HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.07.09COMMISSIONER Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Moore Stivers CALL TO ORDE CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Norberg (vacation) July 9, 1962 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr Councilman Martin The monthly tudy meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:10 p.m. Vice-Chairma Kindig presiding. ROLL CALL The Secretar' s roll call recorded the above members present, Commissioner Norberg, on vacation, was excused. FOR STUDY 1. VARIANCE - Stephen Sacco Requesting Apartment Use m RQ2 11strict Mr. Stephen Sacco, 1569 Balboa Way, submitted an application to the Commission for a variance to permit a five unit apartment building to be constructed on property zoned for duplex use at 1142 Capuchino Avenue, between Broadway and Carmelita Avenue. A letter from the applicant, dated July 3, 1962, stated that the lo- cation is suitable for apartment development, the new building will be an asset to the neighborhood, multi -family housing will benefit the district shopping area. A plot plan a*ompanied the application. Mr. Sacco advised that there will be four 1-bedroom units and one 3-bedroom unit, which he will occupy. Five off-street parking spaces will be provided. The City Planner noted that this section of Capuchino Avenue, between Broadway and Carmelita is the only street not zoned for apartment use from El Camino to California Drive. The Commission took the position some time ago that because of the narrowness of the street a total change to apartment zoning would not be desirable. Rather, it was decided to co sider individual requests on their own merits. Two or three �partment buildings have been permitted on variances. 1/ Mr. Sacco sta ed that there is presently an old single-family dwelling at th rear of the lot, which will be demolished. Following disc1962. ssion with Mr. Sacco concerning on -street parking problems in th neighborhood, Commissioners agreed to visit the property and sheduled a public hearing for the next regular meet- ing, July 23, 2. RESLBDIVISTON m Lot.26, Block 19, Ray Park. Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Dunn, 27 Hayward Court, Burlingame, filed a re - subdivision ma with the City Engineer proposing to divide Lot 26, Block 19, Ray ark Subdivision, into two parcels, having frontages on Davis Drive The location is the easterly side of Davis Drive between Ray Dr ve and Valdivia Way. The Commission was advised that this is a large vacant property with sufficien area to make two legal lots. The City Engin er advised that there are no problems involving 'water or sewer services. The City Plann r referred to the drainage easement indicated on the map. The creec bed is north of the easement and actually on the next property. The Commission was advised that should the map be approved the o ners will request the city to abandon the easement, which serves n purpose in the present location. Following a di cussion with the applicants concerning improvement ,plans, the Com ission scheduled a public hearing for the meeting of July 23, 1962. 3. TENTATIVE OAP o Armsby Estate Subdivision. A tentative ma of the proposed °'Armsby Estate Subdivision, a resi- dential develo ment of seven (7) lots at the end of Roosevelt Avenue, on the Hillsbo ough=Burlingame city limits line, was submitted to the Commission. Mr. Louis A. A ata of the firm of Carl E. Kirker, consulting civil engineers, was in attendance to represent the developers. The City Plann I. A part of more than 50$ of Hillsboroug to Burlingame a second annex tratn—agular por Council of Hil agreed in prin r, in reply to the Chair, made the following points: he subdivision is located in Burlingame but a little f the property is within the boundaries of the City . It is the owners' intention to petition to annex n area of approximately 3/4 of an acre. There will be Lion to take from Burlingame into Hillsborough a small ion adjacent to Carmelita Avenue. II. The City sborough has been informed of the development and has ipal with the plans. -2- v III. The Sta a of California Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision 0 dinance will apply, requiring the City's approval of and acceptance of tentative and final subdivision maps. The City Attorney, in reply to the Chair's inquiry concerning pro- cedure, advised that the matter of annexation may not be commenced until the proposed boundaries have been approved by the San Mateo County Boundary Commission. However, prior to annexation proceed- ings, the Planning Commission may consider the tentative map and submit its recommendation to the City Council. The City Attorney commented that where there is a concurrent annexa- tion of lands to be subdivided, the processes may occur together, with the exception that the City Council will not accept the final subdivision map until the annexation has been accomplished. Referring to he area proposed to be annexed to Burlingame, the City Planner dvised that the lot sizes do not meet the city's re- quirements un er existing ordinances. Lands annexed to the city after May, 19 0, classified for residential use, are required to be divided into ots having a ®ininum area of 10,000 square feet. This limitati n assumed all future residential annexations from the hills areas, The present s bdivision proposed four lots of 7000 square feet each; the problems hillside developments are not present; adjoining' properties inIf Burlingame are in an area of 5000 foot lots. Should the Commission find the plan acceptable, it will be necessary to amend the ity's map providing for lot sizes to include this area. After a complete review of the map and discussion with Mr. Arata, the engineer, the Commission agreed to consider at the next regular meet- ing: 1. Whether or not the annexation shall be recommended to the City Council; 2. The Tentative Map, as submitted; 3. Whether a public hearing shall be held to amend the ordinance providing for lot Sizes. 4. VARIANCE Skyline Development Company o Height and Zoning Variance For Apartment Construction. Dr. Alan M. Hedden and Mr, John B. Cockcroft were in attendance to discuss plans for developing an area of 3.624 acres of vacant, un- improved lano in the upper Mills Estate. A tentative ap, under the city's subdivision ordinance, was sub- mitted to th Commission, also a variance application requesting approval of lans for a 12 story apartment building. Two communic� read request' the variance material for tions from the applicant, dated July 9, 1962, were ng the Commission to consider the tentative map and application' concurrently and setting forth supporting the proposed apartment use. -3- Mr, Cockcrof Millbrae cit Trousdale Dr On the Millb apartment co use, explained that the land lies along the Burlingame - limits line, bounded by Skyline Boulevard and eo e side, plans have been approved for a high-rise lex. The Burlingame site adapts very well to this A model of the entire development, including the Millbrae location, was placed before the Commission. Mr. Cockcroft described street patterns, areas of landscaping, arrangements to provide public utilities, and other details pertinent to the project. The Commissio was advised that two separate applications are in- volved, Firs , the tentative map of the subdivision; second, the variance appl`cation. There are two variances required: The land is zoned RG1; a variance is required to permit apartment use. The proposed eight exceeds existing legal maximums. Mr. Cockcroft mentioned that it would not be possible to meet the one year deadline imposed upon variance grants and suggested to the Commissio that he be permitted a two-year period. The applicati ns were scheduled for public hearing at the next regular meeti g, July 23, 1962. S. TRI-COUNT DINNER MEETING. Announcement made of a Tri-County Planning Council dinner meeting to be�as held in San Jose on Friday, July, 20, 1962. 6. CAPITAL I14PROVEMENT BUDGET The City Planner advised that studies undertaken by the Commission last year in he matter of the capital improvement budget are to be continued his year and meetings will be scheduled shortly with department he ds. Councilman Ma tin, in commertinR, suggested that the Commission recommend pri city projects Iin groups of two or three as an aid to the Ci y Councilman evaluating the proposals. ADJOURNMENT The meeting w regularly adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D.A. Stivers, Secretary -4-