HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1961.12.11COMMISSIONERS Brauner Cistulli Kindig Moore Norberg S tivers CALL TO ORDER A monthly stud called to orde presiding. ROLL CALL OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Diederichsen December 11, 1961 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney Karmel City Engineer Marr Plan. Cons. Mann Councilman Lorenz Councilman Martin meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission was on the above date at 8:00 p.m. Vice -Chairman Kindig The Secretary s roll call recorded the above members present. Chairman Diede ichsen was absent due to a business commitment. FOR STUDY The following matters were presented to the Commission: 1. RESUBDIVISION - Lots 1 and 2, Belvedere Heights. An application riled by Leo A. Jacopi, owner, proposed a resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Belvedere Heights Subdivision by changing the southerly portion of the common lot line to transfer a small triangular portion from Lot 2 to Lot 1. Copies of the �ap were submitted to the Commission. The City Engineer explained that the area was originally intended,for the driveway o Lot 2. The owner finds now that it will not be used and he wishes to dispose of it. The City Engineer stated that by eliminat- ing the "Jog" In the present line a better lot pattern will result. Mr. Paul Const cussing the ap division will subdivision, w Summit Drive. 100 feet. The applicat ntino was in attendance to represent the owner. In disco lication, Mr. Constantino pointed out that the resub- enefit Lot 1, which is one of the smaller lots in the th an existing frontage of approximately 70 feet on The line change will increase the frontage to close to was scheduled for public hearing on December 28, 10/610 2, CHARLES M. MONROE RE: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS HILLSIDE DIRIVE. A communication dated December 7, 1961, from Charles M. Monroe referred �10 to conditions imposed by the Planning Commission in connection with_a resubdivision of his property on Hillside Drive, The communication ex- plained that a portion of the public improvements have been completed but additional time will be required to complete the entire project. An extension w s requested to December 28, 1962, for installing curb and gutter, removi g hedge and filling. In his communl ation, Mr. Monroe expressed the opinion that the restric- tions imposed ay the City have detracted from the natural appeal of the property and d scouraged potential purchasers. The Planning C nsultant recalled that originally there was one large parcel with fr ntages on Adeline Drive and Hillside Drive. Mr. Monroe was permitted o divide into two lots and a natural rock wail which crossed the pr perty was accepted as the dividing line. The Commission granted Mr. Mo roe a variance to make one lot smaller in area than the legal minimum ut required certain improvemerts to be made on the Hillside Drive frontage. Commissioner K ndig raised a question concerning the extent of Mr. Monroe's responsibility for the improvements and questioned whether or not a purchaser could be held responsible in the event of a transfer of title. Other members f the Commission also expressed interest in this pos- sibility and a peed that Mr. Monroe should be requested to appear at the next regul r Commission meeting, 3. FACITO INC RE: SIGN VARIANCE. A communication from Bell Electrical Signs, Inc., dated December 7, 19619 requested a variance from the provisions of the Sign Ordinance on behalf of Facit, Inc. 895 Stanton Road. The communicat on stated that the present display on the Facit property is inadequate.t Better identification is required as the operation in Burlingame wil be expanded to accommodate their North American offices, which will be loved from New York. A drawing of t e proposed sign accompanied the communication. An over- all height of 2-1/2 feet was indicated. The Planning C nsultant# in reply to the Chair, referred to the pro- visions of the Sign Ordinance establishing a maximum height of 20 feet for free -stand ng signs, Mr. Richard M. Hauck of Bell Electrical Signs, Inc., was in attendance. He advised tha new standards will be constructed to support the sign which will be �ouble-faced, lighted, non -revolving. It was the opt available info existence in t and a guide in Consultant was lap meeting, lion of members of the Commission that there should be i-mation on the size and design of signs presently in ie industrial area to be used for comparison purposes considering sign variance applications. The Planning requested to report to the Commission at the next regu- -2- The public he ing was scheduled to be held on December 28, 1961, at which time Mr. Hauck was to submit a plot plan. Harold L. W for a use p HOLLINSROAD P, DBA Cardinal Roofing Company, submitted an application t for a storage yard to be located at 1236 Rollins Road. A communicatio from the applicant dated December 8, 19610 advised that he is conducting business in Fountain View and wishes to maintain a branch yard in Burlingame where materials and equipment can be stored. A pencilled drawing of the location accompanied the application. The Planning Consultant advised that the use is legal in the district with a permit from the Commission. The Chair reco ized Mr. Walker who explained that the yard will occupy a portion of t e Dore property. He stated that he does not plan to build a struct a but, should there be a need, may erect a permanent office buildin at some time in the future, Mr. Walker stated that he plans to enclo a the area with a solid board fence, Commissioners gre December 28, 1 6l. 50 to to look at the site prior to the hearing on COMPANY VARIANCE - R-3 Use, R-1 District An application Prom Granite Development Company requested a variance on property to ated at 9 Clarendon Road to permit a triplex dwelling to be construeioning ed on a first residential lot (Lot 3, Block 30, Lyon Hoag Subdivisin), the first lot fronting on Clarendon Road behind the apartment on Peninsula Avenue. A plot and floor plan accompanied the application. The Planning C nsultant recalled that there have been two prior appli- cations on the same property; the first for a variance to permit apartment cons ruction was denied by the Commission and denied by the City Council i an appeal hearing. The second application, made by the owners of 11 lots similarly situated from Dwight'to Arundel Road, requested reco ing to apartment use. This request was also denied. Commissioners viewed the plan with Mr. Ralph Purer of Granite Develop- ment Company, public hearing was scheduled for December 28, 1961, prior to which ommissioners agreed to visit the property. Mr. Purer was requested t submit a letter of justification and to have available a detailed plan including elevations, 6. USE PERMIT.1 LOUIS MALASPINA, 1537 HOWARD AVENUE An application for a use permit, filed by Louis Malaspina, 1537 Howard Avenue, was submitted. The request was to remove an ex- isting one -car 8,arage and storage shed and build a new two -car garage and family room A plot plan accompanied the application. -3d A communloatioo from the applicant advised that the room will accom,-., rmdate an elderly member of the family who has been forced to vacate her own home. Mr. Malaspina 4dvised that the new structure will be detached from the main house and built at the rear of the lot on the property line. The Planning C nsultant stated that sleeping rooms are legal in first residential, di tricts, with a permit from the Commission. The structure may be on the roperty line, or at least three feet from the line. Commissioner N rberg stated that he would prefer that the building be located a suff cient distance to provide a rear yard between the struc- ture and the property line. A public hearing was scheduled for the next regular Commission meeting, December 28, 1161, 7. USE JADES E. AND LOIS 8 LORTON AVENUE. An application from James E. and Lois T. Lambert requested a use permit to operate a h me to care for six girls over 1.6 years of age who are dependents of 4an Mateo County. A communicatio enough to acco Mateo County S f premises. The Planning C Is legal with quired only to the home. The Planning C personal exper her mother who A public he :. from the applicants advised that the house is large odate the proposed use. A representative of the San sal Service Division has inspected and approved the nsultant advised that the zoning'is R-4 and the use permit from the Planning Commission. The City is re - approve the use. The County administers and supervises ultant advised also that Mrs. Lambert has not had es in operating this type of home but has worked with intains a home for the aged on the coast -side. was scheduled for December 28, 1961. IN ZONING The Planning C on December 4, the proposed a Exception was construction o City Council h on a variance sultant advised that at the meeting of the City Council 961, action was taken to return to the Planning Commission r inance amending Section 1926 of the Toning Ordinance. taken to the provisions of Section "G" pertaining to the f Fallout and Protective Shelters in front yards. The a requested that this construction be considered only p ocedure. Following a bri requested to pr next regular me r period of discussion, the Planning Consultant was pare material to be reviewed by the Commission at the tang. ..4- . 9. CHANDLER 11. SPRAGUE- DUPLEX APPLICATION. Acknowledgmen was made of cost sheets submitted by Mr. Chandler M. Sprague in connection with an application before the Planning Com- mission to pe it duplex use on property at 934 Paloma Avenue. ADJOURNMENT The meeting w s regularly adjourned at 8:45 p.m,, Respectfully submitted, D,A, Stivers, Secretary -5-