HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1961.09.25COi@iSS S1WIER5 Brauner Cis tulli Diederichsen Kindig Moore Stivers CALL TO ORDER A regular meet! caned to orde3 presiding, ROLL CALL A roll call by Present, Commissioner N( September 25, 1961 COW1 tUSSIOT ERS ABSENT OTh%RS PRESEIMI Worberg fits- Attorney Karmen. City Engineer Mart Plan. Cons. Mann Councilman Lorenz Councilrraan Martin g of the Burlingame City Planning Cormisjsion was at 8:00 p.m. on the above date •- Ghairman Diederichsen the Secretary recorded the above members of the Commission berg, absent due to a business commitment, was excused. MINUTES PREVIOI$S TVETINGS The minutes of the regular meeting of August 28a 1061, and the study meeting of September 11, 1961, submitted to Comaissioners previously, were ap-3roved and adopted. BEARINGS Chairman Diederichsen announced that this was the time scheduled to conduct public hearings as follows: 1. RESDBDIVIS ON - Lot 8, Burlingame Manor No. 2 Subdivision. Gordon R. Strocher Prover 1. The City Engineer recalled that the ovmer, Gordon R. Strocher, recently requested a variance to resubdivide Lot 8�, Burlingame Manor No. 2 into three parcels., one of which proposed a frontage less than the legal re- quirement. This application was denied. The City Engineer advised that a revised map has been prepared whereby the owner now -roposes to divide into two parcels having legal frontages on La Mesa Dri ev thereby eliminating the need for a variance. Mains are available for sewer and water services to both. parcels. i- mr, Strocher, Improvement pl missioners exp possibility of site. Mr. Strocher s eel can be dev the driveway n and fill will of the lot. fhe applicant, was questioned by the Chair concerning Lns, with particular reference to Parcel "B". Com- ►essed concern because of the steep terrain and the excessive cuts or excavating to provide a building ted that there are a number of -ways in which the par- oped. The -best possible site will be selected once been completed. He advised that additional pipe placed where the drainage channel crosses the front The City Bngin er, in reply to the Chair, advised that fir. Strocher proposes the driveway off La Mesa Drive at the site of an existing drain-ige easom nt which is under the jurisdiction of the City. Any construction in this area will be subject to approval and acceptance by the City's 1bgineering Department. Reference was made by Commissioner Kindig to a resolution recently adopted by the Planning Commission "Controlling Development Of Building Sites In Hillside Subdivision" wherein it was resolved that "Any subdivision or resubdivision of land in hillside areas will be carefully sera inized on all matters involving grading, dirt hauling, tree removal and landscaping." Commissioner Kindig questioned whether it was within the sphere of the Commission$$ authority to 1 regulate land cuts or fills in specific developments. The Planning C naultant, referring to the subject property, advised that he had visited there on several occasions and agrees with the applicant that there are several sites from which to select where a building can be placed to take advantage of the contour of the land. The Planning Consultant stated that inasmuch as each subdivision or resubdivision sents a particular problem,, it would be difficult to attempt to write a set of rules to apply in every situation. He stated that he felt that the Commission, in treating individual properties, will be able to negotiate to secure proper building sites with a minimum of disturbance to the natural beauties of the land. In reply to the Chair's inquiry, fir. Strocher advised that upon ap- proval of the r subdivision, words will proceed on Parcel "A" at once; Parcel "B", not until a later date. There being no urther comments, and no protests received, oral or written, a moti n was introduced by Commissioner Brauner seconded by Commissioner Ki dig, approving; the r�esubdivision of Lot �, Burlingame Manor No, 2 Sub ivision, in accordance wi vh the tracing on file with the City Engine r. Motion carried unanimously. 2. RESUBDIVISI N - Lands of Wallace B. Steil. Acreage Northeasterly Line of La Mesa Drive& The City Engineer advised that the owner, Wallace BL ,Steil., desires to resubdivide area of 0.48 acres MoL� acreage on the northeasterly -line of La Mesa +r :eve, into tumro parcelsv mb•x chi ylill meet lot frontage and lad area r i� The City Engineer stated that there is a problem of utilities. There are neither sewer nor water mains to serve the property. The City Engineer recommended that should the Commission elect to approve the resubdivision the action be conditional upon the installation of the utilities and approval of same by the City Engineer, Mr. Steil, t applicant, agreed that the utilities would be installed to conform to the City's specifications. There being n written, a mo the resubdivi conditional u on the tracin Installations Cistulli and The City En be withheld 3• further comments, and no protests received, oral or on was introduced by Commissioner Brauner to approve on of the Lands of Wallace B. Steil, La Mesa Drives n installation of the necessary utilities, as indicated on file with the City Engineer, and acceptance of said y the City Engineer. Motion seconded by Commissioner cried unanimously on roll call vote. advised that final signatures on the tracing would the conditions of the -grant were met. ON - Lots 18 and 19, Block 6, East Millsdale Industrial Park No..2. (Gilbreth and Hineklev Roads). The City Eng1 er advised that the application proposes a resubdivision of two lots in the industrial area at the corner of Hinkley and Gil- t` t breth Roads (Lots 18 & 19, Block 6v East Millsdale Industrial Park > No. 2). There have been no alterations in the application since originally submitted to the Commission at the last study meeting. The City Engin er stated that the owner is requesting permission to re- locate the exi tang property line between the two lots 20 feet in a northwesterly irection, making Parcel"A` 20'feet less in depth and In- creasing Pares "B" accordingly. The map has been examined and complies with the City* requirements. Lewis Walker o Coldwell-Banker Compauys'representing the property owner, advised that Parcel "A" has been sold. The lot in its original size was too large for the purchaserts needs and since there was not a lot of the right size available, the owner agreed to request the resub- division as an accommodation to the buyer. The Planning Consultant mentioned that recently there has been a trend In some of the new construction in the industrial area to reduce land- scaping and planting to'a minimum and increase pavement to a degree which has not been pleasing to the City. The Planning Consultant' stated that it is hbp&d that,as additional land is sold and new buildings con- structed,this ituation willnot continue. There be no further comments, and no protests received, oral or written, a mot on was introduced by Commissioner Cistulli, seconded by Commissioner More-, to approve the resubdivision of Lots 18 and 19, Block 6, Eastillsdale Industrial Park No. 2, in accordance with the tracing on fillin the office of the City Engineer. Motion carried unanimously. �31W The Chair annou mission, Chandl from the regula dwelling on pro was continued t visit the site. Sprague - Variance To Permit Duplex Use 93!t Paloma Avenue. ced that at the last study meeting of the Planning Com- r M. Sprague submitted an application for a variance ions for R-2 Districts to permit construction of a second erty at 934 Paloma Avenue (R-2 District). The subject this date to permit Commissioners an opportunity to Referring fort r to the application, the Chair stated that there is sufficient land to provide a building site for a second dwelling. How- ever, the property in its present condition will not meet the City's re- quirements for 1uplex use. The existing dwelling, at the rear of the lot, abuts the ear property line. There is no rear yard. Chairman Dieder chsen stated that after a personal inspection of the property, anda cursory examination of the neighborhood, it would appear that a land use study should be made to determine existing uses: the percentage of single-family dwellings, properties which are duplex in use, conforming or non -conforming, also apartments. The Planning Co0sultant advised that available records indicate that the present duplex oning has been in effect for approximately 30 years. Following a bri f discussion with Mr. Sprague concerning existing duplex �' uses in the imm diate-neighborhood, members agreed to conduct a public hearing on the pplication at the next regular Commission meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. The Chair anno ced that the League of Daliforria Cities Convention, to be held in San ancisco in October, will conflict with the Planning Commission meet ng scheduled for October 23, 1961. On a motion intro- duced by Commis toner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Kindig, and unanimously ca led, the Planning Commission meeting was rescheduled to October 30, 196 . 2. PUBLIC HEA7NG SCHEDULED RE: AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR 'FALLOUT SHELTERS". The Planning Co ultant referred to a brief discussion at the last Planning Commis ion study meeting concerning construction of "Fallout Shelters" on pr vate properties. He stated that he and Building In- spector Calwell attended a meeting in Oakland, called by the Bay Area Regional Civil fense Coordinator, where building and planning of- ficials, repres sting cities from all sections of the Bay Area, dis- cussed formulat on of rules to control such construction. The Planning Co ultgnt advised that material is being prepared to be .,� considered for Inclusion in the City's Ordinance Code to provide for definition of "Fallout Shelters" and to regulate their use in resi- dential districts. The material will be available for study at the Commission meet ng on October 9, 1961. Following a brief discussion,, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Rindig, seconded by Commissioner Moore, setting October 30,0 1961, at 8:00 p.m., in the City hall Council Chardbers as the time and place to conduct a public hearing on proposed amendments to Sections 1903 and 1926 of tie City Ordinance Code, Notion carried unanimously, 3,. ASSOCIATIgN OF MY .AAA GO RWPIERrS ND REGIONAL PLANT NNI ;r DISTRICT The Chair reoc,gnized Councilman Martin- Mao stated that- as a. repre- sentative of the City Counts lb he attended a meeting of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) hold, recently In. Berk-oley.. He mentioned.. as an item of partioul.aia interest to members of the Playing Com- misslon, that the Association adopted the report of its Standing Com- mittee on Reg oral. Planning opposing a. proposed State Assembly Bin to create a B0 Area Regional Planning District. A JOURMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9.125 p.m. Respectfully ly subridtted, D,A. S tigers, Secretary