HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1933.08.0734 &rrllngame, August Callfornla. - ,l , 196g. lleetlag of tho Clty Counoll of the Clty of BurLingano. Bo11 0e11 ! Prcaent - Counclloen: Buak - Eook - Eun:t - gto[o Absent - Couaollmea; 8lokartl. The ninuteE of tho laet roeettng were read antl approvetl. G.A. Adams of 600 Sayswater Aveuu€ presented oral applleatloato elnk a shaLlow rolL on Clarentloa Roetl, 200 feet eaet of Eowerd Avoauc, wator to be ugett for lrrigatlon purposea 1n the relelng of vegetables. A peImlt wes graatetl oondltlonaLthat ad nuisanoe exlstg. Motlon by Stone and aeconiled by Eurt. Beverage applloatlons f1L€d by BLue Gooee Uarket, AAellno&itct' antl Gus Totae. All havlng the approvaL of Polloc Chlef Earpe ! rere g3anted pernlts to dlspeasc beverages on payrn€at of a olty lio6nse. The Trln Cltlee Eorseshos leagu.e subnltteat a oopy of a rsgo-lution thanklng the Counoll for th6 plaoiug of the two cxtra horgoshog courtg in Washlngton Park. fhe seme wag ordereilplaoetl oa flIc. ErsPetzlnger, property owner, 1608 Serroilhet Avenue, ln aoomunlcatlon, askeil that he night be heerd when the applloationto subtllvlde Lot 49, Burllngamo Eelghts le before the SlanulngComlsslon. The oemualoat lon wag ortleretl turnett over to thePlarnlng Cortttnlsslon for thelr lnfornatlon. T.tr[. Griffln, 120 Central Avenue, submltteat eppLioatlon for theposltlon of -C-tty Jutlge. Ihe sano wes ordered ffleat. CltyJudge, Jin. Ifurphy was lnetruoteil to oontinus rlth the dutlegof tbe! pogltion until further notlo€. : Burllngamo Post 165, Amorloan legioa, subnlttoal dreft of aroEolutloa for the Counc 11 rs oonstaleratioa which tlealg wlththe prevention of furth€r loss of 1lfe at Sroadway antl Bay- sbors lntereectlon. Clty Attornsy Davis stat€d he oonsuLtedrith Chlef Englneerl J.E. Skoggs of the State Elgbway Connnlselon about slowlng ears at this lntersectloa, fountl him ratLerreluotaat to sLow up oars oa the Sayshoro Elgbway on aocou:xtof ltg belng a state hlghway. The matter was 13ft ln Mr. Davlsr hantls to contlnue hls lnvestlgatlon 1n the lnterest of safety. .e,.U. Deu€l, Treasurer of San llateo County Ronovlzlng Ca,npelgn Cornmit tec, submlttetl dato or thoir plans antl the requlreoentethat ere neoessary to brlng the natter to the atteiltion of.aLl.fbo City of Burllngane ts aeked for e alonatton of $e+O.OO tc bepaltl ln slx nonthly insta11n0€nts; other San tr{ateo County Cltiesto be 1n proportion to slze. 0n notion by Stone, th€ natter uag ordorotl laltl over for further conslaleratlon. trettor was.r6atl fron B.J. Iocke, Chs lrman of seotion otr Uualolpal ooverment of Comonrealth C1ub, invitlng L{ayot aatl Councllmen to lunch€onE wher6 appropriate subJeots wlLl be alisoussetl, also the best lnfon06d of speakerg wll1 be provialetl. The GounclL was aekeal to obgerve dates and attend lf pooslble. Meetinge are held eaoh Thurealay at 12:15 P.M. at Eotel St. Xtanots. llhe report of th€ Ee8lth aatl lllater Departneut and the City Jualgo for JuLy worg r€ad anti sam€ w6re ord€real filed. Attorney Davis reported aendlng to th€ Carnegle Xlouatlation' l oopy of a resulution oororne nd lng Roekwe).I I. Stone Jr. for brav€ryln the Eaving of two lives near ?esoadero reoently. The 0ouno11 lnstruotetl City Attorney Davls to negotlato wlth the v/6stern Paolflc Rallroad lntho prorurement of a[ easement over 35 thoir right-of-way to get to a portion of the Clty Durp which 11€ s beyontl. 0n motlon by Eock ancl secondetl by Hunt ' a rerluction ln the annual thoeter license was matle'the Fox fheeters of $100rOO for a perlod of one year. Councilnan Eunt presented report of the activlties of the Burrn€r playgrountl cormlttec sponsored by the Anerlcen Assoclatlon of Uulver6lty ]tiomon. The olerk wes lnstructed to send ?hern a letter of tharlis for the splendid prograu they prepariil. Sleotrical Ordlnance, No.268, was tllscugsed and was lald over pendlng furthex knowledge of lts worklnge before f1na1 passage. 0n notion by Eock' gecondotl by Euat, the purchase of lot L5, Block l-, 3urllhghone, 8t I prlce of $1000 was approveti and steps were ortlered to be taken inmedlately t-o- bore a ltelL to aupent the present 6luniclpal systerB. Bleaohers for the tennis Courts was tiiscussed. The CounciL approvetl the work being il one by 1oca1 people if the price 1s in keeplng. llhe Councll adjournetl to meet Monday, August 14' l-935 at 8 P.M. on notion bY Counctl Stone. RBSPICT ITTED: er AP?ROWD: or {-.