HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1961.07.10COMYAISS 10NE.RS Cistulli Diederichsen Kindig Poore N'orberg Stivers The study meet scheduled for Chairman Diede: FOR STUDY 1. CITY OF BURLINGAME PI ANNING COMMISSION July 10 e 1.961 'RESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT None City Attorney Karmal City Engineer Marr Plan. Cons, Mann Councilman Martin g of the Burlingame Planning Commission, regularly is date, was called to order at 8:00 p.m. - chsen presiding, Lot 8, Burlingame Manor No. 2 Subdivision. Pair. Gordon R. trocker was in attendance to discuss a resubdivision of Lot 88 Burl ngame Manor No. 2, The property has Frontage on La Mesa Drive nd covers an extensive area in the canyon off Hillside Drive. It Is 1he remainder of the land subdivided by Congdon Construc- tion Company. Fr. Stocker proposes to create three parcels but will require a variance since the parcels will not have 50 foot frontage on the public otreeta The City Engineer stated that he will not agree to new sewer Installa- tions in the neighborhood until the County of San Mateo reconstructs the present sever system in the unincorporated area, :Ie stated that he believes this will be accomplished some time this year. In discussing the application, Commissioners were in agreement that a contour map should be made available to be studied in conjunction with the resubdivislon plan. Suggestions were made for realigning the lots to give an average width of 50 feet to at least two of the lots. The City Engineer and the Planning Consultant stated that -they would prefer to visits the location before offering suggestions or recommenda- tions; Mr. Strocker was advised that the application would be continued to the meeting of ,July 24, 1961, for further study. 2. CAPITAL IlgROVEMENT PROGRAM. There was discussion as to the most satisfactory method of meeting with department;: heads and Commissions to hear their proposals for capital improvements. It was agreed to meet on Wednesday evening, July 19, 19618 at 8:00 p.m, and to invite the Police and Fire Depart- ments, the Library and City Hall, and the Health and Safety Commission. Following this, a second meeting would be held for the Public Works, the Park and Reoreation Departments. Review and analysis of material would follow on�a schedule to be determined at a later date. A DJOURIdMEi�T The meeting eras, regularly adjourned at 8:55 P.m. Respectfully submitted, DA. Stivers, Secretary COMMISS ION3RS Cistulli Diederichsen Kindig Moore Norberg Stivers The study meet sched-uled for Chairman Diede I ROR STUD �ITY OF BURLINGA ME PI,A NNING COMMISSION July 10 a 3_1061 PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT None City Attorney Karmel City Engineer Marr Plan. Cons, Mann Councilman Martin g of the Burlingama Planning Commission, regularly is date, was called to order at 8:00 p.m� - chsen presiding. Lot 8, BurlIpLame Manor No. 2 Subdivision. Mr. Gordon R. S rocker was In attendance to discuss aresubdivision of Lot 8, Burli ame Manor Igo, 20 The property has Frontage on La Mesa Drive a d covers an extensive area in the canyon off Hillside Drive, It is t a remainder of the land subdivided by Congdon Construc- tion Company. ,arc Stocker proposed to create three parcels but will require a variance since the parcels will not have 50 foot frontage on the public s#reeto The City Engineer stated that he will not agree to new sewer installa- tions in the ne$ghborhood until the County of San Mateo reconstructs the present sew r° system in the unincorporated. area. :fie stated that he believes thi will be accomplished some time this year. In discussing th. application, Commissioners were in agreement that a contour map should be made available to be studied in conjunction with the resubdivisign plan. Suggestions were made for realigning the lots to give an average width of 50 feet to at least two of the lots. The City Engineer and the Planning Consultant stated that they would prefer to visit the location before offering suggestions or recommenda- tions, Mr. Strocker was advised that the application would be continued to the meeting of July 24, 1961, for further study. 2. CAPITAL IMP40VEMENT PROGRAM. There was discussion as to the most satisfactory method of meeting with deparoment',heads and Commissions to hear their proposals for capital improvements. It was agreed to meet on Wednesday evening, July 19, 1961, at 8.00 p.m. and to invite the Police and Fire Depart- ments, the Library and City Hall, and the Health and Safety Commission. Following this, a second meeting would be held for the Public works, the Park and Recreation Departments. Review and analysis of material wou� d. follow on la schedule to be determined at a later date. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was oregularly adjourned at 8:55 P.m. Respectfully submitted., L"► r", a St1v*rs, Secretary