HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.11.14[TY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER The monthly stud held on the abov Chairman Kindig ROLL CALL The Secretary's FOR STUDY: 1. SIGN VARIANC COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None November 14, 1962 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Planner Mann City Engineer Marr r meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was date. Meeting called to order at.3:00 p.m.; )residing. 11 call recorded the above members present. Peninsula Temple Sholom. Mr. Leonard Mich els, architect, was in attendance to discuss a variance for an identific tion sign on the property of the Peninsula Temple Sholom, Sebastia Drive at Arguello and Rivera Drives. A letter from Mr Michaels dated October 16, 1962, advised that the sign will be located n the Sebastian Drive frontage which extends for a distance of 530 eet. It is felt that a sign limited to IS square feet would be too sma 1 in scale for this large frontage. In addition, the property slopes ownward from the street and a large part of the build- ing is below the level of Sebastian Drive. It is important, therefore, that the sign on the street frontage be of significant size and design. The communication requested permission to install two flood lights with- in the city righ of way to illuminate the sign. A drawing of thelsign and a street elevation were submitted to the Com- mission by Mr. M chaels. The Commission w 8 feet, and the will be located Any further back tion, the light4 be in the city i is advised that the actual sign will be 3-1/2 feet by :op approximately 6 to 8 feet measured from grade. It vithin the property line immediately behind the sidewalk. , the grade starts to fall. To provide adequate illumina- rust be placed to the front of the sign where they will fight of way. Commissioners i dicated that the size was acceptable but the location was not. Mr. Micha Is was requested to investigate the possibility of setting the sigi further back and, if necessary, increase the height of the supporting tructure to overcome the difficulties of terrain. The City Engine r and the City Planner advised that it was questionable that anyone in the city has the right to permit an encroachment on the street right of way.' s The application was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of November 26, 19 2. 2. USE PERMIT Eugene L. Musso, 109 Bayswater Avenue. Convert Garage To Family Rumpus Room. Construct Carport. Mr. Eugene L. M sso, 109 Bayswater Avenue, submitted a Special Permit application to onvert an existing garage to a family rumpus room and construct a new carport. A letter dated October 1. 1962, advised that the room will provide the children of the family with a separate play area apart from the home. A drawing of th proposed construction and a site plan accompanied the application. The City Planne for rumpus room ditions.. Mr. Musso advis facilities. Th the need arise, nor will it bec no openings on I In reviewing th, cerning require: on the property advised that a new carport. refCTTed to the Zoning Ordinance, Section 1926, providing in garages or accessory buildings, under certain con- d that there is plumbing in the garage and bathroom room could possibly be used for sleeping purposes should but there is no intention of installing cooking facilities rye a rental unit. Mr. Musso advised that there will be he property lines; skylights will be placed in the roof. sketch submitted, Commissioners advised Mr. Musso con- ents for fire resistant materials where construction is lines. Also a setback error was noted. Mr. Musso was hree foot side yard must be provided in the area of the The application vas scheduled for public hearing on November 26, 1962. 3., US! PERMIT o Doane Minto Ford Sales - Storage of New Automobiles Peninsula Avenue at Highland. An application fled by Doane Minto Ford Sales requested permission to use a portion of the Scottish Rite property on Peninsula Avenue at f'.ighland Avenue For storage of new automobiles. A letter dated N vember 14, 1962, from Stanley Stebenne, real estate sales- man representing the applicant and the property owner, advised that a five year lease las been negotiated to use the portion of the property which fronts Peninsula Avenue. Doane Minto has agreed to clear and level the lot and pave to meet city requirements. The City Planileriadvised that the zoning is C-2. The use is legal with a permit from the flanning Commission. -2- Mr. Stebenne ad ised that there is an existing house occupying a portion of the lot,*whi h will remain. The unused area of the property, having frontage on Pen nsula Avenue will be used by Doane Minto for automobile storage only, here is no intention to install lighting, nor to use it for sales purpo es, A cyclone fence will be installed enclosing the en- tire parcel. The City Planne referred to Section 1972, Zoning Ordinance, providing for a fence to a "maintained at a height of not less than 2 feet nor more than 6 feet." The Commission as advised that existing uses on the block include another automobile stor ge facility; an apartment building; and a gasoline service station, The application1was scheduled for public hearing, November 26, 1962. 4. RESUBDIVISI N - UNION OIL COMPANY PROPERTY. Lot 1, Block 1, Map of Mills Estate No. 1. Murchison Drive, E1 Camino Real and California Drive, A resubdivision map of the above property, filed by the Union Oil Company of California, as submitted by the City Engineer, who read a communica- tion from R,W. ewell, Real Estate representative for the applicant, dated November 39 1962, advising that he would be unable to appear be- fore the Commis ion at the study meeting due to a conflict in appointments. The City Engine1he r stated that Mr. Newell has been instructed to be present at the time of public hearing,' The City Engineer advised that the property at present is one large lot. The resubdivisi n proposes to divide into two parcels; Parcel "A", having frontage on E1 Camino Real and Murchison Drive, and Parcel "B", having frontage on California Drive and Murchison Drive, There is a gasoline service station on Parcel "A". Presumably, Parcel "B" will be sold fo a new commercial development. The City Engineeadvised that water and sewer service will be required r to be installed y the owner to city specifications. The map was scheduled for formal consideration at the meeting of November 26, 1962. S. RESUBDIVISIO - Parcel A and B, Block 7, Mills Estate No. 3. Lands of California Teachers Association. A map filed with the City Engineer proposed a resubdivision of the property of the Californi Teachers Association to establish a new parcel, having frontage f 245.80 feet on Magnolia Avenue. Mr. Douglas Le N re of Coldwell=Banker Company was in attendance represent- ing the owners. He advised that this is the last piece of the California Teachers propert . All of the remaining parcels have been resubdivided. The City Enginee advised that there were no problems presented by the re - subdivision. The map was scheduled for hearing at the meeting of November 26, 1962. -3- 6. KEVIN SCHIILIG - Change In Zoning, 1517 Burlingame Avenue. ~, Mr. Kevin Schi lit appeared to discuss informally with members of the Commission pro erty owned by his family at 1517 Burlingame Avenue, between E1 Cam no Real and Occidental Avenue. He advised that there are two lots; ne occupied by a home, probably 50 years old, the other lot is landsca ed and has been maintained as a garden. The property presently is u ed for rental purposes. There have been a number of offers from de elopers who are interested in either apartment house or professional use, such as a medical -dental building. The zoning is first residential. The City Planner recalled that a few years ago there was a request from a group of owners from Howard Avenue, west of E1 Camino, for a change in zoning from first residential to multi -family. At the time, members of the Commission toured the area of Burlingame Avenue, Howard, Occidental and Ralston Avenues. The rezoning was denied because the Commission felt the time was not right to change to apartment use. The City Planner expressed the opinion that until the present apartment districts have 'een exhausted, there would not appear to be sufficient cause for openi g new areas. Further, some consideration should be given to new re ulations to provide a more restrictive type of density and to protect the single family dwellings that might remain. Commissioners advised Mr. Schillig of his right to apply for a change in zoning and suggested that he meet with his neighbors to determine their feelings in the matter. Commissioners indicated that there are many problems t§ be considered, which might better be discussed with a group than with one owner. 7. ARMSBY ESTATE SUBDIVISION, The City.Attorn y advised that the ordinance approxing annexation of the portion of the Armsby Estate to be developed within Burlingame will come befor the City Council for second reading on November 19, and will become effective thirty days thereafter. The ordinance is then filed with the Secretary of State and the land properly becomes a part of the Cit of Burlingame. The City Planner noted that some action will be required to legalize lot sizes once the annexation has been finalized. The Armsby Estate Subdivision provides for lots between 7000 and 8000 square feet in an area where the legal limitation is 10,000 square feet. Following a bri f period of discussion during which the City Planner mentioned the p ssibility of amending the ordinance by adopting an amended lot siz map, or treating the area on a variance application as to lot sizes the City Attorney and City Planner were requested to confer to deter ine procedure to be followed by the Commission. 8. WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT. A map illustrat ng the proposed shoreland development of the City was presented t the City Planner who advised that the design evolved as the result a meeting held by representatives of the City Council, the Planning Co mission and the Bay Front Study Committee. The map included drainalonduct a proposals prepared by Paul Adamson, Engineer, employed by the city to a drainage survey. -4- Boundaries of city owned property, State of California property and privately ownedlholdings were shown as part of the overall scheme. The City Planne reported of meetings with members of the San Mateo ' Councy Planning Department and the Planning Director of the City of San Mateo. There was discussion concerning the advisability of the Commission con- ducting a public hearing to acquaint the general public with the pre- liminary plan. It was agreed that such a hearing might be held some time in January, 1963. The City Planne agreed to investigate the matter of procedure. 9. CAPITAL IMP OVEMENTS A communication was read from the Chief of the Fire Department concern- ing an extension of the fire alarm system to include all of the western area of the city.. A communication was read from the City Engineer listing several proposals for consideration as capital improvements in the 1962-63 bud et. The Commission was advised by the City Planner that there are a number of projects, submitted by department heads last year, which will caryy over to this year's study., The suggestion was offered that some time be devoted to the matter at the next regular Commission meeting. Commissioners i dicated agreement. The City Planner was requested to have prepared aid available before the meeting a list of proposals, including those remaining from last year. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was gularly adjourned at 10:30 p.m. -5- Respectfully submitted, Edward A. Moore, Secretary