HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1933.07.0631_ ![ectlD8 of the City Counoll of the City of Burllngane. noU Ca11: Preseat - Councllmen: Buck - Hook - Rlobard. Ab gcnt - Councllnea: Eunt - Stouo. Ihe nlnutes of the neetlngs of June 19th ond Ju3.y grtl wele reaal aril approved. D€tter reatl frorn Eomr trfiartin' Suporht€ttalent of Elgh Sohools' announolng he had supplleit the Clty rlth plsygrouail cqulpuat ae requeeted; al6o lottcr frcn former Counollmaar J. C. Russe11, thaatlng thc Counoll for resolutlon passed by then oommentllnghls seliriocs. Botb conmunloatl ons wet€ ordereil ftleil. [etter rcaA from thc fax Payers Proteotlve Agsoolatlou of Salr. l{ateo Couaty, endlorslng G. B. Blsso for the posltlon of City Juitge 1n Burllngane. llhe sarc was ordereal plaaed oa f1le. Tho gan }ttat€o ?lannlDg Comltrlsolon tavltetl the Councll to a ncetlug la the San lfiBteo Clty Eall on July 18th at 8 P.ltr. rheu e meter plan for the Clty rlLl bo dlgousscil. (be Counoll raa aEtsed to obaerve th6 dato aad atteatl lf posstble. E. A. Ireanon, L224 Eernal AveDuo r ln a oomunloatloar propos€d outtlng Burlluga.rae lvou[e througb the present looatlon of the Southern Paotflc Statlon aril novlng the gtation northr aEggpsteil that lctlersl ftaits arG now avallablc uniler the halustrlal re- oovory aot and tt roultt seem to bo th€ approprlate tire -to pro- oeeal wlth thls work. Ihe letter lag ortlercd fllcal fo! ftture study. Br B. Eorcll' 1140 Odortt 8oail, ln a oomnunloatlon' askcd re11cf from the trees aorosE the oreet to the rea! of hls promlses, also to ollmlnato wagb fron tho creet lehlch was ttctrlmertal to hlB property. The roatter wB! referroil to $nperlntendeat Sohuok for lnvestlSat 1on. l$e report of the Iire DepartneEt for Juro' sntl thc Annual report of the Pollse tlepartneat to June 601 1955, were read and wer6 ordered pLaoott oa f11€. Clty l,ttormy Danls ,eportetl that hc luveetl8eteil oonplalnt that buslrss was belDg ilono at 1411 Chaplu Aveuoe aad found the sane was not ao. -foutral woneu serlag on goods that bail been brought ln, but nothiag was for sale on the preml se s' - stateil oriltionoe isas not beln! vlolatctt. The Counol.l sugtelneal tho roport @,tle by Mr. hvLa. loollcatlons for the eale of tgvotaRcs rsrg reaal frorn thefollordnr: - W.W. Oaupbell - trlnEE Erooeterla - A].tlerls - EaJr OoncIla - Eome Io6 Co. - Balnler Proiluets - Bedwootl Clty 0rauge tr16t Bottuag Co. - Elrootl l1lBn - S.E. & C.E. EBas - Eor81d uartot - tlrlok & Soa - J. R. llooro. The slrtDc roro refcrroil to CLlef Ea"pot for lavestlgatlon. ![ryor Buot aonounoeil tha reappointneat of E. P. Vollnor aB a nombcr of the Plaanlag Q6nrilgstqu for thc sk-year terro.- Bbe Couaoll ooacurreal lunltayor Buc&rs order. The Councll enilorecil the actlon of the Water Commlsglon ln thedraftrng of a letter to tho San Freroleoo f,ater Dept. appeallngfor a lorer water rate for thc Clty. Dotlnals agalnEt the ctty, troE. 62?6 to 6278r1noo1 x6!€ rcad antl approvcil antl EarrentB wor6 oraloroA dtawn on tho clty llreagurorfor the 1r respeotlve amounts. trhe Counoll thercupon ailJ ouucd.1y mbntt APPNOv3! yor Re tf,u1 City Clerl , Bu:nLtnga,ner CaIlf.r JuIy 6r L953. (