HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1962.12.101- t CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION December 10, 1962 COMMISSIONS Brauner Cistulli Edwards Kindig Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDEI PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT None City Attorney Karmel Mayor Lorenz City Planner Mann City Engineer Mary An adjourned egular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission, from November 26, 1962, was called to order on the above date at 8:00 p.m. e C airman Kindig presiding. Chairman Kind' regular me eti Monday to thi The monthly s regular meeti ` ROLL CALL The Secretary MINUTES g announced that the time of the Planning Commission g for the month of December was changed from the fourth present date, by consent of all Commissioners. udy meeting, scheduled for this date,will follow the R. is roll call recorded all members present. Minutes of th� meeting of November 26, 1962, previously submitted to members, were approved and adopted. HEARINGS to RESUBDIVI ION - Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 1. Bayshore Highway and Cowan Road. A map filed i the Office of the City Engineer, prepared by Wilsey, Ham and Blair Engineers, proposed a resubdivision of the above - described lot to relocate a property line established by a previous resubdivision. The City Engi ;er advised that the tracing was mailed to New York £or the owners•sinatures but has not been returned. If the Commission so desires, the resubdivision may be approved subject to execution of the map at a Lure meeting. The City Engin er, in reply to the Chair, advised that in May, 1962, the property w s resubdivided into two parcels by establishing a new east -west prop rty line. The line was placed approximately five feet from an existi g building, in violation of deed restrictions, which re- quire a space f 10 feet between the property line and the building. The present Io line, change will correct this situation by providing the xeguired s tback The City Plani were inspectei that there ari There being n duced by Comm approve the r for signature roll call vot AYES: COMMIS NOES: COMMIS ABSENT COMMIS r and the City Engineer advised that parking facilities and were found to be adequate. The City Engineer staged no problems of public utilities. protests recorded, oral or written, a motion was intro ssioner Cistulli and seconded by Commissioner Norberg tc subdivision, the tracing to be submitted to the Commission when available. Motion declared carried on the following TONERS: Brauner, Cistulli, Kindig, Moore, Norberg, Slivers 10NERS: Edwards TONERS: Trion` 2. RESUBDIVIJION - Lots 8 and 9. Block 3, East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 1. Mitten Road. A resubdivisi n map of the above propetties, prepared by Howard G. dickey, Civil Enginee , for the owners, East Millsdale Development Company, and filed in the ffice of the City Engineer, was submitted to the Commission for formal co sideration. The City Engi eer advised that the owners propose abandonment of the common lot li a between Lots 8 and 9, both of which are 60 foot lots, to create one la ge parcel with frontage on Mitten Road. The City Engineer advised that the resubdivision meets Code requirements; Upon determine ion by the Chair thit the applicant was not in attendance, nor represents , the majority of Commissioners were reluctant to proceed, The City Engin er, in reply to Commission inquiry concerning procedure, advised that a the time the map is filed in his office the applicant is notified to ap ear before the Commission and thereafter receives written notification o the hearing date. A motion was t ereupon introduced by Commissioner Cistulli to postpone the hearing to the meeting of January 14, 1963. Motion seconded by Commissioner E wards and unanimously carried. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resubdivis on Maps - Procedure. In a discussio concerning applications for land tesubdivisions and the processing the eof, Commissioners Brauner and Edwards questioned the present system which permits an applicant to file a resubdivision map without supporting material in any forma A suggestion was made that a letter of transmittal accompany each map. The subject matter was referred to the study meeting,of January 14, 1963. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8 35 p.m., to January 14, 1963, at 8:00 p.m. The study meeting schedu ed for the present date followed immediately. STUDY MEETINGI The monthly study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was called to ord r at 8:3S p.m. - Chairman Kindig presiding. 1. RESUBDIVI�ION - Lot 7, Creekside Subdivision and Lot 12, Block 55, Easton Addition No. S. A resubdivisi n-map prepared by Howard G. Hickey, Civil Engineer, pro- posed to t%ns er a snail triangular parcel from Lot 12, Block 5S, Easton Additi n No. S, to Lot 7, Creekside Subdivision. Mr. P.J. Mumm h, owner of Lot 7, stated that the creek runs through his property. Ch nging the property line as indicated on the map will pro- vide enough a tra area to set the house at the creek and allow proper building setb cks and a patio area. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the meeting of January 14, 1 53. 2. COMMUNICAtION - San Mateo County Architects Unit, A.I.A. Acknowledgmen was made of a communication from E.L. Norberg, Chairman, San Mateo Cou ty Architects Unit, A.I.A., advising of the establishment of a local unit of the American Institute of Architects. Chairman Kind g recognized Commissioner Norberg who advised that this is the first uni authorized by the Institute in San Mateo County. Mem- bers will assIrchitecture. st wherever possible to further the interests of good planning and 3. FINAL MAP1- Armsby Court Subdivision, The final map of Armsby Court, a residential subdivision of seven lots at the end of Roosevelt Avenue, on the Burlingame -Hillsborough city limits line:, as submitted by the City Engineer. The City Atto ney advised that the exchange annexations between the City of Burli game and the Town of Hillsborough, which were part of the subdivision p oceedings, are close to completion. As the final step, documents fron both cities will be filed with the Secretary of State. The City Atto�}ney pointed out that the map presently before the Com- mission includes the area annexed by the City of Burlingame. The City Planner stated that there is a problem of lot sizes to be con- sidered.. The owners are proposing to subdivide the acreage acquired from Hillsborough into lots which are less than Burlingame's 10,000 square foot minimum. In a discussion concerning procedure, the City Attorney suggested that the Commission proceed on the basis of a variance, to be granted upon the petition of the owners, and public hearing thereon,, He stated that it is his opinion that this will be proper procedure. Should there be objections raised at the time of the variance hearing, the alternative will be to ame d the Ordinance Code, on the initiative of the Com- mission to pro ide for the lesser lot sizes. -3- Commissioners reviewed the map and discussed its provisions with Mr Louis Arata, civil engineer, representing the developers. Mr. Arata -� advised that the map was in agreement with the tentative map, previously j approved by the Commission. Mr. Arata w division ma of .January subject to �v, the 4. VARIANCE - The City Plan present to di apartment bui instructed concerning the variance procedure. The sub - as scheduled for consideration at the Commission meeting 1963; the variance hearing scheduled for that date also, owners' filing a formal application. Below Grade Parking In Side Setback. Apartment Building, Trousdale. and Ogden Drives. er advised that Mr. Robert M. Sherman, architect, was cuss a problem of providing off-street parking for a new ding to be constructed at Trousdale and Ogden Drives. The City Plan er stated that when the Zoning Ordinance was recently amended, incl ding a number of changes in building regulations, the City Council, by resolution, allowed an interim period of time to prop ceed on the b sis of the former ordinance, where architectural plans were under War, The City Planner stated that the resolution set a date of January 30a. 1963, as the time for commencement of such construction. Mr. Sherman aid the owner whom he represents are confronted with this situation. T eir plans were submitted to the building department prior to the deadli a date, but it OVfound that the parking did not meet Code.requirem ntsa To provide the required one to one parkings Mr. Sherman i proposing to project into the side setback below grade. Chairman Kind g recognized Mr. Sherman who submitted a set of plans and explained his proposal. He advised that by lowering the rear sec- tion of the garage, and sloping, it will be possible to provide all of the required parking, with a portion of three spaces extending into the side setback, below grade. Mr. Sherman stated that it is hoped that th's will be permitted by a variance grant. The City Plan er advised that the previous ordinance prohibited any type of const uction in the side setback. The amended regulations provide for u derground parking. Mr. Sherman, therefore, is proposing something whi h is legal under the new ordinance. Mr. Sherman advised that a three story, 33 unit building is contemplated, with 60t lot overage. The City Plan er, in reply to Commission inquiry advised that with the exception of he underground parking, the plan complies in all respects with the prev ous ordinance. In a period of discussion, Mr. Sherman.was instructed concerning the variance procedure. It was noted that a time conflict will arise be- tween the tern ina"i date of the resolution authorizing construction and the effective date of the variance grant, should the hearing be delayed to the regular Commission meeting in January. The matter wa thereafter sche+_filed for public hearing on the 14th day of January, 1 63, provided a proper application is filed. 7 4- 5. Burlingame Shore Company, by Oscar Person, President: Land RECLASSIFICATION: M-1 to R-4. VARIANCE: (a) To exceed height limitations, apartment buildings in R-4 District. (b) To construct more than one residential building on a single plot. Location:, Acreage lying between Bayshore Access Road, proposed Carolan Ave ue and southerly of Industrial Way. Cyrus J. Mc illan, attorney representing the applicant, submitted application as described above. Mr. McMillan advised that it may be necessar to request an additional variance for off-street parking. The Burling me Shore Land Company proposes ten apartment buildings. Under exist ng parking regulations, 1440 parking spaces will be re- quired; the owners propose 1452, with approximately 780 spaces under cover. Mr. McMillan advised that there is a total of 13.2 acres; lot coverage, including parking, 38 to 39%; excluding parking, approximately 16%. Mr. Edward eWolfe, architect, described architectural design and parking structures,, which he advised will be on two levels. One level below groun ; the upper level will provide open parking. Mr. deWolfe stated that the ten buildings will provide approximately 960 dwellin units, plus two penthouses per building, or approximately 980 units i all. The buildings will all be the same height, i.e., 150 feet; a ch building will have twelve floors of apartments. The City P1 nner mentioned a number of points to be considered from the basis o city-wide development and planning. The proposed location ha been held for many years for industrial uses. There are many ramifi ations involved, including the impact of a great concentra- tion of peo le in an area where residential uses were never envisioned. There was d scussion concerning community problems, including schools, traffic con estion, the ability of the Bayshore Frontage Road to handle the ars which will be generated by the development; problems confronting the city*s engineering department and fire department. Mr. Cox, representing Urban Research and Development Company, described comparable projects in,other cities where apartment complexes and other residential buildings were developed in areas zoned and used for in- dustrial ani manufacturing purposes. Mr. Cox ref rred to the redevelopment program in the City of Sacramento, the City of New York and a proposed marina project in the City of Ber eiey, close to and overlooking the present city dump. Mr. Cox men ioned a projected total population of approximately 2058, 1 on the 3asi of less than total occupancy. He stated that the averages in icate 1.86 to 2.2 persons per family. Statistics were mentioned c ncerning school -age children. Mr. Cox stated that exper- ience has p oved that there are not great numbers of children in this type of dev lopment to place a burden upon school facilities. The Commiss*on was advised that development will be in stages. The -S_ �" =in�ttial step t include three to four buildings; the entire utility system will be installed when the first buildings are undertaken, also the centr 1 recreational or common area will be laid out at this time. Mr. Person men ioned that the project will possibly extend over three to four years. In reply to Co mission inquiry, Mr. Person advised that he has had discuss ons with lending agesres concerning the feasibility of the project in the particular location. He advised that a formal economic surr�e has not been made to date. There was some discussion concerning future development of the adjoin- ing property, weed by the.applicant. Mr. Person indicated that an office buildin may be constructed at some time in the future. He stated that th re are no plans for a shopping center of any kind. Concerning pro educe. the City Attorney advised that upon conclusion of the public earings, the Commission may hold public meetings for purposes of Co mission discussion only, without taking evidence. and then resolve t e applications at such time that the Commission may decide. The subject was referred to the study meeting of January 14, 19632 for further dis ussion. The City Planner was requested to have material from t e fire department and the school district. The City Engineer was re uested to be prepared to report concerning his interest in the engineering of the project. 6. GEO. S. NOL E COMPANY, CONSULTING ENGINEERS. Re: Mills Estate Acreage. The City Planne advised that the remaining unsubdivided acreage in the Mills Estate ha been sold by Trousdale Construction to Joseph Eichler. The tentative m p which was approved by the Commission for Trousdale Construction Co pany approximately a year ago has become invalid. The land now will b owned and developed by Eichler Homes. The City Planne advised that Mr. James Roemer of George S. Nolte, Consulting Engi eers, was in attendance to acquaint members of the Com- mission with th new owner's plans. Mr. Roemer advi ed that 296 residential lots are proposed, none to be less than 7500 quare feet in area. The project possibly will extend over a period o four years, providing for construction of 70 to 80 homes per year. The first unit will develop Trousdale Drive to the Skyline. A revised tentative map of the overall plan will be prepared and submitted t the Commission. Final maps for each unit will be submitted individually. Mr. Roemer stat d that the park site granted to the city by the former owner will remain and, in fact, has been increased in size by approx- imately one acre. In reply to Commission inquiry concerning the pedes- trian walkway i to the park, included as part of the previous owners plans, Mr. Roeme agreed to investigate and report at the study meeting of January 14. i 63, when the tentative map will be available. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was egularly adjourned at 11:1S p.m. Respectfully submitted, Edward A. Moore, -6mretar