HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1933.08.21.a 7,J' Burltaga.nel Calif., August 2L, 1939. Uoottag of the Clty Councl} of the City of Bu:rl1ngane. 8oU Ca11 3 Preeent - Coulnollmon: Bucts-goak-Eu"at-Rlokartl-Stoae. Ab sont - CounolLnen: None. Ihe rnlnutes of AIrgRst ?th anit Augp.st 14th rere reatl and approved' Tho ortl€r of buslnesg was clq,ondeil to llsten to S. D. tr[€rk on the gubJeot of ronovltlnS. ur. ..Llert ploaal for a oontrlbutlon fron th5 Clty to the aroount of $s4o.00 to firrtbet the- oaqtalp.. 0n advloe fron Clty Attoruey Davls tbqt Euoh a oontllbutlon ras not lll€g41, a motion to approprlate $240.00 EEs Daalo by -Counotlnin EooL antl geoonded bt Counollmn Eunt. - Ca:rletl' all votlug AYE. The Petergon llh€ator Clrcult wa8 gxsntoal a rettuotlou ln theater Ilc€nso of $50.00. [hlg to apply for ono yoat. Motlon by Cou:oollnan niokard anil geooadeil by CounoLlDau Eunt. Aruounc€ment of a leglonal Eotlng of the leaglre-of- Callforgla llunlolpalltlea to be heltt 1a Burltugao€ lfasonlo ga]-L on tr'rlday' Augugt- 25, Lg.3gt wes aDnounoeal. Various toploE appurtenant to Ctiy goveinnent'rlL1 be tlledussetl aart the varlous ealninlgtratlve offloers are luvlted to atteual. Ih6 Annral report of the Burlingame PubLla llbrary for th y6ar 1952-35 was reett anal the 6ame was ortleretl plaaed on A report of the Street tlepartoeut fron Aprlt 15, 1955' to luguit 15' L955' antl repoit of trle FLro department for tho nonth of July, were reatl and oraoretl flLed. Clty Attorney Davls reporteil that the Stat€ authorltles woultl not-a1Ior a Slow stgn plaoeil at the lntersectton of Broatlway and Bay Shor€ Boulevartli and were opposed to the sl'o-lvlng up 9f -trafflo anJnehero on thls ElghtlEy - had taken thls Eame stantl with other- oltles. llhe Counoll woat on r€oord as opposlng tho State rs attltudo wlth reforenee to Broadway Latersectlou' notlon Iy CounclLnan Riokaral and seoondotl by Councllman Eunt. ?he Cox0nunlty Shelter Connlttee 1n ortter to faoll1 1a cotrttuotln! tfre lnstltutlon as a more or Lesg of thlag, gubnlttett a letter 6tat1tr8 it le- atlvlsable tbe ienagement to Captain Mroaul€y entl hls Comnltt handllag all r€Ilef wort 1D San Mateo County. A-r on behelf of sald Commlttee that they be relieveil sponslblllty of 10 cots and 12 :nrbber nattreeses 1 Ctty of Burllngarne. llhe Councll votoal the return antl- mattressos to th€ Clty' the sane to be pl'aceil i Iette, froro the }Yostern lVewe Cornpan5r as to etatlgtloal lnforc atlon conoernlag proJects proposeat to be haatlLeil through the I[.R.A.1 was ortleretl referretl to City Englneor ThoEaB to an$trer. A petitlon relative to lnforroatlon oofoernltrg-the.benellts-to bo aeilvea by oltlzens and taxllayers lu the acqulsltlon of a-Gas end Eleotrlc dlatrlbutlag systom, !t:as oraleretl accepted. on notlo-n by Councllrun Stone ind- seoontted by CounclIosn Euat' wlth tho siatemeat that the mattor woultl haTe careful otualy before any ttefinlte determlnatloas 8ro errlved at. The SEn Mateo County Planning Commisslon submltted CirouLalE Noe. L antl 2 ooncernlng tr'ederaL fuOrgenoy Ailmlnlstratlon Plarmlng. fho same rere ortlered plaseat on flle after the acqulrlng of data by the City Euglnoer. tate nattersa pemanentto tran8f€t eo who are equost ig mde of tho 16- oaned by theof saltl oots 1rr stook. aIe flsoflle. 38 Ctty Attorney Davls eubxrltted llst of rules and roguJ.atlons forthc governnent of the llre departnent, handeil hlm by ths PlloComlsslon. ltrr. Davle quostlonctl the 1ega1lty of certala ru.166ss subnltte0. Ths nattor wag referred back to trfr. Davls to goov€! rlth the X'lre Comissiou relativo to th6 partlcular natterslavolvetl . Eleotrlo Ortl inanoe 1[o. 268 was tllscuesed anrl otdereil la1tl over toawalt more speolfld kIrowletlgc as to thc leal necal for the sane. llhe request pf Vanoouver Avo rue property ownsls to be heard relatlveto looatLon of a Munlcipal wcll la their ue lghborhooal, waa ].alal ovorfor one we€t, tlue to the absonoe of }trr. Gllroy one of the lntereetealpart lee. Under aer bustness, the utter of the appolntroent of a Muntolpal Juilge to suco€oal Aottng City Juilgg J. R. Ifnrphy, was teken up. Cou"ucilnan Eoak matle motlon tbat gtaaley KoUy be appolnted to theposltlon, tsklng effeot 9epterober 1, 1955 - motlon eeoondee byCounollnau Stone, - Carrlealr s11 vot ing Am. Roy Denpste" atldreEseal Councll expresslng personal. thsnks for thelrooop€ratlon 1a tenals aotlnlties. lrayor Buck on behalf of theCouaoil thenkeil LIr. Denpster for hls klntl renarks, statirg tbey stood rllllng elways to cooperato lu clea,n wholesone eport. Irr. Busohke lepregent lng Arnolat Eesa, presented a plan of a ooucretgculvert to tsko care of storn waterg lu anit around L401 FlortbuadaAvenuo. flxe Counoll approvod plan as su.bloltteal anal oralereal thsuatter referred to the bulldlng inapector for hlg lnspeottou. B. E. Kreatz presented a plau for a Classtt0tr buildlng to replacepr€sont structure at Northeest oorne! lorton anal Eoweral Avcnnes. The galoe weg referred to the bul1d lng lnepeotor for his approval. Denandg agalnst the City, Illos. 6550 to 64llL lnclusive; wero reatl anrl approvetl antl warraatg were ortleroal tlrawa on the City Treasuryfo! thelr respeo tlve amouats. The Council thereupoa atljourned.to Eeat lfioDtlay, August 28, lgg5, at 8iOO D.M., motlon by Councllnaa Stone. Re sp fully submlttetl, r APPRO1ED I '>.etr_^rz IIAYOR