HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.05.28ITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION May 28, 1962 COWIISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT - Cistulli Brauner City Attorney Karmel Edwards City Planner Mann Kindig City Engineer Marr Moore Councilman Martin Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m. Vice Chairman Kindig presiding, ROLL CALL The Secretary's roll call recorded the above members present. Commissioner B auner, absent because of illness, was excused MINUTES The minutes o the regular meeting of April 23, 1962, and the ad- journed meetin and study meeting of May 14, 1962, previously sub- mitted to memb rs, were approved and adopted, HEARINGS Public hearings, pursuant to published notice, were conducted as follows: to RESUBDIVISION - Lots'l & 2, Block 2, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. to This application, No. I on the agenda, was heard later in the meet- ing, See No. 5 under Hearings. 20 RESUBDIVIS ON o Lot I Smallcomb Industrial Park, An application of Smallcomb Motor Company, proposing to divide Lot 1, Smallcomb Industrial Park, into two parcels was cgntinued from the'meeti g of April 23, 1962, to the present meeting for public hearing. - The City-Plann- advised that he has met with the -property owner and prospectiv purchaser on several occasions.' There havi5'Fii5en* number of prop sals made, including development of the remainder of the Smallco b property, not yet subdivided, but there has been t I N nothing in th way of a firm commitment for off-street parking in connection wi h the present application. The City Plan er suggested that the owner be permitted additional time to prepare his proposal. Commissioners concurred. On a motion introduced by Commissioner Edwards, seco ded by Commissioner Moore and unanimously carried, the applicati n of Smallcomb Motor Company to resubdivide Lot 1, Smallcomb Ind strial Park was removed from the agenda of Commission business, res ruing to the applicant the privilege of resubmitting at a later da e. 3. RESUBDIVI$ION a Lots 31, 34, 35, Block 30, Mills Estate No. 11. A resubdivisi n map of Lots 31, 34, and 35, Block 30, Mills Estate No. 11, prepa ed by Wilsey, Ham $ Blair, Civil Engineers, proposed to change rea lot lines of the three lots to take from Lots 34 and 35 an are of approximately .245 acres to be added to Lot 31. Mr. Richard J. Fisher, 1708 Sebastian Drive, identified himself as the owner of of 31. He stated that he wishes to enlarge his property to c nstruct a swimming pool and has negotiated with the owners to pur hase a small triangular portion from the rear of Lot 34 and a larg r part of Lot 35, as indicated on the resubdivision' map. The City Plan er, in reply to the Chair's invitation to comment, described the properties and stated that the lots on Trousdale Drive are quil.e deep, extending to the crest of the hill; similarly, the propertie on Sebastian Drive. However, Mr. Fisher's plan to enlarge his- r ar yard is feasible, provided the area is properly treated, incl ding a competent retaining wall. Mrs. J.F. Collins, 2848 Rivera Drive, Burlingame, advised that the area which Mr Fisher proposes as a swimming pool is adjacent to her rear property line. Mrs. Collins expressed concern that the exca- vation for the pool will aggravate an existing neighborhood drainage problem, causing further erosion and earth slides. She protested that the fenc which will enclose the swimming pool will interfere with the view from her property. Mr. Frank S. eak, 1700 Sebastian Drive, owner of Lot 29 at the corner of Seb stian and Rivera Drives, stated that he felt the lot contours were such that there would be little if any possibility of the pool o its accessory,structures obstructing the view, He stated tha he had no objection to the resubdivision. The City Engi eer, in reply -to. Chairman Kindig, advised that he had personally inspected the properties and was satisfied that the drainage situ tion could be controlled through careful preparation of the land, nd construction of a retaining wall. In a period o discussion, Commissioners indicated that they would prefer to vis t the site before final action on the map. There being n protests heard, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Norberg, seco ded by Commissioner Moore and unanimously carried, to continue the erring to the meeting of June 11, 1962. -2- 4. SIGN VAR] Town and Country Realty. A communication dated May 7, 1962, from Bell Electrical Signs, Inc., requested a variance from the provisions of the City of Burlingame Sign Ordinance to permit plastic lettering to be placed on the marquee facia at the new Town and Country Realty office, 1801 E1Camino. The communication advised that the owner has restricted all signs on the building to the marquee facia. On Trousdale Drive the variance is required where the marquee projects over the property line in ex- cess of four feet. A sketch of t�e proposed sign, and elevations, accompanied the com- munication. Mr. Dewey Bell, in reply to Chairman Kindig, referred to the draw- ing and advised that just the Trousdale Drive elevation is repre- sented. He described the lettering as "plain cut-out plastic, 1/8" thick, n n-illuminated. The Chair invited comments from the floor. There being none, Commissioners were requested to comment. Commissioner Edwards advised that he had visited the location and was satisfied that the sign would be attractive and appropriate. j Commissioner Edwards introduced a motion to approve the variance as requested. The motion wa seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unani- mously on rol call vote. In a brief co ment, the City Planner referred to the provisions of the Sign Ordi ance regulating signs or advertising on marquees. (Sect. 1863, ub-paragraph d.). He stated that it was intended that all types of arquee signs shall be confined within the four feet. It is hoped t at a reasonable limitation will continue to be main- tained. The hearing w�s thereafter declared concluded. Commissioners agreed to interrupt the public hearings temporarily to consider a ends matters under "Communications" and "New Business". TION 1. Trousdale Construction Company Request To Continue Office Use 2500 Troutdale Drive. A communication from Trousdale Construction Company, under date of April 23, 1962, advised that development operations in the Mills Estate will continue for some years and requested a permit to con- tinue to occu y the premises at 2500 Trousdale Drive as a tract sales office or an additional twelve month period, -3- The City Planner,, in reply to Chairman Kindig, advised that there have been no complaints concerning the use since the stipulations for the operation were made by the Commission in 1958. There being no protests heard, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Stivers, seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unani- mously carri d approving the permit as requested, for the period May 13, 1962 to May 13, 1963, subject to the conditions previously stipulated b the Commission under date of May 26, 19S8. NEW BUSINESS 1. Rector Motor Company Landscaping Project. Commissioner Norberg, through the Chair, called attention to the efforts of t e Rector Motor Company to landscape and improve the appearance o the area on North Lane between the Southern Pacific Depot and th Rector plant and suggested that the Planning Com- mission offi ially acknowledge the project.; Members of t e Commission concurring, the City Planner was directed to transmit to the Rector people an expression of ap- preciation. i HEARINGS (c nt.) S. RESUBDIV SION - Lots 1 & 2, Block 2, East Millsdale Industrial Park. (Item No. 1 on the agenda). Chairman Kin ig announced that the public hearing on the applica- tion of Jose h Gurka to resubdivide Lots 1 $ 2, Block 2, East Millsdale .In ustrial Park, Unit No. 1, continued from the meeting of May 14, 1 62, would proceed at this time. Mr. Joseph G rka, the applicant, was in attendance. The City Engineer, in submitting the tracings to the Commission, advised that when the resubdivision was first proposed, the new lot line was adjacent to the existing building, practically on the building line. This did not provide an area for sewer and water services and the applicant was requested to revise the map. This has been accomplished. The present map is satisfactory. The City Eng neer advised that the two lots presently front on Bayshore _ig way. The resubdivision will relocate the existing lot line to 4stablish one parcel having frontage on Bayshore Highway and one on Cowan Road. Mr. Gurka b*iefly discussed improvement plans with the Commission. There being TO protests, oral or written, and the City Engineer and City Planner indicating approval of the map, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unani- mously carried to approve the resubdivision ins accordance with the map on file uith the City Engineer. RE_ At 9:00 P.M., RECONVENE The meeting w HEARINGS 6. PROPOSED Chairman Kind to conduct a not the Plann the Burlingam follows: Div Division 7, N Division 11, Automobile Pa the Chair declared a brief recess. ts called to order by Chairman Kindig at 9:10 P.M. NDMENTS TO PART X. ARTICLE 50 (ZONING) ORDINANCE CODE. g announced that this was the time and place scheduled ublic hearing in the matter of determining whether or ng Commission shall recommend to the City Council that Ordinance Code - Article X. Part 50, be amended as sion 3, Procedure; Division 4, Permits and Licenses; n-Conforming Uses; Division 10-, Setback Lines; of Coverage, Rear Yards and Side Yards; Division 12, king Space. The City Plan er, in reply to the Chair, advised that there have been a number of c anges to meet present requirements. Entire sections have been del ted; others have been revised; There followeo a complete review of. all Divisions proposed to be amended, foil wing which Chairman Kindig invited comments from the floor. Mr. David Nic laides, local building contractor, advised that he was in attendance to represent the General Contractors $ Builders Association, nc. Mr. Nicolaide protested that there. has not been sufficient time to study the imendments and requested that the Commission continue the hearing t a future date. The City Plan er noted that the Planning Commission has been working for many mont s to prepare the material. The hearing was publicized in the newspa ers. The Commission may consider constructive sug- gestions from any source, however, there is some urgency that the procedure not be delayed since the City Council must also conduct public hearin s. 31 Mr. Arthur Du ley, local real estate developer, protested that the proposed amen ments were too restrictive. The City Atto ney recalled that the City Council in December, 1961, contracted wi h the Book Publishing Company, Seattle, Washington, to recodify t e existing Code. He mentioned that the work is in progress and he time approaching when it will not be possible to in- clude new mat rial. The City Attorney suggested a need to expedite any changes i the zoning portion of the Code. In a further discussion, members of the Commission approved minor -5- revisions to Section 1971. six units in Sections 1958, 1966 and 1971.1,and an addition to Z prohibiting parking spaces in Buildings of more than the front setback and the required side setback. There being n further comments, on a motion introduced by Commissioner Stivers, seco ded by Commissioner Edwards and unanimously carried on roll call vot , the hearing was declared concluded. On a motion of Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and unanimously carried, the City Attorney was requested to prepare the necessary legal documents for Commission action at the meeting of June 11, 1 62. ADJOURNMENT The meeting w s regularly adjourned at 11:45 p.m. to reconvene at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, June 11, 1962. Respectfully submitted, D.A. Stivers, Secretary -6- revisions to ections 1958 (setback lines); 1966 (side and rear yards); 1971.1 (dimen ions of spaces, access); 1971.2 - prohibiting parking spaces in the front setback and the required side setback. There being n further comments, on a motion introduced by Commissioner Stivers, secoilded by Commissioner Edwards and unanimously carried on roll call vot , the hearing was declared concluded. On a motion,- f Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and unanimous y carried, the City Attorney was requested to prepare the legal doc ents for Commission action at the meeting of June 11,1962. ADJOURNMENT The meeting w s a-egularly adjourned at 11:45 p.m. to reconvene ''.at 8: 00 p.m. on h onday, June 11, 1962. Respectfully submitted D.A. Stivers, Secretary e