HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1933.12.185tt Burllngane, CaIif., Deceuibor 18, 1953. Meetlng of the Clty Council of the City of Burlingane. Rol.I CalI: Present - CounclLmen: Suck-floak-Eult-Riokard-Stonc.Absent - Councllmen: [on6. The nlnutes of the lasi noetlng were read enil after sligbtoorrection were aprproveil. lottor read flom Burllngame-San IIBteo Gardea Club tbanklng tle Counoll for uso,of-qhaBb-erE for holding m€etings durlng thepast y-ar - arstitfiElcfrXfiSer of conrner6e ana lJ6rohants-of Burllnganc tlanklng the Councll and Clty enployecs for thelrpart ln the Chrlstrnas progran. Soth lettero wer6 oralereal flled. letter reatl from Isabel Blsectt statlng that stroet llghts are out at 6:46 every mornlng antl request lng better scrvloa fromthe Paoiflc Gag & Eleotrlc Co. ltlayor Suck gtateil that streetltg[ts aro gove]med by the length of the dsy - additloDaL aorvloo woultl oaLl for en adAttloral cha rge whloh Cou:roll ale-ollueil to enterteln. EelL lee trelIy, direotor of Pub11o iriorks, wrote Counoll that the quota allottstl thls dltstrlct w111 be flLLed from the eLlgtbleIlst flleil by the City, 1n the oraler of preferenos ltrtllcstotl antl the renalnlng applloatlona wt1I b€ hel.al ln regervs forfirturo appolntment. The letter was ordered f il.ed. A petltlon for transfer of pormlt from Carl I{/. SahnlAt was reatl, wherelu he asks that pernlt he now holils at Sorthoaot colaor of lorton antl Eoward Avenuo s be transferr€al to tho Northwoet oorner of same streets. A sketch of proposeil fio- provements accornpanletl the petltlon. Tbs Cou:rc11 on motion revoketl the perntt 8t tho NorthEast ooraer of lorton antl f,owartl AvemreB end graateil tbe pernit as set forth la Eppllcatlon,condltional that eLeotroLl€r take[ out ie replaood anal any tax ass€sgmeats tlue egaiast pr€seat Losation are taken o"are ,o!. letter readl from Thoe. larke Jr., Seoretary of the flrc Comrlselon, stat 1ng thst aftor an exanlrat iou for the appolnt- ment of th6 two fir1l palal posttloue oroateil ln the flre ilepart- ment, Commlselonera tloAley antl Larke reeommentleal the appolnt- metlt of neil Patso]. end J. ly. TayLor antl as sI€epors, B.E.Bead antl M. T. ConweLl wlth P6rey Yal i.ea to tako rra canoy occagioneil by Patse1rs promotlon. Comnlssioner J. W. Casoy ireco'nyreudoAln favor of &11 Patsel and D. B. tr\ilrke wtUr J. l'{. llaylor' 11. !. Coaw611 aad Peroy Vallen ag sloepors. The Flrt Comral8Elon asked that letterE of approclatlon be !0a11€{l varloua tnAlvlaluale and organlzatloas for thelr egsistanoo 1n the preparatlon of the enanlnatlon progran. Counc 11@a Eook reconmentletl the acoeptanoc of the naJorlty reBort - w&s seoontl€d by counollEanStonc. lJayor Buck questloneil the appolrtneut of, Val.len' etateil he was a formt mombot of tbe flre tlepartrncat and had be 6tr romoveA aocount of laitulglng ln Ilquor. Xrlre Chlef Dessln anal Commtesloners u€dLey antl Irarke extolled Yallenrs work as a flre- nan, statlng he ha{t gotten a 1ttt1e eatray antl urgeil that he b€glven aaother chanos. 0n ro11 oalL th€ motlon was adopteil .- !,[ayor Suck was recortletl votlng ]'I0. Ru1es antl rogulatlong applleable to the Surllngarne 31re Depart- ment were prescnteal antl after an amontlment that Bge llmtt applies to alI appllaants who are not a.lready cLasslfled es regular flrenea, the Bamo were adopteti on motlou by Counclunan Eook and secontied by Councilman Blskaral . trxcgineor ?homas preseated €stlmat€ of cost to f1tri8h tbo lL-Camino ReaL antl }l1l1s Ave nue culvert snd plpe llne, together wlth the Ut1ls Cr6ok plpe 1lne antl the cansl llue antt Dyts€ ln Easion Inttustrlal. Tie-foLlowing flg;1rles wero quotsal - L[8tsr1a1 $Iu r953.61 and trabor $15r960.85, r,vitlr oovernrnent allowance of -n.)a ?5fi oa rnaterlal, Leavlng cost to the Clty of Burllngane of $8210.01. The report wag tllsoussetl' Clty Attorney }arls ad- vislng that G. A. lyone prolerty ownet in Easton Intlustrial, woulal not grant the City an easeront ovcr hLs property antl thls 1s necessary b€foro the work can procbctl.-Reoonnends the oon- dermatlon of certaln l-and s belonglng to lfr. tryon for thatpurposo. A Besolutlon to that effect was reatl antl s.doptetl - motlon by Couno l1ren hiokardl enal seaord o{l by Councilnan Eock. A Resolutlon was algo r6ad cmbraoing corporatlong andi lntllvitl- uals from whom easem€nts lnuet be secured 1n oraler to put draln- ag€ proj€ct through - lntrottucetl by Councllman nickard anal seconded by Counc llman Hock. - Carrletl . Councllman Rlckartl Brotosteal against further delay ln thc cleaa up of the dralnago projoot in llorth Burltngame ' urge d thls asths flrst ortler of businoss offerlng tb€ same 1n tho forn of a motlon, work to be tlouo untl er the terms of the Clvll Workg Aalmlnlstrat Ion, thts work to be suppLementary to appLlcatloufitedl at regul-ar meetlag of th6 Counotl Deoember 4' 1953' antl whloh rrapa, plans antl speelfloatlons are on fl1e. - ResoLutlon rluly secontlotl and carrleal, sIl votlng AYE. City Attorney Dayis reported wlth refereneo to change of graileln front of 813 EI Camlno Real, Etated it ttoultl result ln the removal of closo to twenty trecs and he knew the CounciLrspollcy ln this respeot. Engineer llho@s reportetl that s1xlots wouLd be involvert ln an esgossunt that woul ti cost approx- tmetoly $2500.00' Idr. soawelL atlvigetl Councll that the en'lre Job ehould not cost over $?50.00. Couneilman Stone was of the oplnlon that other property osine rs lvho nould be partles to tbe aE6essr0ent should be heard before auy deftnlte actlon 1s takeu. The matter was oralsretl 1a.id over for the preeent. Counoilman Riekard tntrotluoetl a Resolutlon authorlzlng thc l,,Iayor to prooeed ln the flllng of -an applloatioa to the N.R.A.for a loan wlth dlrect gift of 5S for lnterceptlng senet m81trs antl sewage dtsposal paaut. Resolutlon seconil6d by Councilman Stone - Carrletl, all Yotlng AYI. The Broatlway Development Assoclatlon submittetl dreft of a rosolutlon adopteal by that organlzstlon endorslng the purahase of tea Lots on El11slde ClrcLe for reereational purposes. Je rome Draper atldrossed the Council submlttlng slx lots otl Drake Ave nuc at prlo6 $151600.00rto be ueed ae a recreatlonaloentor. Both ms,tters were laltl over for future consitloration. At the suggestion of Council-man Eock, en lnsursnoe replesentatlve was glvea permit to oanvass the varloue City empLoyees unal er tbe age of 65 yearsrln the lnterest of group lnsuranee. Appllcation of YI. D. Eandlos, LL16 PaLorna Aveaue' to top tleesln front of hls hous, was referred to Counc ilman Eook for approvaL. Superintendeut Sohuck stated these trees were toppotl uatler his eupervision a few years ago but he dld not haYe tho men to tto the work now. Ee rather dlsapprovetl of the toppingof troos intliscrlmlnately anal approvetl onLy where absol,utely nocessary, tlte to oxpeas€ occaelonetl and to precealents lnvoIved. couno llmaIl Eook reportetl as to tl lnming J.lghts b€tweon Sroatlway and Bufllagamo Atonuc on the ilnrket Street Ra ilway o8!s' tbat the offlola1s of the Ra lJ.nay company rere much opposetl to the sare tlu6 to the risk lnvolvoal . lfr. Eock sugg€sted tbe nattorlay ln abe3ranoo for the preeeut as he bollevoal the"o lva e certalnnorlt to the argument of the Ratlway peoplo. The Clerk wag lnstructod to wrlte a letter to the Itra rket Street Rel Lway Conpary oxt€aal lng tbe Counollrs appreciatlon for the f€Do6 pLaaotl oa Callforrta lrlve to the South of Broaalway. Ortl lnanoe No. ??5 rogulatlng setlaok rsqulremeats as applletl tolots cxtenttlag from street to street, was SiYen second reatllg o,rl(t t'aa adopted on motlon by counoilmsn Euttg secontled by Counollnan Rlokartl, -Ca :r led, aI1 votlng AYE. 58 Ihe reporte of the Water Department, Iol1ca Department, ?ounil aait Clty Jutlgc, for Novmber, were r6eal antl the gane were oralersil plaoetl on fl1e Dems.ads against the City, troe. 6655 to 6715r incluslve, reatl and spprovod antl Ylarraats wer6 oralereal drawn ou thtreesury for their respectlve amoults. !tero o City Chs Council thereupon atl journ€dl . Resp sutrmittod, AlrRovES: ot BuxLlugame Jan 2nd. 1954 Moetlng of the City Councll of the Clty of BurJ-lngame. Bo11 call: ?resent Llayor 3uck.Absent Councilmen Eock - Euyrt - Rlcksrd - Stone - No quorum belng present atl journment was taken to tdonttey Jaa Bth ]-934 at B Pl.[ on motlon of ],iayor Buok. Re speot tt6d Clty Clerk -t APPROITED yor