accept for formal consideration at this time the Tentative )gap of Mills Estate No. 19. Chairman Dlederi hsen recognized Mr. Jack Van Zandt, representing the firm of Wilsey,' am and Blair, engineers for the project, who advised that the present map represents the final portion of significant size In the Mills Est to Subdivision within the Burlingame city limits. -6- Mr. Van Zandt re Boulevard there cerning the ulti and the effect o upper Mills Fsta lled that as the Mills Estate developed to Skyline re a number of discussions with the Commission Con- te routing of the proposed Junipero Serra Freeway the street pattern and traffic circulation in the At the request o the Commission, the present tentative map was pre- pared to meet th conditions of Junipero Serra Freeway and Skyline Boulevard. Mr. an Zandt stated that there are two deviations in the present map from the map of record accepted by the city in 1956 as the master plan or the development of the area westerly from Mills ;state No. 3 to he Skyline Boulevard. The two deviations are; (1) The circulation of the streets with con- nections to Skyl ne Boulevard as a future city street. (2) A parcel of 4-1/2 acres on the boundary line between Millbrae and Burlingame, at the extreme west has been omitted from the present map awaiting developments on he Millbrae side where there is the possibility of "high-rise" apartments on land which abuts the city line. A copy of the map was posted and Chairman Diederiehsen invited comments from those in attendance. The Chair recogn zed Mr. Harry K. Wolff, Jr., who identified himself as President, mills Estate Home Owners Association Mr. Wolff stated that the residents of the Mills Estate are concerned about the eventual use of the 4-1/2 acres not included in the map. Mr. Van Zandt, i reply to the Chair, advised that he was unable to offer any defini a information since development plans were unknown at the present time Assistant Fire C ief Harvey Johnson stated that they original tentative map of the upper section of Mills Estate showed Escalante Way as a through street c nneeting to Los Montes Drive. The present map in- dicates rscalant Way as a cul-de-sac and Skyline Boulevard as the means of access ;rom Burlingame Manor into the Mills Estate. Mr. Johnson stated that it .is the opinion of the Fire Department that a through street should be provided within the upper Mills Estate in the event Skyline Boulevard is not passable. Mr. Van Zandt acinowledged that when the status of Skyline Boulevard was not known th re was a plan for a connecting street. However, the Idea was abandon d when it was determined that Skyline Boulevard would become a city st et. The City Engineeand the Planning Consultant concurred that Skyline Boulevard would offer adequate access. The Planning Con ultant referred to the "Tree Area" indicated on the map and advised hat as the result of discussions with the developers It has been poss ble to save most of the eucalyptus trees presently In existence on kyline Boulevard. The developer has agreed to dedicate the str p to the city to insure a continued use as a planted area. -7- Reference was de to the 3.5 Acres (MoL) Park Site. The Planning i Consultant advi ed that the boundaries differ slightly from the original map bu the upper part of the park will be 3-X2 acres, which is as the devel per promised several years ago. Mr. Van Zandt, n reply to inquiry from the floor, stated that the site will proba ly be dedicated to the city within ninety days and if grading ope Lions proceed as planned, the park site will be graded some time duri the summer months. In response to he Chairts request for comment from the floor, Mrs. Marie Teix ira, Recreation Chairman, Franklin School Parent Teachers A ssoci tion, expressed appreciation to the developers and to the members of he city staff responsible for the park area. Mrs. Teixeira m ntioned that children of all age groups will be using the park and it is hoped that the site will be of sufficient size to provide adequat recreational facilities. Mr. Van Zandt m ntioned that there will be approximately 3-1/2 acres of level land a expressed willingness to cooperate with the members of the Park Co ission in planning the land use. The Chair repo zed Mr. Ed Arnold, member of the Recreation Com- mission, who ad ised that at the last meeting of that Commission the matter of t e park site was discussed at length. It was the opinion of the ommission that the land area was inadequate to pro- vide a satisfac ory program for the number of children in the area who } would be using he facilities. In reply to the Chairts inquiry, Mr. Arnold advised that *hard -ball" baseball would definitely be included in the program. Reference was mt4de to the four lots fronting on Murchison Drive directly above nd bordering the park site. Commissioners discussed with Mr. Van t the p:)ssibility of extending the line of the park to include the ots. It was the opinion of Commissioners that the lots could not considered prime residential sites. It was men- tioned that hom s which would be built thereon would certainly be exposed to anno anoe from the park facilities. dr. James Dollar ini, 2 720 Arguello Boulevard, stated that the pro- posed site woul not be adequate to meet the needs of the Mills Es- tate and urged hat the boundary be extended by including the four lots. Councilman Tore advised that from information the City Council has received from t e Superintendent of Recreation concerning the pro- gram of activit es, the present site would not appear to be adequate. Mr. Van Zandt s ted that the park acreage agrees with that previously offered to the city. In submitting the present tentative map, it was not the understanding of the developer that the city would re- quest any major changes from the tentative map filed in 1956. Following a peribd of lengthy discussion during which Commissioners indicated their osition in favor of eliminating the four lots front- ing on Murchiso4 Drive, Mr. Van Zandt was informed that the map, in its present form, w s not acceptable. The City Attorn y advised that since the city cannot compel the developer to dedicate lan for park purposes, it would not be proper or legal for the Commission to approve the map conditionally upon a donation of the lots for park purposes. Chairman Dieder ohsen stated that the Commission would prefer to delay action on the 2an. until the next study meeting to permit modifications of the present Mr. Van Zandt In attendance. The hearing was COMMUNICATIONS 1. Burlingame requested permission to confer with his associates temporarily interrupted. A communication from the Burlingame Park Improvement Club dated January 16, 196 , advised that it is the desire of the group to be informed of the activities of the Planning Commission and to this end a committee of three members has been selected to attend all pub- lio meetings of the Commission. `4 Chairman Diedeohsen acknowledged the presence of Dr. Joseph E . Campbell, representing tr Club. NEW BUSINESS 1. February Study Meeting Rescheduled. The study meeti of the Commission, regularly scheduled for February 12, u n unanimous consent of the members, was rescheduled to February 15, 19 Commissioners a ed to assemble at 7:30 P.M. at the request of the Central Parking District Committee to discuss planning aspects of the parking plan. IWARING (cont. ) The Chair re zed Mr. Van Zandt who stated that in the interests of expediting the p and to permit construction deadlines to be met, the developer has agreed that three 85 foot lots, fronting on the north - south street, will be granted to the city for park purposes. Mr. Van Zandt explained that an attempt will be made to redesign the remaining three lots on the street. The City Engineer referred to the eight lots fronting on Margarita Drive and advised that the street presently has a width of 27 feet from curb to curb. He requested that the developer, in preparing a revised map, include a proposal to widen the street to 34 :feet, plus standard curbs and gutters. -9- The City -Engineer e; of the street will *raffie engendered Van Zandt advis and comparable with appear that there w exist elsewhere in essed the opinion that the present condition accommodate on -street parking and the additional eight new residences. d that the street has been a city street for many years all other streets in Burlingame Manor. It would not uld be a need to provide improvements here that do not he subdivision, The Chair recognize4 Councilman Martin who stated that; as a resident of Burlingame Manor he personally would prefer that the street not be changed. He stated that he w s quite certain that he was expressing the preference of all of the resident in the area. There being no furt er comments, Commissioner Kindig thereupon introduced a motion approving t Tentative Map of Mills Estate No. 19, subject to the exclusion of Lots 1 , 189 19, Block 419 which exclusion. was accomplished at the request of the ommission and with the aotl�sysair of the proponent of the map, and recommend to the City: Council acoeptanoo of said map. Notion seconded by ommissioner Cistulli sash u�":lw�At7[g+ approve&. At the request of t e City Engineer, a second motion, Introduced by Commissioner Moore end seconded by Commissioner Cistulli provided that the name Murchison Drive,, as indicated on the Tentative iftp of Estate No. 19, shall be changed to west Murchison Drive. 1\ The motion was de AYES: COMMISSIt NOES: COMMISS I{ ABSENT COMMISSIO ADJOURNMENT The meeting was carried on the following roll call vote: C3stulli, Diederiohsen Kindig, Moore, Morberg Brauner, Stivers None adjouaed at 11:05 p.m, ml0- Respectfully submitted,, D.A. Stivers, Secretary