HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1961.04.24CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION April 24, 1961 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Cistulli Norberg City Attorney Kaximel Diederichsen Ass°to City Engineer Kindig Reberchik Martin Plana Cons. Mann Moore Councilman Lorenz Stivers CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Commission was held on the above date. Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. Chairman Diederichsen presiding. ROLL CALL The Secretary's roll call recorded the above members present. Commissioner Norberg, absent due to a business appointment, was excused. MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of March 27, 1961, previously submitted to members of the Commission, were unanimously approved and adopted. Minutes of the study meeting of April 10, 1961, previously submitted to members of the Commission were unanimously approved and adopted. HEARINGS Chairman Diederichsen announced that this was the time scheduled to con- duct public hearings as follows: 1, RESUBDIVISION Lots 6 and 7_ Block 1, Ingold-Millsdale Ind. Center, A resubdivision map, prepared by Wilsey, Ham & Blair, Engineers, pro- posed a resubdivision of Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Ingold-Millsdale Indus- trial Center by transferring a small area at the northwesterly corner of Lot 6 to Lot 7¢ The Commission was advised that the owner of Lot 7 required a spur track to his property, It was necessary to acquire the land from the adjacent property.. The resubdivision map describes a small trilgular area to be taken from Lot 6 and added to Lot 7 and an additional piece to provide clearance along the spur:, The Assistant City Engineer, in reply to the Chair, advised that the map has been exlamined and found to be in order. There being no protests received, oral or written, a motion was intro- duced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Cistulli, approv- ing the resubdilvision map as filed with the City Engineer.. Motion carried unanimously on roll call vote of members present. 2, VARIANCE!James M, Irwin, 021 Cortez Av=ue, Front se ob roa hme 1 continued from meeting of March 27, 19 1 An application filed by James M. Irwin, 1021 Cortez Avenue, requested ap- proval of a variance to permit a two foot encroachment into the front set- back on the garlage portion of his property, A letter from Mr. Irwin dated March 18, 1961, was read advising that there is not sufficient length in the existing garage to accommodate a standard size 1961 automobile. Blueprints were enclosed describing a proposed ad- dition of two Beet.. Chairman Diederichsen announced that a public hearing was held on the ap- plication at the meeting of March 27, 1961, and continued to this date to give Mr. Irwin an opportunity to work out an alternate plan of utilizing the garage area without building on at the front. Chairman Diederichsen recognized Mr. Irwin who stated that he had reviewed the plans with the contractor. Measurements of the garage area were verified, also a number of 1961 automobiles were measured. A particular effort was made to follow the suggestion offered at the last Commission meeting of installing a ramp at the rear of the garage to bring the front end of the automobile up over the porch projection. However, when all of the measurements were applied to the existing space, it was discovered that approximately 20 inches would be required to clear the porch obstruc- tion. Mir. 'Irwin stated that this raised another problem. By bringing the front end of the car up 20 inches, the hood would not clear the porch overhang. He mentioned that he was fearful of the hazard involved in parking in this position also the difficulties that would be encountered in getting In and out of the car. Mr. Irwin recalled that during the previous discussion there was a question raised concerning parking in the driveway without blocking the sidewalk, should the addition be permitted. He stated that under exist- ing conditions there is not sufficient space to park and clear the sidewalk. Mr. Irwin stated that he explored the neighborhood and found one other property comparable to his. He stated that he felt his to be an exceptional situation. Chairman Diederichsen invited members of the Commission to comment. In reply to questions directed to Mr. Irwin, the Commission was advised that the interior of the garage now measures 17 feet; that the 1961 cars which were measured range in length from 2101 inches to 217 inches. -9- The Planning C nsultant advised that the property presents an unusual problem,, The lot is ample in size, however, the building was placed: too close to the front. The 17 foot garage would not be permitted under existing laws; the present minimum is 20 feet for the garage interior, Commissioner Martin stated that he was reluctant to approve an encroach- ment on the front setback. However, Mro Irwin would be faced with a great deal of additional expense if he attempted to remodel the interior of the garage by relocating plumbing fixtures and removing the porch obstruction. There being no protests received, oral or written, a motion was intro- duced by Commissioner Kindig approving the application for a variance to permit an addition to the front of the garage not to exceed two feet into the Front setback for the width of the garage. Motion seconded by Commissioner Moore and unanimously carried on roll call vote. In a brief period of discussion, members expressed the opinion that the applicant was Faced with a condition of hardship peculiar to his property, that approval of the variance would in no way establish a precedent for other front setback intrusions. It was further noted that it is virtually impossible from a construction standpoint to provide the re- quired space by any method other than an addition at the front of the garage. The applicant was advised that the variance would become effective on May 2, 1961, provided there was no appeal. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT Jerry D. Kelleher. Parking Lot California Drive at Carmelita Avenue A public hearing on an application for a use permit for a parking lot, filed by Jerry Do Kelleher, 1101 California Drive, continued from the meeting of March 27, 1961, was scheduled to proceed on this date. Inasmuch as the applicant was not in attendance nor represented, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Martin, seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously carried, to continue the hearing to the next regular meeting, the applicant to be notified meanwhile to appear at the study meeting of May 8, 1961. 4� VARIANCE Mrs. Edward McRoskej, 1262 Balboa Avenue.. Lot 8esubdivision. A public hearing was scheduled on this date to consider the request of Mrs. Edward McRoskey for a variance to resubdivide her property at 1262 Balboa Avenue - one lot to be less than 50 feet wide. The residence Is on Lot 12, the garage and driveway partly on Lot 11. (Lots 11 and 12, Block 51, Easton Addition No. 2). A letter dated April 10, 1961, was read from Wilsey, Ham and Blair,, Engineers, advising that the purpose of.the variance is to clear Lot 11 of existing encroachments. By permitting Lot 11 less than the 50 foot width, the garage and driveway appurtenant to Lot 12 will become a per- manent part of Lot 12. -� A resubdivisioO map prepared by Wilsey, Ham and Blair, and filed with the City Engineer, was submitted. Mrs. Edward McRoskey and Mr, Hobert McRoskey were in attendance. Mr. McRoskey advised that subsequent to the study meeting of April 10, 191 the map was revised to eliminate the section of uneven lot line at the garage. Also,, arrangements were made to change the garage wall on the property line to one hour fire construction. The eaves overhang will be removed and gutters installed, The planning Consultant stated that with the exception of the width of Lot 11, which is three feet less than minimums, the lots will meet the city°s requirements. The Chair invited comments from the floor. Mrs. Henry A. Lehmberg, 1508 Sherman Avenue, advised that her property is in the rear of the McRoskey property on the opposite side of a ten foot drainage easement. Mrs. Lehmberg stated that there has been a serious drainage problem for years between the two properties where storm waters, accumulated in the easement, have flowed to her lot and into her basement. Mrs. Lehmberg advised that considerable personal funds have been expended to install drain tile. Inasmuch as the McRoskey lots slope to the corner of the easement and drain into the easement Mrs. Lehmberg was concerned that a building on Lot 11 would contribute to the problem. The Planning Consultant confirmed the statements of Mrs. Lehmberg. In describing the situation, he stated that the land is not level, the water rolls toward El Camino and at the particular place described there is a "cup" where the land falls into a slope and then rises be- fore the creek is reached. He stated that the City has done some work &nd suggested that the matter be brought to the attention of the City Engineer. The Planning Consultant expressed the opinion that develop- ment of the McRoskey lot will not aggravate the problem. I.T. Boop, 1500 Sherman Avenue, maintained that a residence will in- crease the flow into the easement and requested that some particular pro`dsion be required to drain the water to the caeek, In a period of general discussion concerning the effect of the resub- division on the.drainage in the neighborhood, mention was made that present building restrictions require the house roof to be drained to the street, which in this instaneek particularly, would be helpful. Commissioner Martin, commenting that inasmuch as it would appear that a building on Lot 11 would aid the situation somewhat by draining a part of the water to the street, and a hardship would be imposed upon the property were Lot 11 required to be the full 50 feet, introduced a motion to approve the variance in accordance with the map on file with the City tngineer, subject to the garage on Lot 12 being made to conform to present building and fire codes. Motion seconded by Commissioner Stivers and unanimously carried on roll call voted The applicant was advised that the variance would become effective May 2, 1961, provided there was no appeal. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. -4- 5o SPECIAL PERMIT Asiatic Animal Imrorrts. Iric,_ Research Laborato A public hearing was held on a request for a special permit filed by Asiatic Animal Imports, Inc,, for an Office and Research Laboratory at 1669 Bayyshore Highway (Lot 3, Block 4, East Millsdale Industrial Park No. 2)0 A letter dated April 79 1961, was read from Coldwell Banker & Company, real estate brokers, advising that the present application is in lieu of a permit granted to the applicant under date of March 27, 1961, for the same purpose at another location. Dr. Greer of Asiatic Animal Imports, Inc., and James Q.o Brett, Coldwell-Banker! Company, were in attendance. Mr. Brett advised that the present request is to transfer the permit from the original location to the new location to make way for a large development on the first lot. At the present time, both properties are under the same ownership. The applicant has agreed to accept another location to accommodate the property owner provided the City will grant a new use permit In response to the Chair's request for comment from the floor, William R, McDonnell, owner of properties on Malcolm Road near.Bayshore Highway,, requested information concerning the type of animal involved. } Dr. Greer explained that monkeys will be used primarily. There may be some birds and perhaps domestic animals of a laboratory nature, such as mice. Mr. Ritchie, who stated that he was representing certain property owners In the area, requested infrmation concerning the number of monkeys to be kept in the building. Dr. Greer explained "this is a holding institution for transportation to the user*. It is planned to have a holding capacity for 400 to 500 animals for approximately six weeks. Dr. Greer stated that there could be occasions when this number would double when a new shipment would overlap those animals already processed and ready to be dispatched. The Commission was advised that there is "an average of five to six weeks to process the animal to a good laboratory animals We replace animals as they are used". Mr. Ritchie stated that he was concerned lest a nuisance arive from the odors. Dr. Greer assured the Commission that precautions are taken in caring for the animals to eliminate unclean conditions. The building will be equipped with special heating and ventilating facilities. Mention was made that such research facilities are subject to the jurisdiction of the State of California Department of Public Health. Dr. Greer stated that the Company would be willing to accept a limit on the number of animals in the building —5— Commissioner Martin stated that he had personal knowledge of the exten- sive animal research center operated by the University of California and Was prepared to agree with Dr. Greer that the odor factor could be satis- factorily controlled. Commissioner Majrtin thereupon introduced a motion approving the applica- tion of Asiatic Animal Imports, Incas for a use permit to construct an office and research laboratory building to house animals to be used in medical research and scientific investigations* the animals to be confined within the building at all times* incinerator or crematorium for animal disposal to be prohibited; no more than 1200 large laboratory animals to be permitted on the premises at any one time. Motion seconded by Commissioner C3stulli and unanimously carried on roll call vote. The applicant was advised that the permit would become effective May 2, 1961, piovided there was no appeal. The City Attorney declared that the Commission has approved two permits for the same purpose for separate locationsa The applicant was requested, subsequent to the date on which the second permit becomes effective, to submit a written statement to the City surrendering the original permit. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Trousdale Construction Company Tract Office,,, A request dated April 17, 1961, from Trousdale Construction Company for permission to continue to use the dwelling at 2500 Trousdale Drive as a tract sales office for the period May 13, 1961, to May 13, 1962, under the same conditions previously stipulated by the Commission (May 26,1958) was unanimously approved on motion of Commission Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Cistullio UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10 8esubdivisi4on of Orin C. Fields Property, Bayshore Boulgyard, A request of the Planning Consultant that the matter of the resubdivision of the Orin Co Fields Property on Bayshore Boulevard, Portion of Lot 11, Block 3, Burlingables Subdivision, be continued on the agenda until the apartment construction thereon is completed, was unanimously approved on motion of Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Kindig. NEW BUSINESS to Election oP Officers Election of officers for the term 1961-62 was continued to the next regular meeting on motion of Commissioner Cistullio seconded by Com- missioner Moored and unanimously carried. -6- 2. Commissioner Kiltdig introduced the subject of a State Assembly Bill proposed by Ass mblyman Myers of San Francisco to create a Bay Area Regional Planni g District to serve a nine county area, Commissioner Kindig stated that he has studied the bill carefully and believes it to be a satisfactory proposals Commissioners indicated concurrence following a brief period of general discussion. Commissioner Kindig stated that inasmuch as the bill has been introduced and public hearings will be held, he would introduce a motion to support the bill and recommend a formal endorsement by the City Council not later than May 15, 1961. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cistulli and unanimously carried. In reply to an inquiry from Councilman Lorenz, Commissioner Kindig stated that the provisions of the bill will not conflict with the recently formed Association of hay Area Governments. 3. Committee tR Study Airport Prgblemso The Planning Consultant reported that he attended a meeting recently at the San Francisco International Airport of a committee comprised of technical representatives from local communities appointed to gather information relative to the operation of airports and their impact on surrounding cities. 4. Tri-County glanning Counc,l, Members were reminded that the next dinner meeting of the Tri-County Planning Council will be held in Sunnyvale on April 28, 1961. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D.A. Stivers, Secretary -7-