HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.06.11ITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERSI PRESENT Cistulli Edwards Kindig Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Brauner (vacation) June 11, 1962 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr An adjourned eeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission, from the regular m eting of May 28, 1962, was called to order on the above date at 8:10 .m. a Vice Chairman Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The Secretary s roll call recorded the above members present. Commissioner ;rauner, on vacation, was excused.. COMMUNICATION; } 1. Nicholas A. Crisafi Variance Application Withdrawn. A communicate n dated May 28, 1962, from Nicholas A. Crisafi requested withdrawal, w thout prejudice, of a variance application pertaining to apartment con truction on properties at 220-240 E1 Camino Real. The properties are included within the boundaries of the Central Parking District. Inasmuch as the formal petition has been filed for formation of the District, the communication stated that it would not appear to be reasonable at this time to pursue the variance. There being no protests heard, on a motion introduced by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Moore and unanimously carried, the application was permitted to be withdrawn as requested. 2. Stanley P. Berney Permitted Time Extension To Exercise Variance. A communication dated June 8, 1962, from Stanley P. Berney referred to a variance granted by the Planning Commission in June, 1961, in connection with an apartment house development at 500-502 Almer Road and requested an additional six months in which to commence construc- tion. Chairman Kind'g recognized Mr. Berney who described circumstances which have co plicated the project. He stated that construction will be started within the six-month period,. There being no protests heard, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Cistulli, seco ded by Commissioner Norberg and unanimously carried on roll call vote approving the extension as requested to December 6,1962. HEARINGS 1. RESUBDIVI ION - Lots 31, 34, 35, Block 30, Mills Estate No. 11 (continued from meeting May 28, 1962) APPROVED Chairman Kind'g announced that a public hearing on an application to resubdivide Lots 31, 34 and 3S. Block 30, Mills Estate No. 119 continued frou the meeting of May 28, 19629 to permit members of the Commission to visit the properties, would proceed at this time. The City Planner, in reply to the Chair's invitation, reviewed facts pertinent to the application. The owner of Lot 31 intends to pur- chase portions of Lots 34 and 35, contiguous to his rear boundary line, to enla ge his property for a swimming pool. The City Planner stated that there is no problem concerning the legality of tie proposed lot line change. However, at the time of the hearing there were questions raised by neighboring property owners concerning land stability and potential property damage from excavations for the pool. Mr. Richard F' her,the applicant, was in attendance. He submitted to the Commis ion a rough drawing of the proposed improvements. John Francis ollins, 2848 Rivera Drive, owner of property on the southerly bou dary of the area proposed to be annexed by the appli- cant, stated that he was prepared to reverse the position taken at the time of tie hearing in opposition to the swimming pool provided that his property is not exposed to slide and drainage damage. Mr. Collins related that some time ago he investigated the possi- bilities of installing a swimming pool on his property and was -ad- vised by a number of experts, including engineers and a geologist, that the earth would not safely accommodate a swimming pool. He described earth slides which have damaged his home and others in the immediate vicinity. He maintained that the excavation for the pool would seriously jeopardize his property. Mr. Fisher referred to the sizeable investment which the project in- volves and stated that it was not his intention to expose himself nor his neighbors to property loss orinjury. The City Engineer, in reply to Chairman Kindig, advised that he, with the City Planner, visited the properties. He stated that the work, including a retaining wall, would be required to be completed under the issuance f a building permit and in compliance with the require- ments of the �ityls building code. The City Eggi eer stated that it would be necessary for the protec- tion of neighboring properties to place a retaining wall along the southerly boundary line of Lot 35 to retain the fill. Mr. Collins stated that he would expect a retaining wall or bulkhead to be construc ed along the boundary line between his property and the Fisher propert . Mr. Frank S. D ak, 1700 Sebastian Drive, and Mr. H.R. Guisti, 632 Lomita Ave ue, Millbrae, owner of vacant land adjacent to the Fisher propert , spoke in favor of the application. Mr. Guisti stated -2- that he was n t concerned that there would be any particular drain- age problem a ising from the resubdivision. The City Atto ney, in reply to the Chairs invitation to comment, pointed:' out hat the Commission is concerned solely with the./"-a!,J-- division appl'cation and the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. E forcement of the city's building regulations are the responsibiiit of the building department. The City Plan er stated that the primary question is the use of the property and he effect on surrounding properties. Mention was made of the diffic lties encountered when the subdivision was originally developed bee use of the steep terrain. The City Planner expressed an pinion that the lot line change would not be harmful to the existi g neighborhood lot pattern ncr the surrounding properties and recommendid approval of the resubdivision. There being n further comments, a motion was introduced by Commissioner orberg to approve the resubdivision in accordance with the map on fi a with the City Engineer. Motion seconded by Commissioner Idwards and unanimously carried on roll call vote. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. RESOLUTIONS 1. Proposed amendments To Zoning Article City Ordinance Code. Chairman Kind g announced that at the meeting of May 28, 1962, the Commission conducted a public hearing in the matter of proposed amendments to the. Burlingame Ordinance Code, Article X. Part 50 , (Zoning). W the- conclusion of t°he hearing, the -Commission con- tinued the matter to the present meeting to permit the City Attorney to p epare the required legal papers. The City Atto ney informed members of the Commission of procedural provisions of the Government Code for amending the Zoning Ordinance. RESOLUTION NO, 1-62 "RECOMMENDING THE REVISION OF DIVISIONS 3,4,7, 0,11, and 12„ ARTICLE 50 PART X OF THE BURLINGAME ORDINANCE CODE" was thereaftei introduced by Commissioner Edwards who moved its adoption. Motion seconded by Commissioner Moore and unanimously carried on roll call vote, as follows: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Cistulli, Edwards, Kindig, Moore Norberg, Stivers NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT COMMIS IONERS: Brauner ADJOURNMENT The meeting regularly adjourned at 8:55 p.ri. v frilot:.ed immediately by a Commission tudy meeting. -3 1. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT MILLS ESTATE ACREAGE. As a point of Commission co last of the a Burlingame ci westerly sect lingame. Pla extensive dev city limits 1 information, the City Planner advised members of the cerning a preliminary proposal for development of the reage in the Mills Estate Subdivision within the y limits, an area of 4-1/2 to 5 acres at the extreme on, on the boundary line between Millbrae and Bur- s have been presented to the City of Millbrae for an lopment within that city in the area abutting the neo 2. URBAN RENEWAL. Commissioner presently in standard resi placed with n Commissioner the quality o other deservi ADJOURNMENT Prior to adj Mayor Lorenz The meeting w.- orberg spoke of his personal interest in a program, he planning stage, which proposes the removal of sub- ential structures throughout the County to be re- w low -rent housing for low-income families. orberg mentioned that the primary concern is to improve housing for foster children and attempt to aid g groups entitled to low -rent housing. ent, Chairman Kindig acknowledged the presence of Councilmen Morgan, Martin and Crosby. regularly adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D.A. Stivers, Secretary -A-