HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1933.08.2839 The nlnutes of tha 19st meotlng were r€ad anal epproveil' letter reetl fron J. E. SkegSs, Dlstrlot ElShwBy ln8ineer' - ttat6a : i that la order hls offloo nay r08ke al1 tnformcd ieoommeria"tlon to lhe 0entral offloo la regarti to the oapaclty of tne yBtlous lncorporatofl oltlee to 4lntaln gtats ElSbway roqals wlthlu thelr corporate llnitE.8s contoq)lated untlor " .siilte sfif Sos - saitl-lottor submlte a questlonllta ln whioh varioug queatlous are aEkeil and tho answers to sam aro fo- quiltca.- The CounotL wae of tle oplalol that reoolpts-froxo ifre-gtiiffno-tax would be lnaufflclent to keep tn repalr that "ortion of tfre hlPbwBy mrnlng through the City. Before any [iifniCe step ls fakea, Attoruey Davls was lnotructotl to ianiiiarrzc Llmeelf wlth what tle 1aw us aad what ls roally to be expeotett of Munlolpalltles. Itrr. Gl1toy and other property ownerE on Columbue AYenuet,4881n ,oo"area 6efore tte C-ounoll wlth referenoe to the lnstallatlou o-t-" p"rrp ln th€lr nelgbborhooal. All rsore-agteed tha-t.the looatiodwhere proposod would tlepreolate tho Yalue of their holdlnEs antl weie olrphatloally opposeil to the sarno ' A motlon to-.[ariao" the placi-ng ot a w6tt-on L,ot 15' Block ]., Burllnghom6' ras thereon abaird one t1"- mot 1on by Cougcll-nan Ston€ antl seoonaletl by Councllnan Eook. - Carrleil. It was noveal by CounelLman Stonc anil socond€tl by-Counoilman Eoof, -tirat th€-clty accept fro4 lfr. cha,Ebers' $1O00-.00, plus inolientafs' such is tltie cogts, coverlng the purobasc of lot I5r 31ock 1' 3urllnghome. - Carrletl . R. F. Slnoook adtlresgstl the Cowcl]' tn the lnterest of Ilghtlng ttie-iuiiUatL dla,roontl 1n ltashlngton Park, by eleotriclty' for the playlng of ntght garneB,- a tllagrarn 9f -the proepe-ctlve iishfi"E piaa and-a c6py of thc rulee whlch gov€r? the baseball fiie,c'"riie sub,lttett-io the Coulcll and were ordered turnetl ovei t6 City €lectrlolan w. J. Desglu to ascertaln cootE' 0n motlon by Councllnaa Euat, the Clty wes authorlzetl to work witl tire Sai lfateo County Eleh Sahoo1 Dlstrtot on a 50-50 basle on aa undergrourd ilrsh that -wl1L rel1eve the storro watet sltu- airon fn thE vlclnlty of the Elgh School' tho City to supply the materlal antl the School nistrict the labor' Request nade for a po1lc€ offlcer to safeguartl scbool ahlldren from Roosevolt Sohool at E1 Cemlno Eeal antl Broadway' was 16- ferred to the Councll for consltlerat lon. BurLlngane, Ca11f., August el!, L963. Clty of 3url1ngam.Ideotlug of tbe Clty Counoll of the RolL Ca1l: Proseat - CouaclLmn: B Abeent - Councllnea: N 1995r at 8:0O !.M. uok-Eock-Eunt-Rlctsartl- Stono . ono . Counsilman Stoae, $125.00 per month I 19532 to July l1lre supplled CltYttes of Acting 8et. Re spe subm ted, Tiaa lg55-54 butlget was ratlfletl on motion by sgconiletl by Counci nan Eunt, after ohange to 1n salary irt city Jutlge effeotlYe September 1 1954, anil the eLfinination of extia o16r1oe1 h C1e!i: l,trrphy whlJ.e tenporarlly f11Ilng-the clu Jutlge and-whieh was chaf,8€tt ln ctty Jutl ge butl Ou motloa by Couno llnan Stone, a bond of $IO0O. OO waa ortleleil to be Bupplleal Iy Clty Jualgo elect Stan].ey KeUy. DeDanal s agalnet the clty sog. 6.LL8-6419,w€!e rcatl aad -eppr_oVciland rauait E rrer€ ordered tlram on the Clty Tteasuty for their re8poot lYo anountg . Tho Council thercupon adJourneil.to Ecct ltcEaley, Septernbcr 5t APPROVED: MAYOR City C1 er k ?: