HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1961.02.27CITY OF BURLI:SGAME PLAINNING COMMISSION COMMISSION-3RS PRs'SENT Cistulli Diederichsen Kindig Martin Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO, ORIER COMMISSION.,RS ABS 3l4T = February 27, 1961 OTH ,;RS PR",S ,NT City Engineer Marr Plan. Cons. Mann Councilman Lorenz A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was held on the above date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. Chairman Diederichsen presiding. ' ROLL CALL The Secretary's roll call recorded the above members present. MINUTOS Minutes of the meetings of January 23 and February 13, 1961, previous- ly submitted to members of the Commission, were unanimously approved and adopted. Fi &kRII-IGS 1. VARIANCE - Tidewater Oil Company. Addition to Sales Office, A communication from the Tidewater Oil Company, dated February 17, 1961s, requested cancellation of the application for a variance to permit re- modeling of the office building on the Distribution Plant property at Peninsula Avenue and Anita Road. The communication advised that "manar;e- vent authority for the construction of the office addition was withdrawn for internal reasons". 2. R3SUBDIVISION - Cravalho Property, Vancouver at Jackl W. Drive, A public hearing was scl;edul ed on this date on an application to re- svbdivide the Cravalho property, southwest corner of Vancouver Avenue and Jaekling Drive. Basil 'raters, Civil Engineer,, was in attendance to represent the ap- plicant. Mr. Waters advised that the property originally was divided into three lots. Recently, Mr. Cravalho purchased additional land from the adjacent Fagan property and proposes now to add this to his land along the wester- ly property line and divide Parcel "C" of the original subdivision into _,two lots. The Planning Consultant, in reply to the Chairs invitation to comment, advised that the owner was proposing a legal resu'hdivision. Iiowever, a question was raised concerning ownership of a small area lying be- tween the Cravalho property and the portion of the Fagan property ac- quired by Mr. Cravalho. The Planning Consultant advised thet the owner of this paroel 'brought the matter to his attention. Mr. Waters stated that Mr. Cravalho is aware of the situation and has requested a title search, which will be available within a day or so. There will be a small section of one of the lots where access to Jackling Drive could be cut off. However, t=•e lot has frontage in Hillsborough and Burlingame. The section affected lies within Fills - borough, therefore, is not a Dart of the map presently 1-+efore the Com- mission. The City -3ngineer stated that utilities can be provided without dif- ficulty - the owner has been informed that the water line will be laid from the main on Vancouver Avenue. The City Engineer called attention to the absence of the owners signature on the map tracings and stated that in the event the result ivision should be approved by the Commission, his signature would be withheld until the owner had signed. There were no further comments. l A motion was thereupon introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Moore, approving the resubdivision in accordance with the map submitted. Motion carried unanimously on roll call vote. 3. R&SUBDIVISION Lots '22 through 25, Block 6. Fast Hillsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2. A resubdivision map prepared by Hilsey, Ham & Blair, Civil Engineers, for Atlantic Life Insurance Company, et al, owners, was filed with the City Engineer and scheduled at this time for public hearing. Said resubdivision proposed to delete lot lines between Lots 22 and 23, 23 and 24, and 24 and 25, Block 6, East Hillsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2. The Planning Consultant advised that the lots were originally divided into 60 foot parcels, primarily for ease in selling. At the time, the Commission was advised that the lots would he developed in multiples and sold in large pieces. The present resubdivision proposes to com- bine Lots 22, 23 and one-half of 24 into one property; and Lot 25 with the remaining one-half of Lot 24 as.a single property. The Cit Enginee and the Planning; Consultant concurred that the re- subdivi ion was in order. There being no protests received, oral or written, a motion was intro Muted by Commissioner Norberg that the resubdivision 'he approved in accordance with the map submitted. Potion seconded by Commissioner Martin and unanimously carried on roll call vote. 4. REALIGNN' NT OF LOT LIKES. Pr East Millsdale Industrial Pa rties fronting Bayshore Highway. A resubdivision map prepared by 1-Tilsey, Ham and Blair, Civil Engineers, 44as submitted to the Commission by the City Engineer who advised that the purpose of the map is to delete the existing property line on the southwesterly side of Bayshore Highway and establish a new property line 20-1/2 feet to the northeast on the following properties: East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 1: Lots 1 and 2. Block 1; Lots 1,29E 4,, Block 2; Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6, -Block 3; and East Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2: Lots 39, 40, Block 3; Lots 1.2,3,4, Block 4; Lots 1,2 3,4,5.6,7.8E Block 5; Lots 1,2,3,4,5E Block 6; Lots 1,2, Block 7. The City Engineer explained that the Subdivision Map of record indicat6a a street width of 125 feet; curbs and gutters were eonstinieted for an eventual 84 foot street right of way.. At present, there is an unmapped strip of 20-1/2 feet 'hetween the lot lines and the street. The map presently before the Commission will move the property lines to the curbs and gutters and provide a front setbaok. A communication dated February 240 1961, addressed to the Planning Com- mission fron Ernest A. Wilson, attorney, was read setting forth an opinion that, on the basis of official records, County of San Mateo, "the fee title to the 84 foot strip is vested in the Atlantic Life In- surance Company, sul, jest to a right of way in the public for use as a public street or road". �, A copy of a communication, dated February 24, 1961, from Mr. Wilson to --'the Trousdale Construction Company, Los Angeles office, was read in which Mr. Wilson requested execution of a Deed of Dedication try Atlantic Life Insurance Company, to be presented to the Burlingame City Council, to dedicate the 84 feet to the city for roadway and utility purposes. The City Engineer advised that the not of dedication should proceed without interruption so that within the very near future the 84 foot right of way will be established as a matter of record. The Planning Consultant, in reply to Commission inquiry, advised that the resuNdivision before the Commission can be approved at this time the Deed of Dedication will be processed through the City Council. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Martin, approving realignment of the property lines on the Bayshore Highway, in Fast Millsdale Industrial Park, Units No. 1 and No. 2, in accordance with the map submitted. Motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioners: Cistulli, Diederichsen, Kindig, Martin, Moore, Norberg Noes: Commissioners: None Abstain Commissioners: Stivers -3- 5. VARIANCE AND LOT RESUBDIVISIOM. Lot 24$ Kenmar Terrace. A public hearing was scheduled to beheld on this date on an application for a variance filed by Dr. Marren K. Wilner to divide Lot 24, Kenmar Terrace, into two parcels, one of which will not meet the eityQs lot frontage requirements. A communication from the applicant dated February 13, 1961e advised that he has recently purchased the property - a 2-1/3 acre knoll at the end of Kenmar flay. The letter advised that it is intended to divide the property into two parcels; ingress and egress to be provided by an exist- ing 20 foot private roadway, which is part of the property, and connects to Kenmar stay. The communication stated also that the land will be im- proved.and the homes built to 'he compatible with neighboring residences. Dr. Wilner and Joseph Galligan, attorney representing Dr. Wilner, were in attendance. Mr. Galligan, upon recognition by the Chair, submitted for tie record,, a communication dated February 25, 1961, 1-+earing signatures of 20 property owners and residents in the immediate vicinity of the property, stating their position in favor of the proposed development. Mr. Galligan noted that both of the parcels will have adequate land area; however, Parcel "B", the smaller of the lots, will not have frontage on the dedicated city street "Kenmar ?.Tay" . The plan is to grant a 20 foot easement across a portion of Parcel "A" for ingress and egress. The suggestion was made that the city become a party to the easement, or owner by dedication. Referring to the communication signed by the neighboring owners, the Chair questioned Mr. Galligan whether or not all owners had signed and was advised that the owners of Lots 8 and 9, immediately adjacent had not, nor the owner of Lot 7. The Chair recognized Cyrus J. McMillan, attorney, who advised that he was acting as the representative of James G. Shea, 15 Kenmar !.-'ay, owner of Lot 8. Mr. McMillan stated that Mr. Shea has been away from the city and has not had an opportunity to*examine the resubdivision map nor become acquainted with Dr. 'Wilner° s development plans. Mr. Shea would appreciate such an opportunity and has requested that the P1aiuning Commission continue the application for two weeks, to the meeting in March, at which time he would be prepared to state his position. In reviewing the map, Commissioner Nor'herg raised a question concerning a "turnaround" to simplify access and was advised by Dr. Wilner that an area will 'he provided at the end of the roadway. The Planning Consultant referred to Mr. Galligan$s remarks concerning dedication of the roadway as a city street and stated that this arrange- ment would not be acceptable. However, the ordinance does provide for the city to accept a grant of easement, to insure ingress and egress rights to the property for all time, without onligation of maintenance. Other points raised concerning the roadway: all dhatructions to be re- moved; the full width maintained clear as a Lra vel way ; the surface to 'he paved. -4-- • Commissioner Norberg suggested that the hearing he continued to the meeting of March 13, 1961, that he would prefer to see a revised map descri'hing a "turn -around"; at the same time, as a courtesy to the _ adjacent property owner, extend him the opportunity which he has re® gt►ested to "come familiar with the proposal. JI Commissioner Martin concurred and stated further that he was interested In having a complete plot plan of the building,, including the driveway and turnaround, sul-+mitted along with the resuhdivision m- p. The Planning Consultant suggested also that prior to the next meeting the owner have prepared and available for the Commission the documents pertaining to the easement grant. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Norberg, seconded by Commissioner Moore,, and unanimously carried, that the hearing -'Ie continued to the meeting of March 13, 1961. -UNFINISHED BITSIji SS 1. RSSUBDIVZSiQN Portion of Lot 11� Block 22 Burlingahles Subdivision. The Planning Consultant, in reply to the Chair, advised that this re - subdivision application refers to the Orin C. Fieldse property on Bayshore Boulevard near Trenton Way on -which the Commission recently approved a variance for construction of additional rental units. The lot resubdivision was to 'he delayed until such time that the build- ing was completed. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that the resubdivision application be continued to the regular meeting in March, 1961. Motion carried unanimously. 2. SUBDIVISION .arl M, Dilley Proj2 rty, Hillside Drive, The Planning Consultant reported that Basil M. 11aters, Civil Engineer, is preparing subdivision plans of the Earl too Dilley property and expects to have the plans available at the study meeting in March. NEW BUSINESS 1. Aesthetic Controls - Hillside Developments. A memo from the City Manager advised that at the City Council meeting of February 20, 1961E the subject of ways and means of achieving aesthetic controls in developing hillside areas was roferred by the City Council to the Planning Commission, the City Attorney and the Planning Consultant. 2. Rewast to install ice vending machine. Sigo1 Oil Station. Mr. Ross Camp, lessee -operator Signal Oil Company gasoline service station Iioward Avenue and East Lane was in Attendance to discuss with Commissioners the possibility of installing a portable ice vending machine on the service station property. Mr. Camp stated that the machine is owned by the Peninsula Ice Company. The Planning Consultant recalled t:iat the service :station is in existence on the basis of a variance, which was granted to certain plans and specifications. Mr. Camp is proposing an accessory not included in the variance. o5a A > / Following a period of discussion, it was suggested. to Mr. Camp that he return to the study meeting on March 13, 1M, to su'hmit a request for a change in the variance, also that he have available at the time plans of the proposed location of the machine. 3. Special Study Session_Seheduleda A special meeting to continue the study of amendments to the zoning ordinance was scheduled for Wednesday, March 8, 19610 at 8:00 p.m. A DJOI3RIsM.�HT The meeting was r--gularly adjourned at 9:35 p.m. to reconvene at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 1961. Respectfully su'hmitted, D.A . Sti vers, Secretary -6-