HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.07.0815f; Burlingame, Calif., July 8, 1935. A regular meeting of the City Council, of the City of Burlinizame was hold on the above given date. The meeting was called to are then at 8:00 2.1% - 1..fapor Buck in the Chair. Councilmen Buck. Handlos, High, Hives and Hunt answered the roll call. Absent - Councilmen: None. The minutes of the meeting of dune 17, 1935, were reed and approved. Attention wau called in a com--unication, by C. -°i. Hermann of 1270 Drake Avenue t6' a tree at the Southeast corner of Drake Avenue and Easton Drive, which is alleged_ to be a. traffic hazard account of obscuring the vision of motorists at this intersection - tree also reported as having several dead limbs. The commuiiication was referred to Park Warden Anderson and Councilman Hives. An application for'the position of caretaker at the new sewer plant off Broadway, was presented by John J. Schultz, and the same was ordered placed on file. The application of D. Petroni to sink a well in the rear of premises 1478 Cortez Avenue, was rejected'on motion by Council- man High and seconded by Councilman Hives, due to the fact that strenuous opposition developed in North Burlingame when the City tried to develop a well in the same vicinity two years ago. The Clerk was instructed to so notify Mr. Petroni. City Engineer Thomas submitted estimate of cost for a concrete culvert in Burlingame Terrace, an approximate distance of 1000 feet, cost as follovis: IMeri-1, Burlingame $2609.48 - Material SERA :1049.93. Labor X6552.00. Engineering and Superintendence 0540.00 - making a total cost of $10,751.41.- '4urlingame's share to be $3149.48 and the SERA $7601.93. The estimate is based on the assumption that the SERA will con- tribute 25 per cent of the cost of materials. On motion by Councilman Hunt and seconded by Councilman High, City Engineer Thomas was instructed to file an application with the SERA for their participation in the project. In the :notion was incorpora- ted that such action must not be considered as establishing a precedent due to the City of Burlingame having jurisdiction over this waterway, also that the major portion of the funds for this improvement are to be supplied by the g.S.Government. Councilman Handlos brought up the clatter of -the dilapidated condition of the sign "BROADWAY BURLINGAKE11, suggested either its removal or else have it painted and glass put in where the same has fallen out. The matter was ordered referred to the bighting Committee. It was suzgested by Mayor Buck that Faster & J�leiser of San Francisco be solicited frith the view of putting in a fence at the sewer plant, conditional that they be allowed to advertise thereon. - After a brief discussion CouncilWen Hunt and Handlos were asked to look into the matter. The Council approved the placing of a yellow light at the intersection of Bay Shore Highway and Broadway as a caution measure, on the recommendation of Police Chief Harper. City Engineer Thomas reported that the Town of Hillsborolwh early in the week would place with the City a.pprnximately 015,000.00 as their share in the sewer project. Demands against the City. Nos. 8143 & 8144, as a mount$ due H.E.Conner and FredeT ickson & 'Matson Co. for services performed on server job, were approved on OK of the Finance Committee and Varrants were ordered drawn for their respective amounts. The reports of tineVater department, Fire and Police departments and the City Judge, were read and the same ,were ordered placed on file. The Council thereupon adjo ed. Resp ' fgly, s bmitt d, APPRO iisrD:' -city Mlerx