HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.06.03152 Burlingame, Calif., June 3, 1935. A re pular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame was held on the above -liven date. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Juok in the Chair. Councilmen Buck, Handlos, High, Hives and Ixunt answered the roll cell. The minutes of the meeting of Lay 20, 1936, were read and ap_r•,roved . A letter was read from Henry Middendorff calling attention to a dance held at hoover Hall on June let which continued until after 1:00 A. M. which was not in accord with Judge Stone's order. Mayor Huck announced that if oimer of premises could not co- operate in closing hall to dances at midnight, future pewits would be canceled. It was so ordered. P. 17. Schuck, Superintendent, in a communication requested the usual two weeks vacation for Park, Street and .ater departments, to be taken whenever the •.,,ork permits. It was so ordered. Burlingame Unit #x163 of Legion Auxiliary in a communication co -vended the Council on their action in prohibiting outside veterans from selling poppies, roses and other novelties on the streets of Burlingame. The communication was ordered received and placed on file. A request of bliss Anna Lindersmith, 1025 Laguna Avenue, for permission to do family washing in her home, was laid over for an executive meeting later. A request of Lee Bock ,Tim to open a laundry office on Capuchin Avenue near Broadway, was ordered laid over for thirty days, on motion by Councilman Handlos and seconded by Councilman Hives. A reouest of M. C. Rench of 736 Farringdon Lane to subdivide Lot i4, Block 11, Burlingame Terrace, for the purpose of putting a home thereon, was granted, it Using shoran that lot runs through from street to street with required depths A 50' front- ages on each street and with sewer connections in place. The Fire Commission through «. H. Medley, Chairman, recommended that the Council appropriate ;175.00 to be used for extra salary of relief roan during vacation period, this item being included in 1935-36 budget. The request was granted on Motion by Councilman Hunt and seconded by Councilman High. Aninvitation to the Council to attend the finals of the San Mateo County Tennis Championship at San Mateo Park beginning June 4th at 7:45 P.M., was extended by Mervyn Griffin,17anager, and Joe Amori, director of recreation, and rr-s accepted on the part of the Council. Likewise an izF"tatdon was received to attend Western Safety Conference in San Francisco Civic Audi- torium June 11th to June 13th under the auspices of Governor's Cov=ittee, which ::as also accepted. City Engineer Thomas in a co-:.r,unieation recommended the follow- ing payments on sewer contract, now due. - Harvey Conners - - - - - - - - - - - - - -13,167.61 Frederickson & Watson Construction Co. - •'4118,873.23 A motion that Warrants be approved for the respective amounts was offered by Councilman Hunt and seconded by Councilman Handlos, - Carried, all voting AYE. On nuestion from Lir. Hunt to Mr. Thomas as to when the sewer project would be completed, he was advised about September 15, 1935. A couple of letters from C. C. Killingsworth were read, wherein he proposes to develop water within the City and sell to the same at rates lower than existing contracts. Ho action vias taken pending the results of the development of Lir. Courtney's well which work he is now en^aged in. Police 'Chief Harper reported with reference to John Farrell's application to open a beer parlor and lunch counter on Lorton Avenue, that he had interviewed Yr. Farrell who informed him that he was applying for this permit for another 'party. Mr. Harper's report ;+as ordered placed on file. A petition for the replacement of fire siren to some other location, sponsored by 39 names of business men, was presented to the Council for co:isiderati3n. Mayor Buck said he had in mind recommending the new sewer disposal plant as a proper location for the siren. Fire Chief Dessin informed the Council that until his department is fully equipped with paid men, the siren is a necessity no matter where located. Chieff Dessin reported an old piano in the fire house which was in the way and wished permission to dispose of it. A Motion to wo do was offered by Councilman Hives and seconded by Councilman Han dlos.- Carried. City Engineer Thomas reported with reference to California Drive widening, that the local eonnittee had approved the project including a X2100.00 appropriation for 25 per cent of the cost of the material. - Approval is now awaited from *he SEP.A. The total, estimate of cost of improvement was given at X20,000.00 by lZr. Thomas. Councilman Hunt reported with reference to recreational activities, that Mr. Ohleon, Principal of the Roosevelt School,, was selected as the third committeeman. The Committee consisting of Council- man Hunt of Burlingame, Councilman Stein of San Mateo and Mr. Ohlson had selected Joseph Amori as director of the project. Mr. Hunt stated that :;,7600.00 will be paid by the SERA for 23 men and 8 women assistants. - The committee will confer with the nigh School Trustees Thursday evening as to use of school property. As to ball field lighting, City electrician Dessin's figures to complete the work, were approximately X800.00. The Park & Playground Committee recommended to the Council the expenditure of this amount; Councilman Hunt offering the same as a motion. It was duly seconded and carried, all voting AYE. Mayor Buck announced a Regional Meeting of the League of California Hunicipalities at Santa Ana on June 6, 1935, and asked Councilmen and heads of departments to observe date and endeavor to attend. Mayor Buck stated the Planning Commission would meet in Special Session on Thursday evening, June 13, 1935, and will discuss the proposition of an underpass at the head of Bellevue Avenue as presented by l`r. Boyce. The exclusive privilege of picking up of crankcase drainings fro- service stations and garages as presented by the Economy Service Company of San Fraboisco at a previous meeting, was disallowed on vote of the Council. Water service at 918 Howard Avenue rias ordered restored to John Safer on payment of $5.00 deposit, despite order of the owner of the building who had always paid the bill and had signed an order for its discontinuance in order to get rid of a delinquent renter. -This on recommendation of City Attorney 7avis. A proposed ordinance to regulate liability insurance as to Taxi domnanies was discussed and was laid over for further study. The same procedure was adopted as to the passage }f a resolution relative to supplying water service in the Burlingame Shore Land Co. tract, fixing price at ;;0.75 per running foot of four foot main. The regrets of the Council were extended to City Treasurer .prank A. Bloom on the recent death of his mother and the action of the same was ordered incorporated in the minutes of the meeting. The Council thereupon adjourned. Reaps 11 submit d, f r City Clerk, r% 153