HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 2023.07.18Burlingame Library Board of Trustee Minutes Approved July 18, 2023 I. Roll Call Trustees Present: Kris Cannon, Danielle Garcia, Elisabeth Ostrow Staff Present Brad McCulley, City Librarian Sidney Poland, Recorder Guests: Mark Lucchesi, Bill Van Niekerken (Candidates for Open Trustee Positions) Mike Nagler, Former Trustee II. Library Board of Trustee Minutes The Trustees unanimously approved the June 20, 2023 Board of Trustee Minutes. M/S/C / (Ostrow/Garcia). III. Correspondence and Information • An unsigned Comment Card from a member of the public questioning why the Library was flying the Gay Pride Flag during Gay Pride Month was read to the Trustees. No other comments, from the public either pro or con were received. • Trustees reviewed the June statistics for Adult, Teen, and Children. The most striking statistic was the number of class visits made to promote the summer reading program. IV. Public Comments Bill Van Niekerken introduced himself and gave an overview of his library experience at the Burlingame Library and for the San Francisco Chronicle. VL Reports A. Librarian's Report • Circulation Department — Four new hires have been added to the library staff as Library Aides. • _Law Enforcement Records Request Policy — This policy provides detailed procedures for any library director, manager or staff member who may have to respond to a request for patron records, computer/internet records, and video records. VII. Old Business A. AMH Brad, the City Librarian reviewed the payment schedule for the AMH with the Trustees. At the September 2023 meeting, there will be an Action Item on the Agenda for the Trustees to approve the withdrawal of $95,000 from the Silicon Valley Foundation which represents the first payment for the AMH. B. September Meet and Greet Date The Trustees agreed to postpone setting the date for the September event until the new Trustees are appointed. C. Art Update • "Offering Site" — The City Librarian, Brad, is working on the preparation of the plaque. The Larenzato family has requested that the type of marble (Carrara Bardiglio) be stated on the plaque. • The ribbon cutting for Owlbert Q. Feathers will be held on September 15, 2023. D. Lane Room Upgrade — The City Librarian, Brad, has been in discussions with Peter McDonald, Principal, of Smith, Fause and McDonald Inc. on the sound upgrade project for the Lane Room. As noted before, Peter McDonald was hired to construct the sound system in the Lane Room for the newly renovated library which was completed in 1997. VIII. New Business — There was not any New Business. IX. Future Agenda Item X. Announcements Laura Lin the Youth Poet Laureate for Burlingame and Hillsborough will read her poetry on August 14, 2023 6:OOPM at the Hillsborough Town Hall. Laura Lin will read her poetry at Burlingame City Hall on August 21, 2023. XI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:30PM. The next meeting of the Burlingame Library Trustees will be held on August 15, 2023 5:30 PM in the Library Conference Room. /s/