HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1935.06.17154 Burlingame, Calif., June 17, 1935. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame was held on the above given date. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 2.1d., -Mayor Buck in the Chair. Councilmen Buck, uandlos, High and Hunt answered the roll call. Councilman Hives - Absent. The minutes of the meeting of June 3, 1935, were read and approved. A letter was read from Harry Miner requesting a per:it to sell fireworks under the auspices of ;:iner's Pie Shop, said fireworks to be sold outside the building and to be purchased from a Burlingame dealer. On motion by Councilman Hunt and seconded by Councilman high, a three-day permit was granted 1:r. Diner as per application. A letter was read from Jas. J. McGrath, acting County Executive, requesting the Council to name a delegate or delegates to a meeting which is to be held at San LZateo City Hall on June 28, 1935, at 8:00 P.M., and which meeting has for its purpose the promotion of a San Mateo County floral festival to be held in the fall of the year. After brief discussion, I.ayor Buck was voted to attend meeting as aforesaid. A letter was read from H. Yd. Dessin submitting a plan for the zoning of the South side of Donnelly Avenue, a portion of which is already in a business zone. The same was referred to the Planning Commission for report and reco=endation. A request from D. Petroni, 1478 Cortez Avenue, to dig a well in the rear of his home, the water to be used for domestic purposes and not for sale, was ordered laid over for investigation. A letter eras read from Rev. John E. Stuchell suzgesting the removal of shrubbery at dangerous street intersections. The same was referred to Police Chief Harper for investigation. L:r. Stuchell complimented the police department in the curbing of speeders on Hillside Drive. A letter was read from City Engineero�rrc:in� t Council that the final payment of C. V. Colet��,of�gpttid���20.00, was now due and payable and recomra nded hat a voucher be drawn in his favor for this amount. On motion by Councilman '-nunt and seconded by Councilman Handlos, the same was ordered. City Park Warden, Fran Anderson, submitted a report on the damage to parking strips on ;::ills Avenue occasioned by the recent sewer installation. On motion by Councilman Hunt and seconded by Councilman High, Fir. Anderson was instructed to put these parking strips back in proper condition. A petition sponsored by several householders in Burlingame Terrace relative to an open waterway running through Block 8, was read. The petition alleged the water way is a menace during the rainy season account eating away the banks and in the su:-L_ger time a breeding place for insect life. Relief is asked from, the Council to correct this sitution by boxing up this waterway to a point near Edgehill Drive where the waterway is enclosed. The Council, were all aE-reed that the sitAion is one in need of correction but the cost of the improvement is too great to be met out of the general fund. The matter :fas ordered turned over to City Engineer Thomas to bring in an estimate of cost. A plan of a proposed apartment house building on El Camino Beal near Broadway, was presented by -3. T. Seawell of 820 El Camino Real, and was ordered turned over to the Planning Commission for their consideration. A letter from Secretary of Interior Ickes relative to government contracts, was read, and was referred to City Engineer Thomas for his information. Indemnity Bonds carried by taxi Companies was discussed; a defendant in a dan.age suit recently found a Company he was insured in had failed. City Attorney Dav`s was of the opinion that the manazement of local taxi Companies did not use proper discretion in the placing of their insurance. L=r. Davis stated he would write a letter to 1.r. Bloom, Purchasing Agent, setting forth certain exactions that the taxi Companies must comply with in the selection of their boarding Companies. A resolution authorizing the five pages contained in the City's project application for resurfacing of the second unit of H1 Camino Real in Burlingame, included therewith the main- tenance of Unit ITo. 1 already completed and Unit 2 for which this application is made, was introduced by Councilman Hunt and seconded by Councilman 'Handlos, - Carried, all vottmg AYE. Mayor Buck presented to the Council the proposition of the organization of a citizens safety oo=ittee to cooperate with Local authorities in reducing traffic accidents; to this committee the assistance of interested citizens is asked. On Question from Councilr!.an Hunt if deputizing citizens would permit them to make arrests, Liayor duck answered thht this question would be worked out in the f.)rmation of the committee at its organization. The Council were all agreed that the proposition was a most commendable one and gave it their sanction. A conference will be arranged later to map out preliminary plane with Police Chief Harper and the members of the Police Commission. Councilman Hunt brought up the matter of the Annual Convention of the International Peace Officers association to be held in Atlanta, Georgia., in July, stating that Police Chief Harper had been very conspicuous in the affairs of this organization as an officer and number of various committees, offering as a motion that -he City send ILr. Harper to Atlanta to this Convention and appropriate a sum not to exceed $300.00 for this. purpose. The motion was seconded by Councilman Handlos,- Carried,.all voting AYE. 7er:ande against the City Nos. 8063 to 8142, inclusive, were rend and approved and Warrants were ordered drawn on the City Treasury for their respective amounts. Councilman Stein of San Mateo, who hasped to be a visitor at the meeting, was called on for a few remarks by his co- worker in recreational activities, Councilman Hunt. Lir. Stein explained what the Committee is doing and the real enthusiasm there is in all participating in the venture, prophesying for it unqualified success. On motion by Councilman Handlos and seconded by Councilmzn High, adjournment was taken to ::onday, July 8, 1935, at 8:00 P.L. aespectfully submitted, I City Clerk PRO +r - l 155