HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 2022.09.20CITY v 0 ticow � � rPORATED Tuesday, September 20, 2022 City of Burlingame Meeting Agenda - Final Library Board of Trustees 5:30 PM BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CA 94010 On September 16, 2021, Governor Newsom signed into law AB 361 which allows a local agency to meet remotely when: 1. The local agency holds a meeting during a declared state of emergency 2. State or local health officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing 3. Legislative bodies declare the need to meet remotely due to present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees On August 15, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution Number 099-2022 stating that the City Council and Commissions will continue to meet remotely for at least thirty days for the following reasons: 1. There is still a declared state of emergency 2. The State recommends that individuals in public spaces maintain social distancing and wear masks 3. The City can't maintain social distancing requirements for the public, staff, Councilmembers, and Commissioners in their meeting spaces Members of the public may view the meeting by logging into the Zoom meeting listed below. Members of the public may provide written comments by email to publiccomment@burlingame.org. The length of the emailed comment should be commensurate with the three minutes customarily allowed for verbal comments, which is approximately 250-300 words. To ensure that your comment is received and read to the Library Board of Trustees for the appropriate agenda item, please submit your email no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 20, 2022. The City will make every effort to read emails received after that time but cannot guarantee such emails will be read into the record. Any emails received after the 5:00 p.m. deadline which are not read into the record, will be provided to the Library Board of Trustees after the meeting. Online City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 9/16/2022 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda - Final September 20, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 p.m. - Online To access the meeting by computer: Go to www.zoom.us/join Meeting ID: 816 3596 3226 Passcode:403653 To access the meeting by phone: Dial 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 816 3596 3226 Passcode:403653 2. ROLL CALL 3. SPECIAL EVENT TO OPEN TRUSTEE MEETING a. Poetry Reading by Eva Chen - Youth Poet in Residence 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Members of the public may speak about any item not on the agenda. Members of the public may suggest an item for a future Library Board of Trustees' agenda during the public comment period. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits Trustees from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Approval of Library Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes for the August 16, 2022 Meeting Attachments: Meeting Minutes 6. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION a. Auaust Statistics (Adult Services. Children's, and Teens Attachments: Adult Services August 2022 Children's, Teens, and Easton August 2022 7. REPORTS a. City Librarian's Report Attachments: Staff Report b. Foundation Report City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 9/16/2022 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda - Final September 20, 2022 C. Monthly Topic - DiversitV and Equity Team (Jenny Miner) 8. OLD BUSINESS a. Priorities for Potential Funding Attachments: Report b. Library Tuition Assistance Program Application Attachments: Tuition Reimbursement Proaram 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Library Board of Trustees will be made available for public inspection at the City of Burlingame's website: www.burlingame.org. City of Burlingame Page 3 Printed on 9/16/2022 Burlingame Library Board of Trustees' Minutes August 16, 2022 I. Roll Call Trustees Present: Kris Cannon, Danielle Garcia. Mark Lucchesi, Mike Nagler, Elisabeth Ostrow Staff Present: Brad McCulley, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder II. Library Board of Trustees Minutes. The Trustees unanimously approved the minutes of the July 19, 2022 Trustee meeting. M/ S/ C (Nagler/ Garcia) III. Presentation From Cheryl Platon of SVCF Cheryl Platon, the account manager for the library's portfolio, and the Trustees discussed the pros and cons of the library accepting the suggestion of the SVCF to change its procedure of requesting funds on a annual basis from the Roger and Jean Hunt Duncan Fund. A. SVCF's proposal. • The annual distribution is usually 5% of the total balance of the fund. However, if the Trustees decide to change the request process, they have the option of selecting a different annual distribution percentage at this time. • Once the distribution of funds is scheduled on an annual basis it has to stay at the same percentage and only one payment per year can be allocated. If a change in the percentage of the annual distribution is requested at a later date, it has to be approved by SVCF management. • Cheryl Platon advised the Trustees that the purpose of the change in how funds are requested is to allow the non-profit entity to budget more efficiently and provide more flexibility on selecting projects to fund. • Cheryl also noted that changing the disbursement process would ensure that the fund remains active. Administrative costs to SVCF are minimal. • If the Trustees decided not to spend the annual distribution, SVCF would reinvest the funds. The next year the Library is entitled to take the distribution it refused the year before. 1 B. Conclusion to SVCF's Proposal • Trustees agreed not to accept SVCF's proposal at this time but will consider it again in 2024. • Trustees will begin the process of developing a spending budget through 2023 and set priorities that will best serve the library's needs. • Trustees will research what projects they are able to fund. • The Trustees will provide guidelines to future Trustees by having a budget process in place. IV. Public Comment — No one from the public attended. V. Correspondence and Information The Trustees reviewed the July statistics from the Children's Department and Adult Services. VI. New Business Trustee Professional Development The Trustees continued last month's discussion regarding the possibility of the Trustees providing funds for staff who want to work towards obtaining their MLIS. Brad, the City Librarian, suggested some ideas on how the Trustees could move forward with professional development. • Determine who will be eligible. • Create a document with all the terms and conditions. • Determine the amount of funding and meet with applicant to get exact amount of cost. VII. Action Items • Trustee Nagler requested ideas of how to spend our SVCF distribution from the Roger and Jean Hunt Duncan Fund be placed on the September agenda. • The City Librarian, Brad McCulley, will meet with Scott Spansail, the Assistant District Attorney, to discuss professional development by the Trustees for Library staff. VIII. Meet and Greet The trustees unanimously passed a motion to fund future Meet and Greet events with Library staff in the amount of $500.00. M/S/C (Nagler/Ostrow) IX. Agenda Building Eva Chen, Poet in Residence, will open the September Trustee meeting by reading one of her poems. ►i X. Announcements Trustee Cannon noted the passing of Dale Perkins last week. Dale was one of the original founders of the Burlingame Library Foundation in 1994. Dale was a loyal Library supporter as well as an accomplished artist. XI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:OOPM M/S/C (Nagler/Garcia) The next Zoom meeting of the Library Trustees will be held on September 20, 2022 at 5:30pm. Respectfully Submitted Brad McCulley City Librarian Burlingame Public Library Adult Services Stats August 2022 Program Date # Programs Attendance Sit N Stitch Tuesdays 4 16 English Learners Group Wednesdays & Thursdays 9 51 A Socialist Patriot: George Orwell and War 8/11 1 6 Farmers Market Outreach 8/11 1 16 Booked on Crime 8/18 1 5 John Muir Laws Nature Drawing 8/24 1 16 John Billheimer: Hitchcock and the Censors 8/27 1 20 Tiny Hoop embroidery 8/31 1 3 Total 19 133 2022-2023 July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June total Programs 21 19 Attendance 21 1133 2021-2022 (Previous Year) July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June total Programs 15 12 14 13 15 12 13 19 23 22 15 18 191 Attendance 106 53 122 58 100 61 66 155 185 128 134 260 1428 Kanopy Month Plays Cost per play Kanopy Kids and K Series (Great Books) Monthly Invoice $5/month for unlimited plays August 339 $2 3 KIDS and $748 2022 11 Great Courses 353 total plays Pronunciator (Language Learni New registrations ITotal registered users I Sessions I Top 3 languages 7 1171 121 1 Chinese, Spanish, Sylheti Ancestry.com Sessions Searches run 94 3356 Universal Class Sessions Lessons viewed New registrations Videos watched Student submissions 12 56 3 76 92 Children's and Teen Monthly Statistics Aug-22 Children's Desk Reference Questions 972 Easton Branch Reference Questions Programs Attendance STORYTIMES Easton Storytime indoors/in person 2 52 Thursday Outdoor Storytime 2 198 Friday Outdoor Storytime 2 166 TOTAL STORYTIMES 6 416 CLASS VISITS Preschool Class Visits at Schools Preschool Class Visits at Library Virtual Elementary School Class Visits on Zoom Elementary School Class Visits at Library Middle School Class Visits at Schools Middle School Class Visits at Library TOTAL CLASS VISITS 0 0 SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN United Against Hate Back to School storytime 1 8 D Tech Robotics 1 17 Summer Slime on front porch 1 114 Baby Sign Language in person 1 74 Food and Fiction for Tweens -- Stef Soto book 1 12 Tiny Art art project and display 1 48 AUGUST TOTAL SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN 6 273 CHILDREN'S Running Total for fiscal year 19 1,469 SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR TEENS Teen Toastmasters 4 57 First Look Book Group 1 7 AUGUST TOTAL SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR TEENS 5 64 TEEN Running Total for fiscal year 12 164 TOTAL CHILDREN'S & TEEN PROGRAMS Running Total Children's and Teen for fiscal year 17 19 753 1,633 Notes -- Special Teen Book Reviews for Summer Reading 332 In Children's Room displays -- Pair it with Popcorn 132 City Librarian Report to Board of Trustees 20 September 2022 BURL i NGAM Personnel Updates: o Main Staff: Jason Yap's tenure as acting -Tech Svcs Manager ends Sept 30. He has done an excellent job during the last three months. Ray DeLara will succeed him as acting -Tech Svcs Mgr from Oct 1 through Dec 31. o Easton Staff: The Branch recently lost a Library Asst. so recruiting there once again. o Part-time Budget: N/A General Updates: o Art Update: The Bufano Owl will be turned over to a remedial team soon (late September) and hopefully returned beginning of November. o Covid Update: Staff are beginning to make plans for more indoor programs as winter approaches. However, it remains to be seen how the variant du jour works out. o Committees: Staff are implementing a Book Budget Committee made up of Adult Svcs Mgr, Childrens Manager, Tech Svcs Mgr, Admin Accountant, Library Acquisitions Specialist and City Librarian. The work of this committee will be to use all available information so that staff do not go over a set book budget limit. o Policy -N/A o Facilities update - 1. HVAC Upgrade project should be completed within the next two to three weeks. 2. Staff have noticed the resumption of the "mystery cord cutter." Someone has been cutting the cords off table lamps periodically throughout the building. This has been happening since before the pandemic began and has recently begun again. 1 o PLS/PLP (Peninsula Library System / Pacific Library Partnership) The State Library recently announced it will fund online tutors for all libraries in the state. This is a rather costly endeavor that many libraries in more fiscally impacted Locations will be keen to offer to students. o Upcoming BPL EVENTS: https://www.burLingame.ora/library/events2/upcomingevents.php o State Library News: https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/09/12/governor-newsom-announces- free-online-tutoring-available-to-all-californians-254-million-in-grants-to- improve-libraries-across-the-state/ Oi Library Priorities for Potential Funding: Discussion: Please review the goals from the Library's strategic plan. Please note what you would keep, change, or add. Staff will be doing the same at the upcoming Staff Development Day in October. Strategic Plan 2016-2019 Goal A: Provide Engaging, Customized Experiences • Develop personal services and provide digital tools for making and sharing personalized reading, listening and viewing recommendations. • Provide increased opportunities to play, learn and create. • Offer a broader range of assistance and instruction in using digital tools, devices, and resources to individuals. • Use space flexibly, optimizing and altering it as needs change. Goal B: Build Inclusive Community Connections • Ensure that library services are accessible and inclusive. • Create opportunities for sharing specialized items and the expertise of community members. • Deepen connections to the community and library for groups not generally library users. • Develop programs and services that engage multiple generations together. Goal C: Foster a wide range of literacy and life skills • Educate and support parents and caregivers in their role in early literacy and school success. • Provide life skills programs for young people transitioning to adulthood. • Promote digital and information literacy. • Teach financial literacy for different phases of life. • Develop health literacy programs and resources for all ages. Goal D: Listen to our community & share our stories • Find new ways to effectively tell our stories that demonstrate the library's impact and value. • Develop quantitative and qualitative measurement tools for evaluating the outcomes of our programs and services. • Explore and evaluate effective communication and marketing practices. • Engage deeply with community members about their needs and aspirations in order to better support those. Goal E: Enable our staff members to thrive, grow and be deeply engaged in realizing our vision and mission. • Ensure equity, diversity and inclusion among staff. • Identify key competencies and provide resources and methods for training and developing all staff members. • Provide opportunities for all staff to plan and learn together. • Support staff in actively participating in regional, state, and national professional activities. Library Tuition Assistance Program Application PURPOSE: To support educational efforts that will broaden the knowledge and diversity of employees in the Library field and/or support professional growth toward a higher level position within Burlingame Library or the broader Library community. ELIGIBILITY: Regular, full-time, part-time, and casual employees are eligible to participate in the tuition assistance program. Regular part-time and Casual employees who have completed one year of service with the City are eligible to participate. PROCEDURE: Employees shall be eligible for reimbursement for the costs of tuition, registration fees, lab fees, and other required fees upon the enrollment and successful completion of course work. The City Librarian must approve all course work in advance of enrollment. • Full-time & Part-time / Hourly Employees Employees may receive reimbursement not to exceed three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500) per fiscal year, provided that the course work is job -related or is part of a curriculum leading to a job -related degree that requires attendance at an accredited college or university, or a professional certificate program sponsored by a professional learning organization. General education courses towards an Associate or Bachelors degree shall be considered job -related. Reimbursement shall not include workshops, seminars, or training that does not lead to the completion of an academic program. These types of education are generally covered through departmental training budgets. In order to be eligible for reimbursement, a grade of "C" or higher must be earned for each course. Any eligible course for which no letter grade is given must be completed with a "pass" or "credit" score for each course. For employe aista ee stieh as sehelar-ships, grants, NIA benefits, ete., the r-eit4ttr-sement will be off -set pr-epeAiena4ely, so edueation expenses are-- re�ee��� Employees are not eligible for more than 100% reimbursement of educational expenses. Proof of enrollment and successful completion of courses will be required for reimbursement either in the form of semester report cards, official college transcripts, or completion certificates from a professional learning organization. All courses reimbursed under this program must be taken on the employee's own time. If a class is only available during the employee's normal work hours, the employee may request time off, subject to the approval of their Manager. When there is a conflict between classes and the employee's job responsibilities, the job responsibility must come first. SUBJECT: Trustee Tuition Assistance APPLICATION PROCESS: 1. Prior to enrollment, the employee must submit an Application for Advanced Authorization to their Manager and the City Librarian, including a description of the course and how such course may advance the employee's career with the Library and/or its relevance to the employee's current job. The City Librarian, with Board of Trustees approval, will make a determination to approve or deny the request. 2. The application form must be approved/signed by your Manager and submitted to the City Librarian prior to the start of class(es). Proof of class registration and an itemized bill from the institution must accompany the application. It is the sole responsibility of the employee to submit the application, class registration, and itemized bill by the deadline. The City Librarian will determine whether the employee and the course work meet program eligibility requirements and notify you of the determination. 3. Within thirty (30) days after completion of approved course(s), the following documents must be submitted to the City Librarian's Admin Assistant: a. Request for Educational Expense Reimbursement Form b. Official copy of the grade report (or similar official evidence of completion of the course); c. Receipt verifying that the tuition for the course(s) has been paid in full; and d. Copy of the approved Application for Advanced Authorization form. 4. Tuition reimbursement will be issued for approved courses within thirty (30) days of receipt of the above documents. CONTINUED SERVICE REOUIREMENT: • Full -Time Employees: An employee receiving reimbursement under this program must agree to remain in Library employment for one (I) year following the reimbursement check date. A requirement for continued service with the City after course(s) are completed is an assurance that the Library will benefit from employee participation in this program. • Part-time / Hourly Employees: The City Librarian and Board of Trustees would appreciate an employee to remain employed for as long as possible if receiving tuition assistance. However, this not a requirement. PROGRAM FUNDING: This program is contingent upon annual budgetary appropriation based on Library Board of Trustee investments and may not always be fully funded. SUBJECT: Trustee Tuition Assistance EMPLOYEE NAME: DEPARTMENT JOB TITLE: SCHOOL INSTITUTION (Name and Address): PHONE: FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER TITLE OF DEGREE PROGRAM: DATE(S) OF ATTENDANCE TITLE OF CLASSES: TYPE OF DEGREE PROGRAM D Associate's D Bachelor's D Master's D OTHER: (Describe): TUITION 0 REGISTRATION FEES $ TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED ti 0 OTHER FEES $ $ 0 TEXTBOOKS (see your supervisor) Description on how taking these classes will benefit both you and the Library: EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE DATE MANAGER APPROVAL: DATE CITY LIBRARIAN APPROVAL: DATE SUBJECT: Trustee Tuition Assistance EMPLOYEE NAME: DEPARTMENT - JOB TITLE: SCHOOL INSTITUTION (Name and Address): PHONE: ❑ FALL ❑ WINTER ❑ SPRING ❑ SUMMER DATE(S) OF ATTENDANCE TITLE OF DEGREE PROGRAM: TYPE OF DEGREE PROGRAM D Associate's D Bachelors D Master's ❑ OTHER:(Describe): TITLE(S) OF COURSE(S) GRADE TUITION REGISTRATION FEES TEXTBOOKS TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED $ EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: DATE: CITY LIBRARIAN APPROVAL: DATE: BOARD OF TRUSTEE APPROVAL: DATE: Return to: City Librarian or Admin Assistant