HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - PR - 2024.04.18• City of Burlingame BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME BURLINGAME, CA 94010 F I� Meeting Agenda Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, April 18, 2024 7:00 PM Burlingame Community Center 850 Burlingame Avenue 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes a. March 21. 2024 Draft Minutes Attachments: Mintues 4. Correspondence 5. Public Comments Members of the public may speak about any item not on the agenda. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State and local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are asked to fill out a `request to speak' card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff, although provision of a name, address or other identifying information is optional. The Chairperson may limit speakers to three minutes each. a. Burlingame Aquatic Club - Presentation 6. Old Business 7. New Business a. City -Wide Dog Park/Off-Leash Update Attachments: Staff Report Exhibit A 8. Staff and Commissioner Reports 9. Future Agenda Items 10. Adjournment City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 411212024 Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Agenda April 18, 2024 Next Meeting: Thursday, May 16, 2024 NOTICE: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Department at (650) 558-7323 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.org. City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 411212024 R C1TfY ti o� `ls Rvoawreo PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION DRAFT Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting on Thursday, March 21, 2024 1. CALL TO ORDER The duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chair Milne at 7:02 pm. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Milne, Chang, Yu, Holzman, and Wettan COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Pappajohn & Brunello Parks & Recreation Director Glomstad, Recreation Supervisor Crossfield, Parks Superintendent/Arborist Holtz, Parks Supervisor Barron & Recording Secretary Helley Nemanja Colovic (BSC), Girl Scout Troop #61595 - Maya, Lizzy, Chloe, Eleanor, Quynh, and Nirvi Commissioner Holzman made a motion to approve the February minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chang, and the motion was approved. 4-0-3 (Yu abstained, Pappajohn & Brunello absent) 4. CORRESPONDENCE None Presentation — Burlingame Aquatic Club — Will present at the April meeting 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 1 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes March 21, 2024 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Approval of a Seed Library at the Burlingame Community Center Recreation Supervisor Crossfield introduced herself, noting that Girl Scout Troup #61595 was there to request approval for a seed library at the Burlingame Recreation Center. The group of six 5th grade girls from Franklin Elementary School are currently working on completing their Bronze Award. The Bronze Award is the highest honor that a Girl Scout Junior can achieve within the Girl Scouts organization. It represents a significant milestone in a Girl Scout's journey of leadership, community service, and personal growth. To earn the Bronze Award, Girl Scout Juniors must complete a leadership journey that involves identifying a community issue, planning, implementing a project to address it, and reflecting on their experiences. Troop #61595's proposed project is to organize a seed library. The girls took turns presenting to the Commission. The girls explained that a seed library is a take -one -give -one library that allows community members to exchange seeds for growing plants they no longer need for which others may have a use. Their vision is to help community members get involved in gardening and growing native plants. They noted there was a seed library at the Burlingame Public Library. The Troop said that they would provide educational material and instructions on how to use the library and promote the seed library by creating fliers and posters with information about its benefits and distributing them at Burlingame Community Center, parks, hospitals, grocery stores, and schools. The Troop noted they would maintain the library by checking on the library every month, performing yearly maintenance, and adding signage to allow community members to email the Troop if any maintenance is needed. Within three years, the Troop said they would look to pass on the seed library maintenance to a younger troop or remove the library. Through the seed library, the Troop's goal is to promote growing plants native to California and educate community members about the benefits. Chair Milne thanked the Troop for the wonderful presentation and opened the floor to the Commission for any questions. Commissioner Wettan asked if the Troop had any examples of indigenous plants they would put in the seed library. Troop member responded they had decided on a plant called the bleeding heart, a pink flower that looks like an upside-down heart. In addition to monkey flowers, buckwheats, and milkweed, they also decided on an indigenous strawberry, which is small but tastes very good. 2 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes March 21, 2024 Commissioner Holzman noted there are some great options for how to display or organize the Seed Library. She inquired how the Troop would decide which one to use. The girls noted that there could be a vote for the community to choose which one they like the best. Commissioner Milne asked how the group came up with this idea. The girls hosted a meeting to brainstorm ideas for their Bronze project, and they wanted to be original and the idea of a Seed Library was decided upon. Commissioners Yu & Milne love this idea and the girls' plan to promote it to the community. MOTION by Wettan to approve the Seed Library at the Burlingame Community Center. Motion seconded by Chang. Motion approved 5-0-2 (Pappajohn and Brunello absent). b. Design Approval for the Laguna Park Playground Renovation Director Glomstad stated that the Laguna Park Playground Renovation Committee has been working on an update to the Laguna Park Playground. Funds were available to develop the designs for the park and to assist in determining how much money would be needed to renovate the twenty- six -year -old playground. Landscape Architect John Cahalan was retained to work on the design. Staff sent out a survey to gather community input and asked for intesested community members to apply to be on the advisory Committee. The Laguna Park Playground Committee consisted of two Commission members, three community members, three staff members, and the architect. The final design incorporated many of the items from the survey results, such as slides, climbing structures, swings, horizontal bars, creative/imaginative elements, and a spinning element. The survey also indicated the playground should include both a 2-5-year-old and 5-12-year-old play area. The final design is a Beach theme, with surfboards, lots of shade, and resilient surfacing with ocean designs. Commissioner Chang asked if the swings were for older kids. Glomstad noted the design is such that there can be either bucket swings or strap swings. The Committee wanted bucket swings to start; however, if the needs of the community change, they can be switched out for strap swings. City Council authorized $50,000 for the design development phase of Laguna Park Playground renovation as part of the FY23-24 Parks & Trees Capital Improvement Program. Funds to complete the Laguna Playground Renovation Project will be requested for the 2024-25 Parks & Trees Capital Improvement Program. The total project costs are expected to be $700,000. MOTION by Holzman to approve the design for the Laguna Park Playground Renovation. Motion seconded by Yu. Motion approved 5-0-2 (Pappajohn and Brunello absent). 8. STAFF AND COMMISSIONER REPORTS a. Parks & Recreation Department Reports Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes March 21, 2024 Glomstad reported the San Francisco Opera would be coming to Burlingame to perform a shortened version of La Boheme on April 13 & 14 at 2pm. The free shows will be at Lot X next to the Lions Hall. The Muddy Mile event is on April 27, and the staff was looking for volunteers. Please email Kelvin Coggins (kcoggins(c burlin ag me.org) or Kevin Gresh (kgresh(&burlin ag me.org) to volunteer for the event. On Monday night, the Council awarded the Mobility Hub Project, a renovation Burlingame Square by the train station. Staff anticipates the construction will start when the high school releases for the summer and be complete before the fall school session starts. b. Commissioners Reports Commissioner Wettan — No Report Commissioner Yu — No Report Commissioner Holzman — The Dog Park Committee met on Monday. One of the bigger topics was the hours for Ray Park. Initially, the hours were from sunrise to sunset, but then there was a temporary change from 9 am to sunset. There was a lot of correspondence and concerns from the community about that being problematic for those who are trying to drop off their kids at Lincoln and be able to bring the dogs or people trying to get to the Dog Park and still make it to work on time. The Committee discussed the matter extensively and decided to change the hours temporarily to 8 am to sunset to try to accommodate those desires. They will see how that goes for the next several weeks. Commissioner Milne — No Report Commissioner Chang — No Report FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Burlingame Aquatic Club Presentation Field Use Policy 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 pm. The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission is scheduled to be held in person on Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Joleen Helley Recording Secretary 4 Parks & Recreation Commission DRAFT Minutes March 21, 2024 � CITV O BUSTAFF RLINGA REPORI ;ti o Avorswl- To: Parks and Recreation Commission Date: April 18, 2024 From: Kelvin Coggins, Recreation Supervisor — (650) 558-7308 Subject: City -Wide Dog Park/Off-Leash Update RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Parks and Recreation Commission review the updates regarding dog activity throughout Burlingame's dog park/off-leash areas. BACKGROUND Ten years ago, the City of Burlingame had three off -leash dog options: Bayside Dog Exercise Park, Washington Park (near the rose garden), and Cuernavaca upper grass area. Based on community demand, the City has since added four more off -leash options: Washington Ballfield, Cuernavaca Ballfield, Skyline Park, and Ray Dog Park. Even with the additional off -leash options throughout the community, dogs on fields, parks, and throughout the City continue to be challenging. The staff has continued to experience many dog owners violating off -leash times/rules throughout the City. The Dog Park Advisory Group was created as an Ad Hoc Committee to make recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council regarding all things involving dogs in Burlingame. Over the last year, the Dog Park Advisory Group has met to discuss current issues and possible solutions to the ongoing dog challenges. DISCUSSION In a review of all dog correspondence over the last year, a few reoccurring patterns exist. Below is a list of common complaints staff receive, ordered by frequency: • People allowing dogs to be off -leash outside posted times and/or in areas not designated for dogs to be off -leash. • People are not cleaning up dog waste. • Dogs damage the grass by digging holes. • Dog walkers bring more than two dogs at a time into the off -leash area. For the past three months, Field Monitors have been scheduled more regularly to monitor the behaviors of people with dogs. This has included being assigned every morning to patrol each park throughout the City to curb complaints about the number of dogs walkers bring into the park, enforce hours, and educate the community regarding the rules. Since starting this, while it has been an added expense to the Department budget and time-consuming, staff has noticed a City -Wide Dog Park Update April 18, 2024 decrease in complaints. Although the four main complaints are prevalent throughout the City, other concerns are exclusive to individual locations. For the grass areas open from 6:OOam-7:30am (Washington Park near the rose garden and Cuernavaca grass), there have been requests for extended hours in the morning and additional hours in the evening. On the other hand, there have been complaints about off -leash dog attacks against people walking through Washington Park. Although it doesn't occur often, when staff hear from the public regarding Skyline Park, it is typically for a maintenance request. Most recently, it was to fix a loose step on the newly installed stairs. Parks staff responded quickly out of caution for safety. Set in a residential neighborhood, Ray Dog Park has been the most discussed park as of late. A neighbor submitted complaints to the Parks and Recreation Commission, staff, and the Burlingame Police Department about dogs excessively barking and being left unattended inside Ray Dog Park. In January 2024, the Dog Park Advisory Group decided to change the opening time to 9am (previously sunrise) to help curb the excessive barking and the hardship on the neighbors early in the morning. Staff received significant pushback from the community of dog owners who wanted to exercise their dogs in Ray Dog Park after dropping their kids off at Lincoln Elementary School. Therefore, in March 2024, the Ray Dog Park opening time changed from 9:OOam to 8:OOam based on a recommendation from the Dog Park Advisory Group. Having a Field Monitor onsite to educate dog owners on the rules on most mornings has decreased the number of complaints. The most pressing issue at Ray Park is that, almost nightly, dog owners show up and run their dogs off -leash at nighttime on Ray Athletic Field (where dogs are not permitted off -leash at any time). This typically occurs during nighttime hours (6:30pm — 8:OOpm). When Field Monitors patrol and witness violations, they educate dog owners that their dogs cannot be off -leash on the athletic field. However, it doesn't seem to be curving the group of nighttime dog owners coming out seemingly daily. This is particularly challenging since Ray Athletic Field was recently renovated at a cost of $1.4 million and the heavy dog usage is damaging the integrity of the field for athletic use. The Dog Park Advisory Group will continue to monitor and discuss dog -related issues and, when necessary, bring suggestions and recommendations to the Commission for discussion and approval. In addition, staff will continue to be diligent with the Field Monitors' schedule, educate the public (Exhibit A), and maintain close communication with the Dog Park Advisory Group regarding any of the City's dog issues. FISCAL IMPACT Staff added the Field Monitor's hours to include weekday mornings and the already scheduled afternoon and evening hours. The additional part-time expense is approximately $3,800 per month. EXHIBIT A: Live PlayBurlingame Dog Poster 2 Exhibit A N a, , .aawaa,^a.Ad' MedI cal CV, P+�c Society B sFca:.. " Maea,ra^4r °`o village Par�C v o^ut°j �y'a ° t eOe a d Cro za Q O San Fraws"o ! aJ'�`' eeBa J" ai � Bq0` ^ori, o' fe, eve o V 4 'sn S"Aingame 0 RAY PARKeq°RU RLI NGAME rrallon5 v 0 V"•�} termediate chool e` a GATE In o F' ae v veo" Wal,greens PhC[o - -' raa� G v 4 4r. 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Monday - Friday 7:30 am-2:00pm Cuernavaca Outfield Closed Dec -Feb for field maintenance and • Constant barking is frustrating for some June -Aug. for Summer Camps community members. • Dog waste must be picked up and disposed of © Ray Dog Park Daily, 8:00 am -to Sunset. properly for the safety and enjoyment of park users. • No more than two off -leash dogs per person Skyline Park Daily, Sunrise to sunset. are allowed in off -leash dog areas Being considerate of others Will Washington Park Daily from 6:00am-7:30am © make Burtingame an amazing Monday-Friday7:30am-2:OOpm place to Gve for alto Washington Outfield Closed Dec-Febfor field maintenanceand June -Aug. for Summer Camps 0 0