HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.08.13COMMISSIONERS Brauner Cistulli Kindig Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Edwards (vacation) August 13, 1962 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel Mayor Lorenz City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr Councilman Martin The monthly s udy meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m.; Chairman Kind g presiding. ROLL CALL The Secretaryls roll call recorded the above members present. Commissioner 4dwards. on vacation, was excused. 1. ROOSEVELTIP.T.A. re: Armsby Estate Subdivision. A letter date July 31, 1962, in behalf of the P.T.A. of Roosevelt School, the ri thers' Guild of Our Lady of Angels School and other interested groups. protested the boundaries of the proposed Armsby Estate Subdivision, at Roosevelt Avenue and Carmelita Avenue, and requested that approval to the subdivider be withheld to permit the city to deternine whether or not a portion of the land should be reserved for yark or recreational purposes or preserved as a "green belt". The City Planner reported that the City Council approved the Tentative Map of the subdivision conditional upon lot lines being deleted temporarily to permit the subject of the park area to be thoroughly explored. In a brief period of discussion, it was agreed that should the present site not be possible, the matter of a park in the area could be discussed in conjunction with Commission studies of the Capital Improvement budget. 2. F.D. SPERRY COMPANY re: Extension Of Temporary Use Permit. A communication from F.D. Sperry Company, dated July 26, 1962, requesting permission to continue to operate a contractor's equipment yard at 1421 North Carolan Avenue for an additional six months, was referred to the Commission meeting of August 27,1962, for formal consideration. 3. AMERICAN MOTORS SALES CORPORATION: Sign Variance. A communicati n from Coast Neon Signs requested a variance to per- mit construct on of a double-faced neon sign at the new location of American M tors Sales Corporation, 15 Guittard Road. Prints of the proposed ign and constructions plans were submitted. Mr. Paul Serl n, representing Coast Neon Signs, advised that the sign is prese1he tly located at 1565 Adrian Road. There is a one- story buildin there and the sign measures 30 feet in height. At the new locaton, the building will be two stories high, requiring a sign heightof 35 feet. The application proposed a variance of 15 feet from permitted 20 foot maximum for freestanding signs. Mr. Serlin advised that the sign will be moved to the new location, mounted on poles which will be attached to the building - identical to the instal ation at the present location. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the next regular meeting, August 27, 1962. 4. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION: Sign Variance. A communication from Coast Neon Signs, dated July 18, 1962, requested a variance to permit installation of two signs for the Studebaker Corporation on the building at 1565 Adrian Road, present headquarters of American Motor Sales Corporation. Studebaker will occupy the premises shortly. The communica ion advised that one neon sign reading "Mercedes-Benz and Star" o be erected on steel poles attached to the south end of the buildis i g and one neon sign reading "Studebaker" to be placed on existing piles where the "Rambler" sign is presently located. The communica ion advised that the signs will be approximately 90 feet apart Prints of the signs and plans for construction accompanied the com- munication. Mr. Serlin stated that the Mercedes-Benz sign will be 28 feet high; Studebaker, 35 feet high, requiring a variance in each instance to exceed the 20 foot maximum for free standing signs. Commissioners agreed to visit the location and scheduled a public hearing for the next regular meeting, August 27, 1962. S. COIT DRAPERIES: Sign Variance. A communication from Bell Electrical Signs, Inc., dated July 16,1962, requested a v riance to permit construction of an illuminated sign on the Coit D apery building at 897 Hinckley Road. Elevations of the proposed sign accompanied the communication. Mr. Bell was in attendance and advised that the sign will be erected on the roof of the building on steel columns which are a part of the building proper and are already in place. The sign will extend -2- between 3 to � feet above the permitted 20 foot maximum. Referring to 1hat portion of the lettering to be placed on the sign advertising "[rive -In Service". Commissioners questioned whether retail drapery cleaning was contemplated in an area which has been designed to accommodate industrial uses. The City Plan tail use of t Following a b quested to co operation and ing. Mr. Bell was dimensions in top of the si The public he 6. R.P. ETI r advised that there has been no application for re - property, ief period of discussion, the City Planner was re - tact the applicant to determine the nature of the to have information available at the next regular meet- equested to submit a supplementary drawing, including icating the distance between the roof level and the n. ing was scheduled for the meeting of August 27, 1962. PROPERTIES, INC.: Use Permit and Sign Variance. An applicatior from R.P. Etienne Properties, Inc., requested a per- mit for construction of a directional sign for Hyatt House on a parcel of lan located on the westerly side of Bayshore Freeway, approximately 50 feet southeasterly of the Burlingame Pumping Station. The application form contained the information that the sign must be moved due to oss of lease on the existing location, A variance application requested that the sign exceed the permitted 20 foot heigh for free standing signs, to permit a height of 50 feet, 10 i ches. Cyrus J. McMillan, attorney, was in atteddance representing Hyatt House. Mr. McMillan advised that the site where the sign has been located for the past two years has been sold. R.P.Etienne Properties, owners, have made a new location available, approximately 1000 feet to the south. The sign itself will not be changed in any way. The application involves a -change of location and a variance to permit the excessive height. The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, referred to Section 1867 of the Sign Ordinance, authorizing.and regulating directional signs in industrial districts, andproviGia for Planning Commission approval of all such signs. The applicati ns were scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of August 27, 19 2. 7. RESUBDIVIS�ION - Lands of Diliey and Edwards$ Hillside Drive. A resubdivisi n map submitted by the City Engineer proposed a resub- division of t e lands of Dilley and Edwards, Acreage, City of Burlingame. _3_ The City Engineer advised that the resubdivision will shift the common lot line between the two properties approximately 26 feet 1 northeasterly along Hillside Drive, thereby adding approximately 1600 square feet to the area of Edwards' property, The City Engineer indicated that the resubdivision was satisfactory. Following a public heari 8. 'GRANITE A variance ap 1121 Laurel S residential p Hoag Subdivis Mr. Svorinic, is not consid first lot on and bounded o Peninsula Ave overlook the dwelling will apartment zon properties on iew of the map, Chairman Kindig announced that a would be held on August 27, 1962. VELOPMENT COMPANY e Variance, 9 Dwight Road. lication filed by Granite Development Company, reet, San Carlos, proposed multi -family use of first operty at 9 Dwight Road, (Lot 3, Block 31, Lyon $ on) . representing the applicant, stated that the property red desirable for single family purposes. It is the he westerly side of Dwight Road, lying adjacent to the southerly side by the multi -family zoning on ue. Apartment buildings on Peninsula Avenue will roperty. Itis proposed that a one-story triplex offer an acceptable transitional use between the ng on Peninsula Avenue and the first residential Dwight Road. Referring to a variance recently granted to Granite Development Company to co struct a triplex dwelling at 9 Clarendon Road, one i block to the west of the subject property, Mr. Svorinic advised that the same type of building will be constructed; the same plans will be used, with some adaptations to fit the present lot. Following a r view of the plans, Commissioners scheduled a public hearing for the meeting of August 27, 1962. 9. I.E. ORAC� & DOROTHY ORACK -Variance, 1132 Capuchino Avenue. An applicatio filed by Miss Dorothy Orack requested a variance to permit apa tment construction on duplex zoned property at 1132 Capuchin Avenue (Lot 23, Block 4, Easton Addition), Miss Orack pr sented building plans for a five unit apartment building; one 2 bedroom unit, which the applicants will occupy; and 4 studio partments. Carports for five cars will be located at the extrem rear of the lot. An older home on the property will be demolished to permit the new construction. The City Planer stated that the plans were checked and were found to comp y with applicable ordinances. It was noted hat at the time the zoning of the other streets in the area was hanged from duplex to apartment, the Commission took the posi ion that there were sufficient reasons for not re- zoning the pr perties on Capuchino Avenue. A policy was established of considerin individual applicattons and, to date, there have been four var ance grants for new apartment construction, under conditions im osed by the Planning Commission, -4- Following a r view of the plans, Commissioners requested Miss Orack to have prepa ed a set of elevations and scheduled a public hearing for the meeti g of August 27, 1962. 10. ARTHUR LONDQUIST - Variance, 25 Highland Avenue. An applicatio# filed by Arthur Lundquist, 25 Highland Avenue, requested a v riance to permit "basement to be used for private storage by ow er - storage being merchandise held for resale by owner". A communication from the applicant dated August 6, 1962, advised that the prop rty at 2S Highland Avenue has a very large full base- ment which th applicant desires to use for storage of barber supplies in c nnection with his business known as "Swede Peninsula Barber and Be uty Supply". The City Planner reported that he had inspected the property with Howard Pears. ,, City Fire Inspector. Mr. Lundquist operates his business from a delivery truck and replaces his stock from the inventory sto ed on his property. The City Planner stated that it could be considered a warehousing operation in a private home. The zoning is R-4. A variance would be required to permit the operation to Oontinue. Mr. Lundquist stated that the basement room is 20 feet x 30 feet, which serves his purposes adequately. He advised that there are no: identification signs on the building and none are contemplated. Commissioners agreed to inspect the property and requested that information %om the Fire Inspector be available at the time of the public hearion August 27, 1962. 11. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - Use Permit For Sunday School. A letter dated July 30, 1962, from the First Baptist Church re- quested a permit to use the dwelling at 809 Fairfield Road for Sunday School purposes. The communication advised that present facilities are inadequate to accommodate all of the church activities. It is proposed to conduct Sunday School classes from 9:30 to L0:30 A.M.; adult groups may use the premises occasionally in the evening; it is intended to prepare and use the area at the rear of the building, off Fairfield Road, for church parking. A copy of a letter from the City Fire Inspector to the Reverend Cecil Osborne, Pastor, dated August 9, 1962, listed con- ditions necessary to bring the building to code for school occupancy. Mr. Ernest H. lson, representing the Church, discussed the pro- posed use brie ly with members of the Commission. The City Plann r advised that a formal application has not been filed but the hurch has been advised concerning procedure. -5- 12. REFERRAL, FROM CITY COUNCIL: Zoning Ordinance Amendments. The City Pla ner advised that the Zoning Ordinance amendments re- cently sent o the City Council for approval have been returned, to the Commi sion for review. At the time of the public hearing before the C ty Council, a number of suggestions were offered by local groups who were not satisfied with the amendments as pro- posed. The City Planer stated that material will be prepared and for- warded to Co missioners prior to the next regular meeting. The City Att rney, in reply to Chairman Kindig, instructed the Commission a to procedure and stated that the Commission has concluded it public hearing. The suggested changes will come before the C mmission solely for its consideration -and recom- mendation to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT The meeting I s regularly adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Edward A. Moore, Secretary -6-