HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1961.03.27COMMISSIOPJERS Cistulli Diederichsen Martin Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER ,ITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNIM COMMISSION Parch 27, 1961 COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT' Kindig City Attorney Karmel Moore City Engineer Harr Plan. Cons. Mann Councilman Lorenz A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was held on the above date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. Chairman Diederi sen presiding. { ROLL CALL The Secretaryas roll call recorded the above members present. Commissioner Kind4, having advised that he would be on vacation, was excused. Commissioner Moore was excused because of illness. YJ„� INNUUES Minutes of the muting of February 27, 1961, previously submitted to the Commission were approved and adopted. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of March 13, 1961, previously submitted to the Commission, were approved and adopted following a correction on page two changing the first sentence of the second paragraph to read ' on an application to resubdivide the sama property into throe parcels",. Minutes of the study meeting of March 13, 1961, were approved and adopted. HEA Chairmen Diederichsen announced that this was the time scheduled to con- duct public hearings, pursuant to published notice. 1. RESUBDIVISION Parcel I. Block -7. Dills Estate No-,, An application filed with the City Engineer by Draper and Phillips, owners, proposed to divift Parcel I, Block 7, Mills Estate No. 3, into two parcels - one to have frontajge of 70 feet on Ogden Drive and the second, 60 feet on Ogden Drive. Robert Lyle, architect and engineer, was present to represent the applicants. The CityE inelr stated that a was o w ng the map in order. Mention as made that one owners s si ture was not on the tracings. The City Engineer advised that he would w thhold his signature until both owners have signed. Mr. Clarke, repfhe senting the Aluminum Company of America, owners of the adjacent proper, was in attendance. In reply to his inquiry concerning the purpose of resubdivision, Mr. Lyle advised that the property was purchased withe intent of dividing into two parcels and constructing a building on eac The first building was completed some time ago. The owners are now prepared to proceed with the second building and are request ing approval of the boundaries oil the second lot. Reference was de to a driveway easement which will be shared by both properties. Th Commission was advised that this is a secondary driveway. There will be a' driveway for the new building will be controlled in the granting of the'building permit. The plan is for two driveways to provide circulation of traffic from the parking area. Commissioner Norberg stated that he would prefer that the second driveway be made a part Of the resubdivision map. Mr. Lyle advised that this would be acceptable to the owners. A motion was thereupon introduced by Commissioner Martin approving the resubdivision of Parcel I, Block 7, Mills Estate No. 3, subject to in- clusion on the record map of a setback along the north side of the property of 12.0.9 feet for driveway purposes. Motion seconded by Commissioner Norberg and unanimously carried on roll call vote of members present. 2. RESUBDIVISIOIN - Lots 1 and 2. Block 1, Ray Park, and Lot 5, Block 51, Easton Addition No. An application filed with the City Engineer, proposed a resubdivision of real property as follows: (a) To create a new lot from portions of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1, Ray Park Subdivision; (b) To attach a portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Ray Park Subdivision to Lot 5, Block 51, Easton Addition; (a) To attach a portion of said Lot 5 o the new lot. The application having been review6d at the study meeting of March 13, was scheduled at this timefor public hearing. The City Engineer advised that Cyrus J. McMillan, attorney representing the applicant, has advised that there are some details to be completed in connection with the application and has requested that the hearing be continued to the next Commission meeting. The Chair recognized Mr. J. Gardner, 1520 Balboa Avenue,, who advised that he is the owner of Lot 5'. Block 51, Easton Addition. Mr. Gardner stated that he was not consulted concerning the plan to resubdivide his property and has no intention of agreeing to such a proposal. Upon unanimous areem?nt amingbmembeprss tfrom matter agenda fthe eofbove-des ribbed resubdivision wag aec are o a ro ion business. 3. USE PERMIT I- Jerry D. Kelleher. 'Parking Lot. California Drive at Carmelita Avenue. } A public hears , scheduled for this date, on an application for a use permit to Instaalll a private . commercial parking lot at Carmelita Avenue and California Drive, filed by Jerry D. Kelleher, 1101 California Drive, was continued to the next regular meeting of the Commission, upon determination by the Chair that the applicant was not in attendance nor represented. 4. USE PERNIT II- Asiatic Animal Imports, Inc. Research Laboratory. Bayshore Hi&hway. An application for a use permit filed by Asiatic Animal Imports, Inc., for constructiopa and operation of an office and research laboratory building on industrial property on the Bayshore Highway (Lots 5 and 6. Block 5, East Mlillsdale Industrial Park, Unit No. 2) was scheduled for public hearing on this date. A communication from the applicant, dated March 14, 1961, was read advising that the operation can be compared with a modern veterinary hospital. The communication mentioned that identical operations con® ducted at Stanford University at Palo Alto and University of California Medical Center in San Francisco do not ' disburb nor interfere with office and administrative functions within the same buildings. Stanford Gluck, Executive Vice President, Lsiatic Animal Imports, Inc., was in attendannce. In reply to questions directed to the applicant concerning the type of animals Involved, Dr. Greer, associate of Mr. Gluck, advised that the majority of animals would possibly be in the monkey classification. He stated that "it is difficult to bresee what medical research will use In this future10. Dr. Greer advised that in other operations in which he has participated any number of species were used. However, the monkey Is of primary concern in the present operation. Mr. -Gluck advised that they are now located at San Francisco International Airport where the allotted space is no longer adequate. The Chair invited further comments from the floor. There were none. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Martin to approve the application of Asiatic Animal Imports, Inc., for a use permit to construct an office and research laboratory building to house animals to be used in medical research and scientific investigations; the animals to be confined at all times within the building; incinerator or crematorium for animal dis- posal to be prohibited. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously carried on roll call vote of members present. The applicants were advised that the permit would become effective April 2, 1961, provided there was no appeal. The hearing was 'thereafter declared concluded. -3- r 5. VARIANCE m James K. Irwin.. 1021 Cortez Avenue. Front setback encroachment. A public hearing was scheduled at this time on an application for a } variance filed by James M. Irwin, to permit an encroachment of two 1 feet into the front setback on his property at 1021 Cortez Avenue. A communication dated March 18, 1961, from the applicant advised that there is not sufficient space (length) in the garage to accomodate a standard size11961 model automobile. An addition of two feet will give the required space but at the same time will bring the front line of the garage tjwo feet Into the front setback. A sketch and blueprint were filed with the application. The Planning CoOsultant, in reply to the Chair, stated that the exist- ing setback is 5 feet. The encroachment proposed by Mr. Irwin will leave approximately 13 feet between the building proper and the set- back line. Commissioners discussed the project at some length with Mr. Irwin. Suggestions were made of alternate methods which he might use to gain the additional length. The Chair asked, for comments from the floor. There were none. Upon agreement among members of the Commission, the hearing was con- tinued for thirty days to the regular meeting in April to give Mr. Irwin an opportunity to try to work out some means of enlarging the area at the rear of the garage. UNFINISHED BUSU ESS 1. Resubdivision - Orin C. Fields. Property. Bayshore Boulevard,., The Chair announced that the application of Orin C. Fields to resub- divide property described as Portion of Lot 11, Block 3, Burlingables Subdivision, filed in connection with a variance for construction of an apartment addition on said property, will be carried on the agenda until the building is completed. The resubdivision application was thereafter continued to the regular meeting in April, 1961. NEW BUSINESS 1. Hillside SyAlvisioons - Controlling GradkZ and Tree Removal The Planning Consultant advised that he has had an opportunity to study the material which he received from the City Manager regardings ways and means used by various cities and counties to control excessive grading and tree removal in hillside developments. He stated that he was unable to find a solution to the problem as it exists in the City of Burlingame. A copy of a letter written by the Planning Consultant to the City Manager was read in which the suggestion was made that the best approach would appear to be Individual treatment of each new sub- division and negotiation, where necessary, with the developers. ADJOURWENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted,, d4-- D.A. Stivers, Secretary