HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1934.12.171n_ I Burllngane, CaI lf., Deoember 17, Lgg4. A regular meettug of the Clty Oounetl-Yt&s helil at 8:00 3.[[. oa tf,c above glvcn dater- Mayor Eunt la the Chalr. BoII CaI1: Present - Oounol1men, Buok, Eantl1os, Elgh' Eives andl ffi..lbgent Counotlmenr Sone. The nlnuteg of the lagt neottng rero read antl approvetl. 8e mbnlt fhe ortler of buelness was walved Ln orcler to take up the uatter of the relgoval of certaln trees on EL Caro{no Beal whleh wes provttled for in a reeent eontract awareled t o the UaLon Saving Company for the l.urprovement of that thoroughfafe. Clty Clerk &urphy read letters fron the foLLowlng organlze- ttoas, all of whon hacl representativos at the meetlng and all strenuously opposi.ng the removaL of Euoh trees as trere tadloated la speotfloatlonsr exceptlng those thst are actualJ.y detrlmentaL to the proteotlon of Llfe end property.- SurltflSamo BugLness & Professlonal Womenrs CLub BurllngPtro l[orrants Club Sorth Burllngu,ne Womanrs CLub BnrllngPme Chamber of Commeroe Elllsborough Sarilon Club California-Federatloa Wornaars elubs-San Mrateo Co. Ctty and County lederatloa of lfomans CluberS.F. A letter was also read from lfrs. Sytlla Atlams, 915 EI Cemlno Realr tennlng the trees a uulsanoe acconnt of the l.ltterlng up oi Srardsl -aLsO the unsafesess of several of them. !ilaygrgfut oiltea- on tresLte Uayae, tree specta}lst, rho reported that a certaln rnrmber of the treos were unsafe and should be removed. fhe others wtsre safe but tlue to the lmprovement a lot of trlmnlng wouLd be tr€GoSgarlr Mls. E. D. SpragUet Mrg. E. J. MtlLei, !ilr6. E. 1{. Stephens, }l[rg. !. B. Aubury anil Mlss Janet Rogerg, Jutlge Fletoher CutLer and $an D. Herts epoke ln the lnteiest of pieservlng tbe.trees. E.E. Boyle, e: O. Gerber anrl othere sBotse In opposltlon. The mtter saE arguetl at length from- the floor, the Councl,L enterlng tn the-debate. {he CouaatL were all: agfeell that they were tn s54lathy wlth the preservatlon of the treog but belieYeA thos6 tnat- constltuted a rpnace shouLd be removed. Due to tbe Lateness of the hout, !fiayor Eunt annoqnced that there wou.ld be a firrther lnvestlgAtlon and representatives of the varlous organlz&tioae were asked to attentl_a_qgqting at the Clty EalL at f i50 P.$., Ibiilayr lecgpber 2Lr1954'_ utuea the natier w111 agaia be taken up. In the meantlme the treas w111 not be nolestetl. A motlon to ailjourn to fuestlay, Docernber 18, L961, at 8!00 3.M. Ieas offered by Cou:ncllnan Bue|.-l[ho Eatne wae iluly seooadeA ancl cerrLetl. dl/^1- AIPROT,ED;