HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - BC - 2024.01.04• City of Burlingame BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME BURLINGAME, CA 94010 F I� Meeting Agenda Beautification Commission Thursday, January 4, 2024 6:30 PM Burlingame Community Center 850 Burlingame Avenue Members of the public may view the meeting by logging into the Zoom meeting listed below. The meeting video will be uploaded to the City's website after the meeting. Members of the public may provide written comments by email to a.diaz@burlingame.org. Emailed comments should include the specific agenda item on which you are commenting or note that your comment concerns an item that is not on the agenda or is on the Consent Calendar. The length of the emailed comment should be commensurate with the three minutes customarily allowed for verbal comments, which is approximately 250-300 words. To ensure that your comment is received and read to the Beautification Commission for the appropriate agenda item, please submit your email no later than 5:00 PM on January 4, 2024. The City will make every effort to read emails received after that time but cannot guarantee such emails will be read into the record. Any emails received after the 5:00 PM deadline which are not read into the record will be provided to the Beautification Commission after the meeting. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jan 4, 2024 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Topic: Burlingame Beautification Commission Please click the link below to join the webinar: httpsJ/us02web.zoom. us/j/87239083489?pwd=WjRrWHY2Z01xTWF6NVd6TVpsSEVndz09 Passcode: 086360 Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Webinar ID: 872 3908 3489 Passcode: 086360 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES a. Draft Minutes November 2, 2023 Attachments: Draft Minutes 4. CORRESPONDENCE City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 12/29/2023 Beautification Commission Meeting Agenda January 4, 2024 5. FROM THE FLOOR Speakers may address the Commission concerning any matter over which the Commission has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda. Additional public comments on agenda action items will be heard when the Commission takes up those items. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are asked to fill out a "request to speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff, although provision of name, address or other identifying information is optional. Speakers are limited to three minutes each, although the Commission may adjust the time limit in light of the number of anticipated speakers. 6. OLD BUSINESS a. 2024 Residential Sustainable and Business Landscape Awards Attachments: Staff Report 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Updating of the City Street Tree Planting Lists Attachments: Staff Report 8. REPORTS 9. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Next Regular Meeting: February 1, 2024 Notice: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7330 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The Agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.org. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Burlingame Beautification Commission regarding any items on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at 850 Burlingame Avenue during normal business hours. City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 12/29/2023 BURLINGAME STAFF REPORT To: Beautification Commission Date: January 4, 2024 From: America Diaz, Parks Administrative Assistant, (650) 558-7330 Subject: 2024 Residential Sustainable and Business Landscape Awards RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission discuss the timeline for the 2024 awards and make any changes to the process and/or award categories. BACKGROUND Each year the Beautification Commission presents the Residential Sustainable Landscape award and Business Landscape award. The process generally begins in May and concludes in August with the award presented at a City Council meeting in October. niSri i-qsinm At a previous meeting, Commissioner Khoury mentioned adding balconies as another award option. The Commission requested staff to put the item on a future agenda. FISCAL IMPACT There could be a fiscal impact if there is a cost associated with additional awards. EXHIBITS None 1 9BURLINGAME STAFF REPORT To: Beautification Commission Date: January 4, 2024 From: Rich Holtz, Parks Superintendent/City Arborist - (650) 558-7333 Carlie Burow, Parks Supervisor - (650) 558-7335 Subject: Updating of the City Street Tree Planting Lists RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission review the staff report and approve the updated street tree planting list's species removals and additions. BACKGROUND Street tree planting lists are specific trees designated for the right-of-way space adjacent real properties. The list was created to give property -owners various options to fit the City easement adjacent their property while diversifying the urban forest. While many properties can choose from the Street Tree lists, properties on Themed blocks do not. A Themed Block is a block in which one defined street tree species is established and maintained indefinitely. These, however, are not the subject of this discussion. The current street tree list was last updated in 2021 and requires another update based on new information available to City staff, including tree species performance Climate Change, Burlingame's urban forest diversity needs, and ensuring the appropriately sized tree is assigned to the appropriately sized planting location. Current Process When a street tree needs to be replaced, the current process includes sending a letter to the homeowner stating they will be receiving a new tree. If their address isn't on a themed block, they receive a list of trees that match their right-of-way planting strip area (4', 4-6', 6-8', utility, or hillside view area). Each of the current City street tree planting lists have at least eight options for the homeowner. Reasons for the Updated Lists Tree species must be hardy due to the change -induced stress on the trees amplified in urban environments. Examples of hardships currently faced by street trees are the urban heat island effect, increased impervious surfaces, reduced air quality, altered soils from construction, root cuttings for road/sidewalk maintenance, vehicular damage, vandalism, and reduced natural water. In addition, as the climate changes, weather patterns are continually evolving in our area. The trees must withstand severe storms and drought. In addition, Climate Change is expected to increase the saline content of soil as the sea rises. Although this is not foreseen to be an issue within the next decade, it is expected within the next 50 years, starting at the Bayfront and continuing throughout the lowest parts of Burlingame. Not all trees survive in saline conditions despite how minimal the salinity is. Also, recycled or purple water, although a great way to minimize wastewater, can negatively affect trees. The City is looking to implement recycled water to irrigate parks. Use of recycled water Citywide is many years down the road, but has been discussed in recent years. Recycled water can be high in salt, which can lead to poor health. Another consideration is root intrusion since street trees are placed where many utilities and public infrastructure already exist. This increases the potential of tree roots to invade existing infrastructure. Paved areas are a challenge due to buckling or bumps from growing roots. Some trees are more susceptible to creating infrastructure issues, making them unsuitable as a street tree option. Tolerance to root pruning is another factor as the City repaves surfaces or maintains underground utilities. Tree shape, growth pattern, growth rate, and branch attachment are also other reasons to update the Street Tree list. DISCUSSION Based on the above considerations, staff proposes the following removals and additions to the Street Tree lists. A. 4' Street Tree List Remove Crataegus phaenopyrum, Maytenus boaria, Pittosporum undulatum, and Prunus cerasifera (4). Reasons to eliminate Crataegus phaenopyrum include not faring well with the ongoing struggles within the right of way, such as ongoing pruning and susceptibility to pests. Maytenus boaria is slow growing and has become an issue for maintaining legal street and sidewalk clearance while sustaining good structure and ANSI standard pruning. Pittosporum undulatum is notorious for dropping berries and contracting root rot due to poor drainage and lack of an aesthetic form. Prunus cerasifera is considered a slow - growing tree and is susceptible to pests and diseases such as borers, aphids, scale, leafhoppers, caterpillars, beetles, leaf spots, dieback, leaf curls, powdery mildew, root rot, and fire blight. These trees can also be a nuisance if they drop fruit and have a short life span of twenty years or less. Add Chilopsis linearis, Jacaranda mimmosifolia, Laurus nobilis `saratoga', Parkinsonia praecox, and Parrotia persica `vanessa' (5). Each of these trees brings new aspects and life to the urban forest. Chilopsis linearis has stunning fragrant pink flowers, is deciduous, and is drought tolerant. Jacaranda mimosifolia has beautiful, long-lasting purple flowers and can withstand a small planter strip. Laurus nobilis `saratoga' is an evergreen with a moderate growth rate and round canopy. Parkinsonia praecox is a fast-growing deciduous tree with mesmerizing yellow flowers. Parrotia persica Vanessa' is a deciduous, slow growing tree with a deep gold fall color and clumps of red flowers. B. 4'-6' Street Tree List Remove Aesculus x carnea, Fraxinus angustifolia, and Magnolia grandiflora (3). Aesculus x carnea has been found to have a weak branch attachment, making the tree susceptible to limb failure. Fraxinus angustifolia is less drought tolerant than previously believed, and being in a water deficit can predispose this tree to infection, limb death, and the pest Emerald Ash Borer. The Magnolia grandiflora `St Mary' `is a slow -growing tree and is recommended for removal for reasons similar to the Maytenus boaria, above. Add Acer davidii, Quillaja saponaria, and Olea europaea `swan hill' (3). Acer davidii has striking bark and a beautiful fall color. Quilaja saponaria is an evergreen that is a slow - grower with yellow or cream flowers. O/ea europaea `swan hill' is a fruitless olive tree with silver leaves that leaves minimal pollen. C. 6' or more Street Tree List Remove Magnolia grandiflora `samuel sommers' due to the lack of wind resistance and an increase in branch failures likely from drought. Add Angophora costata, Arbutus menziesii, Quercus douglasii, Quercus hypoleucoides, Quercus lobata, Schinus molle, and Quillaja Saponaria (7). Angophora costata is an evergreen with red bark and a wide canopy. Arbutus menziesii is an evergreen with striking bark, fragrant flowers, and a rounded canopy. Quercus douglasii is deciduous with bluish -green leaves, drought tolerant, strong branch attachments, and a wide rounded canopy. Quercus hypoleucoides is an evergreen with a large rounded canopy and strong branch attachments. Quercus lobata is deciduous, large, and a round canopy. Schinus molle is an evergreen with a willow -like canopy with fragrant pink berries in the summer. Quillaja saponaria is an evergreen that is a slow -grower with yellow or cream flowers. D. Utility Street Tree List Remove Acer rubrum, Maytenus boaria, Pittosporum undulatum, Platanus aceriflolia, and Prunus cerasifera. The reason for removing the Acer rubrum is the increase in root invasion, growth height that conflicts with overhead utilities, and a medium/weak branch attachment. Mayten boaria, Pittosporum undulatum, and Prunus cerasifera's reasons for removal are noted above. Platanus aceriflolia should be removed due to the full-grown size these trees can achieve and their interference with utility lines. Add Jacaranda mimosifolia, Laurus nobilis `saratoga', Parkinsonia praecox, Parrotia persica Vanessa, and Plumeria rubra (5). Plumeria rubra is an evergreen with fragrant flowers and waxy leaves. The other 4 are described above. E. Hillside Street Tree List Remove Maytenus boaria, Pittosporum undulatum, Platanus aceriflolia, and Prunus cerasifera. Maytenus boaria, Pittosporum undulatum, Prunus cerasifera's reasons for removal are mentioned above. In addition, the Platanus aceriflolia should be removed due to the height and promoting diversity as these are the majority of Burlingame's tree population. Add Jacaranda mimosifolia, Laurus nobilis `saratoga', Parkinsonia praecox, Parrotia persica Vanessa" and Plumeria rubra (5) as described above. The proposed new lists have upwards of 12 options each for property owners to choose from. Staff is also requesting input from the Commission about the below questions. 1. Are there any trees the Commission would like to keep on the list despite the issues the City has experienced? 2. Are there any trees that the Commission would suggest the City Arborist and Parks Supervisor look into adding? FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact is unknown at this time. EXHIBITS A. 4' Updated Street Tree List B. 4'-6' Updated Street Tree List C. 6'+ Updated Street Tree List D. Utility Updated Street Tree List E. Hillside Updated Street Tree List EXHIBIT A Stree Tree List for Planters under 4' Botanical Common N Evergreen Height Width Water Use Pollinator root intrus branch att: Notes Acer buerg Trident ma no 20-25 20-25 medium Aesculus x Red Horses no 30-40 30-40 medium Chilopsis lii Desert Will no 15-30 15-21 very low Zpteegus Washingto ^^dium Genera par Australian yes 30-40 15-20 medium Ginkgo bilc Maidenhai no 30'-50' 20-30 medium Jacaranda i Blue Jacara no 25-35 15-21 medium Koelreuter Chinese El: no 30-40 20-30 medium Koelreuter Golden Rai no 20-35 20-30 medium Lagerstroei Crepe My, no 20-30 15-20 medium Laurus nob Saratoga S, yes 25-35 15-25 medium Magnolia g Magnolia'! yes 15-25 15-11 medium Maytenus I Mayten tre yes 2�0-30 medium Parkinsoni; Sonoran P; no 20-30 15-20 low Parrotia pepemian Im no 25-35 15-25 medium Pistacia chl Chinese Pi! no 30-40 20-30 law Pittospomi Victorian B yes 30-40 30-10 medium Prunus cer Purple Leal no 15-20 15-20 medium Robin. x.i Idaho Locu no 30-40 20-30 medium Triadica se Chinese tal no 25-35 20-30 medium m list Additional species subject to availabilty DECIDUO US: Moderate growth; roundish glossy' three lobed leaves; fall no low medium color. no low weak DECIDUOUS! Fast early growth; round headed; dark green Ieavevs; plumes of crimson flowers in spring no low medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate growth rate; silver leaves, fragrant, lavender flowers " rr uc: Moderate growth; graceful open limb structure; glossy leaves; foliage turns fall colors yes low medium EVERGREEN: Moderate growth; graceful branches; fine te#ured leaves n moderate medium DECIDUOUS: Slow growth; fan shaped leaves turn yellow in fall; spreading, almost umbrella form yes moderate medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate growth rate; large spreading canopy, with long lasting purple flowers n low medium DECIDUOUS: slow to moderate growth; clusters of yellow flowers; leaves yellow in fall, drop late yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Slow to moderate growth; yellow flowers; leaves red in span& light green in summer yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate growth; spring foliage light green and bronze, fall yellow; dark pink flowers no moderate medium EVERGREEN: Moderategrowth rate; no low medium EVERGREEN: Fast growth; upright branches; dark green foliage with rusty bronze coloring on leaf underside. White flowers in early spring and summer no moderate medium EVERGREEN:slow to moderate growth; pendulous graceful branches yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Fast growth; yellow flowers, rounded canopy low medium DECIDUOUS: Slow growth; autumn gold fall col or, dense clusters of tiny red flowers no low strong DECI DI OUS: Moderate growth; dark green leaves, brilliant fall color no low medium EVER : Moderate growth; fragrant white flowers; glossy leaves; round headed yes low medium DECIDUl Moderate growth; coppery leaves; fight pink flowers in spring no high mad/weak DECIDUOUS: Moderate to fast growth magenta flowers in the spring; long leaves divided into ovals. yes moderate medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate to fast growth; dense, round crown; outstanding fall color. EXHIBIT B Stree Tree List for Planters 4-6 Botanical r Common I' Evergreen Height Width Water Use Pollinator I root intros branch stren, Notes Acer rubru Red Maple no 40-50 30-40 medium moderate med/weak DECIDUOUS: Fast growth; lobed, green leaves; brilliant fall color Ws • Red Hors �gW weak DECIDUOUS: Fast early growth; round headed; dark green leav ring Carpinus b Europeanl no 30-40 20-30 medium low strong DECIDUOUS: Moderate growth; dense pyramidal form, dark green leaves that turn yellow in the fall Wus dl&derate medium AWECIDUOUS: Fast growth: compact, round headed: dark green leaves turn scarlet red in fall Ginkgo bill Maidenhai no 30'-50' 20-30 medium moderate strong DECIDUOUS: Slow growth; fan shaped leaves turn yellow in fall; spreading, almost umbrella form Platanus a, London PI: no 40-60 50-60 medium yes high strong DECIDUOUS: fast growth; large, lobe, maple like leaves; sheds old bark, new smooth bark; cream color Q ercus cc Scarlet Oal no 40-70 40-50 medium no moderate strong DECIDUOUS: Moderate to fast growth; high, open branches; large, bright green leaves turn scarlet in the fall Quercus n Red Oak no 40-70 50-60 medium no moderate strong DECIDUOUS: fast growth; spreading branches with round crown � EVERGREEN: Fast growth; upright branches; dark green foliage with ru"Bunderside. White flowers in early spring and summer Pistacia ch Chinese Pi: no 30-40 20-35 low low strong DECIDIOUS: Moderate growth; dark green leaves, brilliant fall color Quillajasal Soapbark t yes 35-45 15-25 low yes low strong EVERGREEN: Slow growing; yell ow or cream flower, rounded canopy Quercus si Cork Oak yes 50-60 40-50 low, moderate strong EVERGREEN: Moderate growth; open -branching habit, bright green leaves; deep roots Robinia z a Idaho Locu no 30-40 20-30 medium no high med/weak DECIDUOUS: Moderate to fast growth magenta flowers in the spring; long leaves divided into ovals. Triadica se Chinese to no 25-35 20-30 medium yes moderate medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate to fast growth; dense, round crown; outstanding fall color. Ulmus'Pat Patriot Elm no 50-60 30-40 medium high med/weak DECIDUOUS: Fast growth; graceful vase shape limbs; glossy dark green foliage, yellow in fall Oleo euror Olive tree yes 20-30 25-30 low no moderate strong EVERGREEN: Moderate growth; silver or gray leaves, little to no pollen and fruitless �m list Addition subsject to availability EXHIBIT C Stree Tree List for Planters 6« Botanical r Common I' Evergreen Height Width Water Use Pollinator I Root intruf Branch stn Notes Acer rubru Red Maple no 40-50 30-40 medium moderate med/weak DECIDUOUS: Fast growth; lobed, green leaves; brilliant fall color Angophorc Sydney Rei yes 50-60 30-40 low yes moderate medium EVERGREEN: Striking red bark, wide canopy, Arbutus m Madrone yes 50-60 30-40 low yes low strong EVERGREEN: Moderate growth; striking bark, fragrant flowers. Rounded canopy Platanus a, London PI: no 40-60 50-60 medium yes high strong DECIDUOUS: fast growth; large, lobe, maple like leaves; sheds old bark, new smooth bark; cream color Quercus cc Scarlet Oal no 40-70 40-50 medium no moderate strong DECIDUOUS: Moderate to fast growth; high, open branches; large, bright green leaves turn scarlet in the fall Quercus n Red Oak no 40-70 50-60 medium no moderate strong DECIDUOUS: fast growth; spreading branches with round crown - high medium EVERGREEN: Fast growth; upright branches; dark g�e with rusty bronze coloring on leaf underside. White isummcr Quercus at Coast Live yes 40-70 30-50 low low strong EVERGREEN: Moderate to fast growth; dense foliage round holly -like leaves; round headed, spreading crown Quercus ch Blue Oak 60-70 40-50 very low low strong DECIDUOUS: Slow growth; bluish green leaves, wide rounded canopy Quercus h, Silverleaf c yes 65-75 20-30 low moderate strong EVERGREEN: gray leaves, large rounded canopy, acorns will drop in the spring Quercus Ic Valley Oak no 60-70 40-50 medium moderate med/strop DECIDUOUS: Rounded canopy of lobed leaves,amongthe World's largess oak species only growing in California Schinus mi California I yes 40-50 25-35 low yes high med/weak EVERGREEN: a willow -like shape, rounded canopy, green leaves, attractive pink berries in summer that are fragrant Quillaja sal Soapbarkt yes 35-45 15-25 low, yes low strong EVERGREEN: Slow growing; yellow or cream flower, rounded canopy 11110Wm list Additional subject to availabilty EXHIBIT D Botanical name Common Name Evergreen Height Width Water Use Pollinator l Root intro: Branch st—Notes A—b—g—hum Trident maple h. 20'-25' 20-25 medlum low medium glossy, three lobed leaves; fall color. 0 30-40 medium —de— med/weak �h;lobed, green leaves bnlli.nt fall cola Geijera parvi0ora Australian Willow yes 25'-30' 15-20 medlum yes low medium EVERGREEN: Moderate growth; graceful branches floe textured leaves Gingko bilbce Maidenhair[rce 30-50 20-30 medlum moderate medium DECIDUOUS: Slow growth; fan shaped leaves turn yellow in fall; spreading, almost umbrella form Jacaranda mimosifolia Blue Jacaranda 25-35 15-25 medium yes moderate metlium DECIDUOUS:Mode—growth ri large spreading canopy, with long lasting purple flowers Kcelreuteria bipin..to Chinese Flame tree 20-35 20-30 "10o medium low medium DECIDUOUs:sl=moderate growth; durters of yellow flowers; leaves yellow in fall, drop late Kcelreuteria panicula[a Goltlen Rain tree 20-35 medium yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Slow to moderate grrwth; yellow Flowers leaves retl in spring, light g—hmsummer Lagers[roemia iodic. Crepe Myrtle'Tuswrora' 20-30 IS-25 medium yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Motlera[e growth; spring foliage ligh[green and bronze, fall yellow; tlark pink flowers Laurus nobilis's...tog. Sara toga Sweet Bay yes 35-30 IS-25 medium motlera[e medium EVERGREEN: Moderate growth rate; Magnol la grandlflora Magnol la'little Gem' yes 15-25 15-25 medlum low medium EVERGREEN: Fast growth; upright branches; dark green foliage with rusty b......oloring on leaf underside. White flowers in early springand summer May[enus boon. M.vten trees 2040 20-30�dium o , htd— medium EVERGREEN: A...modem[. growth; pendulous graceful branches Parklnsonia praecox Sonoran Palo Verde 20-30 15-20 low yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Fastgrowth; yellow flowers, rounded canopy Parrotia persica'van.... persian Ironwood 25-35 15-25 medlum low medium DECIDUOUS: Slow growth; autumn gold fall color, dense clusters of tiny red flowers Pistachio chin h- Chinese Plstache 30-40 20-30 low n low strong DECIDIOUS: Mod ... to growth; dark green leaves, brilliant fall color Pittosproum undulatum Victon.n Box yes 30-40 30-40 medium low medium EVERGREEN: Moderate growth; fragrant white flowers glossy leaves round headed Plat.nus acen0olia London Plane Svcamore/C, no 40-60 SO-60 medium y high strong DECIDUOUS: Fartgrowth;large,lobe,maplelikeleaves,shedsold bark; new bark smooth, seam color Plumeria rubs Plumeria yes 15-20 15-20 medlum yes low medium EVERGREEN: Fragrant, moderate growth with beautiful flowers, waxy leaves Prunus cerasifim Purple Leaf Plum h. 15-20 SS-20 medium yes low rn tlium DECIDUOUS: Moderate growth; coppery leaves light pink flowers in spring Triadic. sobif.o Chi nese tallow no 25-35 20-30 ..di —yes moderate medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate to fast growth; dense, round crown; outstanding fall color. Atltli[ional trees subject to avallabili[y EXHIBIT E Stree Tree List for Planters on Hillside/view area Botanical n Common N Evergreen Height Width Water Use Pollinator I Root intro[ Branch str, Notes Acer buerg Trident ma no 20'-25' 20-25 medium low glossy, three lobed leaves; fall color. Geilera par Australian yes 25'-30' 15-20 medium yes low medium EVERGREEN: Moderate growth; graceful branches; fine textured leaves Gingko bilk Maidenhai no 30-50 20-30 medium n moderate medium DECIDUOUS: Slow growth; fan shaped leaves turn yellow in fall; spreading, almost umbrella form Jacaranda) Blue Jacara no 25-35 15-25 medium yes moderate medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate growth rate; large spreading canopy, with long lasting purple flowers Koelreuter Chinese Fla no 20-35 20-30 medium n low medium DECIDUOUS: slow to moderate growth; clusters of yellow flowers; leaves yellow in fall, drop late Koelreuter Golden Rai no 20-35 20-30 medium yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Slow to moderate growth; yellow flowers; leaves red in spring, light green in summer Lagerstroei Crepe Myn no 20-30 15-25 medium yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate growth; spring foliage light green and bronze, fall yellow; dark pink flowers Lau rob nob Saratoga A yes 15-30 15-25 medium moderate medium EVERGREEN: Moderate growth rate; Magnolia g Magnolia'! yes 15-25 medium no low medium EVERGREEN: Fast growth; a prightbranches; dark green foliage with rusty bronze coloring on leaf underside. White flowers in early spring and summer -20-40 Maytenus I Mayten tre yes � 20-30 medium moderate medium EVERGREEN: slow to moderate growth; pendulous graceful branches Parkinsoni; Sonoran P; no 20-30 15-20 low yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Fast growth; yellow flowers, rounded canopy Parrotia pe persian Iro no 25-35 15-25 medium low medium DECIDUOUS: Slow growth; autumn gold fall color, dense clusters of tiny red flowers Pistachin cl Chinese Pi, no 30-40 20-30 low no low strong DECI DI OUS: Moderate growth; dark green leaves, brilliant fall rotor Pittosproui Victorian B yes 30-40 30-40 medium bw medium EVERGREEN: Moderate growth; fragrant white flowers; glossy leaves; round headed Piatanus a� London Pla no 40-60 50-60 medium yes high strong DECIDUOUS: Fast growth; large, lobe, maple like leaves; sheds old bark; new bark smooth, cream color Plumeria n Plumeria yes I5-20 15-20 medium yes low medium EVERGREEN: Fragrant, moderate growth with beautiful flowers, waxy leaves Pmnus cer Purple Leal no 15-20 15-20 medium yes low medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate growth; coppery leaves; light pink Flowers in spring Triadica se Chinese tat no 25-35 20-30 medium yes moderate medium DECIDUOUS: Moderate to fast growth; dense, round crown; outstanding fall color. Remove from list Additional trees subject to availability