HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1933.12.0454 Bnrllngane, CaLif., ,December 4, Lggg. Meetlng of the Clty 0ouncll of the Ctty of Burllngane. RoII Call: Present - CounoiLuenr Buok - Hunt - Stone.Abscut - Counolluen: Eook - Rtokard. The nlnutes of the Last ueetlng wero reail ancl approyedl. tretter rearl fron the Seague of GaLlfomta Hunlcipa1ltlesrequestlng Ctty of Burltngsme to preparo program of proJcoCtsto extencl over a tws month perlod. The soolal deelrablIity, eoonomlo goundnese anil permnent vaLue sf the proJeote areto be glven preferment ln the C.W.A. pfogram. The rnatter was Laltl over to be taken up ancl dlseassed at an sxcoutlvegeggioa. letter reacl frou lY. J. Dusel, Iilayor of Bedwood C1ty, apprLs-lng Counell of reglonal dtnner meotlag of the league at Sequola Eotelr 6280 P.l[., ]ecember ?th, and destrlag thstthe Counell be wclL reprossnted. fhe Counoll was asked toobserre the dato and to attend lf posslble. Davld Roblason, owner of property at L1e7 El Caulno Real, was granted perntt to reuove tree thst was darnaglng atepsto the approeoh of his property, the costs to be bornc byIfr. Eoblnsono The appltoation was approved by Mr. Sohuek,Clty Superlntendent. tretter read from !1. T. Eannun of 1114 Grove Averue, earrytngreferenoe to petitloa presenteil nearly a ysar agor requestlngthe constructlon of e clralnage systen to renerly flood con-ditlons tn BurLlngame 0rove - cleslred to know what was thepresent status of the natter ancl urgecl i.mnedllate rellef tnthe premlses. trfayor Buok ln answerlng ]1r. Eannumrg oornmu-n-loation, stated the reason that nothing had been acoonrp3.lshealthus far was that the Clty dld not have the moneys ln thelrgeneral fimd to meet the e:qreflBcr- wou].d endeavor to get some reLlef through the C.W.A. Ln thelr Latest worE proJeot now uncler way. A petltlon opposlng the topplng of trees la the water Loton Beras1 Ayenue, was prosented by reslalents ltvlng on thatstreet alLegtag that these trees served as a wind breats tothelr homos. Hayor Buats ln repLy to petltion, stated hebelleved the coatroversy over the tree situatlon on BerneL Avmue waE due to l,aak of unclerstandingr stating the ftrstpetitioa before the Councll was for elinlnatlon, whtch Couucil tleclined to stand for - the next petltlon was fortopplng which was opposed by a oounter petitlon - believedthat eertatn of the trees shouLcl b€ topped Ln ortler to l-etas much sual.tgbt ln homee as possible. fhe rest of the Counell was agreeel on thls point. $nperlntendeat Sohuck was therefore tnstruoted to take this matter ln ohargt uslnghls good Jurlgment as to what trees *rouLd be topped andthose that shoulal not. Oorclon C. Eess adclresseal the CounelL wtth reference to pur- ohase of certain lots on Etllstde Clrcfe for playgrounrl use quotect prlce at approxlmately $t100.00 per lot. -deo. 1,'I. Wl11lams adalressing the Councll stated the matter should begiven serlous consideratlon as he beLievecl there was rea1 neeel for a park ancl he consldered the prioe quoteit & r€BEoD-able or€r Councllrnan Hunt was of the belief that there rvasnot sufflcient grouncl tn the pleoe of lantl to mako a suitablepark. The matter was Laial over due to the absence of Countl- rnen Eook and Rlokardl. 55 fhe Couacll attopt€A a resolutlon sponsoreil by the Saa ]tratco'Ualou Elgh School Boaril glvtng then authorlty to expentl $9O,OOO ot nmae alreatly on hantl Ln order to acoonpLlsh the strengthenlng of the Surlinganc anil San lIateo Elgh Schools'la the 6ve[t of a maJor dlsaster - Uotlon by Councilman Stouo and seconded by CounolLmsn Euat. ' Slrst reatllng r,rras given Ordlrcnoe No. ??5 governlng looatlonsfor buslnesg on Lote la allfferent zoneg - ltrtrotluctlon by Coulc llmaa Hu:rt. The Counc il thereupon adjourned to oxocutlvo segslon to dls- cusa work proJeots under the control of the Civll ll,orkg Adnlnistratlon ( C.lt.A. ). fhey then reconvenod ln ,eg]l].argeeeloa. Councllman Eunt offereat tho followlng Desolution; WEEREIIST the City -of Surllngana 1 material above bVrt of'the propose tlonc ln salti Ctty of Surllngano I trtealeral Civtl vlorke Adninlstratioof Surllngame hag not rnade eny formal appllcatloa hereto- fore ahd is ln neetl of the approprlatlon from the U.S. Goverruaent ulate! the Sedora1 Clvll yiorks Adrolnlgt rat 1on, &BIt ls a great need anal urgency ln 8a1al Clty that the pro- posetl work hereln mentionod be carried out ard oompletetl, in{l, WEEEXAS, the nature of the ilork ls the lnstallatlon of a sanltary sewage system kaown as the South SurLlngan€ Rellef SanitarSr Sewer Looatetl South of Oak Grove Avenue Ln sald 01ty of Surllngame antt the attenalant server s€rvioo neoessary for the sewor alrs.lna ge from tho South end of the Town of ElJ.lslorough, also the dralnBge of Callfornla Drlvoin sald Clty antt the stonn sevage proJoot known 8.s the upper portlon of LIl11s AYenu€,ltorn Sewerr lnolucling syphon over E1 Caniao Real - NOW, THffiESORE' BE IT RESOI/]JrE], by the Clty Couacll of the City of Surllngane that the }Iayor 1g suthorlzetl antl directetl by the Clty Council on behalf of sa ltl Council.' to ma^ke tlue antl propor appLloation to the Setleral Clvll YIorks Adninlstlation for San Mateo Cowlty for the purpose of reoeivlng from the U. S. Goverrunent througb the Federal Civ1l T/orks Adminigtratlon' the.sum of I'lfty-eir Thousanal Two fluntlred aud fhlrty-four anal a'IILOO DolLars ($561854.2?), to be usetl for the lnprovernent 1u selal ctty as hrrtln mentlonetl antl as more spoclfically deflned in tho Blans and specificatlons to be subnlttedl to the CIY1I Works AalnLnistretlon for Sar Mateo Couaty wltb the appllcatlon to be made by the trlayor of the City of Burllngame through thls resolutlon, and which plans entl speclflcatlons have been presentecl ancl approved by the Counoll. BE If FURTEEB EES0ITVUD by the Clty Councll of the Ctty of Burllngame that if the material for tio14g this work anal lnprovement exceede thtrty per cent (5O%l of tho cost of Eald rort, thea the Clty of Burllngame wlLl aesun€ the oxccss coet of the materlal to be furnisbeil . The foregolng Rcsolutlon was seoondeal by Councilton Stone -Carrletl. Cou.ncllmen Buck, Huat an<l Stone votlng AY,E and Councllxa6n Eook anal Rlckatd noteil Absent. The Counoll thereupon aclJ ourneil. s wll11ng to pay fo! aDy al oetlnatetl work to ber aecordance with then, and, WEmEAg' the Clty Re tfuLly submlttetl, AIPBO er