HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1961.03.13CITY OF BURLINGAME PIANNING COMMISSION COMMISSION,'RS PRES 3NT Cistulli Kindig Martin Moore Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER C01415ISSION SRS ABSENT Diederioheen Mo rch 13, 1961 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Engineer Marr Plan. Cons. Mann Councilman Lorenz An adjourned regular meeting of the Burli:igame Planning; Commission, from the ime©tirig of February 27, 1961, was lield on the above date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Vice -Chairman Kindig presiding. Commissioner Diederichsen, having advised of a previous. commitments was excus6do ROLL CALL The Seeretaryes roll call recorded the above members present. HEARING 1. VARIANCE - Dr. U.J. Wilner. Resubdivision Lot 24, Kenmar Terrace. (continued from February 27, 1961)_ Chairman Kindig announced that this was the time scheduled to continue a pu'+lic hearing on the application of 'Darren K. Wi3ner, Jr., M.D., 6 Kenmar '-Tay, Burlingame, for a variance to resubdivide Lot 24, Kenmar Terrace, into two parcels, one of which will not meet the eity's lot frontage regulations. Reference was made to a communication from the applicant dated Februtiry 13, 1961, read in its entirety at.the meeting of February 27. Reference was made also to a communication on file, signed by 20 property owners and residents, in favor of the resubdivision. Chair- man Kindig stated that the Commission was advised by the applicant thst all property owners on Kenmar '-lay, with the exception of three, signed the letter - two of those not signing own the properties ad- jacent to the subject property, Chairman Kindig recognized Joseph Galligan, attorney representing the applicant, who stated that the Top was revised to Include the turn- around, paved driveway and building sites. In addition, Mr. Ga111gan stated that a grant of easement to the city for purposes of ingress End egress and a right-of-way has been prepared and presented to the City Attorney and the Pla..aning Consultant. The Chair recognized Cyrus J. McMillan, attorney, who advised that he was representing] James G. Shea, owner of Lot 8. and J.H. Hahn, owner of Lot 9 - contiguous properties to Lot 24. These owners feel that , l they are most a feeted and are opposed to the resindivision. Mr. McMillan repelled that in 1957 a pul,+lie hearing was held by the Planning Commission on an application to resulidivide the Fame property. At the time, the owners on Kenmar Way were vigorously opposed. Mr. ,McMillan stated that the physical aspects which were previously obm jectional+le continue to exist. The driveway is not adequate for fire department equioment: a large area is in the canyon and not 1,ull.dalnle; those opposed feel that there is not sufficient land to provide two building sites which will 1,e compatiNl.e with neighboring properties. Dr. '••.►ilner stated that there is a 229 slope to the lot; other lots on the street vary from 20% to 30%, however, all have good 1,uilding sites. The Chair recognized J.H. Hahn, 16 Kenmar `-fay, who advised that he had discussed the resus division with Dr. Wilner and had suggested that a portion of the adjacent Shea property, which is unused., he acquired and com'iined with the proposed Parcel B to create a larger lot. Mr. Hahn stated that he is not in favor of the plan in its present form, that Parcel B is not a satisfactory lot. He advised thtit he has invested considerable time and funds to improve his property on the assumption tAat the neighboring property would not '%,e su�divid--ed. James G. Shea, 15 Kenmar Terrace, addressed the Commission and expressed appreciation to members for continuing the Bearing to the present date to permit his attendance. Mr. Shea stated that he was in agreement with Mr.•Hahn that the lot pattern is not satisfactory; further, should the property be developed for other than one residence, his property values will he reduced. The Chair invited comments from others in attendance. There were none. The ChaVr-invited members of the Commission to comment, Commissioner Martin through the Chair qu9stioned whether the Fire De- partment was consulted concerning the access road and was advis t,y the City 3ngineer that Chief Moor'my has indicated that the exists fire hydrant will serve *'•oth sites. However, the roadway was not dis- cussed. The City 7ngineer stated that 1i the roadway is to }+e used to Its full width, all dNstructions must 'me removed. The Commission was advised that the msp has '-+een verified And is in order. The Planning Consultant, in reply to the Chair, stated that the owner has complied with the ordinance requirements where proporty does not have street frontage and has submitted a grant of easement conveying to the city a non-exclusive easement for purposes of ingress and egress. This instrument has keen checked and is satisfactory. Commissioner Norherg raised a question concerning the relative size of Lot 24-B and other properties on the street. It was determined that the parcel has a greater area t:l?n a number of the surrounding lots. Commissioners Stivers and Cistulli suggested that raction be postponed to a lat6r date to permit the Commission to visit the site and contact neighboring owners. -2 - Mr. McMillan maintained that under possi-hle to -,uild two houses which properties. A Small house next to detract from their improvements. Dr. Wilner°s plan it would not be would fit in with surrounding the Shea and Hahn properties would The Chair invited other owners on Kenmar Terrace who were in attendance to speak. There were no comments. A motion was thereupon Introduced 'by Commissioner Moore approving a variance grant to permit the resul,division of Lot 24, Kenmar Terrace, in accordance with the map on file; the turn -around and the 'Nuilding sites to he as-deserihed on the map; the 20 foot access road to be cleared of all obstructions and paved to the full width; in addition, the Commission recommend to the City Council acceptance of the grant of easement providing for ingress and egress rights over a portion of the property included in said map. Motion seconded by Commissioner Norherg and carried on the following roll call vote: AYZS: COMMISSION RS: Kindig, Martin, Moore, Norherg NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Stivers ABSTAIN COMMISSIONERS: Cistulli ABSENT COMMISSI NSRS: Diederiehsen The applicant was advised that the effective date of the variance would be March 21, 1961, provided there was no appeal. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. COW—NiCAT,mm 1. Cockcroft & 9o,=,,, requesting; e�rtenelon variance grant. A communication from Cockcroft & Co., 1345 Howard Avenue, Burlingame, dated March 9, 1961, was read roquesting'a further extension for a period of ninety days on the variance for apartment house construation granted under date of March 910 1959. The communication stated that actual construction.will be started during the third or fourth week of April, 1961. Commissioner Nor'herg stated that inasmuch as a variance has been granted to permit the construction and one extension approved, it would appear that a 90 day extension is in order st this time and there- upon moved that thib request he granted, �u jest to the conditions of the original variance. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. STUDY M-MTIi4G Following a five minute recess the study meeting regularly scheduled for this date was called to order at 9:00 p.m. The following su'1,3ects were submitted for review: 1. R3'1MDIVISION o Parcel I. Block 7. Mills Estate No. 3 . A resubdivision map prepared by Wilsey, Ham & Blair, Civil Engineers, -3- was submitted to the Commission proposing 'Go divine Parcel 1" Block 7. Mills Estate No. 3 into two parcels, one ha ,%l_ , frontage of 70 feet on Ogden Drive and the second, 60 feet on Ogden Drive, The property is between Trousdale and Murchison Drives. Robert Lyres arohiteet and engineer, was in attendance to discuss the application. Parking facilities were dbsoussed also sir= .�-roway provisions, which were found to be sa tIsfactoryo The public hearing was scheduled for the meeting on March 27, 1961, 20 RESUBDWISION F Lots 1 and 2. Block ws Ray Park and Lot 5. Block 51, iaston At'di -ion No, A resuhdivision map • ais su1,.:..:,ttsd pxopoP`::Ir, to c-reate a -=.new 19u from portions of Lot 1 and Lot 2 H L1Iook It ias= lParR to attach a -portion of I,ot 2e Block 10 Roy Park to Lot 5, Block 51, Easton Addition No, 5; and to attach a portion of said Lot 5 to the nowly created lot The Commission was advised that there is ample land area to create the new lot, which will have frontage on Baalt,c nr Vlay< The oth<zr pant of the resUbdivision involves shifting a common lot line to give an even ex- change of footage at the rear and the front of the two lots The City Engineer men"C toned that there were some details to 1,e worked out insofar as the existing drainage easement which crosses the area of the now lot. A representative of the applicants was in attendance. Iie advised that the owners were hopeful that the city would agree to relinquish the existing easement, which is not over the creek. '1.n exchange,,, the owners would grant a new location at the creek site, The owners fie= lieve t1vat if this can. 'he accomplished, there will be a usable lot, The hearing was scheduled for the I1arzch 27 rneat ng - C Corm ssioners agreed to visit the property prior to that date 3e USi: P3RMIT - Jerky Da KellaheParking Lot, Street _Car iii w The PlaruAng Consultant advised that a.n appile tion for a use permit has been filed by Jerry D. Kelleher, oKner of a service station. at 1101 California Drive, who wishes to maintain a parking area on a portion of the City of San Pranci^eo street car right-of-way. The Planning Consultant stated that he har, di:~cu.;sed tho proposal with Mr. Kelleher who was tLna`hle to 'he .;; e r,en t a t this t lme In addition to the service station at :al _forma Drive and Carmelita Avenue Mr. Kelleher owns a shop Inuildi ng on C rrnel 4 ca A v�-Yic and another building on the opposite oorne__of Calf forn;"a Dr1vo and Carmelita � He hopes to acquJ-repar•kirng sas,- for his tenants �4nd has been negotiating with the City of Sari' ?rnnoisao to rent "?, Mort J'La_n of the old street car month to month An a";'�'co.ngrnncq�'T? -G 7 .,.'�CiF:' `L�.h LY:�' _ is C COm a. Y r :.: r�. PaCifl p f they i7=i %? ter€ 1 '�•1 { F �� e :' �.21 t�r'.G`ii�'�C1F- 'i a�� �.Yi linloading point for The zoning is technically first residential inasmuch as the rig htmof=way has never been zoned. For that reason,.any use must he processed on the basis of a use permit. The PlanningConsultant offered the following ing for oonsideration: (a) Should the use be permitted, the entrance presently serving the city parking lot be used; there is -'a fence which would have to he re- moved; (b) posts ©r some similar obstruction be laced in the ground to prevent antomobile racing along the strip; (j storage of wrecked cars be prohibited. The hearing was scheduled for the next regular meeting. 4. USA: PERMIT a Asiatic Animal Imports, Inc. Research LaboratorYa Representatives from Asiatics Animal Imports, Inc., were in atten( anoe to discuss a use permit for a research laboratory ,end office 'building in .past Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2. The Commission was advised that it is intended to purchase the land and construct a modern building to house sub human primates currently used in medical research and scientific investigations. Facilities are currently located at .the San Francisco International Airport. Commissioners were advised concerning the operation. A publie hearing was scheduled for the next regular meeting. 5. A."STH6'TIC CONTROLS IN HILLSIDs DEVELOPI;�,OTS. Mrs. Phyllis Knight, 2727 El Prado Road, Burlin.Lpme, accompanied by a group of property owners, was in attendance to discuss excessive grading and tree removal in hillside developments. The Commission was informed that property owners are concerned that the natural beauty of these areas will disappear unless there is specific, authority to control and regulate new subdivisions. The Planning Consultant advised that he has received pertinent material from the City Manager, gathered from a num'her of cities. A report will be made at an early meeting. 6. MA INi'ENANC 3 OF BUS STOP SHELTMS EL CAMT.NO R^,AL AT RAY PARK, Commissioner Stivers reported that he has r6eeived an inquiry concerning maintenance of the bus stop shelters on the E1 Camino Real at Ray Park. The City 3rigineer advised that the shelters were erboted with the under- standing that the city was not to assume maintenance; this was to be the responsibility of the Ray Park Improveement Clul+a 7. FRONT SEMACK VARIANCE, James M. Irwin, 1021 Cortez Avenue. James 14. Irwin, 1021 Cortez Avenue, discussed with Commissioners a problem in connection with enlargement of his garage. He stated that he would like permission to extend two feet into the front setback. Plans of the property were submitted. Mr. Irwin was advised to file a varipnee a plitation which would he formally considered at the March 27 meeting. A DJOURIde'IENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 5� D.A. Stivers„ Secretary