HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.06.25COMMISSIONER' Brauner Cistulli Kindig Moore. Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION June 25, 1962 5 PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Edwards Councilman Crosby Mayor Lorenz "ity Planner Mann Ass't. City Engineer Rebarchik A regular mo thly meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to or er on the above date at 8:00 p.m. Vice-Chairmap Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The Secretar 's roll call recorded the above mmiibers present. Commissioner Edwards, absent because of a business commitment, was excused. MINUTES The minutes f the regular meeting of May 28, 1962, the adjourned mi nutes_ meeng and study meeting of June ll,, 1962, previously sub- mitted to me bers, were approved and adopted: HEARINGS (bone) COMMUNICATI NEW .BUSINESS (None) 1. TENTATIVI MAP - Proposed Subdivision Of F,)rmer Armsby Estate Burlingame and Hillsborough. A tentative ap of a proposed subdivision of the former Armsby Es- tate, locate in both the City of Burlingame and the Town of Hills- borough, was presented to the Commission. Mr.. Harry Manion of the firm of Carl E. Kirl.er, consulting Civil Engineers, w s in attendance representing tbu property owners. The City Pia ner advised that the map has been submitted at this time to acquaint embers of the Commission with d(velopment plans. The portion lyin in Burlingame is a strip 60 feet wide, approximately 0.55 acres, iying at the southwesterly termin;s of Carmelita Avenue. It is the ow ers' intention to take part of the land from Hillsborough into Burling me and, with the land in Burlingame, to develop a small subdivision df seven lots at the end of Roosevelt Avenue. � r V Annexation p oceed_ ncas were de, icribedIn addition to the land to be annexed r the City of Burlingame, a sma j 1 parcel ad j ac:e„t to Carmelita Av nue at the city limits, will be taken from Burlingame to be annexe . to -he Town of Hillsborough The Commissl n was advised that a turn around will be located at the end of R osevelt Avenue; Carmelito. Avenue will be extended into Hillsbo. ough The City CouIcij of d;i l lsborou h has been informed of the plans and has indicate tentative approval., One immediatc problem involves lot sixes. The Zoning Ordinance pro- vides that all lands annexed to the City of Burlingame after May,1960, classified f r residential uses, shall be divided into lots having an area of 1 ,000 square feet. This subdivision proposes approx- imately 6500 square feet each, An amendment to the ordinance would be required sho ld the subdivision lay -out be acceptable to the Coin - mission. The City Pla ner mentioned two advantages to the city; the turn -around at the end ol Roosevelt Avenue, which should have been constructed when the street was originally planned and,, secondly, the extension of Carmelita Avenue. Mr. Mannion iias informed of a question raised by two Burlingame resi- dents whose yroperties adjoin the Armsby estate. A special effort has been madc to landscape along the fence which separates the Bur- lingame and illsborough lands. They are hopeful that this section of fence will not be disturbed. Reference was made to the lot frontages on the cul-de-sac which vary from0-1/2 feet to 33 feet, which members of the Commission felt were not sufficient. A suggestion was made that one of the lots be eliminated; that three lots front on the circle area instead of 'our, as proposed, thereby increasing the street frontage of the remaining lots. Mr. Mannion agreed to inform his principals of the comments of ; he Commission. The di.scussio� was thereafter declared concluded,,, 2. WATERFRONT AREA - FUTURE DEVELOPiMENTS� The City Plan Zer referred to a repo-.r t prepared for the city by Paul L, Adams n, Consulting, Civil Engineer, on "Bay Front Extension Of Storm Drai age Facilities, in connection with problems posed by future fillinT, of tidelands and development along the bay front-.. A map prepared 5y the City Planner of the tidelands withal-;; the boun- daries of the cirty was submitted and discussion ensued of their eventual uses. It 14a.'s suggested that Study be made in the near f.;j�trtre of the zoning regulations for industrial. developments. ADJOURNMENT flh,--, 3eeet'ti7- w s regularly adjourned at 9.05 p.m. 9 Respectf� lly SL&i.riia:tedi ,i._ f oA St?vers, Sen'.+.. r ary