HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1961.04.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION April 10, 1961 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Cistulli Diedericheen Kindig Martin Moore Norbe rg Stivers CALL TO OMA COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT None City Attorney Karmel City Engineer Marr Plano Cons, Mann Councilman Lorenz A study meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was held on the above date. Muting called to order at 8:20 p.m. Chairman Diederichsen presiding. ROLL CALL The Secretaryos roll call recorded the above members present. FOR STUDY The following subjects were submitted to the Commission: le RESZTBDIVISIQN m Lots 6 and 7, Block 1,, Ingold-Mill sdale Industrial Park, A resubdivision map prepared by Wilsey, Ham and Blair, Engineers, filed with the City Engineer, proposed to transfer an area at the northwesterly corner of Lot 6 to Lot 7, Block 1, Ingold Millsdale Industrial Parka The City Engineer stated that the oemer of Lot 7 requires a spur track to his property, In order to accommodate this, it is necessary to ac- quire a small triangular parcel from the adjoining Lot 6, The resubdivisioi map defines the lot line changes. The application was scheduled for public hearing at the April 24, 19619 meeting. 20 VARIANCE m To Resubdivide Lots 11 and 12, Block 21, Easton Addln, No, 2, An application, filed by Mrs. Edward McRoskey, 1262 Balboa Avenues pro- posed a new lot line between Lots 11 and 12, Block 210 Easton Additbn No. 2, and requested a variance to allow less than a 50 foot width for Lot 11. Mrs, McRoskey was in attendance. The Commission was advised that she is the owner of both lots. Her home is located on Lot 12; Lot 11 is unim- proved. It is her intention to sell the latter lot, however the exist- ing driveway and garage are located partly on Lot 11. Moving the lot line will eliminate the encroachments but will reduce the width of Lot 11 to 47 feet. The City Engineer advised that both lots are over 5000 square feet. In reviewing the map, it was noted that the new lot line jutted out ap- proximately three feet at the rear alongside the garage. Mrs. MaRoskey stated that the engineer who surveyed the property and prepared the map found it was not possible to continue in a straight line and provide sufficient clearance at the garage. Mrs. McRoskey was advised that a better pattern would result if the line were to be straightened. This would require a one hour fire wall on the property lime and removal of the eaves overhang. A public hearing was scheduled for the next regular meeting, prior to which the map was to be revised to give a straight lot line. 3. RESUBDIVI� - Lands of Dilley, Hillside Drive. A map of a resultdivision of the property of Earl M. Dilley, 3030 Hill- side Drive, Burlingame, proposing to create three lots, only one of which will have 'frontage on the street, was submitted. Cyrus J. Mc- Millan, attorney~, was in attendance representing the applicant. Mention was made of a new approach to the driveway. In reviewing the map, there was considerable discussion concerning the grade of the drive- way, which is very steep at one section. Commissioners were advised that the driveway has served the existing residence for a number of years. Reference was made to a recommendation from Fire Chief Moorby that a water line terminating in a wharf -type hydrant be installed near the pro- posed homes to eliminate the necessity of fire vehicles traveling the driveway in case of emergency. Mr. McMillan was advised that the Commission would require the following to be drawn on the map: a turnaround at Lot B; location of utility ease- ments; contours of out and fill. Commissioners requested also that Mr. Dilley have prepared a commitment of improvements he is prepared to Install on Hillside Drive and the facilities requested by the Fire Chief. A suggestion was made that some study be given to widening the driveway to 20 feet. 4. USE PERM3T - Asiatic Animal Imports. Ina A use permit application was .presented by Asiatic Animal Imports, Inc., for an office and research laboratory building on property at 1669 Bayshore Highway (Lot 3, Block 4, East Millsdale Industrial Park No.2). A letter from Coldwell, Banker & Co., real estate brokers, accompanying the application, explained that the present request is in lieu of the use permit ranted by the Commission to the ap 1 icWntB'It thl meeetstng of March 27, 1V61, for another location - Lots 5 �nd , Millsdale Industrial Park No. 2. James Q. Brett, associated with the real estate firm, explained that subsequent to the approval of the use permit, the owner of the property received an offer for the sale of the entire block including the site to be occupied by Asiatic Animal Imports, and the latter has indicated its willingness to locate; one block north` -2- The Planning Consultant explained that a new application is required inasmuch as the use permit cannot be transferred to another location. The Planning Consultant mentioned also that at the City Council meet- ing, April 3, 1961, in reply to an inquiry from Mayor Morgan concern- ing vivisection,, Dr. Greer, representing the Company, reported that the animals are maintained in good health - vivisection is not in- cluded in the program. A public hearing was scheduled for the next regular meeting. 5. VARIANGEG'E a Otanley P eight and rear Stanley P. Berner was in attendance to discuss a height and rear setback variance in connection with apartment house construction on property located on Almet Road at Bellevue (Lots 445, Block 9, Burlingame Lando Mr. Berney explained that the site is in an R-4 District where buildings are limited to �5 feet or six stories. Hie plan contemplates an 85 foot building of eight stories. He stated that at one point at the rear, where the property line is not straight, there will be an 11 foot set- back rather than the required 15 feet The Commission Was advised that there will be approximately 60 units 1600 to 2000 square feet per unit; perhaps 60% to be the larger apart- ments. Each tenant will receive a grant deed to his apartment. There will be subterranean parking to accommodate 64 stalls. Mr. Berney was requested to have prepared a complete set of drawings covering all aspects of the project - to be reviewed by the Planning Consultant o and submitted to the Commission at the study meeting of May 8, 1961. It was suggested that perhaps two stories of parking could be worked out to provide a greater number of parking stalls; also some ground level uncovered parking spaces for visitors° cars. 6. RESUBDIVIS ION o Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Ray Park Subdivision. Albemarle and Balboa Way. Cyrus J. McMillan, attorney, discussed briefly a proposed resubdivision of the above properties and advised that the owner would have prepared a suitable map to be filed with the City Engineer for verification. 7. GEWERAL 1. The Planning Consultant was requested to direct a letter to Sidney Madden concerning illegal uses in existence on property which he owns at 965 Sayshore Boulevard. 2. There was discussion concerning a recent advertising campaign In connection with a sale of property in one of the city°s residential districts. Commissioners were concerned lest similar incidents be re- peated. The City Attorney expressed the opinion that appropriate legislation could be prepared to control bizarre advertising in resi- dential districts. 3. Commissioner Kindig referred to a State Assembly Bill, providing for a .Regional Planning District, to be introduced within the near future and suggested that at its next regular meeting the Commission declare its position in favor of the bill. 03 0 A i4. An announcement was made that the next meeting of the Tri-County Planning Council to be held in Sunnyvale on April 28, 1961v will concern 04idustrial Plannine. 5e Members were reminded that election of officers for the year 1961-62 will be held at the next regular meeting, A DJOURNIE Nr The meeting wa# regularly adjourned at 10:30 P.m. Respectfully submittede D.A. Stivers, Secretary -4-