HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - BC - 2022.09.01• City of Burlingame BURLINGAME CITY HALL 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME . BURLINGAME, CA 94010 I Meeting Agenda - Final Beautification Commission Thursday, September 1, 2022 6:30 PM Burlingame Recreation Center 850 Burlingame Avenue On September 16, 2021, Governor Newsom signed into law AB 361, which allows a local agency to meet remotely when: 1. The local agency holds a meeting during a declared state of emergency 2. State or local health officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing 3. Legislative bodies declare the need to meet remotely due to present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees On August 15th, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution Number 099-2022, stating that the City Council and Commissions will continue to meet remotely for at least thirty days for the following reasons: 1. The City is still under a local state of emergency 2. County Health Orders require that all individuals in public spaces maintain social distancing and wear masks 3. The City can't maintain social distancing requirements for the public, staff, Councilmembers, and Commissioners in their meeting spaces. Pursuant to Resolution Number 099-2022, the Burlingame Beautification Commission Meeting at the Community Center will not be open to the public for the September 1, 2022 Meeting. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Sep 1, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Topic: Burlingame Beautification Commission Please click the link below to join the webinar: httpsJ/us02web.zoom. us/j/85024921372?pwd=a VYzUnRxUU40ROdjRjEwQW9PNzFudz09 Passcode: 724644 Or One tap mobile: US: +16694449171„85024921372#,,,, *724644# or +16699006833„85024921372#,,,, "724644# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 444 9171 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 719 359 4580 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 309 205 3325 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 386 347 5053 or +1 564 217 2000 or +1 646 9313860 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 850 2492 1372 Passcode: 724644 International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kfk31EQc1 City of Burlingame Page 1 Printed on 812512022 Beautification Commission Meeting Agenda - Final September 1, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES BBC Regular Meeting Draft Minutes August 4, 2022 Attachments: Draft Minutes BBC Special Meeting Draft Minutes August 4, 2022 Attachments: Draft Minutes 4. CORRESPONDENCE 5. FROM THE FLOOR Speakers may address the Commission concerning any matter over which the Commission has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda. Additional public comments on agenda action items will be heard when the Commission takes up those items. The Ralph M. Brown Act (the State local agency open meeting law) prohibits the Commission from acting on any matter that is not on the agenda. Speakers are asked to fill out a "request to speak" card located on the table by the door and hand it to staff, although provision of name, address or other identifying information is optional. Speakers are limited to three minutes each, although the Commission may adjust the time limit in light of the number of anticipated speakers. 6. OLD BUSINESS Trees of Burlingame Ad Hoc Committee Members Update 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. REPORTS Staff Chairperson Commissioners 9. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS 10 ADJOURNMENT City of Burlingame Page 2 Printed on 812512022 Beautification Commission Meeting Agenda - Final September 1, 2022 Next Regular Meeting: October 6, 2022 Notice: Any attendees wishing accommodations for disabilities should contact the Parks & Recreation Dept. at (650) 558-7330 at least 24 hours before the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is available for review at the Recreation Center, 850 Burlingame Avenue, during normal office hours. The Agendas and minutes are also available on the City's website: www.burlingame.org. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Burlingame Beautification Commission regarding any items on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the City's website: www.burlingame.org. City of Burlingame Page 3 Printed on 812512022 BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION Draft Minutes August 4, 2022 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order via Zoom at 6:30 pm by Chair Kirchner. I:Z17�1[�1:�11� Present: Chair Kirchner, Commissioners Bauer, and Chu Absent: Commissioner Batte, Ribera Staff: Parks and Recreation Director Glomstad and Parks Superintendent/City Arborist Disco, Recording Secretary Flores Others: None MINUTES Chair Kirchner made a motion to approve the June 2, 2021 minutes. The motion was approved 3-0-2. CORRESPONDENCE None. PUBLIC COMMENT None OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 1. El Camino Real Task Force Update Chair Kirchner explained that the overall goal of the El Camino Real Task Force was to retain the character and health of the grove and improve roadways and sidewalks. He explained that CalTrans had standards that cannot be sidestepped, one of which is the Americans with Disability Act, which deals with accessibility and is federally enforced. Additionally, the street will remain with the existing width, with no added bike or turn lanes. He described that major modifications to the areas between the curb and property lines include removing trees in the sight lines, contributing to the removal of 270 trees. Chair Kirchner explained that the task force had presented a design that proposed sidewalks inboard of planting strips and power utility strips for safety. At street corners, sidewalks would be moved towards the street to reduce the side line and preserve more trees. Further, he described the intent of undergrounding utility lines that will greatly enhance what will become the El Camino Real corridor and grove. Chair Kirchner pointed out that the mission of the Burlingame Beautification Commission was to review and advise the City Council on any changes the Commission might want to see in the design before the Memo of Understanding (MOU) was signed. Commissioner Bauer asked about the expected construction start date, and Chair Kirchner confirmed that it was estimated to begin in 2024. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:43 pm. The next Beautification Commission meeting is on September 1, 2022. Respectfully submitted, Veronica Flores Administrative Staff BURLINGAME BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION Draft Minutes August 4, 2022 — Special Meeting The scheduled special meeting of the Beautification Commission was called to order via Zoom at 6:43 pm by Chair Kirchner. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Kirchner, Commissioners Bauer, Chu, and Batte (arrived at 6:59 pm) Absent: Commissioner Ribera Staff. Parks and Recreation Director Glomstad, Parks Superintendent/City Arborist Disco, Recording Secretary Borba Others: None REPORTS — Moved Before Old Business for the Good of the Order 1. Parks Superintendent/City Arborist Disco City Arborist Disco discussed the eight decayed Eucalyptus trees being removed on Oak Grove Avenue, between Carolan Avenue and Linden Avenue, stating that they will be replaced with Red Oaks during the fall planting this year. He explained that water use reduction had been implemented in the City parks except for Washington Park, which is on a well. He mentioned that the grand opening of Victoria Park occurred a couple of months back and that the next project will be Alpine Park, expected to go out for bids at the end of August 2022. 2. Parks and Recreation Director Glomstad Director Glomstad stated that on Friday, November 4, 2022, the Commissioner Dinner would be hosted at the new community center. Further, she explained that Commissioner Bauer and Commissioner Batte's terms would be up this fall, and if they are inclined to re -apply, they must do so by the September 2, 2022 deadline. Chair Kirchner asked about the upcoming City event and if volunteers were needed. Director Glomstad explained that Burlingame on the Avenue would be held on Saturday, August 20, and Sunday, August 21, and encouraged any commissioner interested in volunteering to join City staff. 3. Commissioner Kirchner None 4. Commissioner Bauer None 5. Commissioner Batte None 6. Commissioner Chu None 7. Commissioner Ribera Absent OLD BUSINESS 1. Trees of Burlingame Ad Hoc Committee Members Update Chair Kirchner reported that he completed the chapter titled `Burlingame Elm's" and it is available for review. 2. Business Landscape Award (BLA) and Residential Sustainable Landscape Award (RSLA) Outline Director Glomstad shared the list of Residential Sustainable Landscape Award (RSLA) nominees and photos of each with the Commission. Commissioner Chu suggested that each commissioner vote for their top two nominees in the first round of voting and then vote between the overall top two nominees. Chair Kirchner voted for 1600 Ray Drive and 385 Lexington Way. Commissioner Bauer agreed and voted for the same two properties. Commissioner Chu stated that his top two choices were 1600 Ray Drive and 385 Lexington Way. Chair Kirchner reported that 1600 Ray Drive was consistent, and the maintenance had been wonderful. He stated that 385 Lexington Way was smaller with a great design and was very colorful. Commissioner Bauer reported that the only drawback she saw with 1600 Ray Drive was that the front of the property was sparse and lacked landscaping, whereas 385 Lexington Way was more consistent throughout the property. However, she stated that both were very attractive, colorful, and sustainable representations. Chair Kirchner agreed with Commissioner Bauer and stated he would consider 385 Lexington Way his favorite. Commissioner Chu stated he had a slight preference for 1600 Ray Drive, which is where his vote would go. Commissioner Batte stated that 1600 Ray Drive would be her first preference. Chair Kirchner confirmed that he could change his vote to 1600 Ray Drive to break a tie if necessary. Commissioner Bauer moved to nominate 1600 Ray Drive for the RSLA. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Batte and was approved 4-0-1. Director Glomstad shared the Business Landscape Award (BLA) nominees with the Commission. Chair Kirchner stated his vote was for 1501 Trousdale Drive. He explained that it was maintained beautifully. His second vote would default to 398 Primrose Road if he had to pick one. Commissioner Bauer reported that her vote was for 398 Primrose Road or 411 Primrose Road, leaning towards small businesses instead of larger ones. Commissioner Chu stated that his first choice was 1501 Trousdale Drive due to its large impact on Burlingame. He believed it would be an eyesore when imagining the counterfactual of a poor job on landscaping and maintenance. He stated that his second choice would be 865 Burlway Road because it was very sustainable and drought tolerant. He also reported that his hesitation with 398 Primrose Road was due to the topped trees he observed. Lastly, Commissioner Chu reported that 863 Mitten Road has completely changed its landscaping and would no longer nominate them. Commissioner Batte stated she was leaning towards the small businesses as well, and her first choice was 398 Primrose Road, and her second choice was 411 Primrose Rd. Commissioner Batte moved to nominate 398 Primrose Road (Green Banker Realty) for the BLA. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bauer and was approved 3-1-1. Discussion ensued regarding the awarded wooden plaque and watercolor painting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:14 pm. The next Beautification Commission meeting is on September 1, 2022. Respectfully submitted, Veronica Flores Administrative Staff