HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.10.29ITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION October 29,1962 At the meeting of October 8, 1962, the Burlingame Planning Commission scheduled the regular monthly meeting for Monday, October 29, 1962, at 8:00 P.M. At said time, Vice -Chairman Brauner called the meeting to order. There was not a quorum present; the meeting was thereafter ad- journed to Tuesday, October 30, 1062, at 8:00 PoM. A special meet from October 2 Vice -Chairman ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: Absent Commiss MINUTES PREVI October 30, 1962 Lng of the Burlingame Planning Commission, adjourned �, 1962, was called to order on the above date at 8:10P.M. 4rauner presiding. PRESENT: Brauner, Edwards, Moore, Stivers ABSENT: Cistulli (previous commitment) Kindig (previous commitment) Norberg (illness) Loners were excused. MEETINGS Minutes of the regular meeting of September 24 and the study meeting of October 8, 1962, previously submitted to Commissioners, were ap- proved and adopted. HEARINGS Public hearings, pursuant to public notice, were conducted as follows: to RESUBDIVIS ON m Lots 25 through 30, Block 2, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No.-_l. (Cowan Road). A map proposing to resubdivide the above -described properties, pre- pared by Bill S. Ingram, Civil Engineer, for the owners, East Hills- dale Investment and Mitten Investment, filed in the Office of the City Engineer, was submitted to the Commission for hearing at this time. The City P1ann r, in reply to the Chair, advised that the resubdivision proposes to delete all interior lot lines to combine the lots into one large parcel. Mr. Ingram, upn recognition by the Chair, stated that the owners plan two build'ngs on khe site, including all of the required parking. The City Engineer stated that the map has been examined and meets Code requireme ts. There being no protests recorded, oral or written, a motion was intro- duced by Commissioner Moore approving the resubdivision in accordance with the map filed with the City Engineer. notion seconded by Commissioner Edwards and unanimously carried on roll call vote. E 2. RESUBDIVISION - Lot "J", Block 7, Mills Estate No. 3. A map proposing a resubdivision of Lot "J", Block 7, Mills Estate No. 3, prepared by Phillip Ge.La.rson, Civil Engineer, for the owners, Ogden Investment Com any, and filed in the office of the City Engineer, was submitted to tie Commission for hearing at this time. Mr. Larson waslin attendance. The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, advised that the resubdivision will establish a new lot line dividing an existing large lot at Murchison and Ogden Drives into two lesser parcels; Lot "0", the cor- ner parcel having frontages on the two streets; Lot "P", fronting Ogden Drive. The City Planner referred to a height variance granted by the Commission approximately one month ago to the Lynn Insurance Group in connection with a proposed commercial building. Lot "0" of the present resub- division will accommodate the new building and off-street parking. The Commission was advised that building plans, including parking and all other related matters, having been checked by members of the city staff. The City Engineer stated that the map has been examined and has been found to be 0 order. The owner has agreed to comply with the city's requirements for water and sewer service to Lot "0". A motion was in accordance seconded by C roil call vot AYES: COMMIS NOES: COMMIS ABSTAIN COMMI ABSENT COMMIS troduced by Commissioner Moore approving the resubdivision ith the map on file with the City Engineer. Motion missioner Brauner and declared carried on the following ONERS: Brauner, ONERS: None IONERS: Edwards ONERS: Cittulli, Moore, Stivers Kindig, Norberg 3. RESUBDIVIIION - Lots 30 and 31, Block 30, Mills Estate No. 11. (Sebastian Drive). A resubdivision map of Lots 30 and 31, Block 30, Mills Estate No. 11, prepared by James J. Breen F Associates, Civil Engineers, filed in the office of the City Engineer, was submitted to the Commission for hear- ing at this time.. Mr. Hugo R. Giusti, 6wner of Lot 30, was in attendance. The City Plan er recalled a previous resubdivision approved by the Com- mission earlier this year whereby the owner of Lot 31 acquired a size- able area, contiguous to his rear boundary line, of the properties fronting Trou dale Drive. These were very deep lots extending to the crest of the fill. In the present resubdivision, the owner of Lot 30 will acquire 4 section of the slope. The City Planer advised that the proposed resubdivision will not dis- turb existing lot patterns. -2- .30 The City Erigin( Ordinance Code, In reply to Coil larly with ref( there will be r and, if necessz fill, Chairman Braun advised that the map fulfills requirements of the mission inquiry concerning improvement plans, particu- rence to maintaining the bank, Mr. Giusti advised that o cuts made but there will be some grading and filling, ry, a wall will be constructed at the rear to retain the invited . comments from the floor. Mr. R.J. Fishe , 1708 Sebastian Drive, owner of Lot 31, stated that the small area to le acquired by Mr. Giusti will adapt very well to the property and slould not in any way interfere with neighboring properties. There being nc further comments, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Wore, seconded by Commissioner Brauner,approvi.ng the resub- division in accordance with the map filed with the City Engineer. Motion carried unanimously on roll call vote, 4. RESUBDIVIS ON - Lots 13 through 18, Block 3, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 1, (Mitten Road). A resubdivisior map of the above -described properties,prepared by Bill So Ingram Civil Engineer, for the owners, East Millsdale Investment and Mitten Investment, was submitted to the Commission for hearing at this time. The City Planner, in reply to the Chair, recalled a resubdivisio+everal months ago whe ein the owners combined Lots 14 through 18 to create a single large p rcela The present resubdivision requests the addition of Lot 13 to t e previous consolidation by elimination of the lot lire between Lots I and 14. The City Engin er advised that the map has been examined and fulfills requirements o the Ordinance Code. Chairman Braun r recognized Mr. Ingram, who advised that the original resubdivision f Lots 14 through 18 was designed to accommodate a com- plex of four b ildingse To provide adequate off-street parking, the owners have pu chased Lot 13 to be added to the property. There being no protests recordedo oral or written, a motion was intro- duced by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Brauner, approv- ing the resubdivision in accordance with the map on file with the City Engineer, Motion carried unanimously on roll call vote. So VARIANCE - Hood Chatham, 1404 Palm Drive. Structure In Side Setback, An application filed by Hood Chatham requested a variance to permit the roof of a new carport to extend into the side yard on the easterly side of the property at 1404 Palm Drive. A drawing prepared by the applicant accompanied the applications A communication from the applicant dated October 2, 1962, advised that -3- there has nev been garage nor off-street parking facilities on the property. Si ce there is insufficient clearance to extend a driveway to the rear t provide a conventional garage, present remodeling con- templates a c rport adjacent to the easterly wall of the house. The communication explained further that a four foot side setback is required in the area where the carport will be constructed. It is physically in -possible to build a covered carport unless the setback can be utilized. A letter date October 27, 1962, from Mrs. H.W. Dessin, 1415 Palm Drive, protested that the carport would be detrimental to the appearance of the neighborhood. A letter date October 30, 1962, from Mrs. J. Comntryman, 757 Acacia, protested tha the property is unattractive in comparison with other residential p operties in the area and the proposed construction will aggravate the situation. Chairman Brau er recognized Mr. Chatham who submitted additional draw- ings and char s of the property and described problems which he has enoountered _iT attempting to provide off-street parking facilities. In reply to C mmission inquiry, Air. Chatham advised that the structure will be within the property line; will be open front and rear to pro- vide passagew y to the rear of the property; drainage from the roof will be direr ed away from the neighboring property. The City Plan er mentioned that there are conditions applicable to the property whit are unusual and prevent the owner from complying with existing laws relating to off-street parking. A building permit was issued for so,e repair work, but the permit for the carport could not be approved u til the Planning Commission decided the matters of location and tetbacks. Following a t�orough study of the drawings submitted by Mr. Chatham, Chairman Brau er invited comments from members of the Commission. Commissioner :dwards advised that he is personally familiar with the property and s aware of the parking situation. He stated that the applicant has indicated a desire to provide adequate parking and has proposed a re sonable solution. Commissioner dwards thereupon introduced otion approving the variance as requested._ Motion seconded by Commissio er Moore and unanimously carried on ro 1 call vote. The applicant was advised that the variance would become effective November 6, 142, provided there was no appeal. The hearing w4s thereafter declared concluded. COMMUNICATIO An item on tie agenda under Communications relative to a sign variance for Peninsula Temple Sholom was referred to the November study meeting. NOVEMBER STUDf MEETING Because of th holiday on Monday, November 12, the next study meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, November 14, 1962. ADJOURNMENT The meeting w s regularly adjourned at 9:20 p.m.