HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.10.08. COMMISSIONERS Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Moore Stivers CALL TO ORDER The monthly si called to orda Chairman Kind', ROLL CALL CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Norberg (vacation) October 4 1962 OTHERS PRESENT Councilman Crosby City Attorney Karmel Mayor Lorenz City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr y meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was on the above date at 8:00 p.m. presiding. The Secretary'Is roll call recorded the above members present. Commissioner Norberg, on vacation, was excused. 3: 1. RESUBDIVISION o Lots 25 through 30, Block 3, East Millsdale,, Industrial Park, Unit No. 1. A resubdivisio map, prepared by Bill S. Ingram, Civil Engineer, for the owners, Ea t Millsdale Investment and Mitten Investment, was sub- mitted by the Pity Engineer. The Commission was advised that the resubdivision proposes to delete interior lot lines thereby combining the six lots into one large par- cel, having frontage on Cowan Road. The City Engineer indicated that the resubdivision was satisfactory. The applicatio was scheduled for public hearing at the next regular' Commission mee ing. OCTOBER REGULAR MEETING RESCHEDULED. The date of th regular monthly meeting of the Planning Commission was changed fr m October 22 to October 29, 1962, to accommodate mem- bers of the ci y staff who will be attending the League of California Cities Convention in Los Angeles. 2. RESUBDIVIS ON o Lot "J", Block 7, Mills Estate No. 3. A resubdivisiom map filed with the City Engineer by Phillip G.Larson, Civil Engineer, proposed to divide Lot J, Block 7, Mills Estate No.3 into two parcels - Lot 11011, having frontages on Ogden and Murchison Drives and Lot "P", fronting on Ogden Drive. The City Planner advised that the resubdivision is a part of the project on which the Commission recently approved a height variance for a commercial building. The resubdivision will create the site for the construction. The matter wall scheduled for public hearing at the next regular Commission me ting. 3. RESUBDIVISJION c Lots 30 and 31, Block 30, Mills Estate No. 11. A resubdivisio map of the above properties, located on Sebastian Drive in the upper Alills Estates, submitted by the City Engineer, proposed a new boundary line transferring a portion of Lot 31 to Lot 30. Mr. Hugo R. hu'sti, owner of Lot 30, described the area to be ac- quired, which a stated, will adapt very well to his lot and relieve the neighborini owner of a section of surplus property. The application was scheduled for hearing at the next regular meeting. 4. RESUBDIVIS�ON o Lots 13 through 18, Block 3, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 1. Bill Ingram, Civil Engineer, submitted a resubdivision map of the above properti s, proposing deletion of all of the interior lot lines to form one la ge parcel. Mr. Ingram advised that in April the Com- mission-approv d a resubdivision combining Lots 14 through 18; the present map wi I add Lot 13. The City Engin er indicating that the proposal was satisfactory, the application wa scheduled for hearing at the regular October meeting. S. VARIANCE -JUse Of Side Setback For Carport Roof. A variance app ication filed by Mr. Hood Chatham, 1404 Palm Drive, requested perm ssion to extend the roof of a new carport into the four foot side setback. . A letter dated October 2, 1962, from the applicant advised that present remodeling of he property at 1404 Palm Drive proposes a carport at the easterly s de of the house bu-physical features of the property prevent compli nce with existing setback requirements. A site plan was submitted. 9 Mr. Chatham was present and advised that there has never been a drive- way nor garage facilities. There is not sufficient space to provide proper access to the rear for a conventional garage. The Commission was advised th t the carport will project from the main wall of the house, will be open front and rear to provide an open passageway. Mr. Chatham me tioned that if he were required to provide legal set- backs only 5-1 2 feet of the carport would be under cover. -2- Following a rJ hearing at th 6. SPECIAL P iew of the plans, the application was scheduled for regular October meeting. IT o Convert Garage To Family Room. Build Carport. An applicatio for a use permit filed by Eugene L. Musso, A 109 Bayswater venue, proposed to convert an existing garage to a family rumpus room and construct a new carport. A letter dat�onstruction October 1, 1962, from the applicant and a drawing of the proposed accompanied the application. The City Plan er advised that in addition to the use permit for the family room, he new carport, which is proposed to extend to the side property line will require a variance. Mr. Musso was not in attendance. In reviewing the plans, Commissioners noted several questionable conditions requiring clarification. The application was held for the study meeting in November and the City Planner requested to contact Mr. Musso in the interim. 7. BROADWAY APARTMENTS FOR BURLINGAME SHORE LAND. Mayo, DeWolf Associates. Swanson Construction Company. Mr. Cox, StudJAYSHORE es of Economic Feasibility. Cyrus J. McMi lan, attorney, was in attendance representing Mr. Oscar Per on and associates to acquaint members of the Planning Commission wi h plans for development of approximately twelve acres of land lying easterly of Broadway between Bayshore Boulevard and Carolan Avenuq right of way. The project ploposes a single development consisting of ten 12-story apartment bui dings, off-street parking and recreation facilities. An artist's r Air. McMillan discuss matte City Attorney Zoning Ordina Mr. McMillan is necessary tration for s the municipal master plan o tion. Mr. McMillan comply with t Bring was presented. dvised that it is not intended at the present time to s of procedure. There will be conferences with the concerning applicable provisions of the city's ce. tated that before any financing can be initiated, it o file an application with the Federal Housing Adminis- to approval, accompanied by an official statement of ty to the effect that the use is not in violation of a that the use would probably be approved upon applicam uested a statement from the Planning Commission to requirements of the Federal Housing Administration. The Commissio was informed concerning estimated population. Statistics fr parallel situations in other locations were quoted. A residency fi ure of 1800 to 2000 was indicated. -3- Commissioners } The proposal of residentia which the cit noted that the land is zoned for industrial purposes. or multi -family use, representing a heavy concentration properties is a complete departure from the use concept has held for many years. In an informs poll of Commissioners, called by the Chair, it was the majority opin on to refrain from any action affecting the property until such ti a that it shall come formally to the Commission. 8. ROBERT CL#RKE RE: Blumer Property, El Camino Real F Primrose Road. Mr. Robert C1 rke, San Mateo Realtor, discussed the possibility of a new use of th Blumbm property, site of the Equitable Life Assurance building at E Camino Real and Primrose Road. Mr. Clarke ad ised that the Equitable lease expires shortly and Mrs. Blumer d sires to dispose of the property. Mr. Clarke mentioned possible uses including a gasoline service station. The City Plan er noted that the zoning is Third Residential. The existing buil ing was permitted on a variance. Any use other than an apartment bui ding would require a variance. Mr. Clarke wao informed concerning procedure. 9. CAPITAL IAPROVEMENTS. Commissioners agreed to schedule study sessions to consider Capital Improvement p ojects for the coming year as soon as material becomes available fron the department heads. ADJOURNMENT The meeting reguAarly adjoened at 10:30 p.m. -4- Respectfully submitted, Edward A, Moore, Secretary